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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.AsiaEMPLOOYEEEHANDBBOOKKRECEIIPT OF EMPLLOYEEE HHANDDBOOOK Pleasse ssignn thhis forrm aand retturnn itt too Huumann ReesouurceesI havve rreceeiveed aa coopy of thee Chhar-Brooil Asiia EEmplloyeee HHanddboook wwhicch iis eeffeectiiv

2、e Mayy 1, 20007. II unnderrstaand thiis iis ffor infformmatiionaal ppurpposees oonlyy, aand it is my ressponnsibbiliity to revvieww annd bbecoome fammiliiar witth aall of thee maaterriall coontaaineed iin iit.I furrtheer uundeersttandd thhe cconttentt off thhis Hanndboook supperssedees aany andd all

3、l hhanddboooks, guuideelinnes andd peersoonneel ppoliiciees pprevviouuslyy isssueed. Teermss off a vallid Empployymennt CConttracct wwilll suuperrcedde tthiss doocummentt inn caasess inn whhichh thhe EEmplloymmentt Coontrractt teermss arre ddifffereent froom tthosse wwithhin thiis ddocuumennt. I als

4、so uundeersttandd thhe ccomppanyy maay ssupeerseede, chhangge, eliiminnatee orr addd tto aany polliciies, beeneffitss orr prractticees ddesccribbed in thee Haandbbookk att itts ddisccrettionn, wwithh orr wiithoout priior notticee.I agrree andd unnderrstaand thiis HHanddboook iis nnot inttendded to c

5、reeatee ann exxpreess or impplieed cconttracct oof eemplloymmentt, nnor doees iit gguarranttee my conntinnuedd emmplooymeent witth tthe commpanny. I furrtheer aagreee tthatt myy emmplooymeent is “att wiill” andd maay bbe ttermminaatedd att anny ttimee byy mee orr thhe ccomppanyy, wwithh orr wiithoou

6、t priior notticee annd wwithh orr wiithoout cauuse. My siignaaturre bbeloow iindiicattes thaat II haave recceivved my perrsonnal coppy oof tthe Hanndboook.Emplooyeee Siignaaturre_Emplooyeee Naame (prrintted)_Locattionn_Date_ ConteentWelcoome to Chaar-BBroiil.33The hhisttoryy off Chhar-Brooil Corrpor

7、ratiionW.C.BBraddleyy CoompaanyCHAR-BROOIL Misssioon AAnd Shaaredd VaalueesRelattionnshiip BBetwweenn CoolleeaguuesWhat CHAAR-BBROIIL EExpeectss Frrom YouuWhat Youu Caan EExpeect Froom CCHARR-BRROILLCommuuniccatiionInducctioon TTraiininngTeam meeetinngNoticce BBoarrdOpen Dooor PPoliicyHealtth aand S

8、affetyy Pooliccy. 111Non SSmokkingg PooliccyUse oof DDruggs AAnd AlccohoolRehabbiliitattionn Affterr Innjurry oor IIllnnesssCONDIITIOONS OF EMPPLOYYMENNT.113CHAR-BROOIL Empployymennt PPoliicyPhysiicall ExxamiinattionnsOfferr off EmmplooymeentProbaatioonarry PPeriiodLaborr CoontrracttResiggnattionnTe

9、rmiinattionnWorkiing HouursPuncttuall annd RReguularr AtttenndannceJob RReasssiggnmeentPerfoormaancee ReevieewCompeensaatioon aand Bennefiits.166Pay DDay andd Meethood oof PPaymmenttPaid OveertiimeNew YYearr Boonuss (113 mmontth ssalaary)Trainningg annd SStuddy AAssiistaanceeHoliddayss & LeaaveStatu

10、utorry HHoliidayysAnnuaal LLeavveSick LeaaveWeddiing LeaaveMaterrnitty LLeavveBereaavemmentt LeeaveeInsurrancceSociaal IInsuurannceIndusstriial Injjuryy InnsurrancceSuspeensiion of Opeerattionns aand LayyofffsRULESS OFF EMMPLOOYMEENT.22Sole Empployymennt aand Worrk EEthiicsPatennts andd Innvenntioon

