已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Richard M. Nixon: The Great Silent Majority Good eveeninng, my fellloww Ammeriicanns.Tonigght I wwantt too taalk to youu onn a subbjecct oof ddeepp coonceern to alll Ammeriicanns aand to manny ppeopple in alll paartss off thhe wworlld, thee waar iin VViettnamm.I bellievve tthatt onne oof tthe reaaso

2、nns ffor thee deeep divvisiion aboout Vieetnaam iis tthatt maany Ameericcanss haave losst cconffideencee inn whhat theeir Govvernnmennt hhas tolld tthemm abboutt ouur ppoliicy. Thhe AAmerricaan ppeopple cannnott annd sshouuld nott bee asskedd too suuppoort a ppoliicy whiich invvolvves thee ovverrrid

3、iing isssuess off waar aand peaace unllesss thhey knoow tthe truuth aboout thaat ppoliicy.Tonigght, thhereeforre, I wwoulld llikee too annsweer ssomee off thhe qquesstioons thaat II knnow aree onn thhe mmindds oof mmanyy off yoou llistteniing to me.How aand whyy diid AAmerricaa geet iinvoolveed iin

4、VViettnamm inn thhe ffirsst pplacce?How hhas thiis aadmiinisstraatioon cchanngedd thhe ppoliicy of thee prreviiouss Addminnisttrattionn?What hass reeallly hhapppeneed iin tthe neggotiiatiionss inn Paariss annd oon tthe batttleefroont in Vieetnaam?What chooicees ddo wwe hhavee iff wee arre tto eend t

5、hee waar?What aree thhe pprosspeccts forr peeacee?Now llet me beggin by desscriibinng tthe sittuattionn I fouund wheen II waas iinauugurrateed oon JJanuuaryy 200: TThe warr haad bbeenn gooingg onn foor ffourr yeearss. TThirrty-onee thhoussandd Ammeriicanns hhad beeen kkillled in acttionn. TThe traai

6、niing proograam ffor thee Soouthh Viietnnameese wass beeyonnd behhindd sscheedulle. Fivve hhunddredd annd ffortty-tthouusannd AAmerricaans werre iin VViettnamm wiith no plaans to redducee thhe nnumbber. Noo prrogrresss haad bbeenn maade at thee neegottiattionns iin PPariis aand thee Unniteed SStatte

7、s hadd noot pput forrth a ccompprehhenssivee peeacee prropoosall.The wwar wass caausiing deeep ddiviisioon aat hhomee annd ccritticiism froom mmanyy off ouur ffrieendss, aas wwelll ass ouur eenemmiess, aabrooad.In viiew of theese cirrcummstaancees, theere werre ssomee whho uurgeed tthatt I endd thhe

8、 wwar at oncce bby oordeerinng tthe immmediiatee wiithddrawwal of alll Ammeriicann foorcees. Froom aa poolitticaal sstanndpoointt, tthiss woouldd haave beeen aa poopullar andd eaasy couursee too foolloow. Aftter alll, wwe bbecaame invvolvved in thee waar wwhille mmy ppreddeceessoor wwas in offficee.

9、 II coouldd bllamee thhe ddefeeat, whhichh woouldd bee thhe rresuult of my acttionn, oon hhim - andd coome outt ass thhe ppeaccemaakerr. SSomee puut iit tto mme qquitte bblunntlyy: TThiss waas tthe onlly wway to avooid alllowiing Johhnsoonss waar tto bbecoome Nixxons wwar.But II haad aa grreatter ob

10、lligaatioon tthann too thhinkk onnly of thee yeearss off myy Addminnisttrattionn, aand of thee neext eleectiion. I hadd too thhinkk off thhe eeffeect of my deccisiion on thee neext genneraatioon, andd onn thhe ffutuure of peaace andd frreeddom in Ameericca, andd inn thhe wworlld.Let uus aall undders

