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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Cisco CCNP 842-813 examQuestion:1 uses layer 3 switches in the Core of their network. Which method of Layer 3switcchinng uusess a forrwarrdinng iinfoormaatioon bbasee (FFIB)?A. Toopollogyy-baasedd swwitcchinngB. Deemannd-bbaseed ss

2、wittchiingC. Rooutee caachiingD. Fllow-bassed swiitchhinggE. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: AQuesttionn:2You nneedd too deesiggn tthe VLAAN sscheeme forr thhe neetwoork. Whhichh twwo sstattemeentss arretrue aboout besst ppraccticces in VLAAN ddesiign? (SSeleect twoo)A. Roouti

3、ing shoouldd occcurr att thhe aacceess layyer if voiice VLAANs aree uttiliizedd. OOtheerwiise, rooutiingshoulld ooccuur aat tthe disstriibuttionn laayerr.B. Rooutiing shoouldd allwayys bbe pperfformmed at thee diistrribuutioon llayeer.C. VLLANss shhoulld bbe llocaalizzed to a sswittch.D. VLLANss shh

4、oulld bbe llocaalizzed to a ssinggle swiitchh unnlesss vvoicce VVLANNs aare beiing utiilizzed.E. Rooutiing shoouldd noot bbe pperfformmed bettweeen VVLANNs llocaatedd onn seeparratee swwitcchess.Answeer: B, CQuesttionn:3If yoou nneedded to traanspportt trrafffic commingg frrom mulltipple VLAANs (coo

5、nneecteed bbetwweenn swwitcchess),and yyourr CTTO wwas inssisttentt onn ussingg ann oppen staandaard, whhichh prrotoocoll woouldd yoou uuse?A. 8002.111BB. sppannningg-trreeC. 8002.11QD. ISSLE. VTTPF. Q.9211Answeer: CQuesttionn:4Underr whhat cirrcummstaancees sshouuld an admminiistrratoor ppreffer lo

6、ccal VLAANs oveer eend-to-enddVLANss?A. Eiightty pperccentt off trrafffic on thee neetwoork is desstinned forr Innterrnett siitess.B. Thheree arre ccommmon setts oof ttraffficc fiilteerinng rrequuireemennts forr woorkggrouups loccateed iin mmulttiplle builddinggs.C. Eiightty pperccentt off a worrkgr

7、roupps traaffiic iis tto tthe worrkgrroupps ownn loocall seerveer.D. Usserss arre ggrouupedd innto VLAANs inddepeendeent of phyysiccal loccatiion.E. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: AQuesttionn:5What aree soome virrtuees oof iimpllemeentiing endd-too-ennd VVLANNs? (Chhoosse ttw

8、o)A. Ennd-tto-eend VLAANs aree eaasy to mannagee.B. Usserss arre ggrouupedd innto VLAANs inddepeendeent of a pphyssicaal llocaatioon.C. Eaach VLAAN hhas a ccommmon sett off seecurrityy annd rresoourcce rrequuireemennts forr alll mmembberss.D. Reesouurcees aare resstriicteed tto aa siinglle llocaatio

9、on.Answeer: B, CQuesttionn:6Whichh off thhe ffolllowiing staatemmentts iis ttruee abboutt thhe 880/220 rrulee (SSeleect alll thhat appply)?A. 200 peerceent of thee trrafffic on a nnetwworkk seegmeent shoouldd bee loocallB. noo moore thaan 220 pperccentt off thhe nnetwworkk trrafffic shoouldd bee abb

10、le to movve aacrooss a bbackkbonne.C. noo moore thaan 880 pperccentt off thhe nnetwworkk trrafffic shoouldd bee abble to movve aacrooss a bbackkbonne.D. 800 peerceent of thee trrafffic on a nnetwworkk seegmeent shoouldd bee loocallAnsweer: B, DQuesttionn:7The LAAN iis bbecoominng ssatuuratted witth

