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2、3510-InternalIdentificationThis document is the property of GEDI. It must not be used, reproduced, transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of GEDI. 本文件之产权属于广东省电力设计研究院。未获我批准:张审核:张校对:郑编写:孙轶- PAGE 6GUANGDONGELECTRICPOWERDESIGNCHAPTER5-OPERATING Normal operation is with one of the

3、two circulating pumps (201PO or 202PO) in operation. TheotherpumpisreadyforautomaticstartingintheeventoflowpumpdischargeThe admission of auxiliary steam to the calorifier is controlled by the outlet temperature of the water which regulates a steam control valve (202VV) to maintain the water temperat

4、ure at 95. Normal drainage of condensate from this calorifier is via a steam trap to the steam transformer system STR.Anyleakagefromthesystemis madeupbywaterfromtheheadtank(201BA). Any air entrained in the system is released via the same head tank.Water quality is maintained by operation of the Chem

5、ical Sampling System SIT and the Chemical Reagents Injection System SIR.Hot water distributes at a temperature of 95to the different heating coils. After circulation through the building heating systems it returns to outside nuclear island at a temperature of about 60 which may vary depending on the

6、 heat load.ABCDEFGGUANGDONGELECTRICPOWERDESIGN NotABCDEFGGUANGDONGELECTRICPOWERDESIGN NotABCDEFGGUANGDONGELECTRICPOWERDESIGNSTARTUPANDNORMALStartWiththecirculatingsystemfullofwatercheckThemakeupisolator(201VD)totheheadtankisopenandthewatersystemisThesuctionanddischargevalvesofbothpumpsareopen(201VL,

7、202VL,205VL&The inlet and outlet isolators (212VL & 207VL) of the normally operating drain trap are open and the inlet and outlet isolators (213VL & 214VL) of the standby drain trap and bypass valve (228VL) are closed.The drain isolator 229VL to the Steam Transformer system STR is open, and the drai

8、n isolator 215VL to the blowdown vessel system VVP is closed.Start the selectedpump then openthe inlet isolating valve (203VV) oftheauxiliary steamcontrol Closetheinletisolatingvalve(203VV)oftheauxiliarysteamcontrolvalve. Shut down the pumps.ABCDEFGGUANGDONGELECTRICPOWERDESIGNOTHER AlternativeIn the

9、 event of the STR system being unavailable then the calorifier condensate drain may be diverted to the blowdown vessel on system VVP. To do this the operator must close the isolator valve 229VL to the STR system and open the isolator valve 215VL to access the VVP system.In the event of a failure of

10、drain trap 9SES201PU a low temperature alarm at the calorifier water outlet will be activated on the CCR DCS. In this case the operator must close the inlet and outlet isolators (212VL & 207VL) of the normally operating drain trap and open the inlet (213VL) and outlet isolator (214VL) of the emergen

11、cy drain trap.ABCDEFGGUANGDONGELECTRICPOWERDESIGNCONTROLWater Circulating Pumps (201PO & 202PO) Localandremotecontrolwithrunningindication. Prevent start if low water level in header tank.Pumpshavedischargepressuregaugeandcommondischargepressuresensor. Header tank has level sensor and water level in

12、dicator.Autostartofstandbypumpwhencommondischargepressurefallsbelowlowpressuresetpoint. Auto stop when header tank level falls below low level set point.AuxiliarySteamInletValvetoCalorifierThe auxiliary steam supply to the calorifier is regulated by means of a modulating control valve. The position of the valve is dependent upon the outlet water temperature.Calorifier Th


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