11、stannd tthatt thhe qquesstioon bbefoore us is nott whhethher somme AAmerricaans aree foor ppeacce aand somme AAmerricaans aree aggainnst peaace. Thhe qquesstioon aat iissuue iis nnot wheetheer JJohnnsonns warr beecommes Nixxons wwar. Thhe ggreaat qquesstioon iis: Howw caan wwe wwin Ameericcass peeac

12、ee?Well, leet uus tturnn noow tto tthe funndammenttal isssue: Whhy aand howw diid tthe Uniitedd Sttatees bbecoome invvolvved in Vieetnaam iin tthe firrst plaace? Fiifteeen yeaars agoo Noorthh Viietnnam, wiith thee loogissticcal suppporrt oof CCommmuniist Chiina andd thhe SSoviiet Uniion, laauncchedd

13、 a cammpaiign to impposee a Commmunnistt gooverrnmeent on Souuth Vieetnaam bby iinsttigaatinng aand suppporrtinng aa reevollutiion.In reespoonsee too thhe rrequuestt off thhe GGoveernmmentt off Soouthh Viietnnam, Prresiidennt EEiseenhoowerr seent ecoonommic aidd annd mmiliitarry eequiipmeent to asss

14、istt thhe ppeopple of Souuth Vieetnaam iin ttheiir eeffoortss too prreveent a CCommmuniist takkeovver. Seevenn yeearss aggo, Preesiddentt Keenneedy sennt 116,0000 millitaary perrsonnnell too Viietnnam as commbatt addvisserss. FFourr yeearss aggo, Preesiddentt Joohnsson sennt AAmerricaan ccombbat for

15、rcess too Soouthh Viietnnam.Now mmanyy beelieeve thaat PPressideent Johhnsoonss deecissionn too seend Ameericcan commbatt foorcees tto SSoutth VViettnamm waas wwronng. Andd maany othherss, II ammongg thhem, haave beeen sstroonglly ccritticaal oof tthe wayy thhe wwar hass beeen connducctedd.But tthe

16、queestiion faccingg uss toodayy iss: NNow thaat wwe aare in thee waar, whaat iis tthe besst wway to endd itt?In Jaanuaary I ccoulld oonlyy coonclludee thhat thee prreciipittatee wiithddrawwal of alll Ammeriicann foorcees ffromm Viietnnam wouuld be a ddisaasteer nnot onlly ffor Souuth Vieetnaam bbut

17、forr thhe UUnitted Staatess annd ffor thee caausee off peeacee.For tthe Souuth Vieetnaamesse, ourr prreciipittatee wiithddrawwal wouuld ineevittablly aalloow tthe Commmunnistts tto rrepeeat thee maassaacrees wwhicch ffollloweed ttheiir ttakeeoveer iin tthe Norrth 15 yeaars befforee. TTheyy thhen mur

18、rderred morre tthann 500,0000 ppeopple andd huundrredss off thhoussandds mmoree diied in slaave labbor cammps.We saaw aa prreluude of whaat wwoulld hhapppen in Souuth Vieetnaam wwhenn thhe CCommmuniistss ennterred thee ciity of Huee laast yeaar. Durringg thheirr brrieff ruule theere, thheree waas aa

19、 bllooddy rreiggn oof tterrror in whiich 3,0000 civviliianss weere cluubbeed, shoot tto ddeatth, andd buurieed iin mmasss grravees.With thee suuddeen ccolllapsse oof oour suppporrt, theese atrrociitiees aat HHue wouuld beccomee thhe nnighhtmaare of thee enntirre nnatiion andd paartiicullarlly ffor t

20、hee miilliion-andd-a hallf CCathholiic rrefuugeees wwho fleed tto SSoutth VViettnamm whhen thee Coommuunissts toook ooverr inn thhe NNortth.For tthe Uniitedd Sttatees tthiss fiirstt deefeaat iin oour nattionns hisstorry wwoulld rresuult in a ccolllapsse oof cconffideencee inn Ammeriicann leeadeershh

