1、八年级英语下册导学案学校:主备人:刘莉莉审核人:王守国审核时间:使用人:组名 编号:63学科英语课题Unit 8 Topic3 Section A年级八班级姓名日期课 型新授课一、目标导学学习目标:Learn some useful expressions:talk about, watch the fashion show, another one, not.at allContinue to learn Object ClausesKangkang said he watched it.He said the fashion show was wonderful.She asked Kan
2、gkang what he was doing.He said he was designing their school uniforms.题 探 究1.请同学们在文中找出这些句子并翻译A.Kangkang said he watched it.B.He said the fashion show was wonderful.C.She asked Kangkang what he was doing.D.Hc said he was designing their school uniform.思考:(1)这些句子的从句我们是否可以更换成其他时态?理 由是什么? (2)第三句的语序是否有误
3、?练习:(1) Maria asked the saleswoman(Howmuch is it?)(改成宾语从句)(2) He asked her(What sizes doyou have?)(改成宾语从句)2. Jane and Sarah arc talking about the fashion show.翻译:talk abouf* talk with/to sb.e.g. Jim is talking with his teacher about how to learn English well.翻译:方法指导: 组内合作交 流,探究疑难教师复备:温馨提示: 用时10分钟, 、
4、 自 主 学 习1.英汉互译:1)谈论 2)看时装秀3) not.at all 4) another one5)有两个口袋的长裤6)和某人一起去2.听la对话,完成课本1b.【自疑】你还有那些疑问?赶快写下来吧!方法指导 自主独立 完成温馨提示: 用时10 分钟纠错:More children in big cities of China are beginning to wear them.They usually wear the caps backwards.Because they wore large street clothes to dance.Many young childr
5、en like hip-hop fashions.Hip-hop fashions are large or comfortable street clothes. 5.四.书面表达昨天简和玛丽亚一起去购物,看到一家超市的门U围着许多人,原来那儿正在举办 一场时装秀。许多模特展示了漂亮的衣服,其中唐装最为吸引人,那些模特穿了唐 装后看起来更漂亮了。她们俩直到活动结束才回去。根据提示内容写一篇短文。50词左右。以反应提升There will be another one there tomorrow.翻译:there will be 将有 =there is/are going
6、to bec.g. There will be a football match on TV tonight.another:又一个;另一个(指三个或以上当中,除了一个之外, 剩下的任何一个)e.g. This sweater is too small. Can I try on another one?翻译:我补充:方法指导: 小组合作 教师补充教师复备:温馨提示:用时 15分钟抵达标运用单项选择()1. They arethe fashion show in Beijing.A. talking about B. talking with C. talk about D. talk wit
7、h ()2. He said hea doctor.A. isB. areC. wasD. were()3.1 dont know.A.when it will startB. when will it startC. how will it startD . where will it start()4. They said theyat nine last night.A. arc watching TV B.wcre watching TVC. watched TV D. watch TV()5. I am still hungry after eating the cake. Can
8、I haveone?A. otherB. the other C. anotherD. others()6. 一Would you come to the party tonight? 一Yes,.A. I would be B. I like C. I do D. Td love to()7.a school sports meet in our school next month.A. There will haveB. There will beC. There isD. There are方法指导: 独立完成 整洁迅速 对子或小 组内对查温馨提示: 用时5 分钟自结【收获与反思】我学到
9、了我想说:八年级英语下册导学案学校:主备人:刘莉莉审核人:王守国审核时间:使用人:组名 编号:64学科英语课题Unit 8 Topic3 Section B年级八班级姓名日期课 型新授课.、目标导学学习1. Lee catwa sb./stl about 2. Co She a She s.目标:irn some new words and expressions:Ik, cheongsam, traditional, minority, Tibetan, Korean, call i., in the world of high fashion, another three, be sure
10、 know aboutntinue to learn the object clauses.sked what kind of costume the model was wearing.lid she was wearing a Yao costume.一一问题探究.Here come the models!译: 思考:这是句。正常的语序是.What a nice dress! 译: 思考:这是句,它分为哪两类结构分别是!习题: a beautiful girl!bad weather!interesting it is!.Here come another three models,and
11、 they are all in minority costumes.译:.思考:another three models= all应放在之前和之后。习题:Would you like another one?(同义句)我补充:方法指导: 组内合作交 流,探究疑难教师复备:温馨提示: 用时10分钟A、 自 主 学 习1.英汉互译:1) another three 2) know about3) minority costumes4)在高级时装领域中5)确定.6)称某人/某物为7)在.中央 .听la对话,完成课本1b.完成ic.【自疑】你还有那些疑问?赶快写下来吧!方法指导自主独立完成温馨提示:
