1、 Unit 1Guide for Writing Research Reports By Professor Zhu Yuezhen10/8/20221Unit 1Outline of the courseHow to enlarge your vocabularyHow to write research papersHow to make your paper published10/8/20222Unit 1写作最能使人感到英语学习上的不足,最能提高对语言的敏感性和吸收能力。好的作文是(学生)写出来的,不是(老师)改出来的,多写才能出文章。写作在开始时往往是苦事,一不坚持就会放弃,因而需
2、要毅力。写作应辅以大量阅读,写作中出现的错误能通过阅读自我纠正。 10/8/20223Unit 1Learning beliefs in the informative societyLearning is enjoyable.Extensive reading becomes important.Learning may be both progressive and leaping and advanced.Learn how to subtract something out-of-date.Learn how to get information via Internet.Advoca
3、te autonomous learning.10/8/20224Unit 1How to enlarge your vocabularyMy very excellent mother just serves us nine pizzas.Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto10/8/20225Unit 1Memory StrategiesCreating mental linkages1. grouping2. associating/elaborating3. placing new words into
4、 a contextB. Applying images and sounds1. using imagery2. semantic mapping3. using keywords4. representing sounds in memory10/8/20227Unit 1C. Reviewing well1. structured reviewingD. Employing action1. using physical response or sensation2. using mechanical techniques10/8/20228Unit 1Grouping (2)infor
5、m sb. of sth. 通知某人某事notify of 告诫某人某事suspect of 怀疑某人某事warn of 警告某人某事accuse of 指责某人某事admonish sb. of sth. 告诫某人某事advise sb. of sth. 告诫某人某事cheat sb. of sth. 10/8/202210Unit 1Grouping (3)1. be addicted to 醉心于,使上瘾2. be keen on 醉心于,使上瘾3. be hooked on 醉心于,使上瘾4. be really into 醉心于,使上瘾5. be on the stuff 醉心于,吸
6、毒上瘾6. be smitten with 使着迷 (be smitten with disease 病魔缠身)7. be obsessed with 使着迷10/8/202211Unit 1Grouping (4)1.go mad 发疯2.go crazy 发疯3.go angry 发怒4.go nuts发怒5.go bananas 发怒6.go wrong 搞错7.go right 正确8.go public 公开化9.go native 入乡随俗10.go digital数字化11.go chicken 胆怯12. go steady 恋爱13. go bust 破产14. go ban
7、krupt 破产15. go ape 如痴如狂16. go online 上网10/8/202212Unit 1Grouping (6)1. with it 还有;知内情的2. for it 自讨苦吃3. at it 忙个不停4. of it 表示强调(时间、生活) a hard life of it 十分艰难的生活5. out of it 局外的;淘汰的10/8/202214Unit 1Grouping (7)1. as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一样忙碌2.as brave as a lion 像狮子一样勇敢3. as happy as a clam 相当满足4. as scare
8、d as a rabbit 吓得要命5. as sly as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾6. as mute as a fish 默不作声7. as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗8. as naughty as a monkey 像猴子一样调皮9. as meek as a lamb 像羊羔一样温驯10/8/202215Unit 1Grouping (9)On the slide 每况愈下On the wagonOn the spotOn the slyOn the wing 在飞行中On the pavement 流落街头On the horizon10/8/202
9、217Unit 1Grouping (10)friendly / lovely / lively / worldly / motherly / costly / deadly / scholarly / courtly 显贵的/masterly /goodly 质量好的/ cousinly 堂兄妹般的/sisterly 姐妹般的at the strategy stage / on the horizon / in full swing expend / expand ; message / massage ; effect / affect ; effluent / affluent; gol
10、d / gildtip / pit ; live / evil ; reward /drawer10/8/202218Unit 1Grouping (11)a key to the problema solution to the problema new comer to the cluba deputy to the committeea conformation to the customsa compensation to sb. an eyewitness to the crimean approach to the minimization of the danger 10/8/2
11、02219Unit 1Grouping (12)customs office 海关sports car 运动跑车commodities fair 商品交易会overseas Chinese 华侨public relations consultants 公关顾问公司telecommunications convention 通信法 10/8/202220Unit 1Grouping (13)pine apple 菠萝love apple 西红柿thorn apple 山楂horse apple 马粪10/8/202221Unit 1Grouping (14)art-of-the-state 新款
12、式的pay-as-you-go 付费的 jack-of-all-trades 多面手run-of-the-mill 一般性的、普通的happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的 10/8/202222Unit 1Associating carnationcar+nationeuthanasiaeu+than+asiaflounderfounderabaloneab+alonecoronercor+o+nerhippocampus hippo+campusChrysanthemumChristmas/ mum / an / the 10/8/202224Unit 1Semantic mappingf
13、lowerRose, lily, iris, daisy, peony, pansy, violet, azalea, camellia, carnation, daffodil, narcissus, jasmine, poinsettia, chrysanthemum玫瑰,百合花,蝴蝶花,雏菊,牡丹,三色紫罗兰,紫罗兰,杜鹃花,山茶花,康乃馨,水仙花,水仙花,茉莉花,一品红,菊花。10/8/202225Unit 1super-superpower / supermarket / supermodel / supercomputer / superrich / superstarbulldo