11、bbroaadcaastss annd mmultticaast traaffiic. Whaat ccoulldyou ddo tto hhelpp a nettworrk wwithh maany mullticcastts aand brooadccastts?A. Crreattingg smmalller brooadccastt doomaiins by impplemmenttingg VLLANss.B. Seeparratee noodess innto diffferrentt huubs.C. Crreattingg laargeer bbroaadcaast domma

12、inns bby iimpllemeentiing VLAANs.D. Seeparratee noodess innto diffferrentt swwitcchess.E. Alll oof tthe aboove.Answeer: AQuesttionn:8The LAAN sswittchees aare beiing connfiggureed tto ssuppportt thhe uuse of Dynnamiic VVLANNs.Whichh off thhe ffolllowiing aree trrue of dynnamiic VVLANN meembeershhip?

13、 (SSeleect alll thhat appply)A. VLLAN memmberrshiip oof aa usser alwwayss reemaiins thee saame eveen wwhenn hee/shhe iis mmoveed ttoanothher loccatiion.B. VLLAN memmberrshiip oof aa usser alwwayss chhangges wheen hhe/sshe is movved to anootheer llocaatioon.C. Meembeershhip cann bee sttatiic oor ddyn

14、aamicc.D. Meembeershhip cann bee sttatiic oonlyy.E. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aapplly.Answeer: A, CQuesttionn:9The LAAN sswittchees aare beiing connfiggureed tto ssuppportt thhe uuse of Dynnamiic VVLANNs.What shoouldd bee coonsiiderred wheen iimpllemeentiing a ddynaamicc VLLAN sollutiio

15、n? (SSeleect twoo)A. Eaach swiitchh poort is asssignned to a sspeccifiic VVLANN.B. Dyynammic VLAANs reqquirre aa VLLAN Memmberrshiip PPoliicy Serrverr.C. Deevicces aree inn thhe ssamee VLLAN reggarddlesss oof wwhicch pportt thhey atttachh too.D. Dyynammic VLAAN aassiignmmentts aare madde tthrooughh

16、thhe ccommmandd liine intterffacee.Answeer: B, CQuesttionn:100In thhe tthreee-llayeer hhierrarcchiccal nettworrk ddesiign moddel; whhats aassoociaatedd wiith thee acccesss llayeer?(Seleect twoo)A. opptimmizeed ttrannspoort strructtureeB. hiigh porrt ddenssityyC. boounddaryy deefinnitiionD. daata enc

17、crypptioonE. loocall VLLANssF. rooutee suummaarieesAnsweer: B, EQuesttionn:111You aare asssignningg VLLANss too thhe pportts oof sswittch PG11. WWhatt VLLAN nummberr vaaluee iss annassiggnedd too thhe ddefaaultt VLLAN?A. VLLAN 10003B. VLLAN 1C. VLLAN OND. VLLAN AE. VLLAN 0Answeer: BQuesttionn:122The

18、 VVLANNs iin sswittch PG11 arre bbeinng mmodiifieed. Whiich of thee foolloowinng aare upddateed iin PPG1everyy tiime a VVLANN iss moodiffiedd? (Sellectt alll tthatt appplyy)A. Coonfiigurratiion revvisiion nummberrB. Coonfiigurratiion revvisiion flaag ffielldC. Coonfiigurratiion revvisiion resset swi

19、itchhD. Coonfiigurratiion revvisiion dattabaaseE. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aapplly.Answeer: A, DQuesttionn:133What is a ccharractteriistiic oof aassiigniing a sstattic VLAAN mmembbersshipp?A. VMMPS serrverr loookuup iis rrequuireedB. Eaasy to connfiggureeC. Eaasy of addds, movves, annd

20、 cchanngessD. Baasedd onn MAAC aaddrresss off thhe cconnnectted devviceeAnsweer: BQuesttionn:144Statiic VVLANNs aare beiing useed oon tthe neetwoork. Whhat is truue aabouut sstattic VLAANs?A. Deevicces usee DHHCP to reqquesst ttheiir VVLANN.B. Atttacchedd deevicces aree unnawaare of anyy VLLANss.C.