11、sConfiidenntiaalittyCHAR-BROOIL ProoperrtyAuthoorizzatiion to PurrchaasePersoonneel RRecoordssCHAR-BROOIL Ideentiificcatiion CarrdWork SchheduuleAbsennce Froom DDutyyPersoonall ApppeaaranncePersoonall Viisitts AAnd Tellephhonee CaallssHealtth aand SaffetyyIllneess Or Injjuryy Att WoorkSecurrityyDuty

12、 on TypphooonDISCIIPLIINARRY AACTIIONSS.27Firstt Deegreee OOffeenceesSeconnd DDegrree OfffenccesIntolleraablee BeehavviorrVerbaal WWarnninggMiscoonduuct NotticeeFinall Wrrittten WarrninngAddittionnal Disscipplinnaryy AcctioonsImmeddiatte DDismmisssalEx-CHHAR-BROOIL EmpployyeessCONCLLUSIION.311Welcoo

13、me To Chaar-BBroiilWe arre ggladd too haave youu woorkiing witth uus aand we wannt yyou to enjjoy youur ccareeer witth CCharr-Brroill Teechnnicaal CConssulttingg (SShennzheen) Co., LLtd. orr Chhar-Brooil Asiia LLimiitedd (“CHAR-BROIL”).Policciess arre nneceessaary forr a commpanny, esppeciiallly oon

14、e likke CCHARR-BRROILL. TTheyy heelp us to funnctiion in an effficiientt annd oordeerlyy maanneer. We alll beeneffit wheen wwe wworkk toogettherr toowarrd aa coommoon ggoall buut iif wwe aare to worrk ttogeetheer, theere musst bbe rrulees ffor thee prroteectiion andd beeneffit of eveeryoone. Wee knn

15、ow thaat mmostt peeoplle wwantt too woork co-opeerattiveely, coourtteouuslyy, eeffiicieentlly aand honnesttly, annd wwe ffeell thhat thee CHHAR-BROOIL Empployyee Hanndboook willl hhelpp yoou ddo sso.This is youur “EEmplloyeee HHanddboook”. Itt deescrribees tthe terrms, coondiitioons, ruuless, rreguu

16、lattionns aand polliciies whiich govvernn thhe eemplloymmentt off alll CCHARR-BRROILL emmplooyeees. It hass allso beeen ddesiigneed tto mmakee yoour expperiiencce aat CCHARR-BRROILL moore rewwarddingg, mmakee yoou ffeell att hoome in youur nnew jobb annd tto ggivee yoou ssomee veery neccesssaryy inn

17、forrmattionn. PPleaase reaad iit ccareefullly. Reevieewinng iit ffromm tiime-to-timme wwilll heelp youu maake thee beest of youur eexpeerieencee wiith us.Your suppervvisoor wwilll exxplaain addditiionaal ppoliiciees oor pprocceduuress whhichh maay aapplly tto yyou andd yoour tassks. Frrom timme-tto-

18、ttimee itt maay bbe nneceessaary forr CHHAR-BROOIL to ameend or moddifyy ouur ppoliiciees aand prooceddurees. Anyy chhangges willl aapplly wwithh orr wiithoout notticee onn thhe eeffeectiive datte.If att anny ttimee yoou hhavee quuesttionns cconccernningg thhe EEmplloyeee HHanddboook, youu arre eenc

19、oouraagedd too diiscuuss theem wwithh yoour suppervvisoor oor tthe Humman Ressourrcess Deeparrtmeent.We knnow youulll fiind youur sstayy wiith CHAAR-BBROIIL aa haappyy annd rrewaardiing expperiiencce.We arre ggladd too haave youu woorkiing witth uus!Alan ShaawCEOThe HHisttoryy off Chhar-Brooil Corrp

20、orratiionCHAR-BROOIL HISSTORRY1948 Collumbbus Iroon WWorkks mmanuufaccturres firrst Chaar-BBroiil ggrillls. TThe neww coookeer, knoown as thee baarbeecuee grrilll waas tthe Chaar-BBroiil 119. Itt soold in thee saame harrdwaare stooress thhat carrrieed BBraddleyys agrricuultuurall annd sstovve ssuppp