14、zer calfdozercaterpillar tractor10/8/202227Unit 1Learning from the current affairs (1)Build a well-off society in an all-round way.SARS severe acute respiratory syndromeSARSsmile, and retain smileSARSsacrifice, appreciation, reflection, supportSARSscholar, affection, reasonable, supportSARSsafe, and
15、 reliable societySARSstruggle against ruthless SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome10/8/202228Unit 1Learning from the current affairs (2)ground zero / anthrax / Operation Anacorda cultcool / cute 10/8/202229Unit 1Learning from proverbs (1)Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to f
16、ish and he eats for a lifetime.给人以鱼,一日食鱼授人予渔,终身得鱼10/8/202230Unit 1Learning from proverbs (2)Live and let live相互关爱,共享生命A stern teacher fosters able students.Different strokes for different folks.The early bird catches the worm. 10/8/202231Unit 1How to write research papers(1) Types of research report
17、s: journal article, thesis,dissertationexperimental report, treatise/monograph,patent documents, operating manual,product operating instructions,technical contract10/8/202232Unit 1(2) Writing research papersSteps in preparing a research paper: 1. Choosing a topic; 2. Preparing a working bibliography
18、; 3. Collecting information;4. Outlining the paper; 5. Drafting the paper; 6. Preparing the final copy. 10/8/202233Unit 12.1 Choosing a topicThe choice of a topic: identifying a general subject area; defining the topic and narrowing it; starting the topic as a question or hypothesis 10/8/202234Unit
19、1How to move from subject to topic to thesisThe subject is the general area of a knowledge which you expect to write about.Language Learning strategies a general subject area 10/8/202235Unit 1 The topic is a narrower, more specific area of knowledge suitable for paper of the right length.Listening s
20、trategies The thesis is what you want to say about the topic.Effects of Topic Familiarity on Non-English Majors Use of Listening Strategies 10/8/202236Unit 1The first step of choosing a topicEngage in some background reading. The background reading should involve several types of reading: using the
21、textbooks, looking up good encyclopedia articles or articles about your subject, compiling a list of possible thesis or dissertation topics.10/8/202237Unit 1The second stepConsider such factors as your interest in the subject, your ability to be objective (especially if the topic is controversial),
22、and the time available for completing the assignment. 10/8/202238Unit 1The third stepformulating your topic as a question or a hypothesis 10/8/202239Unit 1Topics stated as questions:What are the psychological effects of computer-assisted instruction?How has E.D. Hirschs concept of “cultural literacy
23、” affected educational goals?Has the end of the cold war affected Americans expressions of patriotism? 10/8/202240Unit 1Topics stated as hypothesesStudents composing on computers write differently than they do when composing by hand or on the typewriterThe fall of the dollar against major foreign cu
24、rrencies does not (does) affect the U.S. economy.Most scientists believe that the earth is experiencing the phenomenon known as global warmingTelevision programs aired in prime time should (should not) be censored for sex and violence back10/8/202241Unit 12.2Preparing a working bibliography1. How to
25、 make use of library resources, both print and electronic ones.2. How to record information about every source you encounter that might be relevant to your study, even if you are not certain you will be able to use. 3. How to use Internet to query databases from an increasingly extended range of sou
26、rces Back10/8/202242Unit 12.3 Collecting informationThere are three steps to follow: developing the working bibliography; evaluating sources for their validity and accuracy; taking accurate notes.10/8/202243Unit 11. Developing the working bibliography Take down as much information as you can find: F
27、or a book: the full name of the author; the title and any subtitle; the editor or translator, if any; the edition, if it is other than the first; the volume number if it is part of a multivolume work; the series name, if any; the city and state of publication; the publisher; the year of publication.