21、Deevicces aree asssiggnedd too VLLANss baasedd onn thheirr MAAC aaddrressses.D. Deevicces aree inn thhe ssamee VLLAN reggarddlesss oof wwhicch pportt thhey atttachh too.Answeer: BQuesttionn:155Two swwitcchess arre cconnnectted viaa a truunk usiing VTPP. WWhicch VVTP infformmatiion doeesa Cattalyyst

22、swiitchh addverrtisse oon iits truunk porrts wheen uusinng VVTP? (SSeleect twoo)A. STTP rroott sttatuusB. VTTP mmodeeC. Neegottiattionn sttatuusD. Maanaggemeent dommainnE. Coonfiigurratiion revvisiion nummberrAnsweer: D, EQuesttionn:166You nneedd too innvesstiggatee a VTPP prrobllem bettweeen ttwo s

23、wwitcchess. TThe lacck oof wwhicchtwo pprevventts VVTP infformmatiion froom pproppagaatinng bbetwweenn swwitcchess? (Sellectt twwo)A. A rooot VVTP serrverrB. A truunk porrtC. VTTP pprioorittyD. VLLAN 1E. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: B, DQuesttionn:177PG1 aand PG22 arre sswi

24、ttchees tthatt coommuuniccatee viia VVTP. Whhat is thee deefauult VTPPadverrtissemeent inttervvalss inn Caatallystt swwitcchess thhat aree inn seerveer oor cclieent modde?A. 300 seeconndsB. 5 minnuteesC. 1 minnuteeD. 100 seeconndsE. 5 secconddsF. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer

25、: BQuesttionn:188You wwantt too coonfiigurre sswittch PG11 too prropaagatte VVLANN innforrmattionn accrosss tthe netwoork usiing VTPP. WWhatt muust be connfiggureed oon aa Ciiscoo swwitcch iin oordeer tto aadveertiise VLAANinforrmattionn?A. VTTP mmodeeB. VTTP ppasssworrdC. VTTP rreviisioon nnumbberD

26、. VTTP pprunninggE. VTTP ddomaain nammeF. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: EQuesttionn:199The swwitcchess haave alll beeen upggradded to usee VTTP vverssionn 2. Whhat aree twwo bbeneefittsproviidedd inn VTTP VVerssionn 2 thaat aare nott avvaillablle iin VVTP Verrsioon 11? (Sell

27、ectt twwo)A. VTTP vverssionn 2 suppporrts Tokken Rinng VVLANNsB. VTTP vverssionn 2 alllowss VLLAN connsisstenncy cheeckssC. VTTP vverssionn 2 alllowss acctivve rreduundaant linnks wheen uusedd wiith spaanniing treeeD. VTTP vverssionn 2 redducees tthe amoountt off coonfiigurratiion neccesssaryyE. VTT

28、P vverssionn 2 savves VLAAN cconffiguurattionn meemorryAnsweer: A, BQuesttionn:200The neetwoork admminiistrratoor nneedds tto eenabble VTPP prruniing witthinn thhe netwoork. Whhat acttionn shhoulld aa neetwoork admminiistrratoor ttakee too ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aan eentiiremanaggemeent dommain

29、n?A. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aany swiitchh inn thhe mmanaagemmentt doomaiinB. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aany cliientt swwitcch iin tthe dommainnC. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aa VTTP sservver in thee maanaggemeent dommainnD. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon eeverry sswittch in thee doomaiinE. Noone

30、 of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: CQuesttionn:211VTP iis cconffiguuredd onn swwitcch PPG1. Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing feaaturres werre aaddeed iin VVTP verrsioon2 thaat wweree noot pprevviouuslyy suuppoorteed iin VVTP verrsioon 11? (Sellectt twwo)A. Suuppoortss Tookenn Riing VLAAN

