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1、 HYPERLINK 2012山山东高考考英语考考试说明明部分样样题及其其解答(个个人整理理)第一部分 听力第一节W: Joohn, iss Maark commingg foor ttea tommorrrow?M: Yees, I ttoldd yoou yyestterdday, Trracyy!W: Ohh, ddid youu? SSorrry, I mmustt haave forrgotttenn.1. WWho is commingg foor ttea?A. Johhn B. Maark C. TraacyW: WWhatts tthe hurrry? Weed llikee

2、 yoou tto sstayy foor ddinnner.M: Weell, thhankk yoou, butt Heelenn annd II haave to meeet mmy ppareentss att thhe rraillwayy sttatiion.2. Whaat wwilll thhe mman do nexxt?A.LLeavve rrighht aawayy. B. Sttay forr diinneer. C. Cattch a ttraiin.W: HHi, Tomm. WWe hhavee too sttartt thhe mmeettingg wiitho

3、out youu.M: I knoow. My fliightt waas ddelaayedd beecauuse of thee heeavyy raain.W: Buut yyou aree juust in timme ffor thee diiscuussiion.3.Whhat doees tthe mann coome forr?A.AA leectuure. B. A mmeettingg. C. A ppartty.M: Hoow mmuchh arre tthesse sshoees?W: Ohh, ttheyy arre 335 ddolllarss a paiir.M:

4、 Doo yoou hhavee Siize 9.W: Im aafraaid theey aare solld oout.4.Whhat sizze ddoess thhe mman wannt?A. 9. B. 35. C. 399第二节第5、6小小题基于于下面一一段对话话。M: Laadiees aand Genntleemenn, llets wwelccomee Jaane Carrterr. JJanee, yyou aree soo yooungg. HHow cann yoou ssingg soo weell?W: Weell, Mrr. GGreeen. I llikee

5、siingiing verry mmuchh. AAnd Ive beeen ddoinng tthiss foor aa whhilee. AAbovve aall, I havve MMr. Jammes as my teaacheer.M: Noo woondeer. I bbeliievee yooull do a wwondderfful jobb toonigght. Noow lladiies andd geentllemeen, Janne CCartter!5. WWhatt iss thhe mman doiing?A. Giivinng aa sppeecch. B. C

6、hhairringg a meeetinng. C. Inntrooduccingg a perrsonn.6. Whhy ddoess thhe wwomaan ssingg soo weell?A. Shhe hhas a ggreaat tteaccherr. BB. SShe teaachees ssinggingg. C. Shhe iis yyounng.第7、8、9小题基基于下面面一段对对话。W: Exxcusse mme, sirr?M: Caan II heelp youu?W: Myy naame is Janne SSmitth. Im aa deesiggnerr, l

7、lookkingg foor aa joob.M: Seee mmy ssecrretaary. Shhe wwilll seet yyou up witth tthe tesst.W: Whhen?M: Neext monnth.W: I cannt wwaitt thhat lonng.M: Exxcusse mme?W: I cannt wwaitt a monnth. I neeed ssomeethiing sooonerr.M: Im ssorrry.7. Whhats tthe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen thee sppeakkerss?A.Thhey

8、 aree frriennds.B.TTheyy arre strranggerss too eaach othher.C.TTheyy arre hhusbbandd annd wwifee.8.WWhy doees tthe womman comme tto ttalkk wiith thee maan?A.Too geet aa joob.B.TTo ttakee a tesst.C.TTo ssee thee seecreetarry.9.Whhat doees tthe mann meean by sayyingg soorryy?A.Hee caant hhearr thhe ww

9、omaan ccleaarlyy.B.Hee dooesnnt nneedd a lawwyerr.C.Hee caant hhelpp thhe wwomaan.第10、111、12、13小题基基于下面面一段独独白。M: Goood aftternnoonn, eeverryboody andd weelcoome to thiis cclasss oon EEngllishh woordss. II hoope thaat aall of youu caan hhearr mee. IIf nnot, plleasse llet me knoow. I aam PPreff. JJohnn

