PEP四年级英语下册Unit6-The second period(第二课时)教案与反思_第1页
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1、The second period ( 第二课时)随风潜夜,润物细声。出杜甫的春喜雨市实验校 陈思思师者,以传道,授,解惑。韩愈铁山学 何逸春灵师不怀 ,涉道转。韩愈送灵师汪村学 钱少华Part A Let learn Complete and say 教学内容与标课时教学内容课时教学目标能够听、说、认读单词“sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrellaLets learn 能够熟练运用上述单词并运用句型“Can help you? are nice. CanI try them on?”模拟购物Complete andsay 教学重点能够通过观察小图给衣物进行分类运

2、用句“It so I put on my” 进行表述能够根据天气选择适当的衣物能够够听、说、认读并熟练运用单词“sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrella 教学难点能够根据天气选择适当的衣物。 教学准备预习状元课堂中本时的相关内。2. PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。 教学过程 Step Warm-up Revision &Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a cartoon. (课件出示:本单元第一课时导入部分的 视频)3. Revision and T: The students are going to have a trip t

3、his weekend. So they go shopping to prepare for the trip. What clothes are there in the shop?Use a mind map to help students review the words of clothes.(课件出示:衣物类单词的思维导图Write down the topic “Shopping” on the blackboard. Point to the picture “Let talk on page 58 in thebookand ask.T: What did John wat

4、 to buy?Ss: Shoes.T: Now he wants to buy some other things. Look! at another shop. Lets see.Step Presentation1. Teach the word “gloves”.Play the cartoon. Students watc the cartoon. (出示课件) T: What does ohn want to buy?Ss: GlovesWrite down the word “gloves on the blackboard. Students learn the word.As

5、k students to practice the conversation in pairs.2. Teachthe “sunglasses”.Present apicture of the sun on th PT. (出示课件)T: Its and ho outside. What does John eed if he wants to go out? 用一首有趣的歌曲激发 学生的学习兴趣。利用思维 导图帮助学生复习衣物类的 单词,为后面的学习做好铺 垫。 结合动画和对话 导 学生学习新单词。 利用天气引出本课新单 词,并在对话中引导学生操 练新单词。Write down the w

6、ord “sunglasses” on the backboard. tudents learn the wod and makea conversatio to practie the word.3.Teach the word “umbrella”.Present a picture of raining on the PPT. (出示课件) T: Its rainy outside. What does Jon need to buy? Write down th word “umbrella” on th blackboard. learn the word and make a co

7、nversation to practice the word. 4.Teach the word “scarfPresent a picture of snowing on the PPT. (出示课件) T: Its snowy outside. What does John need to buy? Write down the word “scarf” on the blackboard. Studentslearn the word and make a conversation to practice the word. Step Practice1. Lets read. Use

8、 the leaves and the words on the PPT to play a game. Students read they as fast they can.(出示课件)2. Play a game: does wind (1) Look and say.Students at the four pictures “umbrella, gloves, scarf, sunglasses” and say the corresponding words.出示 课件)(2) Play the game on the PPT. purpose先利用单词游戏帮助学 生练习新单词再过

9、 Let practice 活帮助学生在句 型中操练新单词,加深学生 的记忆。 Every gust of wind blows away an tudents the word as soon as the object disappears. (示课件)3. Lets practice.Show on the in pairs. (课件出示:雨伞、手套、围巾和太阳镜的图片S1: Can I help you?S2: Theis/are nice. Can I try it/them on?S1: Sure.4.Complete say. (1)Look and say.Students a

10、t the pictures of “Complete ” and say the words one by one.(2)Complete the chart.Students divide all the clothes into two groups according to the weather and then try to complete the chart.(3)Lets PK.Divide students into two Lead to look at the chart in the book and say like this:S1: Its hot, so I p

11、ut on my T-shirt.S2: Its cold, so I put on my sweater.Step Consolidation & Extension creative ”1. Create a situation.T: Today lets make a creative weather report! 课件出 示:天气预报情景图)2. Make a demonstration.T: Hello! This is Beijing TV. s cold in Beijing. So please wear your sweater and scarf today.3.Work

12、 groups. 学生观察图片,根据天 气情况将图片分类,并试着 书写单词。在完成分类活动 后,全班分成两大组,进行 游活课堂气氛 高学生的学习积极性。 通过创设自然真实的情 景,让学生在情景中合理运 用所学词汇完成任务,培养 学生的综合语言运用能力。 通过活动,学生能根据天气 情况选择适当的衣物并通过 创意播报进行温馨提示。Students work make report. 4. Show time. 板书设计 作业设计1. Design the clothes you like.2. Do the exercises. (见”系列丛书或对应课时作) 教学反思1.创设真实场景,充分利用图片

13、、PPT 等方式来进行单词教学,注意学生学习方法和学习策 略的培养,引导学生自主学习。2.通过分层次的练习,帮助学生由浅入深地复习和巩固所学知识。调动学生的多种感官,增 加了学习的趣味性。3.创设真实的场景,提出具体的任务,帮助学生在真实的场景里自然地使用所学知识。 Teaching Contents Teaching Lets learn able to listen, say and read the new words “sunglasses, gloves, umbrella Be able to simulate by the above the structures“Can I h

14、elp you? Theare nice. Can I try them on?”.Complete and sayBe able to classify clothes according to the pictures and describe them by using the sentence structure“Its, so I put on my”Be able to choose appropriate clothes according to the weather. Teaching Priorities Be able to listen, say and read th

15、e new “sunglasses, gloves, scarf, umbrella Teaching Difficulties Be able to choose appropriate clothes according to the weather. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching Warm-up&Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Play a cartoon. 1. Greetings.3. Revision and lead-

16、in. 2. Enjoy a cartoon. Use a mind map to help 3. Review the words of students review words clothes.of clothes.Watch the cartoon.Arouse studentslearning interest. Use the mind map to help students review the words and set the stage for the laterstudy.Lead in the new wordsPresentation1. Teach the wor

17、d“glovesPlay the cartoon.Learn the word“gloves”.Practice theconversation perly. Leadstudents to learn thenew words through acartoon and somepictures. Lead2. Teach the word“sunglassesPresent a picture.Learn the word students to make “sunglasses”. conversations to Make a conversation to pra

18、ctice the new practice the word. words.3. Teach the word“umbrella”.Present a picture.4. Teach the word“scarf”.Present a picture.1. Lets read.Use the leaves and the words on the PPT to a game.2. What does the windPractice take?(1)Look and say.(2)Play the game.Learn the word“umbrella”.Make a conversat

19、ion topractice the word.Learn the word“scarf”.Make a conversation topractice the word.Read the words they see on the leaves as fast as they can.(1) Look at thepictures andsay the words.(2) Play the game.Practice theLead students topractice the wordsand sentencestructures by games.Help studentsmemori

20、ze the wordsbetter.3. Lets practice. conversation inpairs.Look at the picturesand4. Complete and say.(1) Look and plete the chart,then(2) Complete the chart. work in groups to (3) Lets PK. practice the sentencestructure “It so I put on my”Consolidation&Extension“A creative weatherreport”1. Create a situation.2. Make a demonstration.3. Work in groups.4. Show time.Let students use theWork in groups to make words in a natural their own situation. Cultivateconversations. And studentsthen act them out in comprehensive class. language usingability.Homework1. Design the clothes you lik


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