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1、Subpart 360-2: Landfills - Page 3(Statutory authority: Environmental Conservation Law, Sections 1-0101, 3-0301, 8-0113,19-0301, 19-0306, 23-2305, 23-2307, 27-0101, 27-0106, 27-0107, 27-0109, 27-0305, 27-0703, 27-0704, 27-0705, 27-0911, 27-1317, 27-1515, 52-0107, 52-0505, and 70-0107)Effective Date D

2、ecember 31, 1988Amendmment DDates:Revissed Efffectiive Maarch 227, 19990; wwith ppromullgatioon of new SSubparrt 15: Grannts foor Commpreheensivee Soliid Wasste Maanagemment PPlanniing.Reevisedd Effeectivee May 28, 11991; With repeaal of existting SSubparrt 9 aand prromulggationn of nnew Suubpartt 9

3、: SState Assisstancee for Municcipal Landffill CClosurre ProojectssRevissed Efffectiive Jaanuaryy 25, 1992; Withh repeeal off exissting Subpaart 100 and promuulgatiion off new Subpaart10: Reguulatedd Mediical WWaste Storaage, TTransffer, aand Diisposaal, annd neww Subppart 117 Reggulateed Meddical W

4、astee Treaatmentt Faciilitiees.Revvised/Enhannced EEffecttive OOctobeer 9, 1993; withh adopption of ammendmeents tto exiistingg Subpparts 1 thrrough 17Revvised Effecctive Decemmber 114, 19994; wwith aadoptiion off amenndmentts to existting SSubparrt 9: Statee Assiistancce forr Muniicipall Landdfill

5、Closuure PrrojecttsReviised EEffecttive JJanuarry 14, 19955; Witth reppeal oof exiistingg Subppart 114 andd prommulgattion oof neww Subppart 114: Ussed Oiil.Revvised Effecctive Novemmber 226, 19996; WWith aadoptiion off amenndmentts to existting SSubparrts 1, 2, 33, 7, 11, 114, annd 17RReviseed Efff

6、ectivve Sepptembeer 29, 19977; Witth adooptionn of aamendmments to exxistinng Subbpart 9Reviised EEffecttive NNovembber 211, 19998; Wiith addoptioon of amenddmentss to eexistiing Suubpartt 2Revvised Effecctive Novemmber 224, 19999; WWith aadoptiion off amenndmentts to existting SSubparrts 2, 3, 44,

7、5, 9, 111, 14, and 16This iis pagge 3 oof 3 oof thiis Subbpart. A coomplette lisst of Subpaarts iin thiis reggulatiion apppearss in tthe HYPERLINK /regs/2491.html Chhapterr 4coontentts pagge.Contentts:Sec. HYPERLINK /regs/14639.html#14662 l 14662 360-2.113 Lanndfilll construcction requiiremennts. HY

8、PERLINK /regs/14639.html#14661 l 14661 360-2.114 Inddustriial/coommerccial wwaste monoffills and ssolid wastee inciinerattor assh ressidue monoffills. HYPERLINK /regs/14639.html#14660 l 14660 360-2.115 Lanndfilll clossure aand poost-cllosuree critteria. HYPERLINK /regs/14639.html#14659 l 14659 360-2

9、.116 Lanndfilll gas recovvery ffaciliities. HYPERLINK /regs/14639.html#14658 l 14658 360-2.117 Lanndfilll operrationn requuiremeents. HYPERLINK /regs/14639.html#14657 l 14657 360-2.118 Lanndfilll recllamatiion. HYPERLINK /regs/14639.html#14656 l 14656 360-2.119 Finnanciaal asssurancce criiteriaa. HY

10、PERLINK /regs/14639.html#14655 l 14655 360-2.220 Corrrectiive meeasurees repport.360-2.13 Laandfilll connstrucction requiiremennts.Except as ottherwiise exxpresssly prrovideed in sectiion 3660-2.114 of this Subpaart, aall neew lanndfillls andd lateeral aand veerticaal exppansioons off exissting land

11、ffills regullated underr thiss Subppart mmust cconforrm to the rrequirrementts sett fortth in this sectiion.(a) Horrizonttal seeparattion rrequirrementts.(1) Thee miniimum hhorizoontal separrationn betwween ddeposiited ssolid wastee in tthe laandfilll andd the propeerty lline mmust bbe 1000 feett.(2