31、s.B. Alllowws VVLANN coonsiisteencyy chheckks.C. Saavess VLLAN connfigguraatioon mmemoory.D. Reeducces thee ammounnt oof cconffiguurattionn neecesssarry.E. Alllowws aactiive reddunddantt liinkss whhen useed wwithh sppannningg trree.Answeer: A, BQuesttionn:222The swwitcchess arre cconffiguuredd too u

32、sse VVTP. Whhats ttruee abboutt thhe VVLANN trrunkkinggprotoocoll (VVTP)? (Sellectt twwo)A. VTTP mmesssagees wwilll noot bbe fforwwardded oveer nnonttrunnk llinkks.B. VTTP ddomaain nammes neeed tto bbe iidennticcal. Hoowevver, caase doeesnt mmattter.C. A VTPP ennablled devvicee whhichh reeceiivess m

33、uultiiplee addverrtissemeentss wiill ignnoree addverrtissemeentsswith higgherr coonfiigurratiion revvisiion nummberrs.D. A devvicee inn “ttrannspaarennt” VTPP v.1 mmodee wiill nott foorwaard VTPP meessaagess.E. VTTP pprunningg alllowws sswittchees tto pprunne VVLANNs tthatt doo noot hhavee anny aact

34、iive porrts asssociiateedwith theem.Answeer: A, DQuesttionn:233Switcch PPG1 andd PGG2 bbothh beelonng tto tthe VTTP ddomaain. Whhats ttruee abboutt thheswitcch ooperratiion in VTPP doomaiins? (SSeleect alll thhat appply)A. A swiitchh caan oonlyy reesidde iin oone mannageemennt ddomaainB. A swiitchh

35、iss liisteeninng tto VVTP advverttiseemennts froom ttheiir oown dommainn onnlyC. A swiitchh iss liisteeninng tto VVTP advverttiseemennts froom mmultti ddomaainssD. A swiitchh caan rresiide in onee orr moore dommainnsE. VTTP iis nno llongger suppporrtedd onn Caatallystt swwitcchessAnsweer: A, BQuestt

36、ionn:244VTP ddeviicess inn a nettworrk ttracck tthe VTPP reevissionn nuumbeer. Whaat iis aa VTTP cconffiguurattionnrevissionn nuumbeer?A. A nummberr foor iidenntiffyinng cchanngess too thhe nnetwworkk swwitcch.B. A nummberr foor iidenntiffyinng cchanngess too thhe nnetwworkk roouteer.C. A nummberr f

37、oor iidenntiffyinng cchanngess too thhe nnetwworkk toopollogyy.D. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aapplly.Answeer: CQuesttionn:255Switcch PPG1 is connfiggureed tto uuse thee VLLAN Truunkiing Prootoccol (VTTP). Whhat doees PPG1adverrtisse iin iits VTPP doomaiin?A. Thhe VVLANN IDD off alll kkno

38、wwn VVLANNs, thee maanaggemeent dommainn naame, annd tthe tottal nummberr offtrunkk liinkss onn thhe sswittch.B. Thhe VVLANN IDD off alll kknowwn VVLANNs, a 11-biit ccanooniccal forrmatt (CCF1 Inddicaatorr), andd thhe sswittchconfiigurratiion revvisiion nummberr.C. Thhe mmanaagemmentt doomaiin nname

39、e, tthe swiitchh coonfiigurratiion revvisiion nummberr, tthe knoownVLANss, aand theeir speeciffic parrameeterrs.D. A 2-bbytee TPPID witth aa fiixedd vaaluee off 0 xx81000 ffor thee maanaggemeent dommainn nuumbeer, theeswitcch cconffiguurattionn reevissionn nuumbeer, thee knnownn VLLANss, aand theeir

40、 speeciffic parrameeterrs.E. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aapplly.Answeer: CQuesttionn:266VTP sswittchees uuse advverttiseemennts to excchannge infformmatiion witth eeachh ottherr. WWhicch oof tthefolloowinng aadveertiisemmentt tyypess arre aassoociaatedd wiith VTPP? (Sellectt alll tthatt

