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1、29时尚英语词汇 微博山寨异地恋剩女 熟女 裸婚百搭限时抢购水货microblogCopycatlong-distance relationship3S lady(single,seventies, stuck)/left girlscougar(Cougar Club)naked weddingall-matchflash salesmuggled goods团购发烧友骨感美女卡奴性感妈妈 亚健康 灵魂伴侣小白脸 精神出轨 人肉搜索钻石王老五group buyingFancierboney beautycard slaveyummy mummysub-healthsoul matetoy b

2、oysoul infidelityflesh searchdiamond bachelor学历造假 散伙饭具有时效性的录取分数线经适房家庭主男小白脸,吃软饭的二奶另类菜鸟裸奔fabricate academic credentialsfarewell dinnertime-efficientadmission scoresaffordable housinghouse-husbandkept man kept womanoffbeatrookiestreaking第三章 词语的选择Operate:He took the machine to pieces to try and find out

3、 how it operated. 他把机器拆开,想看看机器怎么运转的。If theres an electrical failure, its possible to operate the lift manually. 如果停电,可以由人力开动电梯。Changes are being introduced to make the department operate more efficiently. 变革正在进行,以提高部门的工作效率。Specially equipped troops are operating undercover activities in the hills. 专

4、门部队在山上进行秘密训练。We have representatives operating in most countries. 我们在许多国家都有代理开展业务。Exchange rates are currently operating to the advantage of exports. 目前的汇率走势对出口有利。Destructive forces are clearly operating within the community. 显然社区中有破坏势力在活动。英译汉中常用的确定词义的手段一、根据词语搭配和上下文选择词义He reached his hand out for th

5、e book I offered him. 他伸出手来接我给他的书。We tried to reach them by cable. 我们试着用电报跟他们联络。She reached up and picked a pear off a branch. 她抬起手从一根枝上摘下一只梨。The speakers voice couldnt reach to the back of the auditorium. 礼堂后排听不到演讲人的声音。The insecticide was put out of the childs reach. 杀虫剂放在孩子够不着的地方。The upper reaches

6、 of Minjiang River serves as ecological barriers of Sichuan Province and even the west of China. 岷江上游是四川省乃至我国西南重要的生态屏障 1. We had a grand view of a sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the mountain. 当我们爬上了山巅时,看到了云海的壮观景象。2. We must do away with the grandiose style of work. 我们必须摈弃浮夸的工作作风。3. It i

7、s indeed the most magnificent drawing-room I have ever seen. 那的确是我所见到的最豪华的客厅。4. The buildings around the Circus are rather nondescript, though some of them are large and quite imposing. 广场周围的建筑物并不起眼,不过其中有一些还比较高大、宏伟。5. Whenever the stately national anthem is performed, I am invariably emotionally rou

8、sed. 每当奏起庄严的国歌时,我总在感情上受到激发。6. 搞花架子 do something superficial7. 搞活国营大中型企业 invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises8. 更加注重搞好宏观调控 pay more attention to exercising macro-control9. 开放搞活 open up and enliven the economy 10. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设 increase the deficit to spend more on development11)With

9、 the invention of writing, a great advance was made, for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored, libraries made education possible, and education in its turn added to libraries. 译文:由于文字的发明,人类取得了巨大的进步,因为此时知识不仅可以交流,而且可以储存。图书为开展教育活动提供了可能性,而教育又反过来增加了图书的数量和内容。Most of the money came

10、 from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed. 大部分钱是靠出售他培育土豆新品种的秘方得来的。As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting, the one that was to become world famous.早在卓别林演第二部电影时,他就已形成了自己的表演风格,这就是他后来闻名于世的那种表演风格。It is believed that before writing was developed

11、, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.人们认为,在出现书写之前,中国人常把石头放在一起来记事。Some married people who are not satisfied with their family may resort to the internet to develop an extramarital affair.一些对家庭不满意的已婚男女也会借助互联网去搞婚外恋。Photographers return and the photos are quickly

12、 developed.摄影记者回来了,很快把照片冲洗好了。In developing a design, the engineer must apply his knowledge of engineering and material science.在进行设计时,工程师必须应用自己在工程学和材料学方面的知识。While people in other countries in the world were trying to catch wild animals and birds and were still collecting seeds and nuts, farmers in C

13、hina were developing the science of agriculture.当世界上其他国家还在捕猎飞禽走兽、采集种子坚果的时候,中国农民就已经在从事农业科技研究了。二、根据词语搭配和上下文变通词义词义引申的手段词义的转化词义的具体化词义的抽象化1、词义的转化1)The factors which are likely to influence investment spending do not stop here.译:可能影响投资开支的因素并不止这些。2)Whether you like it or not, globalization is here to stay.

14、 We are not going to reverse the trend.译:不管你对它的态度如何,经济全球化已成为我们生活的一部分,这个趋势不可逆转。3)Our products, if maintained properly and regularly, can at least see twenty years service.译:我们的产品如果适当地定期检修,至少可以使用20年。4)Thats a tall story about the towns high street.译: 有关这城主街的说法是在令人难以置信。4) Dobbin had been in the coffee-

15、room for an hour or more. He had tried all the papers but could not read them 杜宾在咖啡室少说也待了一个钟头。他翻遍了所有的报纸,可什么也没看进去5) It is all very well, again, to have a tiger in the tank, but to have one in the drivers seat is another matter altogether. 当然油箱里装满优质汽油倒是好事,但是驾驶室里要是坐着横冲直撞的司机就完全是另一回事了。6) I want to be TVs

16、 Czar of script and grammar 我真想成为电视这一行的霸主,所有节目我说了算。3、词义的抽象化 1)The interest rates have see-sawed between 10 and 15 percent. 利率一直在10到15之间不断波动。 2)Brain drain has been Kangdings No.1 concern; as a matter of fact, it has been an epidemic in this area. 人才外流一直是康定的头号问题,实际上,它已经成为那一地区带普遍性的严峻问题。 3)There is a m