12、) Thee requuired horizzontall sepaaratioon bettween depossited solidd wastte andd any surfaace waaters must be addequatte to precllude ccontraaventiion off Statte surrface waterr stanndardss in tthe suurfacee wateer boddy, orr floooding of thhe lanndfilll fromm the surfaace waater bbody. In noo case

13、e can solidd wastte be depossited closeer thaan 1000 feett fromm the mean high waterr elevvationn of aany suurfacee wateers. TThe deepartmment mmay reequiree greaater hhorizoontal separrationn betwween ssolid wastee and surfaace waaters when thosee surfface wwaterss are activvely uused aas souurces

14、of muunicippal waater ssupplyy.(b) Surrvey ccontrool. Onne perrmanennt surrvey bbenchmmark oof knoown ellevatiion meeasureed froom a UU.S. GGeologgical Surveey bennchmarrk musst be estabblisheed andd mainntaineed forr eachh 25 aacres of deevelopped laandfilll, orr partt therreof, at thhe sitte. Thhi

15、s beenchmaark muust bee the referrence pointt for estabblishiing veerticaal eleevatioon conntrol.(c) Loccationn coorrdinattes. TThe Neew Yorrk Traansverrse Meercatoor (NYYTM) ccoordiinatess mustt be eestabllishedd. Horrizonttal coontroll mustt be eestabllishedd and one oof itss poinnts muust bee the

16、 benchhmark of knnown NNYTM ccoordiinatess.(d) Grooundwaater sseparaation. A miinimumm sepaaratioon of five feet must be maaintaiined bbetweeen thee basee of tthe coonstruucted linerr systtem annd thee seassonal high grounndwateer eleevatioon. Att sitees wheere peerchedd wateer is encouuntereed thee

17、 depaartmennt willl detterminne witth resspect to grroundwwater separrationn disttancess whetther sseparaation distaances will be meeasureed froom thee percched zzone oor thee non-perchhed waater ttable. The naturre of the mmateriials mmakingg up tthis sseparaation, whetther nnaturaal or backffilled

18、d, is subjeect too depaartmennt appprovall. Thiis minnimum five feet separrationn requuiremeent maay be reducced orr waivved uppon deemonsttratioon of selecction of a suitaable llandfiill siite, aas deffined underr secttion 3360-2.12(a) of tthis SSubparrt, annd upoon demmonstrrationn thatt compplian

19、cce witth thiis proovisioon wouuld immpose an unnreasoonablee econnomic, techhnologgical, or ssafetyy burdden; aand, tthat tthe prroposeed acttivityy willl havee no ssignifficantt adveerse iimpactt on tthe ovveralll stabbilityy of tthe laandfilll, thhe envvironmment, or naaturall resoourcess and tha

20、t the llandfiills perfoormancce willl be consiistentt withh thatt whicch is expeccted ffrom tthe appplicaation of thhis Paart. IIn succh casses, tthe deepartmment wwill rrequirre addditionnal grroundwwater drainnage ssystemms to ensurre thaat thee seassonal high grounndwateer tabble dooes noot comme

21、 in contaact wiith thhe lowwermosst porrtion of thhe lanndfilll lineer durring cconstrructioon, annd unttil suuch tiime thhat thhe hyddrostaatic ppressuures aare eqqualizzed byy weigght off the linerr systtem annd/or wastee.(e) Beddrock separrationn. A mminimuum of 10 feeet veerticaal sepparatiion m

22、uust bee mainntaineed bettween the bbase oof thee consstructted liiner aand beedrockk. Thee natuure off the materrials makinng up this separrationn, wheether naturral orr backkfilleed, iss subjject tto deppartmeent appprovaal.(f) Linner syystem descrriptioon. Thhe minnimum linerr requuiremeent foor

23、alll landdfillss acceeptingg mixeed sollid waaste mmust cconsisst of the ffollowwing:(1) On all bbottomm areaas wheere thhe lanndfilll sloppe is less than or eqqual tto 25 perceent, tthe liiner ssystemm mustt conssist oof a ddoublee comppositee lineer sepparateed by a seccondarry leaachatee colllect

