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1、Study on Li Bais Poetical Metaphor Based on the Relevance TheoryContents Motivation of the study 1 Background of the study 2 Purpose and significance of the study4 Conclusion and Limitations5 Research contents 3Motivation of the StudyPeople seldom studied Chinese classical poetry from perpective of

2、Relevance Theory.Poetical metaphor is very important in interpreting the poets intention. It is easy to misunderstand the pots deep meaning, if the reader cant interpret it correctly.Study at abroad1. More than 2300 years ago: Plato: no more than a rhetoric device. Aristotle: a kind of flowery words

3、.2.In 1936: Richards: “tenor and “vehicle. Black: Interaction Theory. “target and “source.3. In 1980: George Lakoff and Mark Johnson: conceptual metaphor theory, Metaphors We Lived By.4. In 1987: Kittay: cognitive psychology and lingusitics view.5. In 1993: Gills Fauconnier and Mark Turner: Conceptu

4、al Blending Theory, The Way We Think.Study at home1. In 1993: Gen Zhangchun: Metaphor, created a new theory to interpret philosophy,religious and linguistics.2. In 1996: Shu Dingfang: Studies of Metaphor, analyzed the mechanism, characteristics and function of metaphor. Yan Shiqing: On Metaphor, sur

5、veyed the metaphors nature, mechanism and function. 3. In 2004: Hu Zhuanglin: Metaphor and Cognition,discussed the relationship between metaphor and cognition,poetic metaphors functions,application of metaphor. 4.In 2007: You Xiaoqing and Zhang Jianli:pointed out dynamic inference in study the novel

6、 metaphor. Relevance TheoryCognitive Principle: Human cognition tends to be geared to the maximization of relevance.Communicative Principle: Every act of ostensive communication communicates a presumption of its own optimal relevance.“mutual cognitive environment“ostensive-inferential communication

7、“ostensive refers to the speaker. “inference refers to the reader. Principle of Relevacne Context of Relevance Inferential of RelevanceSemantic Metaphor at Verse LevelSemantic Metaphor at Text LevelRhythmMetaphorPoetical MetaphorSemantic Metaphor at Vocabulary Level Onomatopoeia Metaphor RhymeMetaph

8、orIn 2006, Chinese President: Hu Jingtao “I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves. And set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.(verse metaphor)A popular song: “Xin yuanyang hudie meng“Choudao duanshui shui gengliu, jubei xiaochou chou gengchou. (verse metaphor)J

9、in Yongs book “ Xia Ke XingLi Bais poetry: “Xia Ke Xing in the beginning of the story.(Semantic metaphor at text level)A kind of wines advertising message: Bai Yun Bian. His poetry:Pei zushu xingbu shilangye ji zhongshu jiasheren zhi you dongting (Semantic metaphor at text level) Application of Poet

10、ical Metaphor In diplomacy In Inentertainment In literatureIn other aspectsPurpose of this studyAs we considered the background at home and abroad, it was clear that many scholars studied the common metaphors in our daily life, but seldom studied metaphors in Chinese classical poetry from the cognit

11、ive-pragmatic perpective. In order to find out which kind of poetical metaphor is easier to interpret by the reader,thisdissertation classifies Li Bais poetical metaphors into six kinds, and accounts them fromperspective of RelevanceTheory. Significance of the studyThrough the Relevance Theorys acco

12、ut, it gives a method to the reader in his poetry interpreting.According to the Relevance Theorys account, it develops the readers “metaphorical sense, and helps the reader to get the poets intention clearly.This dissertation finds that poetical metaphor can be applied in different aspects to expres

13、s different meanings, which helps the reader to understand the speakers intention easily and correctly.ConclusionPoetical metaphor can be applied in many different aspects, such as in diplomacy, in entertainment and in literature,etc.Copmared with rhyme metaphor, rhythm metaphor and semantic metapho

14、r at vocabulary level, it is more easier to interpret onomatopoeia metaphor, semantic metaphor at text level and at verse level.LimitationsModern people dont know the exact writing time and condition of Li Bais poems for his life is a mystery. Therefore, this dissertation studies on some typical poems of h


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