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初中英语外研七年级上册Module 5 My school day七年级英语上册52教案_第5页




1、“自学互帮导学法”课堂教学设计课 题Module5 My school dayUnit2 We start work at nine oclock.课时2课 型综合修改意见教学目标1. 掌握下列单词和短语: go to school, weekday, get up, have breakfast, start2. 掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(1) I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday and Sunday.(2)I get up at half past seven in the morning, and then have break

2、fast.教学重点学会使用一般现在时态描述习惯性或习惯性的动作。教学难点学会使用一般现在时态描述习惯性或习惯性的动作。学情分析本模块一单元学生学习了钟点的表达和表示日常活动的动词及短语,为本课学习用非三人称表达一天的日常活动打下了一定基础。但还要学习一些新的动词短语,且要熟练使用动词短语整句表达日常活动需要多加口笔头练习。学法指导先复习巩固时间表达和日常活动动词,再学习部分新动词并进行证据表达,做到了化难为易,循序渐进。歌曲,游戏能较好的激发学生的学习兴趣。先阅读理解课文,再借鉴使用所学知识表达自己的日常活动,能较好的巩固和深化基础知识,培养学生口笔头表达的能力学以致用的良好习惯。教 学 过

3、程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见Step I Warming up.Enjoy an English song from Disney English. “Tick Tock Time”StepIIPresentation.1. Game (对学生进行分组,每组一个钟,条件允许用实物,条件不允许可以用画的钟面。每次每组学生参与活动,本组的闹钟走5分钟)2. Ts school dayStep III Speaking. 1. Words and phrases 3. GameStep IV Listen and read.1. Listen2. Read a

4、nd match3. Read4. Retell Step V Write. 1、T: Good morning,everyone! Do you like the song? Lets sing it together. What time is it now?2、 T: Yes, we start our lessons at 8:00 in the morning.We can also say: Our lessons start at 8:00 in the morning.(8:00am)1、 T: Weve learned how to read time on a clock.

5、 Lets play a game. Ill show you different time about your lessons of today. If you can give me the correct sentence, the clock of your group can get 5 minutes.(教师出示当天课程的不同上课时间,引导学生用We have English/at 8:00am/.来表达。) T: What time is it on your clock? T: So Group A is the fastest now.2、T: What time is i

6、t? (show the time 6:00am) T: Yes, I get up at 6 oclock. (early)Then I have breakfast at 6:30 am and I go t school at 7am.Lessons start at 8:00 am in our school.I even dont have a break in the morning. What a busy morning! T: Are you busy every day? Is your school day busy?Teacher shows pictures one

7、by one for Ss to learn phrases.(一幅图片,一个短语,一个句子,一个学生) get up have a breakfast go to school have lessons have a break have lunch go home have dinner do ones homework go to bedT: Wow, in your school days you have so many things to do. You are very busy, too.Can you talk to your partners about you schoo

8、l day? (Activity 5)T: You did a very good job. Just now we learned so many words and phrases to describe our school day. Can you find friends for these phrases? Then read the phrases together.T: What time is it on your clock? T: So Group is the fastest now.A. T: Weve said sth. about our school life.

9、 Today Ill introduce a new friend to you-Alex Greenall (跟读). Whats his school life like? Please listen with your books closed. Find out: Where is Alex from? What school is he in?B. Please read the text in silence and try to match the pictures with the phrases and time.C. Please read the text aloud a

10、nd try to finish Activity 3.D. Weve learned a lot about Alex. If youre Alex, can you tell your Chinese friend your school life.(复述课文)T: Do you like your school life now? Lets work in small groups of four, discuss whether you like your school life now. If your group like it, write a passage about “ m

11、y school day”. If your group doesnt like it, what kind of school life do you prefer? Please write down “ my ideal school day”.Ss present.T: What time is it on your clock? T: So Group is the fastest now.So todays winner is Group . Congratulations to them!1、Ss: Its 8:00 oclock.2、学生能识别上午和下午的英文简写标志:am和p

12、m。分组讨论,派代表抢答。各小组出示钟面,回答钟面时间,看谁时钟走得多走得快。Group A,B,C,D: Its 2、 Ss: Its 6:00 oclock.学生小组内按时间先后自我介绍自己一天的活动,相互纠错,最后派代表面对全体同学介绍。学生组内相互提示完成口语表达:I get up at half past six.(一个学生跟读) S1: I get up at 6:30 am.(生齐读)(以下方法类似)学生同桌相互介绍一天活动,相互纠错。Group A,B,C,D: Its .Pair work and showGroup work and show .Group work and

13、 show .Group work and show .Group work and show .Group A,B,C,D: Its .这首歌涉及时间表达,节奏明快,单词简单易学,易于激发学生兴趣。对第一单元的时间和学科的表达进行复习,并以竞赛的模式激起学生的竞争意识。呈现表述教师一天活动的词组。以图片和短语的形式让学生说my school day以及时间的表达,生动直观。完成Activity5让学生用句子来表达my school day运用比赛的形式对have/go/do进行归类通过听,初步掌握Alex的基本信息。完成Activity1,2完成Activity3根据表格进行课文复述,巩固句型让学生讨论他们是否满意目前的学校生活。如满意,可以写写my school day。如不满意,写写my ideal school day。知识的产出,深化。板书设计Module 7 Unit 2 My school dayWe start our lessons at 8:00 in the morning.Our lessons start at 8:00


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