21、ip nott onnly in Asiia bbut thrrougghouut tthe worrld.Threee Ammeriicann Prresiidennts havve rrecoogniizedd thhe ggreaat sstakkes invvolvved in Vieetnaam aand unddersstoood wwhatt haad tto bbe ddonee.In 19963 Preesiddentt Keenneedy witth hhis chaaraccterristtic elooqueencee annd cclarrityy saaid,We

22、wwantt too seee aa sttablle GGoveernmmentt thheree, carrryiing on thee aa sstruugglle tto mmainntaiin iits nattionnal inddepeendeencee. We bellievve sstroonglly iin tthatt. WWe aare nott gooingg too wiithddraww frrom thaat eeffoort. Inn myy oppiniion, foor uus tto wwithhdraaw ffromm thhat efffortt w

23、oouldd meean a ccolllapsse nnot onlly oof SSoutth VViettnamm buut SSouttheaast Asiia. So were goiing to staay ttherre.? Presiidennt EEiseenhoowerr annd PPressideent Johhnsoon eexprresssed thee saame conncluusioon dduriing theeir terrms of offficee.For tthe futturee off peeacee, ppreccipiitatte wwith

24、hdraawall woouldd bee a dissastter of immmensse mmagnnituude. A nattionn caannoot rremaain greeat if it bettrayys iits allliess annd lletss doown itss frriennds. Ouur ddefeeat andd huumilliattionn inn Soouthh Viietnnam witthouut qquesstioon wwoulld pprommotee reeckllesssnesss iin tthe couunciils of

25、thoose greeat powwerss whho hhavee noot yyet abaandoonedd thheirr gooalss off woorldds cconqquesst. Thiis wwoulld ssparrk vviollencce wwherreveer oour commmittmennts hellp mmainntaiin tthe peaace - in thee Miiddlle EEastt, iin BBerllin, evventtuallly eveen iin tthe Wessterrn HHemiisphheree. UUltiima

26、ttelyy, tthiss woouldd coost morre llivees. It wouuld nott brringg peeacee. IIt wwoulld bbrinng mmoree waar.For tthesse rreassonss I rejjectted thee reecommmenndattionn thhat I sshouuld endd thhe wwar by immmediiateely witthdrrawiing alll off ouur fforcces. I choose inssteaad tto cchannge Ameericcan

27、 pollicyy onn booth thee neegottiattingg frrontt annd tthe batttlee frrontt inn orrderr too ennd tthe warr fooughht oon mmanyy frrontts. I iinittiatted a ppurssuitt foor ppeacce oon mmanyy frrontts. In a tteleevissionn sppeecch oon MMay 14, inn a speeechh beeforre tthe Uniitedd Naatioons, onn a numm

28、berr off ottherr occcassionns, I sset forrth ourr peeacee prropoosalls iin ggreaat ddetaail. We haave offfereed tthe commpleete witthdrrawaal oof aall outtsidde fforcces witthinn onne yyearr. WWe hhavee prropoosedd a ceaase firre uundeer iinteernaatioonall suuperrvissionn. We havve ooffeeredd frree

29、eleectiionss unnderr innterrnattionnal suppervvisiion witth tthe Commmunnistts ppartticiipattingg inn thhe oorgaanizzatiion andd coonduuct of thee ellecttionns aas aan oorgaanizzed pollitiicall foorcee. AAnd thee Saaigoon ggoveernmmentt haas ppleddgedd too accceppt tthe ressultt off thhe eelecctioon

30、.We haave nott puut ffortth oour proopossalss onn a takke-iit-oor-lleavve-iit bbasiis. We havve iindiicatted thaat wwerre wwilllingg too diiscuuss thee prropoosalls tthatt haave beeen pput forrth by thee ottherr siide. Wee haave decclarred thaat aanytthinng iis nnegootiaablee, eexceept thee riightt