12、 用时10 分钟乱反应提升总结各种服装的英文名称:壮族服装旗袍藏族服装俄罗斯服装朝鲜族服装和服瑶族服装你还知道哪些? Have a try!方法指导: 小组合作 教师补充教师复备:温馨提示: 用时15 分钟抵达标运用单项选择:()1. The modelthe center of the cat walk looks good.A. atB. in C. onD. to()2. Cheongsam is a traditional dressChinese women.A. forB. toC. atD. about()3.1 am not asas he.A. tall B. taller
13、C. tallest D. the tallest()4. The teacher asked.A. how did we studyB. how long I will stay thereC. when would he come D. Whose shirt this was()5. He said.A. if she could leave.B. (hat she could leaveC. when she could leaveD. how she left()6.1 want to havetwo apples, though 1 have three.A. other B. t
14、he other C. anotherD. others()7. Could you tell her.where do you livehow can you writewhat are they doing therewhen he will get there方法指导: 独立完成 整洁迅速 对子或小 组内对查温馨提示: 用时5 分钟趣味天地-Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is there anything wrong with it?-No, sir, but you said yesterday that everythi
15、ng you toldme went in one ear and out the other, so I am trying to stop it.自结【收获与反思】我学到了我想说:八年级英语下册导学案学校:主备人:刘莉莉审核人:王守国审核时间:使用人:组名 编号:65学科英语课题Unit 8 Topic3 Section C年级八班级姓名日期课 型新授课.、目标导学学习1. Lee decor weste stand 2. Re get th costui目标:irn some new words and phrases.ation, knot, dynasty, Asian, perso
16、nal, attractive, rn-style, Mongolian, above, list, from then on, be full of, for, become known to, not only.but also, wither.or.ad and understand the passage about the Tang costume to c students to know more about the Chinese culture about me.一一问题探究Fashion is full of cullure.译: .思考:be full of意思为:.衔接
17、:be filled with习题:We shouldconfidence.Our home will then loveThe Tang costume stands for Chinese history and fashion culture.译:.思考:stand for 译: It got its name when China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties.译:思考:get oneJ s name 译为: .习题:这个村庄因村内的湖泊而得名。译:Chinese fashion is
18、 different not only from western fashion ,but also from that in other Asian countries.译:方法指导: 组内合作交 流,探究疑难教师复备:温馨提示: 用时10分钟A、 自 主 学 习.英汉互译:be full of2) be different from3) both. and. 4) get ones name5)不但.而且.6)不是.就是.7)从那时起8)为.所知道9)代表.完成课本1b.完成1c.【白疑】你还有那些疑问?赶快写下来吧!方法指导自主独立完成温馨提示: 用时10 分钟思考:(1 )bc dif
19、ferent from 意思为: .衔接:different反义词是same,same使用时一般是the same方法指导:单项选择方法指导:四、 反 馈 提 升习题:Your life will this moment.Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or casual clothes .译: 思考: (1) design .as译: either.or译: You may telegraphtelephone.(你可以打电报或打电话。) 衔接:neither.nor.译:既不也不Neither useful
20、 nor attractive.(既不实用,也不美观)It express both the wearers personal style and Chinas rich traditional culture .译: .思考:both. and.译:习题:Savemateriallabour.(既省料又省工)小组合作 教师补充教师复备:抵达标运用()1. The bottlewater.A. is full with B. is full ofC. is fill with D. is filled of()2. This is very differentthat one.A. fromB
21、. toC. ofD. with()3. Not only you but also hea new pair of glasses.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. to have()4. Only one can get it,youher.A. not only ; but alsoB. neither ; norC.both ; andD. either; or()5. We didnt tell her.when her father will come backwhen will her father come backwhen her father would c