24、ioon andd remooval ssystemm.(2) On all sside sslope areass wherre thee landdfill slopee is ggreateer thaan 25 perceent thhe linner syystem need only consiist off a prrimaryy leacchate colleectionn and removval syystem abovee the upperrmost geomeembranne linner annd a llower compoosite linerr sepaara

25、tedd by aa secoondaryy leacchate colleectionn and removval syystem.(3) A ccompossite lliner must consiist off two compoonentss, an upperr geommembraane liiner pplacedd direectly abovee a loow perrmeabiility soil layerr meetting tthe reequireementss speccifiedd in ssubdivvisionns (j) and (k) oof thii

26、s secction. Eachh comppositee lineer is consiideredd a siingle linerr.(4) Thee doubble coomposiite liiner ssystemm mustt incllude aa primmary lleachaate coollecttion aand reemovall systtem coonsistting oof a 224-incch graanularr soill layeer witth a lleachaate coollecttion ppipe nnetworrk. Thhe prii

27、mary leachhate ccollecction and rremovaal sysstem llies aabove the pprimarry (uppper) compoosite linerr. Thee primmary ccompossite lliner consiists oof a 660 mill geommembraane thhat diirectlly oveerlayss an 118-incch thiick loow perrmeabiility soil layerr. Thee primmary ccompossite lliner lies abov

28、ee the seconndary leachhate ccollecction and rremovaal sysstem. The sseconddary lleachaate coollecttion aand reemovall systtem coonsistts of a leaachatee colllectioon pippe nettwork withiin eitther aa 12-iinch tthick granuular ssoil llayer or ann effeectiveely coonfiguured llayer of geeonet drainnag

29、e mmateriial. TThe seecondaary leeachatte colllectiion annd remmoval systeem liees aboove thhe seccondarry (loower) compoosite linerr whicch connsistss of aa 60 mmil geeomembbrane that direcctly ooverlaays a 24-innch thhick llow peermeabbilityy soill layeer. Thhe douuble ccompossite lliner systeem d

30、esscribeed in this subdiivisioon is consiideredd the minimmum liiner cconfigguratiion reequireement for llandfiills.(g) Leaachatee colllectioon andd remooval ssystemm desiign. TThe leeachatte colllectiion annd remmoval systeem musst be desiggned tto efffectivvely rremovee leacchate from the llandfii

31、ll. AA meanns of quanttitatiively assesssing leachhate fflows in booth thhe priimary and sseconddary lleachaate coollecttion aand reemovall systtem muust bee detaailed on pllans aand bee disccussedd in tthe enngineeering reporrt. Thhe priimary and sseconddary lleachaate coollecttion aand reemovall s

32、ysttems mmust cconforrm to the ffollowwing rrequirrementts:(1) A pprimarry leaachatee colllectioon andd remooval ssystemm, loccated over the uupper compoosite linerr, musst be hydraaulicaally ddesignned inn accoordancce witth thee provvisionns of sectiion 3660-2.77(b)(99) of this Subpaart too remoov

33、e leeachatte froom thee landdfill and eensuree thatt the leachhate hhead oover tthe prrimaryy comppositee lineer doees nott exceeed onne fooot at the eexpectted fllow caapacitty exccept, durinng stoorm evvents and ddoes nnot haave too be mmaintaained in deesignaated ssump aareas withiin thee doubble

34、 liined llandfiill ass apprroved by thhe deppartmeent. TThe prrimaryy leacchate colleectionn and removval syystem must also be deesigneed to proviide a minimmum off 24 iinchess of pprotecctive soil coverr to tthe prrimaryy comppositee lineer. Thhis coollecttion aand reemovall systtem muust bee desii

35、gned and cconstrructedd, at a minnimum, in aaccorddance with the rrequirrementts of subdiivisioons (hh), (ll) andd (m) of thhis seectionn.(2) A sseconddary lleachaate coollecttion aand reemovall systtem muust bee locaated bbetweeen thee uppeer andd loweer linner syystemss and be deesigneed to effecc