31、off thhe ppeopple of Souuth Vieetnaam tto ddeteermiine theeir ownn fuuturre.At thhe PPariis ppeacce cconffereencee Ammbasssaddor Loddge hass deemonnstrrateed oour fleexibbiliity andd goood faiith in 40 pubblicc meeetiingss. HHanooi hhas reffuseed eevenn too diiscuuss ourr prropoosalls. Theey ddemaan

32、d ourr unnconndittionnal acccepttancce oof ttheiir ttermms wwhicch aare thaat wwe wwithhdraaw aall Ameericcan forrcess immmeddiattelyy annd uuncoondiitioonallly andd thhat we oveerthhroww thhe ggoveernmmentt off Soouthh Viietnnam as we leaave.We haave nott liimitted ourr peeacee innitiiatiivess too

33、puubliic fforuums andd puubliic sstattemeentss. II reecoggnizzed in Jannuarry tthatt a lonng aand bittterr waar llikee thhis usuuallly ccannnot be setttleed iin aa puubliic fforuum. Thaat iis wwhy in addditiion to thee puubliic sstattemeentss annd nnegootiaatioons, I havve eexplloreed eeverry pposss

34、iblle pprivvatee avvenuue tthatt miightt leead to a ssetttlemmentt.Tonigght, I am takkingg thhe uunprreceedenntedd sttep of disscloosinng tto yyou somme oof oour othher iniitiaativves forr peeacee, iinittiattivees wwe uundeertoook priivattelyy annd ssecrretlly bbecaausee wee thhougght we theerebby m

35、mighht oopenn a dooor wwhicch ppublliclly wwoulld bbe cclossed.I didd noot wwaitt foor mmy iinauugurratiion to beggin my queest forr peeacee. SSoonn affterr myy ellecttionn, tthrooughh ann inndivviduual whoo waas ddireectlly iin cconttactt onn a perrsonnal bassis witth tthe leaaderrs oof NNortth VVi

36、ettnamm, II maade twoo prrivaate offferss foor aa raapidd, ccompprehhenssivee seettllemeent. Haanoiis reppliees ccallled in efffectt foor oour surrrennderr beeforre nnegootiaatioons. Siincee thhe SSoviiet Uniion furrnisshess moost of thee miilittaryy eqquippmennt ffor Norrth Vieetnaam, Seccrettaryy

37、off Sttatee Roogerrs, my asssisttantt foor nnatiionaal ssecuuritty aaffaairss, DDr. Kisssinngerr, AAmbaassaadorr Loodgee annd II peersoonallly havve mmet on a nnumbber of occcasiionss wiith reppressenttatiivess off thhe SSoviiet Govvernnmennt tto eenliist theeir asssisttancce iin ggetttingg meeaniin

38、gfful neggotiiatiionss sttartted. Inn adddittionn, wwe hhavee haad eexteendeed ddisccusssionns ddireecteed ttowaard thaat ssamee ennd wwithh reepreesenntattivees oof ootheer ggoveernmmentts wwhicch hhavee diiploomattic rellatiionss wiith Norrth Vieetnaam.None of theese iniitiaativves havve tto ddate

39、e prroduucedd reesullts. Inn miid-JJulyy I beccamee coonviinceed tthatt itt waas nneceessaary to makke aa maajorr moove to breeak thee deeadllockk inn thhe PPariis ttalkks. I sspokke ddireectlly iin tthiss offficce, wheere I?mm noow ssitttingg, wwithh ann inndivviduual whoo haad kknowwn HHo CChi Min

40、nh oon aa peersoonall baasiss foor 225 yyearrs. Thrrouggh hhim I ssentt a lettterr too Hoo Chhi MMinhh. II diid tthiss ouutsiide of thee ussuall diiploomattic chaanneels witth tthe hoppe tthatt wiith thee neecesssitty oof mmakiing staatemmentts ffor proopaggandda rremoovedd, ttherre mmighht bbe ccon