22、ome backwhen would her father conic back独立完成 整洁迅速 对子或小 组内对查我补充:自结【收获与反思】我学到了温馨提示:温馨提示:用时 15分钟我想说:用时5 分钟八年级英语下册导学案学校:主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:王守国审核时间:使用人:组名编号:学校:主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:王守国审核时间:使用人:组名编号:66学科英语课题Unit 8 Topic3 Section D年级八班级姓名日期课 型新授课目 标 导 学学习1.Lpast,I2.1目标:earn some new words:veil-known, item, choice, marriag
23、e, celebration, in the iround the world, benadc of,it one time, on special occasions, in the 1920sRevision: Grammar( Object Clauses) and Functions三问题探究.尝试写出这些词widely (adj.)choice-(v.)wellknown (意思相近的是)celebration(v.)marriage-(v.)outside (反义词).区分 except, but 和 besides练习题:(1) Everyone John came.。(2) W
24、e go to school every daySunday.(3 )He had other people to take care ofme.思考:except把作为例外;把除外,不包括在内;but:常用于nobody, no one, all, who等词后面,除以外, 除外,除了besides表示排斥)除之外(还有)我补充:方法指导:组内合作交 流,探究疑难教师复备:温馨提示:用时10分钟.、 自 主 学 习.英汉互译:in the past 2) few people3)全世界4)由做成5)曾经;一度6)在特殊的场合7)在十九世纪七十年代 .完成课本表格【自疑】你还有那些疑问?赶快写
25、下来吧!方法指导 自主独立 完成温馨提示: 用时10 分钟 纠错;1. Read 1 and finish the table.方法指导: 小组合作 教师补充教师复备:单项选择()1. The children were so excited that they couldspeak.A.nearly B. almost C. hardly D. usually()2. All my classmates are Tibetansme.A. except B. besides C. with D. on()3. We don t know.一It is said that he was bom
26、 in Canada.A. what he isB. when he was bornC. where he comes fromD. if he lives here()4. May I come in? I m sorry I am late.-Come in, please. But could you please tell me?A. why you arc late againB. what were you doing thenC. who you talked withD. how do you came to school()5. Could you tell me?A. W
27、hen will Mary come backB. When Mary comes backC. When Mary will come backD. wears方法指导: 独立完成 整洁迅速 对子或小 组内对查CountryTraditional clothingMaterialOccasion to weIn the pastarTodayworkingkimono以反应提升Finish 2Write a passage about the cheongsam.温馨提示:用时 15分钟抵达标运用温馨提示:用时5分钟自结【收获与反思】我学到了我想说:八年级英语下册unit8 topic3测试
28、(周周清)学校:主备人:刘莉莉审核人:王守国审核时间:使用人:组名 编号:68一.词汇。根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。Bill made so many mistakes, so he had no C except to leave.-Maria, your new b looks nice on you.-Really? Thank you.-David, whats the book about?-ICs about the writers p experience in Africa.The cheongsam is a well-known item of Chinese t Cl
29、othing.5.1 got the first in 2000 meters race and words couldnt e how pleased I was.二,单项选择。( )1. Hurry up! Here the bus coming.A. isB. comesC. comeD. go()2. Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?A. traditionalB. decorationC.celebrationD.impolite()3. -When are you going
30、 to Kunming for your holiday?-1 havent decided.this Sunday next Sunday is OK.A. Both; andB. Either; orC. Neither; norD. Not only; but also()4. -What did Li Zhiwei say just now?-He said he his homework in the classroom at that time.A. didB. is doingC. was doingD. does()5. -What will he be like in yea
31、rs?-I cant imagine that.A. another tenB. ten ,motherC. ten otherD. other ten)6. -Why arc you walking so quickly, Edward?-Therea talent show in ten minutes.A. will haveB. will be()7.-Could you let me know yesterday?-Because the traffic was heavy.why did you come latewhy you came latewhy do you come latewhy you come late()8. There two soccer matches in Beijing tomorrow.A. isB. areC.is going to beD. are going to be( )9. Many sports players became well-known after they joined in the Beijing Olympic Games, The under
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