17、ixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 帝国主义者的性格既 残暴,又狡猾。 4)Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜和苦。 词义的褒贬:1)He was a man of high renown (fame). 他是位有名望的人。(褒)2)The adoption of new policies will surely lead to some striking results. 采取各项新政策必将带来显著成果。3)There would

18、have been more painful result but for the drastic measures. 若不是采取了严厉措施,那将会出现的更痛苦的后果。4)As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employees. 他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿耿,鞠躬尽瘁。(贬)5)The popularity of television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatre

19、s. But now it seems the theatre is about to pick up again after a period of decline. 电视普及,加上戏剧筹资困难,许多剧院被迫关门。然而经过一端时间的衰落后,现在剧院似乎又将从新焕发生机。6) Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。(贬)7)He was polite and always gave advice willingly, she recalled. 她回忆说,“他彬彬有礼,总是诲

20、人不倦。”(褒)汉译英中常用的确定词义的手段一、词语的选择集中精力把经济建设搞上去 go all out for economic development 2. 坚持对话,不搞对抗 persist in dialogue, refrain from confrontation3. 不搞劳民伤财的“形象工程” refrain from building “vanity projects ”that waste both money and manpower4. 对内搞活,对外开放 revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world5

21、. 恶搞 spoof6. 搞花架子 do something superficial7. 搞活国营大中型企业 invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises8. 更加注重搞好宏观调控 pay more attention to exercising macro-control9. 开放搞活 open up and enliven the economy 10. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设 increase the deficit to spend more on development11、假日外出旅游,成为国人最风行的节目。(1)

22、 Traveling on holidays has become an activity popular with Chinese people. (2) Traveling on holidays is most popular with Chinese people. 12、企业经济效益显著改善。The economic performance of enterprises improved markedly. 13、生产生活条件明显改善。Production and living conditions have remarkably improved. 14、中国加入世贸组织后,人才市

23、场会出现新的潮流。There will be new trends in the personnel market after Chinas entry into the WTO.15、大力加强社会主义精神文明建设。We should vigorously promote socialist cultural and ethic progress. 二、词语的搭配16、电脑的普及为网络走进千家万户创造了条件。 The popularization of computer has paved the way for Internets entry into average families. T

24、he popularization of computer has made it possible for the Internet to enter into average families. The popularization of computer has created conditions for Internets entry into average families. (x)17、新形势、新趋势、新技术,促进了生产力的发展,促进了创造力的发挥,促进了各国之间的合作与交流。 The new development, trends and technologies have

25、helped expand productive forces, given full play to creativity, and enhance exchanges and cooperation among countries. 18、我们要维护人民的权力。We should maintain the peoples rights. 根据不同的上下文,“维护”有不同的译法:维护统一 uphold unity维护独立主权 uphold independence and sovereignty维护国家主权 defend state sovereignty维护人民利益 safeguard t

26、he peoples interests维护自尊 safeguard ones self respect维护世界和平与安全 maintain /safeguard world peace and security19、积极开展资源回收利用,大力提高资源综合利用率。 We need to increase our recycling of resources in order to unutilized our resources more effectively. 20、积极推动信息技术在各行业的广泛应用。 We need to extensively apply IT in enterpri

27、ses in all industries. 21、我们将积极调整、发展第三产业。 We will be working vigorously/ energetically to restructure and develop tertiary industries. 22、工业结构调整取得积极进展。 Significant progress was made in industrial structural adjustment. 23、东部地区要积极支持中西部地区发展。 The eastern region should actively support the development o

28、f the central and western regions. 24、积极发展各项社会事业。 We will energetically / make great efforts to develop all social undertakings. 三、词语的引申25、中国经济取得巨大发展,中国人民终于扬眉吐气了。 Chinese people feel proud and elated for the great economic development in China. 26、“五一”假期,火车票十分紧俏,人们提前10天预订火车票。 Train tickets during th

29、e Labor Day holidays were in short supply, and people flocked to book tickets ten days in advance. 27、中国是一个发展中国家,消除贫困任重道远。 (1) China is a developing country, and it has a long way to go to shake off poverty. (2) China is a developing country, and it is an arduous task to eradicate poverty. 28、家用电器和艺

30、术品很受俄国商人的欢迎,但服装和纺织品却吃了闭门羹。 Electric appliances and handicrafts are popular among Russian businessmen, but clothes and textile products are given the cold shoulder. 29、台湾当局应该审时度势,顺应民意,走和平统一的光明大道。 The Taiwan authorities should size up the situation and go with the peoples voice to get on the right way

31、 of peaceful reunification. 30、传统的人海战术在现代化高技术面前不堪一击。 Compared with modern high technology, the traditional huge-crowd strategy is not competitive at all. 三、词义选择的常见错误(一)望文生义1) My shoes are the worse for wear.误:我的皮鞋更加不好穿了。正:我的皮鞋穿破了。2) She has been a widow only six months.误:她只做了六个月的寡妇。正:她的丈夫死了至今不过半年。3)

32、 我十点钟等你。误:Ill wait for you at ten oclock. 正:Ill expect you at ten oclock. (二)混淆词性4)Active metals, organic substances, and other oxidizable materials are always subject to slow attack by oxygen when exposed to the air. 误:活泼金属,有机物和其它可氧化的物质,当暴露在空气中时,总是氧缓慢进攻的对象。正:活泼金属,有机物和其它可氧化的物质,当暴露在空气中时,总是容易受到氧的缓慢侵蚀。(三)语法错误5)我想下个月开始工作。误:I think to start work next month. 正:I think that Ill start work next month


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