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1、PlagiarismDefinition: The appropriation of another persons ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.ORIs policy on Plagiarism excludes:the limited use of identical or nearly-identical (general) phrases that are not substantially misleading or of great significancedispute

2、s among former collaboratorsORI found that the Respondent engaged in research misconduct by plagiarizing significant portions from research grant application R21 AR061881 that she had reviewed for NIAMS, NIH, and inserting that text into her submitted grant application R01 AR062378-01. Respondent al

3、so plagiarized significant portions of text from the following scientific articles and one U.S. patent application available on the Internet:Settlement: To have her research supervised;Same to other institutes;Excluded from any advisory capacity;Definitions of misconductResearch misconduct is define

4、d as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results, according to 42 CFR Part 93.IMPORTANT: Research misconduct does NOT include honest error or differences of opinion/grants/research_integrity/research_misconduct.htm?print

5、=yes&/2012/01/13/great-science-frauds/slide/the-baltimore-case/Luk Van Parijs caseFormer Associate Professor of biology at the MIT Center for Cancer Research. After investigating for a year, MIT fired Van Parijs for research misconduct: fabricating and falsifying research data in a paper, several un

6、published manuscripts, and grant applications. In March 2011, Van Parijs pleaded guilty in a U.S. District Court in Boston to one count of making a false statement on a federal grant application. The government asked Judge Denise Casper for a 6-month jail term because of the seriousness of the fraud

7、, which involved a $2-million grant. After several prominent scientists including Van Parijs former post-doc supervisor pleading for clemency on his behalf, on 13 June, Van Parijs was finally sentenced six months of home detention with electronic monitoring, plus 400 hours of community service and a

8、 payment to MIT of $61,117 - restitution for the already-spent grant money that MIT had to return to the National Institutes of Health Van Parijs area of research was in the use of siRNA in studying disease mechanism, expecially in autoimmune diseases. He was studying normal immune cell function and

9、 defects in these cells during disease developmentVan Parijs was first accused of misconduct in 2004. Van Parijs had apparently attributed results presented at an MIT symposium to two postdocs who had not obtained them. When four postdocs and a graduate student challenged Van Parijs, he was unable t

10、o explain why hed made the claims, so they notified MIT.In response to these allegations, the MIT closed Van Parijss lab, terminated relevant grants and stopped the submission of papers. Finally, in October 2005, the university fired him. For instance, Van Parijs and others published images in the J

11、ournal of Immunology in which they represented the results of a test for the proteins, Bcl-2 and -actin5. Van Parijs then used the same images in a paper published by Immunity4, but saying that they came from tests for different proteins, Ras and Ras-GTP./news/2009/090203/full/news.2009.74.htmlLuk V

12、an Parijs case cont.NIH 是如何处理misconduct 的/all/2012/03/16/nih-and-research-misconduct/NIH Process for Handling Research Misconduct AllegationsWhat happens if there is a finding of research misconduct?If an individual involved in NIH funded research is found to have committed research misconduct, the

13、administrative actions PHS/HHS may take against them include, but are not limited to:终止接受联邦科研和协议资助的合法性,禁止参加PHS有关的委员会,评审组的一切活动。certification of information sources by the respondent that is forwarded by the institution,certification of data by the institution,imposition of supervision on the responde

14、nt by the institution,submission of a correction of published articles by the respondent, andsubmission of a retraction of published articles by the respondent.进一步措施此外,NIH或将采取进一步行政惩处措施,包括:调整资助年限或取消已批准的PI 或其他关键团队成员。暂停或终止已发放的资助。追回已用资助。对暂停的资助的处理Appeal(上诉)Is there an appeals process?Yes. The process for

15、 contesting a decision is outlined in 42 CFR Part 93, Subpart E (PDF - 52 KB). For more on appeals, please see the Hearings page on the ORI Web site.案例/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-13-014.html国外院校的研究生培养学生来源:科研背景,人生目的;招生要求:成绩,科研经验,其它个人能力(团队精神,交流,品行,等)对国外招生的条件:科研背景,研究经历包括文章及实验室背景,与诚信相关。硕士与博士研究生的课程

16、及文献学习实验室轮转:3个目的-认识实验室运作,认识老师的科研及mentorship,人脉;毕业要求:CNUP Center for neuroscience at U. PittsburghPROGRAM REQUIREMENTSRESEARCHStudents start research in a laboratory they select immediately upon entering the program. Students gain experience in at least two laboratories, through rotations during the f

17、irst year.Students choose a doctoral advisor no later than the end of August of the first year.COURSEWORKA sequence of three core courses that are typically completed in the first year (32 credit):Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology I (7 credit)Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology II (7 credit)System

18、s Neurobiology23 elective courses (9 credit, there are many from which to choose)CNUP programPROGRAM REQUIREMENTSCourse work (cont.)A statistics course and an ethics course (1 credit)Proseminar in Year 1 (informal weekly presentations by faculty of ongoing research).A Grant Writing course (2 credit)

19、.Research seminar (regular attendance is required throughout graduate training).Journal Club (regular attendance at a broad-based student-run journal club is required until students have advanced to candidacy).TEACHINGIn general, second-year students serve as teaching assistants to members of the tr

20、aining faculty for a one-term course.MILESTONESPreliminary exam (referred to as the reprint exam, this exam is taken at the end of the first year and tests the students ability to orally present and critically evaluate a published research report).Comprehensive exam (this exam takes the format of a

21、grant application).Doctoral dissertation and defense.STUDENT EVALUATIONSAnnual evaluation by the CNUP Student Evaluations Committee (also mid-year evaluation of first-year students).Second year research evaluation.OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE GRADUATE PROGRAM To develop competence in conducting laborat

22、ory research; to plan, execute, report, and defend original research in the field of neuroscience. To develop general excellence in neuroscience and specific expertise in one or more areas of neuroscience such as cognitive neuroscience,molecular neurobiology, neuro-anatomy, neurochemistry。To develop

23、 a general professional excellence in oral and written expression, in the critical analysis of primary scientific articles, and in teaching. To develop fundamental skills in scientific reasoning required to define research questions and devise innovative strategies as a means for adapting to the con

24、tinually evolving landscape of neuroscience and neuroscience research. Principles for training facultyFirst, the program should aid each student in the development of an individualized training program based on the students background and interests. Second, research experience should form the core of each students training and as such should not be postponed by a lengthy period of time devoted exclusively to course work. Third, students should be able to complete the program in


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