10、 Moorriis. Ill be youur tteaccherr foor tthe nexxt 113 wweekks. As youu caan pprobbablly ttelll, tthiss iss onne oof ppopuularr annd ccrowwdedd cllassses. Inndeeed, eveery timme tthesse ccourrsess arre ooffeeredd, tthiss rooom is verry ffulll. WWhy is thaat? Welll, in ordder to usee thhe EEngllishh

11、laanguuagee, iits vveryy immporrtannt tto hhavee att leeastt a bassic unddersstanndinng oof hhow worrds aree foormeed. Jusst tto mmenttionn onne ffiguure, annd ttherre aare manny. Theere aree abboutt onne mmilllionn woordss inn Enngliish. Iff yoou aare an Engglissh llearrnerr, yyou migght wonnderr h

12、oow yyou cann poossiiblyy reememmberr alll oof tthesse wwordds. Welll, forr onne tthinng yyou donnt hhavee too. NNo nnatiive speeakeer eexissts whoo knnowss alll oof tthe worrds in thee Enngliish lannguaage. Beesiddes theere aree shhorttcutts. Shoortccutss? YYes, foor eexammplee, iif yyou knoow hhow

13、 worrds aree foormeed bby uusinng ppartts oof wwordds ffromm ottherr laanguuagees, succh GGreeek aand Freenchh, yyoull unddersstannd aa goood nummberr off Enngliish worrds wheen yyou firrst comme aacrooss theem. Lett mee puut iit tthiss waay. Knoowinng tthe rulles willl hhelpp yoou mmastter a llargg

14、e nnumbber of worrds. Thhis is proobabbly thee Noo. 11 reeasoon wwhy thiis cclasss iis sso ppopuularr.10.WWherre ccan youu moost proobabbly heaar tthiss taalk?A.Inn a claass of thee Enngliish lannguaage.B.Inn a claass of thee Grreekk laanguuagee.C.Inn a claass of thee Frrencch llangguagge.11.HHow lo

15、nng ddoess thhe cclasss llastt?A.111 weeekss.B.113 wweekks.C.155 weeekss.12.Whaat iis “thee shhortt-cuut” to leaarniing worrds acccorddingg too thhe sspeaakerr?A.Taakinng mmoree cooursses.B.RReaddingg baasicc woordss alloudd.C.LLearrninng hhow worrds aree foormeed.13.Whyy iss thhe cclasss ppopuularr

16、?A.Itt iss noot ooffeeredd eaach terrm.B.IIts ttaugght by Proofesssorr Moorriis.C.IIt hhelpps tto mmastter somme uusefful rulles.第二部分 英语知知识运用用第一节:语语法和词词汇知识识 1. Im ssorrry II diidnt pphonne yyou, buut IIve beeen vveryy buusy _ tthe passt ccoupple of weeeks.A. beeyonnd B. witth C. amoongD. oveer2. Thh

17、at pieece of mussic souundss quuitee faamilliarr. WWho _ thee piianoo uppstaairss?Ahass pllayeed B. plaayedd CC. pplayys D. iss pllayiing3. Arre yyou goiing to takke ppartt inn thhe sspeeech conntesst? _ Itts ttoo goood aan ooppoortuunitty tto mmisss.A. Noo prrobllem! B. Thaats ffor surre. C. Whyy m

18、ee? D. Whyy bootheer?4. Itt iss noot ssociiallly _ foor ppareentss too leeavee chhilddrenn unnatttendded at thaat aage.A. acccesssibbleB. adoorabbleC. adaaptaableeD. acccepttablle5.IIts tthe sorrt oof wworkk thhat _ a higgh lleveel oof cconccenttrattionnA. caallss foorB. makkes upC. 1iees iinD. staa

19、ndss foor6.YYourr hoousee iss allwayys sso nneatt- hhow do youu _ iit wwithh thhreee chhilddrenn?A. maanaggeB. serrveC. adaaptD. connstrructt7. Johhn aand I wwilll ceelebbratte oour forrtieeth wedddinng aanniiverrsarry nnextt moonthh. OOh, _!A. chheerr upp B. weell donneC. go aheeadD. conngraatullat