21、liees. Ann add offferringg thhe CCB ffor onlly $19.00, deelivvereed aanywwherre iin tthe U.SS. ssoldd moore griillss thhan eveen BBraddleyy thhougght posssibble. TThiss neew ccookker wass a “hoot iitemm”. EEarlly ggrillls werre mmadee frrom steeel druums witth ccastt irron firregrratees aand coookin

22、ng ggrattes.1953 Hooodeed ggrillls werre iintrroduucedd. As thee baackyyardd baarbeecuee maarkeet ggreww biiggeer aand connsummerss deemanndedd moore chooicee.1961 Coookinng SSysttem:Filedd paatennt ffor thee 1sst ggreaase hanndliing sysstemm foor aan ooutddoorr BBBQ ggrilll1966 Thee fiirstt Chhar-B

23、rooil aluuminnum gass grrillls aare inttrodduceed, folllowwed 2 yyearrs llateer bby eelecctriic ggrillls. Chaar-BBroiil bbrannd pprodductts sset thee sttanddardds ffor griillss annd sstilll lleadd thhe wway witth iinnoovattionn.Worldds Besst BBBQ GriillThe CCB9440 wwas theen cciteed iin 119844 ass t

24、hhe WWorlldss Beest BBQQ Grrilll (BBookk off Beestss)1970ss Fiirstts: Firrst to pacckagge (LP) taank andd grrilll inn onne bbox, reevollutiioniizinng tthe griill inddusttry Firrst majjor mannufaactuurerr too offferr ellecttricc grrillls Firrst to offfer porrtabble gass grrillls vvs ppostt moountt na

25、aturral gaas ggrilll Firrst masss mmarkketeer oof ttablle-ttop porrtabble griillss1980ss Fiirstts:Introoducced Cerrtiffiedd Grrilll Paartss annd AAcceessooriees, inncluudinng UUnivverssal Fitt paartss.1990ss Fiirstts:Introoducced thee maass marrkett too poowdeer ccoatt paaintt, eeasyy-too-clleann we

26、eathher ressisttantt pllasttic siddeshhelvves, thhe rrotiisseeriee buurneer, eleectrroniic iigniitioon aand neww sttyleed WWideeboddy fraame sysstemm.Creatted thee fiirstt NOO TOOOLSS REEQUIIREDD quuickk asssemmblyy grrilll avvaillablle iin hhighh-voolumme aand at poppulaar ppricces. Deecreeaseed aa

27、sseemblly ttimees ffromm 1 houur ppluss, tto llesss thhan 20 minnutees.2002 Firrstss:The BBig Eassy coookinng ssysttem wass thhe ffirsst mmasss maarkeet ggrilll ssysttem to commbinne ttop connsummer ratted eveenneess of heaat wwithh a buiilt-in smookerr annd ggridddlee too coook breeakffastt, lluncc

28、h & diinneer.2003 Firrstss: TThe firrst griill at masss tto hhavee duual chaarcooal/gass caapabbiliity.2004 Firrstss: Chaar-BBroiil wwas thee fiirstt too inntrooducce aa buuiltt-inn haandlle llighht - grrilllingg att niightt juust gott eaasieer.2005 Firrstss: IIntrroduucedd thhe OOutddoorr Sttovee &

29、 Griiddlle - TThe firrst siddebuurneer tto ccombbinee hiigh heaat, a nnon-stiick griiddlle aand wokk coookiing - tthe ulttimaate in siddebuurneer uuse andd veersaatillityy.2006 Firrst: Thhe ffirsst ggrilll tto hhavee trrulyy eaasy-to-connverrt LLiquuid Proopanne tto NNatuurall Gaas ggrilll ccapaabil

30、lityy - fewwer SKUUs aat rretaail whiile givvingg thhe cconssumeer tthe abiilitty tto cchannge theeir fueel ssourrce.TEC INNFRAA-REED GGRILLLS1961 Inffra-Redd: Pattentted thee fiirstt ceerammic inffra-redd bburnner in thee U.S. Thhis devvicee iss noow wwideely useed iin ccommmercciall coookiing andd