41、appplyy)A. Doomaiin aadveertiisemmenttsB. Addverrtissemeent reqquessts froom cclieentssC. Suubseet aadveertiisemmenttsD. Suummaary advverttiseemenntsAnsweer: B, C, DQuesttionn:277Switcch PPG1 is parrt oof tthe VTTP ddomaain. Whhats ttruee off VTTP PPrunningg wiithiin tthissdomaiin? (Seelecct aall th

42、aat aapplly)A. Itt dooes nott prrunee trrafffic froom VVLANNs tthatt arre pprunningg-inneliigibbleB. VLLAN 1 iis aalwaays pruuninng-eeliggiblleC. itt wiill pruune traaffiic ffromm VLLANss thhat aree prruniing-ineeliggiblleD. VLLAN 2 iis aalwaays pruuninng-iinelligiibleeE. Noone of thee ottherr allte

43、rrnattivees aapplly.Answeer: AQuesttionn:288What acttionn shhoulld yyou exeecutte iif yyou wanntedd too ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon yyourr enntirremanaggemeent dommainn?A. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aany cliientt swwitcch iin tthe mannageemennt ddomaain.B. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aany swiitchh

44、inn thhe mmanaagemmentt doomaiin.C. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon eeverry sswittch in thee maanaggemeent dommainn.D. Ennablle VVTP pruuninng oon aa VTTP sservver in thee maanaggemeent dommainn.E. Diisabble VTPP prruniing on a VVTP serrverr inn thhe mmanaagemmentt doomaiin.Answeer: DQuesttionn:299Switc

45、ch PPG1 is connfiggureed wwithh VTTP. Whiich twoo VTTP mmodees wwilll maake PG11 caapabble of creeatiingand ddeleetinng VVLANNs oon iitseelf? (SSeleect twoo)A. CllienntB. SeerveerC. TrranssparrenttD. Paass-thrrougghE. Noo-neegottiatteAnsweer: B, CQuesttionn:300When thee Caatallystt swwitcch PPG1 is

46、enaableed tto uuse VTPP, wwhicch iinfoormaatioon ddoess itt addverrtisse oonits ttrunnk pportts? (Seelecct ttwo)A. VTTP mmodeeB. STTP rroott sttatuusC. Neegottiattionn sttatuusD. Maanaggemeent dommainnE. Coonfiigurratiion revvisiion nummberrAnsweer: D, EQuesttionn:311Two swwitcchess arre cconnnectte

47、d viaa a truunk linnk. In thiis nnetwworkk, tthe oriiginnal fraame isencappsullateed aand an addditiionaal hheadder is addded befforee thhe fframme iis ccarrriedd ovver a ttrunnk llinkk.At thhe rreceeiviing endd, tthe heaaderr iss reemovved andd thhe fframme iis fforwwardded to thee asssiggnedd VLLA

48、N.This desscriibess whhichh teechnnoloogy?A. DIISLB. ISSLC. DTTPD. IEEEE 8022.1QQE. MPPLSF. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: BQuesttionn:322The coore swiitchhes usee 8002.11Q ttrunnks to connnecct tto eeachh ottherr. HHow doees 8802.1Qtrunkkingg keeep traack of mulltipple VLAAN

49、s?A. Itt taags thee daata fraame witth VVLANN innforrmattionn annd rrecaalcuulattes thee CRRC vvaluueB. Itt enncappsullatees tthe datta fframme wwithh a neww heeadeer aand fraame cheeck seqquennceC. Itt moodiffiess thhe pportt inndexx off a datta fframme tto iindiicatte tthe VLAAND. Itt addds a nnew

50、 heaaderr coontaainiing thee VLLAN ID to thee daata fraameE. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: AQuesttionn:333The ccoree swwitcchess arre cconffiguuredd too usse 8802.1Q truunkss. WWhicch tthreee sstattemeentssare ccorrrectt wiith reggardd too thhe IIEEEE 8002.11Q sstanndarrd? (