20、iionss8. Shhe wwas surrpriisedd too fiind thee frridgge eemptty; thee chhilddrenn _ eeverrythhingg!A. haad bbeenn eaatinng B. hadd eaatenn C. havve eeateen D. havve bbeenn eaatinng9. Thhe lliviing rooom iis ccleaan aand tiddy, witth aa diinniing tabble alrreaddy _ foor aa meeal to be coookedd.A. laa

21、id B. layyingg C. to layy D. beiing laiid10. TThe oldd toown hass naarroow sstreeetss annd ssmalll hhousses _ aare buiilt cloose to eacch ootheer.A. thhey B. wheere C. whaat D. thaat第二节:完完形填空空例一My faatheer bbrouughtt hoome a ssaillboaat wwhenn I wass teen, andd allmosst eeachh Suundaay iin ssummmers

22、s wee woouldd goo saailiing. Daad wwas quiite skiilleed iin ssaillingg, bbut nott goood at 336 . AAs ffor me, I 377 bbothh beeforre ttwellve beccausse oof lliviing cloose to Lakke OOntaarioo.The llastt tiime Dadd annd II seet ssaill toogettherr iss reeallly 388 . IIt wwas a pperffectt weeekeend aftt

23、er I ggradduatted froom uunivverssityy. II caame homme aand 399 DDad to go saiilinng. Outt wee seet ssoonn onn thhe 40 laake. Daad hhadnnt ssailled forr yeearss, bbut eveerytthinng 41 weell witth tthe tilllerr(舵柄)iin hhis hannds.When we werre iin tthe midddlee off thhe llakee, aa 42 wwindd caame all

24、l off a sudddenn. TThe boaat wwas hitt 443 . DDad wass allwayys aat hhis besst iin aany 444 , butt att thhis mommentt hee 445 .“Johnn! 466 !” hee shhoutted in a ttremmbliing voiice, wiith thee tiilleer sstilll in hiss haandss.In myy meemorry hhe ccoulld ffix anyy 47 . HHe wwas thee onne II allwayys

25、48 foor sstreengtth aand seccuriity. Beeforre II coouldd reespoond, a 449 off waaterr goot iintoo thhe bboatt. II ruusheed tto tthe tilllerr 50 itt waas ttoo latte. Anttherr huuge walll oof wwateer 511 tthe boaat iin aa miinutte. We werre tthroown intto tthe watter, annd DDad wass sttrugggliing aimm

26、lessslyy. AAt tthatt moomennt, I ffeltt fiierccelyy 552 of himm.I swaam tto DDad 553 andd asssisstedd hiim iin cclimmbinng oontoo thhe hhulll(船壳壳)off thhe bboatt. UUponn siittiing on thee huull, Daad wwas a llitttle awkkwarrd aabouut hhis flaash of 554 . “Its aall rigght, Daad. We aree saafe noww,”

27、I commforrtedd hiim.That wass thhe ffirsst ttimee Daad hhad couunteed oon mme iin aa moomennt oof eemerrgenncy. Moore impporttanttly, I fouund it wass myy tuurn to staart 555 ffor my fattherr.36. AA. boaatinng B. runnninng C. swiimmiing D. teaachiing37. AA. enjjoyeed B. dessireed C. hatted D. leaarn

28、eed38. AA. unfforggivaablee B. unnforrgetttabble C. cheeerfful D. reggrettfull39. AA. sennt B. orddereed C. invviteed D. allloweed40. AA. callm B. icyy C. stoormyy D. thuundeery41. AA. finnishhed B. wennt C. seeemedd D. souundeed42. AA. strrongg B. genntlee C. colld D. hott43. AA. resspeaateddly B.

29、ligghtlly C. harrdlyy D. vioolenntlyy44. AA. ddangger B. plaace C. spoort D. jobb45. AA. ssufffereed B. felll C. frooze D. witthdrrew46. AA. llookk B. Hellp C. Runn D. Jummp47. AA. pprobblemm B. rellatiionsshipp C. macchinne D. boaat48. AA. tturnned to B. livved witth C. argguedd wiith D. objjectted

30、 to49. AA. ffounntaiin B. strreamm C. shoowerr D. wavve50. AA. iif B. forr C. aftter D. butt51. AA. ggot thrrouggh B. pouuredd innto C. turrnedd ovver D. lifftedd upp52. AA. aashaamedd B. prootecctivve C. tirred D. afrraidd53. AA. hhopeelessslyy B. qquiccklyy C. sloowlyy D. hellpleesslly54. AA. ppai

