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1、浅谈英文论文写作与投稿的几点经验报告人:汇报内容1. 论文写作中易犯的几个错误2. 投稿过程中的几点注意事项3. 关于审稿信的回复1. 论文写作中易犯的错误 “删繁就简三秋树,标新立异二月花”论文中的数据并非越多越好;要以最精炼的语言和最精简的图片把问题说清楚;突出重点,突出新意;自己都解释不清楚的公式、定理等等最好不要写上去,以免给审稿人留下把柄。以最近Materials Letters接收的文章为例最初时:Title:“Biomimetic Fabrication of Hydroxyapatite Assisted with Bamboo Membrane” (无新意,不能吸引眼球)8

2、figures, 19 equations, 26 pages修改后:Title:“Fabrication of Flower-like Hydroxyapatite Agglomerates with the Assistant of Bamboo Membrane”5 figures, no equations, 8 pages.RejectAccept“提纲法”非常有用可以找几篇与自己想要撰写的文章相近的文献(最好是大牛写的),看看人家是怎么组织内容的,分别总结他们的写作提纲;在此基础上理清思路,列出自己的提纲;开始动手写作。“站在巨人的肩膀上”来构思我们的论文。关于文章的结构组织:Th

3、e flower-like hydroxyapatite agglomerates formed on the upper side and lower side of an egg-shell membrane were intensively investigated through a unique designed crystallizer. Firstly the ion driving force was calculated in theory. In addition the influences of various factors, such as temperature,

4、 pH value, and holding time, on the morphology and crystallinity of the agglomerates, were studied in detail by means of FESEM, TEM and XRD. It was found that flower-like hydroxyapatite agglomerates with high crystallinity can be produced under higher temperature, larger pH value, and moderated hold

5、ing time, which is significant to the formation process of bone. 主编Dr. Brush(英国人)将其修改为:多读欧美人写的文献,学习其写作方法,将好的句子记录下来,自己写文章时就可以用到;多积累,培养语感;写作时尽量使用短的简单句,长难句往往让人看得很费劲,并容易留下把柄;多跟写作经验丰富的老师和同学交流,请他们帮忙修改。排版尽量清楚、整洁:字体一般为Times New Roman,字号一般为小四,2倍行距;为了便于审稿,最好加上行号;Tips:最初: Small (IF6), Advanced Materials (IF8)T

6、itle:“Sea Cucumber-Like Hydroxyapatite: Cation-Exchange Membrane Assisted Synthesis and Application for Simultaneous Determination of Lead (II) and Cadmium (II)”拒稿理由:不符合投稿范围,内容偏重于电化学分析,过于专业化改投1: Biosensors & Bioelectrics (IF5)拒稿理由:不符合投稿范围,内容不是生物传感器改投2: Electrochemical Communications (IF4)拒稿理由:不符合投稿范

7、围,建议改投分析化学类期刊改投3: Talanta (IF3)拒稿理由:不符合投稿范围,建议另投它刊Give up?最终:Title: “Sea Cucumber-Like Hydroxyapatite: Cation-Exchange Membrane Assisted Synthesis and Application for Ultra-sensitive Heavy Metal”Chemical Communications (IF5)25/1投出,14/2收到主编的信:Dear Dr Zhang:I am pleased to inform you that your manuscr

8、ipt has been recommended for publication in ChemComm subject to revision in line with the attached reports.要多跟老师和有经验的学长们交流;不轻易放弃,在对数据结果有把握的基础上要敢于挑战影响因子高的期刊。Tips:Answer: Thank the referee for the comments. A definitive surface area value in not very informative in this case asthe surface coverage wil

9、l alter the surface area and thus a value is not very useful but rather the magnitude relative to the carbon paste electrode is more informative and can be ascertained by comparing the size of the peak heights for the SW-voltammetry of the cucumber-like hydroxyapatite to the CPE electrode which indicates the current observed from HAp is much higher in comparison with nearly neglected current from CPE electrode.结果:Dear Dr ZhangThank you for submitting your revised manuscript. I am satisfied with the changes you have made, and I am therefore pleased to


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