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1、6/18Workshop staffs monthly performance appraisal project生产人员月度绩效考核方案(Temporary)(暂行) Chapter 1 General principles总则 Item 1 Purpose of performance appraisal考核目的 In order to better evaluate workers working effect, arouse their work potential, enhance their passion and efficiency of working, to ensure

2、the successful completion of the production tasks and achieve rewards distribution mechanism. 为了更好地评估生产人员的工作效果,激发其工作潜能,提高其工作热情和生产效率,以保证生产任务圆满完成并实现多劳多得的薪酬分配机制。Item 2 Object of performance appraisal考核对象 The object of performance appraisal is workshop managers, supervisors, leaders and workers.考核对象为各车间

3、主任、主管、班组长及工人。Item 3 Use of performance appraisal考核用途 The result of performance appraisal is major reflected in the following aspects:考核结果的用途要紧体现在以下几个方面:. Distribution of salary薪酬分配;. Business movements职务升降;. Position transfer岗位调动;. Training职员培训。Chapter2 Appraisal project第二章 考核方案Item4 Appraisal perio

4、d考核周期 The appraisal is based on monthly cycle, which is from the first working date to the last working date within one month. The appraisal result of this month should hand to HR & Adm. Dep. for taking records before 3rd of the next month.此考核以月度为周期,即从每月第一个工作日至每月最后一个工作日为一个考核周期。当月的考核结果于次月3日前上交人力资源行政部

5、备案。Item5 Target of performance appraisal考核指标 Because it is in trial-produce phase, we adopt the completion rate of labor productivity as the target of performance appraisal for workshop staff except forklift driver. (The appraisal of forklift driver refers to the attached table3.)鉴于目前在试产时期,仅采纳劳动生产率的

6、完成率作为除叉车司机外的其它生产人员的考核指标。(叉车司机考核另见附表3)Item6 Methods of performance appraisal考核方法. Cardinal number from salary for performance appraisal: 30% of monthly salary is to be cardinal number of all the workshop staff except the forklift driver, and appraise the monthly performance according to the completio

7、n of labor productivity.考核工资基数:将除叉车司机外的生产人员月工资的30%作为考核基数,依照劳动生产率的完成情况按月考核绩效。. Principle of performance appraisal: check and ratify the output of every workshop according to the order form and production plan, and also calculate the total man-hour according to the man-hour ration, which is the refere

8、nce of labor productivity appraise. In case of special products production, the man-hour ration can be properly adjusted, the man-hour ration as follows:考核原理:依据订单需求及生产打算,核定各车间产量,同时依据工时定额,计算各车间的总用工量(工时),作为劳动生产率考核依据。如遇专门产品的生产,可适当调整工时定额,工时定额如下:Table1: The man-hour ration of each workshop from Sep to De

9、c of 2007 附表1: 2007年9-12月各车间工时定额表Unit (单位):H/TDefinition of target指标定义The hours of a ton of qualified products completion完成1吨合格产品所需要的小时数Formula计算公式Man-hour ration (H/T) = planned man-hour/quantity of order form(T)工时定额(H/T)= 打算工时 / 订单量(T)Goal当年目标Sep.9月Oct.10月Nov.11月Dec.12月Wax & Shelling蜡模车间2201801401

10、10Foundry熔化车间230195160120Finishing清理车间230195160120Total合计680570460350. Methods of calculation 计算方法:1、Completion rate of Labor productivity = (actual production / actual man-hour)(planned production/planned man-hour) = man-hour ration / actual unit man-hour劳动生产率完成率 =(实际产量 / 实际工时)(打算产量 / 打算工时) = 工时定额

11、/ 实际单位工时 2、Performance wage:绩效工资:Performance wage of workshop manager and leader = completion rate of labor productivity of this workshop * 30% * his monthly salary车间主任、班组长绩效工资 = 该车间的劳动生产率完成率 * 30% * 其月工资Total performance wage of workers in workshop = completion rate of labor productivity of this wo

12、rkshop * 30% * Si各车间工人总绩效工资 = 各车间劳动生产率完成率 * 30% * Si Si means the monthly wages of this worker, i means certain worker 其中,Si表示该工人的月工资,i表示某工人(Performance wage of forklift driver = performance score of this month / 100 * 30% * his monthly salary)(叉车司机绩效工资 = 当月绩效得分 / 100 * 30% * 其月工资)3、Example:实例:Suppo

