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1、 Unit 2 Revision Unit 2一。重难点词组讲解一。重难点词组讲解01.过去常常02.习惯于干某事03.被用来干某事04.做决定/下决心05.非常害怕/极度恐惧used to dobe/get used to doingbe used to do sth=be used for doingmake a decision=make up ones mind=decidebe terrified of=be afraid of01.过去常常used to dobe/get used t06.对感到自豪07.放弃 放弃做某事08. 沉迷于某事09.到处扔垃圾10.与某人发生冲突11.

2、改变主意take pride in =be proud of give up lose oneself in sth. throw litter about give up doing sth. get into trouble with sb.change ones mind06.对感到自豪take pride in =be pr12.最后13.令某人惊奇的是14.令某人高兴的是15.即使/纵然/尽管16.开着灯17.几乎从不/很少in the end=at last=finally to ones surprise to ones joyeven though=even ifwith th

3、e light(s) onhardly everin the end=at last=finally to 18.如今/这些天19.注意 更加注意 不注意20.不再21.当众22.提供足够的钱/时间做某事these days pay attention to sth. pay more attention to sth. pay no attention to sth. notanymore=not any more=no morein publicafford to do sth.18.如今/这些天these days pay attent23.尽可能24. 惹麻烦25.陷入困境26.我做的

4、每一件好事27.他爸爸去世后as as possible=as as sb. can cause trouble=cause problems get into troubleafter his fathers deatheverything good I doI do是定语从句,修饰everything23.尽可能as as possible=as as 用death的适当形式填空:1.His fathers _ made him very sad.2.He has been _ for 2 years.3.He _ 2 years ago.4.The old man is _.He has

5、 something to say to his sons.deathdeaddieddyingdeath(名词)死亡die(瞬间动词)死,表示动作dead(形容词)死的,表示状态dying快死的/垂死的用death的适当形式填空:deathdeaddieddyi二。用重难点词组造句1. used to do2.be/get used to doing3. be used to do sth4. be used for doing5. afford to do sth6. as as possible=as as sb. can7. give up doing sth二。用重难点词组造句三。重

6、难点句子三。重难点句子1.Jim似乎已经 改变了许多。 2.在过去的几年内,我的生活改变了许多。3.你过去常常做什么?4. 你过去常常弹钢琴吗?It seems that Jim has changed a lot.My life has changed a lot in the lastfew years.What did you use to do ?in the last/past few years 用于完成时Did you use to play the piano?1.Jim似乎已经 改变了许多。It seems that 四。练习。一,完成句子。01.His father loo

7、ked after him _ when he was young.(尽可能好)。02. I have _ (害怕独自一人)。 03.He has already_ _(下决心努力学习)。 as well as he could 或as well as possible made a decision towork hard或made up his mind to work hard been afraid of being alone注意现在完成时:have/has+过去分词四。练习。 as well as he could 或as 04. We should _ _ our teacher

8、s in class.(更加注意听)。05. My parents couldnt _(有经济条件支付) my education in the past.06. He is so poor that he _(不能提供足够的钱买)a computer. pay more attentionto listening toafford to pay for pay attention to中to是介词,动词在介词后用ing形式cant afford to buy04. We should _二。同义句转换:Its 7:00 pm. We have to go home. Its time _ _

9、 _ _ home.2. He didnt give my dictionary back to me. He didnt _ my dictionary.3. I am as old as my cousin. My cousin is _ _ _ _me.for us to goreturnthe same ageas二。同义句转换:for us to 4. I dont know what I should do. I dont know _ _ _.5. Jim is my good friend. Jim is _ _ _ _ me.6.We cant decide when we

10、should go to work.(变简单句)We cant decide _ _ go to work.what to dogetting on well withwhen to疑问词后接动词不定式可以转化为疑问词引导的宾语从句what to dogetting oas well asmade a decision7.Jim sings better than Sally. Sally doesnt sing _ _ _ Jim.8.She decided to go to college. She _ _ _ to go to college.as well asmade a decis

11、ion7. (一)宾语从句1.我相信你是对的。2.我不知道你是哪里人。3.我不知道你是否喜欢英语。I believe that you are right.I dont know where you are from.I dont know if/whether you like English.01.上面三句中的划线部分都是宾语从句, 其中that/where/if, whether是引导词。02. 例1中的宾语从句是陈述语气, 此时引导词that可以省略。 (一)宾语从句I believe that yo (二)宾语从句1.Jim said to me, “Are you a studen

12、t?”Jim asked me _.2.Jim said , “I like music.”Jim said _3.Jim said to her, “Where are you going?”Jim _ her _.03.陈述句变成宾语从句,用that引导特殊疑问句变成宾语从句用疑问词引导一般疑问句用if, whether引导。04:宾语从句必须用陈述语序:引导词+主+动if I was a studentthat he liked Englishaskedwhere she was going (二)宾语从句03.陈述句变成宾语从句,用tha (三)宾语从句1. Jim told me that he _(like) music.2. Bob asked her if she _(go) home tomorrow.3. Yesterday Miss king told us the earth _(go) round the sun.05. 主句是过去时,宾语从句通常用过去时 的某种时态.(时态一致)06


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