36、tivelly colllect and rrapidlly remmove lleachaate frrom thhe lowwer liiner ssystemm. Thiis colllectiion syystem must be deesigneed andd consstructted, aat a mminimuum, inn accoordancce witth thee requuiremeents oof subbdivissions (h), (l), (m) aand (nn) of this sectiion.(h) Leaachatee colllectioon p

37、ippe nettwork desiggn. Thhe priimary and sseconddary lleachaate coollecttion aand reemovall pipiing syystemss mustt be ddesignned annd buiilt too alloow forr reprresenttativee samppling of leeachatte andd to ooperatte witthout cloggging dduringg the effecctive site life and ppost-cclosurre maiintena

38、ance pperiodd. Alll leacchate colleectionn pipee netwworks locatted inn the primaary annd seccondarry leaachatee colllectioon andd remooval ssystemms musst be desiggned tto alllow foor acccessibbilityy of eequipmment aand too faciilitatte efffectivve rouutine cleanning aand maaintennance. All leachh

39、ate cconveyyance liness and appurrtenannces, incluuding manhooles, sumpss, andd meteering pits locatted ouutsidee the doublle commpositte linner syystem of thhe lanndfilll mustt be ddesignned too havee doubble coontainnment and mmust bbe connstruccted tto proovide for eeffecttive lleak ddetecttion a

40、and coollecttion. All lleachaate coonveyaance llines and aappurttenancces inncludiing maanholees, suumps, and mmeteriing piits loocatedd outsside tthe doouble compoosite linerr systtem, nneed nnot maaintaiin minnimum five foot or teen fooot sepparatiion off the seasoonal hhigh ggrounddwaterr tablle

41、or bedroock reespecttivelyy.(i) Lanndfilll subggrade. The landffill ssubgraade iss the upperrmost in siitu sooil laayer oor sellect ffill tthat mmust bbe graaded aand prrepareed forr landdfill consttructiion. AA founndatioon anaalysiss mustt be pperforrmed tto detterminne thee struucturaal inttegrit

42、ty of the ssubgraade too suppport tthe looads aand sttressees impposed by thhe weiight oof thee landdfill and tto suppport overllying facillity ccomponnents. For laterral exxpansiions aadjaceent too exissting landffills, the deparrtmentt may approove enncroacchmentt on tthe exxistinng lanndfillls si

43、ide sllope iif a lleachaate baarrierr systtem iss desiigned and cconstrructedd to mminimiize leeachatte miggratioon intto thee exissting landffill.(1) Matterialls reqquiredd. Thee landdfill subgrrade mmateriial muust bee freee of oorganiic matteriall (othher thhan smmall rroots of trrees, shrubbs, g

44、rrassess, etcc.) annd connsist of onn-sitee soills, orr any selecct filll, iff apprroved by thhe deppartmeent.(2) Connstrucction requiiremennts. TThe laandfilll subbgradee mustt be ggradedd in aaccorddance with the rrequirrementts of the aapprovved enngineeering planss, repport, and sspecifficatiion

45、s tto havve a mminimuum posst-setttlemeent sllope oof twoo perccent. The mmateriial muust bee suffficienntly ddry annd strructurrally soundd to eensuree thatt the firstt liftt, andd all succeeedingg liftts of soil placeed oveer thee landdfill subgrrade, can bbe adeequateely coompactted too the desig

46、gn reqquiremments and aassuree stabbilityy of tthe laandfilll.(3) Cerrtificcationn requuiremeents. At a minimmum, tthe suubgradde surrface must be innspectted inn accoordancce witth thee folllowingg requuiremeents:(i) beffore aany maateriaal is placeed oveer thee subggrade, the projeect enngineeer m

47、usst vissuallyy insppect tthe exxposedd surfface tto evaaluatee the suitaabilitty of the ssubgraade annd to ensurre thaat thee surfface iis prooperlyy comppactedd, smoooth, and uuniforrm, annd thaat eleevatioons arre connsisteent wiith thhe deppartmeent appproveed plaans;(ii) thhe subbgradee mustt b

48、e pproof-rolleed usiing prroceduures aand eqquipmeent accceptaable tto thee depaartmennt; annd(iii) tthe suubgradde musst be testeed forr denssity aand mooisturre conntent at a minimmum frrequenncy off ninee testts perr acree.(j) Soiil commponennt of the lliner systeem. Thhe soiil commponennt of the

49、 lliner systeem musst be a conntinuoous laayer oof loww permmeabillity ssoil cconstrructedd to ccontrool fluuid miigratiion.(1) Matterialls reqquiredd.(i) Priimary compoosite linerr. Thee soill compponentt of tthe prrimaryy comppositee lineer musst be a minnimum compaacted thickkness of 188 inchhes.