31、nnB. angger C. feaar D. shaame55. AA. mmakiing upB. getttinng rreaddy C. payyingg offf D. llookkingg ouut例二Theree arre ttimees wwhenn peeoplle aare so tirred thaat ttheyy faall aslleepp allmosst aanywwherre. We cann seee ttherre iis aa loot oof ssleeepinng oon tthe buss orr trrainn onn thhe _211_hoo

32、me froom wworkk inn thhe eevenninggs. A mman willl bbe_22_thee neewsppapeer, andd seeconnds latter it _223_ aas iif hhe iis ttryiing to _24_itt. OOr hhe wwilll faall aslleepp onn thhe sshouuldeer oof tthe strrangger_225_ neext to himm._266_ pllacee whheree unnplaanneed sshorrt ssleeep _277_ is in th

33、ee leectuure halll wwherre aa sttudeent willl sstarrt ssnorringg(打鼾鼾)so _28_thaat tthe proofesssorr haas tto aask anootheer sstuddentt too_29_ thee slleepper awaake. A morre eembaarraassiing(尴尬尬)sittuattionn occcurrs wwhenn a stuudennt sstarrts falllinng iintoo slleepp annd tthe _30_ of thhe hheadd

34、puushees tthe armm offf tthe_331_, andd thhe mmoveemennt ccarrriess thhe_32_ of thee boody aloong. Thhe sstuddentt waakess upp onn thhe fflooor wwithh noo_33_ of getttinng ttherre. Thee woorstt tiime to falll aasleeep is wheen _344_ . Pollicee reeporrts aree fuull of _35_ thaat ooccuur wwhenn peeopl

35、le ffalll innto sleeep andd goo_336_ thhe rroadd. IIf tthe driiverrs aare _37_ , theey aare nott seerioouslly hhurtt. OOne wommans ccar, _388_ , weent intto tthe rivver. Shhe wwokee upp inn foour feeet oof _399_ aand thooughht iit wwas raiininng. Wheen ppeopple aree reeallly _440_,notthinng wwilll s

36、ttop theem ffromm faalliing aslleepp - noo maatteer wwherre ttheyy arre.21.A. waay B. traack C. patth D. roaad22.A. buuyinng B. folldinng C. delliveerinng D. reaadinng23.A. accts B. shoows C. apppearrs D. souundss24.A. oppen B. eatt C. finnd D. finnishh25.A. lyyingg B. waiitinng C. tallkinng D. sitt

37、tinng26.A. Neext B. Eveery C. Anootheer D. Onee27.A. gooes on B. endds uup C. lassts D. retturnns28.A. brraveely B. happpilly C. louudlyy D. carreleesslly29.A. leeavee B. shaake C. keeep D. wattch30.A. siize B. shaape C. weiightt D. strrenggth31.A. cuushiion B. dessk C. shoouldder D. boook32.A. acct

38、ioon B. possitiion C. resst D. sidde33.A. meemorry B. reaasonn C. queestiion D. purrposse34.A. thhinkkingg B. worrkinng C. waalkiing D. driivinng35.A. chhangges B. eevennts C. ideeas D. acccideentss36.A. upp B. offf C. aloong D. dowwn37.A. luuckyy B. awaake C. callm D. strrongg38.A. inn tiime B. at

39、firrst C. as usuual D. forr exxampple39.A. duust B. watter C. graass D. bussh40.A. tiiredd B. druunk C. lonnelyy D. lazzy例三The TTruee Sttoryy off Trreassuree IsslanndIt waas aalwaays thooughht tthatt Trreassuree Isslannd wwas thee prroduuct of Robbertt LoouissStteveensoonss immagiinattionn. _36_, rr

40、eceent ressearrch hass fooundd thhe ttruee sttoryy off thhis exccitiing worrk. Steevennsonn, aa Sccotssmann, hhad livved _377_ ffor manny yyearrs. In 18881 hhe rretuurneed tto SScottlannd ffor a 38 . Witth hhim werre hhis Ameericcan wiffe FFannny aand hiss soon _39_.Eachh moorniing Steevennsonn woou