13、se that the man-hour ration of Sep.,2007 is 300 H/T, a production workers fixed monthly salary is 1000yuan/month.假如2007年9月的工时定额为300 H/T,某个生产人员的原定月工资为1000元/月。If this workers actual unit man-hour of Sep. is 150 H/T, so his current salary is:700 + 300 * 300/150 = 1300 (Yuan)若该生产人员9月的实际单位工时为150 H/T,则其现在

14、的月工资应为:700 + 300 * 300/150 = 1300 (元)If this workers actual unit man-hour of Sep. is 300 H/T, so his current salary is: 700 + 300 * 300/300 = 1000 (Yuan)若该生产人员9月的实际单位工时为300 H/T,则其现在的月工资应为:700 + 300 * 300/300 = 1000 (元)If this workers actual unit man-hour of Sep. is 500 H/T, so his current salary is:

15、 700 + 300 * 300/500 = 880 (Yuan)若该生产人员9月的实际单位工时为500 H/T,则其现在的月工资应为:700 + 300 * 300/500 = 880 (元) Item7 Procedure of appraisal 考核程序. In case of special products production, if it is needed to adjust the man-hour ration of next month, the production Dep. has to give the modified man-hour ration with

16、approval of GM to HR & Adm. Dept. for records.如遇专门产品的生产,需调整次月工时定额的,生产部在每月25日前将修改后并经总经理认可的工时定额报人力资源行政部备案。. The production Dep. should give the actual output to HR & Adm. Dept. to put on records before 3rd of the next month, which will be the gist of performance appraisal for the workshop staff except

17、 forklift driver.生产部将当月各车间的实际产量情况于次月3日前上交人力资源行政部备案,作为除叉车司机外的其它生产人员绩效考核的依据。. The production Manager fill in the table2 to carry out performance appraisal for the forklift driver, and give the result to HR & Adm. Dept. to put on records before 3rd of the next month, which will be the gist of performan

18、ce appraisal for forklift driver.生产经理填写附表2对叉车司机进行考核,并将当月的考核结果于次月3日前上交人力资源行政部备案,作为对叉车司机绩效考核的依据。. HR & Adm. Dep. is take charge of checking and ratifying the total performance wage for the Workshop Manager, Leader, and workers. The Workshop Manager and Lead will allot the total performance wage to eac

19、h worker, and report to HR & Adm. Dept. The performance wage will be given to the workers before 5th of the next month. 由人力资源行政部负责核定车间主任、班组长及各车间工人总绩效工资。各车间主任会同班组长将工人总绩效工资分解至各生产工人,并报人力资源行政部核实发放。当月绩效工资的发放时刻为次月5日前。Chapter3 supplementary articles第三章 附则This project will be carry into execution from Sep.1

20、st, 2007.本方案自2007年9月1日起实施。Table2: _year _month_day actual output of workers附表2: 年 月 车间工人实际产量情况表NO.序号 Name姓 名Man-hour ration (H/T)工时定额Output (T) 实际产量Man-hour(H)实际工时Completion rate of Labor; Productivity劳动生产率完成率(%)TOTAL 合计PS: The actual output should give to the HR & Adm. Dep. to put on records before

21、 the next month 3rd.注:当月的实际产量情况于次月3日前上交人力资源行政部备案。Table3: performance appraisal table_forklift driver附表3: 绩效考核表_叉车司机Dept.: _ Examinee: _ Grade: _score Grade:_ Time:_部门: 被考核人: 评分: 分 等级: 时刻: Content考评内容Target指标内容Standard具体衡量标准Score评分Work achievement(60%)工作业绩(60)Drive (40%) 驾驶(40)To ensure the productio

22、n of forklift use, full mark is 40 cents能够及时、高效地保障生产用车,满分为40分Maintenance of forklift (15% ) 叉车的维护(15)Low rate of failure of forklift use, good maintenance of forklift, full mark is 15 cents叉车使用中故障率低,车辆保养好,满分为15分Maintenance of products (5%)物资的维护(5)Avoid products harm during the transit, full mark is 5 cents.防止物资在运输过程中受损,满分为5分Work


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