41、sstruuctiive proogreess towwardd brringgingg thhe wwar to an endd.Let mme rreadd frrom thaat llettter to youu noow: Deaar MMr. Preesiddentt: I reaalizze tthatt itt iss diiffiicullt tto ccommmuniicatte mmeanninggfullly acrrosss thhe ggulff off foour yeaars of warr. BBut preecisselyy beecauuse of thii

42、s ggulff I wanntedd too taake thiis ooppoortuunitty tto rreafffirrm iin aall sollemnnityy myy deesirre tto wworkk foor aa juust peaace. I deeeplyy beelieeve thaat tthe warr inn Viietnnam hass goone on tooo loong andd deelayy inn brringgingg itt too ann ennd ccan bennefiit nno oone, leeastt off alll

43、tthe peooplee off Viietnnam. Thhe ttimee haas ccomee too moove forrwarrd aat tthe connferrencce ttablle ttowaard an earrly ressoluutioon oof tthiss trragiic wwar. Yoou wwilll fiind us forrthccomiing andd oppen-minndedd inn a commmonn effforrt tto bbrinng tthe bleessiingss off peeacee too thhe bbravv

44、e ppeopple of Vieetnaam. Lett hiistoory reccordd thhat at thiis ccritticaal jjunccturre bbothh siidess tuurneed ttheiir ffacee toowarrd ppeacce rrathher thaan ttowaard connfliict andd waar.I recceivved Ho Chii Miinhs rreplly oon AAuguust 30, thhreee daays befforee hiis ddeatth. It simmplyy reeiteera

45、tted thee puubliic pposiitioon NNortth VViettnamm haad ttakeen aat PPariis aand flaatlyy reejecctedd myy innitiiatiive. Thhe ffulll teext of botth llettterss iss beeingg reeleaasedd too thhe ppresss.In adddittionn too thhe ppubllic meeetinngs thaat II haave refferrred to, Ammbasssaddor Loddge hass m

46、eet wwithh Viietnnams cchieef nnegootiaatorr inn Paariss inn 111 prrivaate sesssioons. Annd wwe hhavee taakenn ottherr siigniificcantt innitiiatiivess whhichh muust remmainn seecreet tto kkeepp oppen somme cchannnells oof ccommmuniicattionns wwhicch mmay stiill proove to be prooducctivve.But tthe ef

47、ffectt off alll tthe pubblicc, pprivvatee, aand seccrett neegottiattionns wwhicch hhavee beeen undderttakeen ssincce tthe bommbinng hhaltt a yeaar aago, annd ssincce tthiss Addminnisttrattionn caame intto ooffiice on Jannuarry 220thh, ccan be summmedd upp inn onne ssenttencce: No proogreess whaatevv

48、er hass beeen madde eexceept agrreemmentt onn thhe sshappe oof tthe barrgaiininng ttablle.Well, noow, whoos at fauult? IItss beecomme ccleaar tthatt thhe oobsttaclle iin nnegootiaatinng aan eend to thee waar iis nnot thee Prresiidennt oof tthe Uniitedd Sttatees. It is nott thhe SSoutth VViettnammese

49、e Gooverrnmeent. Thhe oobsttaclle iis tthe othher siddess abbsollutee reefussal to shoow tthe leaast willlinngneess to joiin uus iin sseekkingg a jusst ppeacce. Andd itt wiill nott doo soo whhilee itt iss coonviinceed tthatt alll iit hhas to do is to waiit ffor ourr neext conncesssioon, andd ouur nn

50、extt coonceessiion aftter thaat oone, unntill itt geets eveerytthinng iit wwantts.Theree caan nnow be no lonngerr anny qquesstioon tthatt prrogrresss inn neegottiattionn deepennds onlly oon HHanooi s ddeciidinng tto nnegootiaate - to neggotiiatee seerioouslly. I rreallizee thhat thiis rrepoort on ou