41、ldd taake theem oout forr a lonng _40_ ovver thee hiillss. TTheyy haad bbeenn _41_ thhis forr seeverral dayys bbefoore thee weeathher sudddennly toook aa tuurn forr thhe wworsse. Keppt iindooorss byy thhe hheavvy rrainn, LLloyyd ffeltt thhe ddayss _442_ . TTo kkeepp thhe bboy happpy, Rooberrt aaskee

42、d tthe boyy too doo soome _433_.One mmornningg , thee booy ccamee too Rooberrt wwithh a beaautiifull maap oof aan iislaand. Rooberrt _44_ thhat thee booy hhad draawn a llargge ccrosss iin tthe midddlee off _445_ . Whaatss thhat? hhe aaskeed “Thaatss thhe _46_ trreassuree, saiid tthe boyy. RRobeert s

43、udddennly _477_ ssomeethiing of an advventturee sttoryy inn thhe bboys _48_ . Whiile thee raain wass poouriing, Rooberrt ssat dowwn bby tthe firre tto wwritte aa sttoryy. HHe wwoulld mmakee thhe _49_ a tweelvee-yeear-oldd booy, jusst llikee Llloydd. BBut whoo woouldd bee thhe pirratee(海盗)?Roberrt hh

44、ad a ggoodd frriennd nnameed HHenlley, whho wwalkked arooundd wiith thee _550_ of a wwoodden legg. RRobeert hadd allwayys wwantted to _511_ ssuchh a mann inn a stoory. _552_ Lonng JJohnn Siilveer, thee piiratte wwithh a wooodenn leeg, wass _553_.So, tthannks to a _54_ Seepteembeer iin SScottlannd, a

45、 ffrieend witth aa wooodeen lleg, annd tthe imaaginnatiion of a ttwellve-yeaar-oold boyy, wwe hhavee onne oof ggreaatesst _55_ sttoriies in thee Enngliish lannguaage.36. AA. HHoweeverr B. Theerefforee C. Bessidees D. Finnallly377. AA. aalonne B. nexxt ddoorr C. at homme D. abrroadd38. A. meeetiing B

46、. stoory C. hollidaay D. jobb39. A. Llloydd B. Robbertt C. Hennleyy D. Johhn400. AA. ttalkk B. resst C. wallk D. gamme411. AA. aatteempttingg B. misssinng C. plaanniing D. enjjoyiing442. A. quiiet B. dulll C. bussy D. colld433. AA. ccleaaninng B. wriitinng C. draawinng D. exeerciisinng 444. A. douub

47、teed B. notticeed C. deccideed D. reccognnizeed455. AA. tthe seaa B. thee hoousee C. Scootlaand D. thee isslannd466. AA foorgootteen B. burriedd C. disscovvereed D. uneexpeecteed477. AA. ssaw B. dreew C. madde D. leaarneed488. AA. bbookk B. repply C. piccturre D. minnd499. AA. sstarr B. herro C. wwr

48、itter D. chiild550. A. hellp B. proobleem C. usee D. burrdenn51. A. prraisse B. prooducce C. inccludde D. accceptt52. A. Yeet B. Alsso C. Butt D. Thuus533. AA. iinjuuredd B. borrn C. hirred D. wriitteen54. A. raiiny B. sunnny C. coool D. winndy555. A. newws B. lovve C. hummoroous D. advventturee例一An

49、sswerrs:336-440 CCDBCCA 41-45 BADDAC 46-50 BAAADD 51-55 CBBBCD例二21-25 ADCCBD 266-300 CAACBCC 31-35 BCAADD 336-440 BBADBBA例三36. A337. D 338.CC 399. AA40. C441. D422. BB43. C444. B455. DD46. B 47. A448. C499. BB 500. AA51. C552. D533. BB54. A555. D 第三部分 阅读理理解例一Arthuur Milleer(119155-20005)is uniiverrs

50、allly reccognnizeed aas oone of thee grreattestt drramaatissts of thee 200th cennturry. Miilleer s ffathher hadd moovedd too thhe UUSA froom AAusttriaa Huungaary, draawn likke sso mmanyy ottherrs bby tthe “Greeat Ameericcan Drreamm”. HHoweeverr, hhe eexpeerieenceed sseveere finnancciall haardsshipp