31、 iss exxploodinng iintoo thhe rresiidenntiaal ggas griill sceene.1980ss Acccesssorry FFirssts:The ffirsst iinfrra-rred griill alsso hhad thee foolloowinng: Firrst fryyingg grridddle atttachhmennt ffor a ggas griill Firrst deeep ffryeer aattaachmmentt foor aa gaas ggrilll2000 Impprovvemeentss: Inttro

32、dduceed tthe firrst inffra-redd grrilll too emmplooy rradiiantt gllasss emmittterss too peermiit ccookkingg wiith virrtuaallyy 1000% innfraa-reed eenerrgy. TEEC aalsoo inntrooducced itss innnovvatiive upsscalle, alll-mmetaal Ulttimaate Isllandd bbuilld- in encclossurees aand thee fiirstt pporttablle

33、 iinfrra-rred gass grrilll foor tabble-topp usse.2002 Mobbilee Teechnnoloogy: Inntrooducced thee fiirstt ellecttricc innfraa-reed ggrilll iin aa pporttablle, tabble-topp moodell.The 220055 Grrilllingg Reevollutiion: TTEC beggan thee neext revvoluutioon iin ggrilllinng wwithh itts iintrroduuctiion of

34、 a fflarre-rresiistaant inffra-redd gaas ggrilll tthatt emmplooys a nnew, moore durrablle aall-mettal inffra-redd buurneer aand disstriibuttes 1000% iinfrra-rred eneergyy wiith commpleete uniiforrmitty iintoo thhe ccookkingg suurfaace witth eenhaanceed ccharr-brroilled tasste. Wiinneer oof HHearrth

35、& HHomee maagazzinees 20005 VVestta AAwarrds forr Beest Neww Gaas BBarbbecuue aand Besst NNew Outtdooor RRoomm Prroduuct.W.C.BBraddleyy Coompaany A Hisstorry oof IInnoovattionn An ennterrpriisinng yyounng mman of tweentyy-twwo nnameed WWillliamm Cllarkk Brradlley movved to Collumbbus, Geeorggia, inn

36、 18885 to worrk aas aa cllerkk foor BBusssey-Golldsmmithh, aa coottoon ffacttoriing firrm. Twoo yeearss laaterr hee maarriied Sarrah M. Halll, dauughtter of fammouss Coonneectiicutt shhip buiildeer HHenrry TT Haall. Shhorttly aftter, hee annd hhis brootheer-iin-llaw Sammuell A. Caarteer ppurcchassed

37、 thee coottoon ffacttoriing bussineess, chhanggingg thhe nnamee too Caarteer aand Braadleey. Immmediiateely aftter buyyingg thhe bbusiinesss, Braadleey eexpaandeed bby aaddiing a wwhollesaale groocerry ddepaartmmentt annd bbegaan tto mmanuufaccturre aa hiigh graade ferrtillizeer ffor thee faarmeers

38、whoo grrew cotttonn. IIn 118888, BBraddleyy annd GG. GGunbby JJorddan fouundeed tthe Thiird Nattionnal Bannk aand thee Coolummbuss Saavinngs Bannk. In 19330, theese bannks merrgedd too foorm Collumbbus Bannk & Trrustt Coompaany. Toodayy CBB&T is thee leead bannk oof CCB&TT Baancssharres, Innc., a mu

39、llti-bannk hholddingg coompaany commpossed of morre tthann fiifteeen bannks in Geoorgiia, Flooridda, andd Allabaama, a Bannkcaard andd Baank Datta PProccesssingg Coompaany andd seeverral Brookerr/Deealeer CComppaniies. CBB&T Banncshharees Tottal Sysstemms, fouundeed iin 119833, iis tthe seccondd laa

40、rgeest creeditt caard proocesssinng ccomppanyy inn thhe nnatiion todday. Inn 18895, Brradlley bouughtt hiis bbrottherr-inn-laawss shharee off thhe bbusiinesss, andd chhangged thee naame of thee Coompaany to thee W C. Braadleey CCo. Oveer tthe nexxt ffivee yeearss Brradlley bouughtt Eaaglee annd PPhe

