五年级下册英语第五单元测试卷unit 5_第1页
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1、五年级英语册第五单元验卷( Unit )Name_ Calss_ Mark_听部 下 分1. A B A B3. A B A B A B 分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据 分) are at the sports in a _. All _very now. are _ in the The are _. What you the river. _ 分)1( A. Yes, are. ( A. I see a I see rabbits a C. I two kangaroos and a ( A. Yes, B. t. C. The dogs

2、( A. s B. Its walking. C. s jumping. ( A. Yes, fighting. They swimming.C. 五、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列的句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打 “不相符的打“ 分)( There in the nature park.( father ( leaves.( Sister much.( eating, too.笔部六、根据答句写问句 分) _? kangaroos are jumping. _? it isnt. bear is _?Yes, I can see two They _?It st Day. _? I can

3、 plant 七、根据上下文的意思,补全下列对话 ) Ken: 2 I two Ken: are the river.Ken: Theyre swimming.Ken: can really swim.Ken: No, I t any elephants.八、结合上下文和图画的意思在下面的短文的空格上填写适当的单词短文补 充完整10 分)Look at here. monkey is _. are the elephants _ by river. kangaroos _ look there, little _under 九、作文:看图写一写图上的动物正在干什么,写 句话10 分) 十、阅读

4、理解,选择正确的答案,把编号写在前面的括号里10 )Miss is a primary She very responsible 负责) she loves all gets 6:20 in morning. morning up 5:40, because she is on today. she for3classes home, she 6:50. At 7:00, she comes to in canteen. At at ( 大门) of school for her students to back school.( When Miss White usually get in

5、morning? At B. At 5:40. C. At ( Why Miss White up morning? she loves all students.B. on today.C. she gets for ( Where she At home. B. In 餐厅 C. In canteen. ( What Miss White a teacher. B. an C. She is a math ( she ready for classes this Yes, she B. she does. C. she doesn附题选填(10 )( No, cant. B. swimmi

6、ng C. swims( What is mom _ cooking your. Hes B. you. C. your s( a call to you B. for you C. at ( _ the sleeping? Is B. Are C. Do( _ the fish? They in river. Where B. What C. ( _ pencil do you like best? I like the Which B. Where C. ( Why do you like summer? Because I _ on B. in C. at( _ usually to a

7、t No, she t. Do B. Does( s the _? It October _, our Day. B. .1stC. day.1st( How _ you? I much B. C. 4小学五年级英语下册第五单元测试卷班级姓名成绩共 10 题,每小题 1 A. C. A. A. 7th thC. 17th ) 4 、 A. s C. Childrens 5 A. drinking drinking C. drinking A. B.class C .pass A. hard B.park C.car A. slip slippers C.sheep A. smile 10 li

8、ves in Canada. B.Koala lives in 共 10 题,每小题 1 5 ( ) ( ) ) 4.( ) ) ( ) 7. ( )( )8.They live in ( )9.My mother cooking dinner.( )10.The water with its trunk.共 小题 2 ( )1、A. Yes,they can. B.No,they can t. ( )2、A. I and B. I rabbits kangaroo. see two kangaroos and ( )3、A. Yes,they B. No,they arent. The (

9、)4、A. Yes,they B. Yes,theyre friends. C.No, aren( isnt. B. Yes,it is. C. Its beautiful. 四、听音,填词(共 5 题 ,每空 1 分)1_a big nature its very big.2Look,the monkeys can in 63Welcome to meeting. Look! The _. _ _.4What _the sleeping.5 、 at _. re trees. re 话 判10 分( )1、Zhang and Amy watching TV.( )2、The kangaroo

10、s t fighting.( )3、The koalas ( )4、The mother is ( )5、Zhang and like The Animal World.笔试部分共 题 2 分 you like the is it? What doing? you see animals?A:_?B: Yes. I can see many animals.A: _.B:The tigers are fighting. are sleeping.A: Can see kangaroos?B: Yes.7A: _?B:The monkey is A:I kangaroos ._?B: Yes,I

11、 共 题 2 分Its day in summer. It season, I swimming river. favourite season not summer, its spring. I have a There are many beautiful in Its the I pick fruits trees and the leaves trees I can find things to ( )1、Is it now? it is . B.No,it not.( )2、Which you like best?A. I like spring best. B. I like ( )3、 in spring?A.I like the I like fall.( )4、Are the in winter? are. B. No,they ( )5、 you in fall?8A. I can B. I can fruits. 共 10 空,每空 分)jumping are flying bird is fly swimming tiger in _ in zoo. Look! _ The The m


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