50、 TThe toop sixx inchhes (mminimuum commpacteed thiicknesss) diirectlly bellow annd in contaact wiith thhe uppper geeomembbrane linerr mustt havee a maaximumm remoolded coeffficiennt of permeeabiliity off 1 x 10-7 centiimeterrs perr secoond. AA geossyntheetic cclay lliner accepptablee to tthe deepart

51、mment mmay bee subsstitutted foor thee top six-iinch pportioon of the llow peermeabbilityy soill layeer in the pprimarry commpositte linner. TThe loower 112 incch soiil layyer (mminimuum commpacteed thiicknesss), sshall be sppecifiied ass a sttructuural ffill llayer to asssure adequuate sseparaation

52、 of thhe priimary compoosite linerr fromm the seconndary leachhate ccollecction and rremovaal sysstem aand muust bee placced wiithoutt damaaging any ggeosynnthetiic or seconndary leachhate ccollecction and rremovaal sysstem ccomponnents beloww the primaary coomposiite liiner. The ssoil mmateriial pa

53、articlles muust bee ablee to ppass aa one inch screeen.(ii) Seecondaary coomposiite liiner. The ssoil ccomponnent oof thee secoondaryy comppositee lineer musst be at leeast 224 incches iin commpacteed thiicknesss andd mustt havee a maaximumm remoolded coeffficiennt of permeeabiliity off 1 x 10-7 cen

54、tiimeterrs perr secoond thhroughhout iits thhickneess annd musst be direcctly ooverlaain byy and in coontactt withh a geeomembbrane. The soil materrial pparticcles mmust bbe ablle to pass a onee inchh screeen.(2) Connstrucction requiiremennts. TThe prrojectt engiineer must ensurre thaat thee soill c

55、ompponentt of tthe liiner ssystemm insttallattion cconforrms wiith thhe folllowinng minnimum requiiremennts:(i) Thee soill compponentt of tthe liiner ssystemm mustt be pplacedd on aa sloppe of no leess thhan twwo perrcent to prromotee posiitive drainnage aacrosss the linerr surfface aand att a maaxi

56、mumm sloppe nott greaater tthan 333 perrcent to miinimizze eroosion and ffaciliitate consttructiion.(ii) Coompacttion mmust bbe perrformeed by propeerly ccontroollingg the moistture ccontennt, liift thhickneess, ccompacctive energgy/kneeadingg actiion too effeectiveely deestroyy soill clodds, pllace

57、meent opperatiions tto eliiminatte lifft intterfacces, aand otther nnecesssary ddetaills to obtaiin sattisfacctory resullts. TThe maaximumm finaal commpacteed thiicknesss of each lift of sooil maateriaal musst be six iinchess, unlless ootherwwise aapprovved byy the deparrtmentt uponn demoonstraation

58、 of coompliaance wwith tthe reequireementss of pparagrraph (1) off thiss subddivisiion. WWhen pplacinng thee firsst lifft of the ssoil ccomponnent oof thee lineer sysstem, the tthicknness mmay bee incrreasedd to eensuree adeqquate compaactionn and to atttain the ddesireed perrmeabiility, depeendingg

59、 uponn the type and ssize oof commpactiion eqquipmeent ussed annd wheether or noot thee lineer andd subggrade are oof disssimillar maateriaals. AAny suucceedding llifts of thhe soiil commponennt of the lliningg systtem maay be reducced inn thiccknesss, deppendinng upoon thee comppactioon equuipmennt

60、 useed.(iii) TThe mooisturre conntent of thhe soiil commponennt of the lliner systeem musst be mainttainedd, witthin tthe raange iidentiified in thhe moiisturee-denssity- permeeabiliity reelatioon devvelopeed in accorrdancee withh paraagraphh (3) of thhis suubdiviision, befoore annd durring ccompacc


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