51、whhen hiss faamilly bbusiinesss wwas ruiinedd inn thhe GGreaat DDeprresssionn off thhe earrly l9330s.Milleers s mosst ffamoous plaay, Deaath of a SSaleesmaan, is a ppoweerfuul aattaack on thee Ammeriicann syysteem, witth iits agggresssivve wway of doiing bussineess andd itts iinsiisteencee onn moone

52、yy annd ssociial staatuss ass inndiccatoors of worrth. Inn Wiillyy Loomann, tthe herro oof tthe plaay, we seee a mann whho hhas gott innto trooublle wwithh hiis wwortth. Willly is “burrnt outt” annd iin tthe cruuel worrld of bussineess theere is no rooom ffor senntimmentt: iff hee caantt doo thhe ww

53、orkk, tthenn hee iss noo goood to hiss emmplooyerr, tthe Waggnerr Coompaany, annd hhe mmustt goo. WWillly iis ppainnfullly awaare of thiis, andd att looss as to whaat tto ddo wwithh hiis llackk off suucceess. Hee reefusses to facce tthe facct tthatt hee haas ffailled andd kiillss hiimseelf in thee e

54、nnd.When it wass fiirstt sttageed iin 119499 ,tthe plaay wwas greeeteed wwithh ennthuusiaastiic rreviiewss, andd itt woon tthe Tonny AAwarrd ffor Besst PPlayy, tthe Neww Yoork Draama Criiticcs Cirrclee Awwardd, aand thee Puulittzerr Prrizee foor DDramma. It wass thhe ffirsst pplayy too wiin aall thr

55、ree of theese majjor awaardss.Milleer ddiedd off heeartt faailuure at hiss hoome in Roxxburry, Connneccticcut, on thee evveniing of Febbruaary 10, 20005, thee 566th annniveersaary of thee fiirstt peerfoormaancee off Deeathh off a Sallesmman on Brooadwway.1. Whhy ddid Artthurr Miilleer s ffathher mov

56、ve tto tthe USAA?A. Hee suuffeeredd frrom sevveree huungeer iin hhis homme ccounntryy.B. Hee waas aattrractted by thee GGreaat AAmerricaan DDreaam.C. Hee hoopedd too maake hiss soon aa drramaatisst. D. Hiis ffamiily bussineess faiiledd.2. Thhe pplayy Deeathh off a Sallesmman _A. exxposses thee crrue

57、llty of thee Ammeriicann buusinnesss woorldd B. diiscuussees tthe wayys tto gget proomotted in a ccomppanyy C. taalkss abboutt thhe bbusiinesss ccareeer of Artthurr MiilleerD. foocusses on thee skkillls iin ddoinng bbusiinesss3. Whhat cann wee leearnn abboutt Wiillyy Loomann?A. Hee trreatts hhis emp

58、ployyer baddly. B. Hee ruuns thee Waagneer CComppanyy. C. Hee iss a vicctimm off thhe AAmerricaan ssysttem.D. Hee iss reegarrdedd ass a herro bby hhis collleaaguees.4. Affterr itt waas ffirsst sstagged, Deeathh off a Sallesmman _A. acchieevedd huuge succcesss B. woon tthe firrst Tonny AAwarrdC. waas

59、 wwarmmly wellcommed by sallesmmen D. waas sseveerelly aattaackeed bby ddrammatiistss5. Whhat is thee teext maiinlyy abboutt?A. Arrthuur MMilller andd hiis ffamiily. B. Thhe aawarrds Artthurr Miilleer wwon.C. Thhe hharddshiip AArthhur Milllerr exxperrienncedd. D. Arrthuur MMilller andd hiis bbestt-k

60、nnownn pllay.例二Sincee 19984, Phhilaadellphiia hhas beeen ccleaaninng uup iits actt. OOne by onee, ggrafffitti-ccoveeredd waallss arre bbeinng cchanngedd innto outtdooor aart. Soo faar, morre tthann 1,8000 muuralls(壁画画)havve bbeenn paaintted. Phiiladdelpphiaa noow hhas morre mmuraals thaan aany othhe


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