51、Seelecct tthreee)A. Thhe IIEEEE 8002.11Q fframme fformmat addds aa 4 bytte ffielld tto aa Ettherrnett frrameeB. Thhe ppackket is enccapssulaatedd wiith a 226 bbytee heeadeer aand a 44 byyte FCSSC. Thhe pprottocool uusess poointt-too-muultiipoiint connnecctivvityyD. Thhe pprottocool uusess poointt-to

52、o-poointt coonneectiivittyE. Thhe IIEEEE 8002.11Q fframme uusess muultiicasst ddesttinaatioon oof 00 x011-000-0cc-000-000F. Thhe IIEEEE 8002.11Q fframme rretaainss thhe oorigginaal MMAC desstinnatiion adddresssAnsweer: A, D, FQuesttionn:344Switcch PPG1 hass beeen connfiggureed wwithh DTTP uusinng tt

53、he dessiraablee opptioon. Whiich staatemmenttdescrribees DDynaamicc Trrunkkingg Prrotoocoll (DDTP) deesirrablle mmodee?A. Thhe iinteerfaace acttiveely atttemppts to connverrt tthe linnk tto aa trrunkk liink.B. Thhe iinteerfaace is putt innto perrmannentt trrunkkingg moode butt prreveenteed ffromm ge

54、enerratiing DTPPframees.C. Thhe iinteerfaace is putt innto perrmannentt trrunkkingg moode andd neegottiattes to connverrt tthe linnk iintoo atrunkk liink.D. Thhe iinteerfaace is putt innto a ppasssivee moode, waaitiing to connverrt tthe linnk tto aa trrunkk liink.E. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnatt

55、ivees aappllyAnsweer: AQuesttionn:355You nneedd too coonfiigurre aa neew swwitcch ffor truunkiing. Whhichh swwitcch ccommmandd ennabllesa truunkiing prootoccol thaat aappeendss a fouur bbytee CRRC tto tthe pacckett?A. SSwittch(connfigg-iff)#sswittchpportt trrunkk enncappsullatiion dott1qB. SSwittch(

56、connfigg-iff)#sswittchpportt trrunkk enncappsullatiion iteefC. SSwittch(connfigg-iff)#sswittchpportt trrunkk enncappsullatiion fdddiD. SSwittch(connfigg-iff)#sswittchpportt trrunkk enncappsullatiion isllE. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: DQuesttionn:366Whilee ussingg a paccket

57、t annalyyzerr, yyou notticee foour addditiionaal bbytees bbeinng aaddeed tto tthe paccketts iinthe neetwoork. Whhichh prrotoocoll innserrts a ffourr byyte tagg innto thee Ettherrnett frramee anndrecallcullatees CCRC vallue?A. DTTPB. VTTPC. 8002.11QD. ISSLE. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aap

58、pllyAnsweer: CQuesttionn:377You nneedd too coonfiigurre aa neew swwitcch tto ssuppportt DTTP. Whiich DTPP swwitcchpoort moddeparammeteer ssetss thhe sswittch porrt tto aactiivelly ssendd annd rresppondd too DTTP nnegootiaatioon fframmes?A. AcccesssB. Noo neegottiatteC. TrrunkkD. Dyynammic dessiraabl

59、eeE. Dyynammic auttoF. Noone of thee ottherr allterrnattivees aappllyAnsweer: DQuesttionn:388A neww swwitcch wwas jusst cconffiguuredd ussingg thhe “switchport trunk native vlan 7”commaand. Whhat doees tthiss innterrfacce ccommmandd acccommpliish?A. Caausees tthe intterffacee too appplyy ISSL fframm

60、ingg foor ttraffficc onn VLLAN 7B. Coonfiigurres thee trrunkkingg innterrfacce tto fforwwardd trrafffic froom VVLANN 7C. Coonfiigurres thee innterrfacce tto bbe aa trrunkkingg poort andd caausees ttraffficc onn VLLAN 7 tto bbe 8802.1qtaggeedD. Coonfiigurres thee trrunkkingg innterrfacce tto ssendd t


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