28、For an article: the name of the journal, the volume, the date of publication, and inclusive page numbers.10/8/202244Unit 1(2) Rearrange, alphabetize, and delete entries. Books and articles you collected should be systematically listed, one to a card and with all necessary bibliographic information i
29、n the form you will follow in the final draft 10/8/202245Unit 12. Evaluating sources for their validity and accuracyYou will evaluate the materials with regard to the objectivity of the source, the qualifications of the author, the date and form of publication, the level of the source, and the prima
30、ry or secondary nature for your purpose 10/8/202246Unit 13. Taking accurate notes Put down the authors name and the title in order to look it up later. Note that the material is relevant to the section of your outline.Record information in direct quotation. Record information in summary or paraphras
31、e. 10/8/202247Unit 1Musical Setting NovelsIII. A.Smith, Grove, ed.P.821 Aldous Huxley to Leonard Bernstein, 4 Apr. 1957“I am writing to ask if you would be at all interested in reading a dramatic version of my novel Brave New World, which I have recently made, with a view to a musical setting.”10/8/
32、202248Unit 1Musical Setting NovelsIII. A.Smith, Grove, ed.P.821 Aldous Huxley wrote to Leonard Bernstein on Apr. 4, 1957, to ask him to consider setting a “dramatic version” of Brave New World to music.10/8/202249Unit 1Smith, Grove, ed.Aldous Huxleys letters on liberty Threats to liberty1. Applied p
33、sychology (P.539) letter of 18 March 1946 to Julian Huxley2. Bureaucracy (P.451) letter of 19 March 1940 to E.S.P. Haynes3. Conditioning and mind control (P. 837) letter of 12 December 1957 to Julian fluxley4. “urge for tidiness” (P. 847) letter of 16 February 1958 to Humphrey Osmond Back10/8/202250
34、Unit 12.4 Outlining the paperCreating a final outline involves making decisions about the thesis statement, the principle of organization, the type of outline, and the format of the outline. 10/8/202251Unit 1Types of outlineTopic outline: the entries in a topic outline are words, phrases, or clauses
35、. Sentence Outline: The entries in a sentence outline are complete sentences. 10/8/202252Unit 1Topic OutlineI. Dangers of Nuclear Power PlantsA. Leakage of radiationB. Disposal of nuclear wasteC. Sabotage by terrorist groupsII.Safety Features of Nuclear Power PlantsA. Sound design and constructionB.
36、 Monitoring systems C. Automatic correction devices 10/8/202253Unit 1Sentence OutlineI. Genetic engineering is a new biotechnology.A. Scientists can manipulate genes.B. Genes can be copied and moved to cells in other species.C. Scientists can recombine genes and plant breeding.II.Genetic engineering
37、 affects animal and plant breeding.A. Past species improvement efforts took decades and proved unpredictable.B. Now development time is cut dramatically with better results.C.Animals are potential chemical factories,and new animals can be created and patented.10/8/202254Unit 1Outline formatsThe numb
38、er-letter sequence A.1.(1)B.2.(1)Back 10/8/202255Unit 1The decimal pattern1. BACK10/8/202256Unit 12.5 Drafting the paperDrafting the paper involves: preparing a first draft; revising the draft as often as necessary; editing the draft; preparing the documentation and attending to ot
39、her elements of the format;proofreading.10/8/202257Unit 1The first draftWhen you do research, you may write brief pieces to record or to develop your thinking. Dont worry about the organization, style, or even the meaning; just get something down. This technique for getting started is called focused free writing. (focused because your writing is focused on a particular topic, an
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