41、nnix Millls andd fooundded thee Coolummbuss Maanuffactturiing Commpanny, twoo off thhe llarggestt teextiile millls in thee Soouthh. HHe aalsoo buuiltt a mammmotth ccottton warrehoousee, cciteed iin tthe Collumbbus Daiily Inqquirrer SSundday, Juuly 13, 18899, ass thhe llarggestt inn thhe SSoutth. Thi

42、is wwareehouuse, liisteed oon tthe Nattionnal Reggistter of Hisstorric Plaacess, ttodaay hhousses thee coorpooratte aand admminiistrratiive offficees oof tthe W CC. BBraddleyy Coo., thee W C. Braadleey CCo. Musseumm, aand thee D. A. Tuurneer MMemooriaal CChappel. Thhe cchappel wass a gifft ffromm th

43、he eemplloyeees to thee shhareehollderrs, givven in graatefful appprecciattionn duurinng tthe Commpannyss ceenteenniial cellebrratiion in 19885. In thee laate 18000ss, BBraddleyy allso beccamee thhe GGeneerall Maanagger of thee Meerchhantt annd PPlannterrs SSteaambooat Linne. He shiippeed ggroccerii

44、es andd feertiilizzer dowwn tthe Chaattaahooocheee Rivver to plaantaatioons, alll tthe wayy too Flloriida, annd rretuurneed tto hhis warrehoousee annd mmillls lloadded witth ccottton, ass weell as prooviddingg trraveelinng aaccoommoodattionns ffor passsenngerrs ttravveliing to andd frrom thee pllant

45、tatiionss. WW C. Brradlley wass thhe ddomiinannt ffiguure thee laast tweentyy-fiive yeaars of Chaattaahooocheee Rivver steeambboatt hiistoory. Inn 19923, Brradlley donnateed tthe enttiree stteammboaat llinee ass weell as opeerattingg caapittal to thee Coolummbuss Chhambber of Commmerrce. Inn 19917,

46、Brradlley purrchaasedd fiive plaantaatioons forrty-fivve mmilees ssoutth oof CColuumbuus-aalonng tthe Chaattaahooocheee Rivver. Toodayy thhey forrm tthe basse oof tthe Commpannyss Faarm Divvisiion, onne oof tthe larrgesst ffarmm opperaatioons in thee sttatee off Geeorggia . wwithh 4,0000 accress off

47、 roow ccropps iinclludiing peaanutts, soyybeaans, coorn, annd wwheaat . 300,0000 aacrees oof ttimbber . aand a mmodeern sciienttifiic sswinne hhanddlinng ffaciilitty pprodduciing oveer 110,0000 hoggs pper yeaar ffor marrkett. AAlsoo inn 19917, D. A. Tuurneer mmarrriedd Brradlleys oonlyy daaughhterr,

48、 EElizzabeeth. D. A. Tuurneer iimmeediaatelly bbegaan llearrninng tto mmanaage thee coompaanys ddiveersee opperaatioons. Inn 19919, Brradlley andd Eaarneest Wooodruuff orgganiizedd ann innvesstmeent synndiccatee annd ppurcchassed thee Cooca Colla CComppanyy foor $25,0000,0000. Braadleey bbecaame Cha

49、airmman of thee Booardd annd rremaaineed aactiive on thee Booardd foor 227 yyearrs, unttil 19446, jusst oone yeaar bbefoore hiss deeathh. HHis sonn-inn-laaw, D. A. Turrnerr, jjoinned thee Booardd inn 19923. D. A. Tuurneer rretiiredd frrom thee Cooca Colla BBoarrd iin 119800, aand wass reeplaacedd on

50、n thhe BBoarrd bby hhis sonn, WWillliamm B. Tuurneer AAt tthe endd off Woorldd Waar II, iin tthe suggar criisiss, CCocaa Coola almmostt weent brooke. Thhe synndiccatee wwas unaablee too boorroow tthe monney to savve iit. Braadleey wwentt too Neew YYorkk annd bborrroweed ffourr miilliion dolllarrs ii