51、rr effforrts on thee diiploomattic froont is disscouuraggingg too thhe AAmerricaan ppeopple, buut tthe Ameericcan peooplee arre eentiitleed tto kknoww thhe ttrutth - tthe badd neews as welll aas tthe goood nnewss - whheree thhe llivees oof oour youung menn arre iinvoolveed.Now llet me turrn, howweve

52、er, to a mmoree enncouuraggingg reeporrt oon aanottherr frrontt. AAt tthe timme wwe llaunncheed oour seaarchh foor ppeacce, I rrecoogniizedd wee miightt noot ssuccceedd inn brringgingg ann ennd tto tthe warr thhrouugh neggotiiatiionss. II thhereeforre pput intto eeffeect anootheer pplann too brringg

53、 peeacee - a plaan wwhicch wwilll brringg thhe wwar to an endd reegarrdleess of whaat hhapppenss onn thhe nnegootiaatinng ffronnt. It is in linne wwithh thhe mmajoor sshifft iin UU. SS. fforeeignn pooliccy wwhicch II deescrribeed iin mmy ppresss cconffereencee att Guuam on Jully 225. Lett mee brrief

54、fly expplaiin wwhatt haas bbeenn deescrribeed aas tthe Nixxon Docctriine - a ppoliicy whiich nott onnly willl hhelpp ennd tthe warr inn Viietnnam butt whhichh iss ann esssenntiaal eelemmentt off ouur pproggramm too prreveent futturee Viietnnamss.We Ammeriicanns aare a ddo-iit-yyourrsellf ppeopple -

55、were an imppatiientt peeoplle. Innsteead of teaachiing sommeonne eelsee too doo a jobb, wwe llikee too doo itt ouurseelvees. Annd tthiss trraitt haas bbeenn caarriied oveer iintoo ouur fforeeignn pooliccy. In Korrea, annd aagaiin iin VViettnamm, tthe Uniitedd Sttatees ffurnnishhed mosst oof tthe mon

56、ney, moost of thee arrms, annd mmostt off thhe mmen to hellp tthe peooplee off thhosee coounttriees ddefeend theeir freeedoom aagaiinstt Coommuunisst aaggrresssionn.Beforre aany Ameericcan trooopss weere commmitttedd too Viietnnam, a leaaderr off annothher Asiian couuntrry eexprresssed thiis oopinni

57、onn too mee whhen I wwas traavellingg inn Assia as a pprivvatee ciitizzen. Hee saaid: ?Wheen yyou aree trryinng tto aassiist anootheer nnatiion deffendd itts ffreeedomm, UU.S. pooliccy sshouuld be to hellp tthemm fiightt thhe wwar, buut nnot to figght thee waar ffor theem.? Well in acccorddancce wwi

58、thh thhis wisse ccounnsell, II laaid dowwn iin GGuamm thhreee prrincciplles as guiidellinees ffor futturee Ammeriicann pooliccy ttowaard Asiia. Firrst, thhe UUnitted Staatess wiill keeep aall of itss trreatty ccommmitmmentts. Seccondd, wwe sshalll pprovvidee a shiieldd iff a nuccleaar ppoweer tthree

59、ateens thee frreeddom of a nnatiion allliedd wiith us, orr off a nattionn whhosee suurviivall wee coonsiiderr viitall too ouur ssecuuritty. Thiird, inn caasess innvollvinng ootheer ttypees oof aaggrresssionn wee shhalll fuurniish millitaary andd ecconoomicc asssisstannce wheen rrequuestted in acccor

60、ddancce wwithh ouur ttreaaty commmittmennts. BBut we shaall loook tto tthe nattionn diirecctlyy thhreaatenned to asssumee thhe pprimmaryy reespoonsiibillityy off prroviidinng tthe mannpowwer forr itts ddefeensee.Afterr I annnounncedd thhis pollicyy, II fooundd thhat thee leeadeers of thee Phhiliippi


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