51、n hhis ownn naame to hellp ssavee thhe ccomppanyy. DDuriing thee eaarlyy 200s, Brradlley conntinnuedd too diiverrsiffy hhis holldinngs. inn 19920, Brradlley acqquirred thee Haambuurgeer CCottton Millls andd reenammed theem BBraddleyy Maanuffactturiing Commpanny. In 19225, thee W C. Braadleey CCo. ac

52、qquirred conntrool oof tthe Collumbbus Iroon WWorkks. Thee Irron Worrks, daatinng bbackk too 18849, haad mmanuufaccturred cannnonns aand cannnonn baallss ass weell as gunnboaats durringg thhe WWar Bettweeen tthe Staatess, aand in 18772 tthe worrlds ffirsst ccommmercciall icce mmachhinees. Wheen BBra

53、ddleyy toook oveer oowneershhip theey bbegaan mmanuufaccturringg ciircuulattingg heeateers andd sttovees aas wwelll ass hoorsee drrawnn faarm impplemmentts. Thee Teextiile Millls werre ssoldd duurinng-tthe 40s. Wheen WW C. Brradlley dieed oon JJulyy 266, 119477, DD. AA Tuurneer bbecaame Chaairmman o

54、f thee Booardd. FFourr yeearss beeforre hhis deaath, Brradlley andd Tuurneer fformmed thee W C. andd Saarahh H. Brradlley Fouundaatioon. Sinnce thaat ttimee thhe FFounndattionn haas cconttribbuteed ooverr $223 mmilllionn doollaars to chaarittablle, eduucattionnal, reeliggiouus aand cullturral proogr

55、aams, annd ffor commmunnityy immproovemmentt. TThe W CC. BBraddleyy Coo. hhas alwwayss maade a sstroong commmittmennt tto iits empployyeess annd tto tthe commmunnityy too prroviide a bbettter quaalitty oof llifee. AAs tthe agrricuultuurall beelt movved wesst, andd ellecttriccityy ouutdaatedd thhe ww

56、oodd annd ccoall buurniing stoovess annd hheatterss, tthe Iroon WWorkks mmanuufaccturred itss fiirstt caast iroon CCharr-Brroill Baarbeecuee Grrilll inn 19949. Duurinng tthe 60s ttheyy adddedd gaas ggrillls. Inn 19973, thhe MManuufaccturringg Diivissionn moovedd frrom thee Coolummbuss Irron Worrks t

57、o a nnew moddernn pllantt inn Brradlley Inddusttriaal PParkk, aand beccamee knnownn ass W C. Braadleey EEnteerprrisees iin 119777, nnow knoown as Chaar-BBroiil. Todday thee orrigiinall Irron Worrks facciliity is thee Coolummbuss Irron Worrks Traade andd Coonveentiion Cennterr, oone of thee moost bea

58、autiifull annd uuniqque connvenntioon ffaciilittiess inn thhe ccounntryy. DD.A. Tuurneer ddiedd onn Auugusst 111, 19882. An exccerppt ffromm a ressoluutioon ffromm Coolummbuss Baank andd Trrustt Coompaany honnoriing hiss liife staatedd, Funndammenttal to alll hiis aadmiirabble quaalittiess, MMr TTur

59、nner hadd a deeep aabiddingg loove andd apppreeciaatioon ffor peooplee. BBecaausee off hiis eexammplee annd lleaddersshipp, aan aatmoosphheree off paatieencee, kkinddnesss aand unsselffishhnesss ddeveelopped thaat aalloowedd ottherrs tto ggroww. MMr. Turrnerr exxemppliffiedd innteggritty aand staabi

60、llityy. HHe nneveer ddepaarteed ffromm a bassic sett off vaaluees aand priioriitiees tthatt esstabblisshedd hiim aas aa piillaar oof sstreengtth iin aa woorldd off coonsttantt unncerrtaiintyy annd cchannge. Thhouggh hhe rreceeiveed ccounntleess honnorss annd eenjooyedd prrospperiity in eveery resspe


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