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1、整理版新视野大学英语第三版4 Understanding:1. Answer the following questions.1. What is the deal between the narrator and his roommate, Rob? Why dothey make the deal?The deal between themisthat thenarrator gives Robhis leather jacket,and Rob, in exchange, gives the narrator his girlfriend. They make thedealbecaus

2、etheywanttogetsomethingfromeachother:Robiscrazyaboutfashion, and he wants to own the narrators fashionable leather jacket;the narrator longs to have a beautiful girlfriend, and Robs girlfriendis beautiful.2.Why does the narrator want to have a beautiful and well-spokengirlfriend?Hethinksabeautifulan

3、dwell-spokengirlfriendwillassisthimtolanda job and achieve success in an elite law company.3. WhenthenarratorandPollyhavetheirfirstdate,thenarratorsaysthat what he has got in mind is a little eccentric. Why?Thenarratorfeelsthiswaybecausehecantstopthinkingthathispurposeof dating Polly is not for roma

4、nce but for improving her intelligence,and he cant let Polly know his plan.4.Why does the narrator decide to teach Polly logic?The narrator decides to teach Polly logic because he believes logic isessential to clear thinking. By teaching Polly logic, he can make herintelligent.5.HowdoesPollyrespondt

5、othenarratorwhenheteachesherlogic?Whateffect do her responses create?When the narrator teaches her logic, Polly responds either shortly withCool, Great, I like that idea, or simply with nodding or blinking.整理版withoutsayinganything.TheseresponsesgiveusanimpressionthatPollyis a nice but rather simple-

6、minded girl.整理版6. Is the narrator successful in teaching Polly logic? How do youknow?Yes. He is only too successful in teaching Polly logic because intheendwhenheasksPollytobehisgirlfriend,Pollyrefuseshisrequestby applying all the logical fallacies he has taught her.7. Why does the narrator say You

7、know the things you learn in schooldont have anything to do with real life (Para. 36)?Because he wants to make one more attempt to win Polly as his girlfriendby asking her to forget what he has taught her.8. In what sense is the end of the story ironic?TheendofthestoryisironicbecausePollyturnsouttob

8、esmarterthanthe narrator. First, she is able to refute all his arguments as logicalfallacies. Then, she discloses that she and Rob have played a trick onhim. The narrator has been too smart for his own good.三、选词填空Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change theform where necessary. Each wor

9、d can be used only once.1. As the gender barriers (crumbled), the number of women working aslawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase significantly from themid-20th century.2. With the data collected each year, the owner of the shopdiscrencan(discern)customertrends and how things like weather a

10、ndeconomic indicators affect sales performance.3.Hissupervisorpushesandmotivateshiminsuchapositivemannerthatsurpasshe is not only able to reach but tohispersonal goals.shrewd4.Heisamanwitha(n)businesssense.Hehasbuilthisinitialinvestment into a substantial and even excessively large fortune.conversio

11、n5. Theof nuclear radiation directly into electricity was anexciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in manylaboratories in the 1950s.整理版6. I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried todistortthe scientific facts in such a manner that even somehighly-educated peop

12、le were fooled.7. Sixty-two and blessed with his mothers skin, the fisherman hadradiantwithstood a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked asa man in his forties.asingeniouscodewhichhasahad an impact on the lives of generations of people who are blind.9. The senators didnt expect us to ask such t

13、ough questions, and whenstumpedwe finally did, they gotand didnt know what to position10.Thisnewlyestablisheduniversitysupportsthethatamorediverse higher education system is desirable since it would enhanceopportunities for lifelong learning.四,词根后缀学习练习cy, -ic, -yto or remove them from the fol

14、lowing words to formAdd -ornew words.delicacydelicate 1)bankruptcybankrupt 2)accountantcaccountant 3)(accountancy)secrecysecret 4)vacant 5)urgent 6)vacancyurgency.整理版atmosphericatmosphere 7)magnetmagnetic 8)metallicmetal 9)gloomgloomy 10)guilty 11)master 12)guiltmastery五、Fillintheblankswiththenewly-

15、formedwordsinthebox.Changetheform where necessary. Each word can be used only once.1.Contrarytothepredictionsofsomelocaleconomists,whoalwayswarnedthat higher wages and benefits would lead to slower growth and businessbankruptciesthesepolicieshadexactlytheoppositeeffect.2.Therearegrowingconcernsabout

16、theclimateeffects,suchasmeltingice caps, droughts, floods, etc., due to risinggreenhouse gas concentrations.atmospheric3. Long considered one of the greatdelicacy, goose liver most commonly appears on the menu of French dishes inhigh-end restaurants.4.For the sake of future prosperity and for its el

17、iminationof hunger and disease, reforms and innovations must be pursued withurgency5.Manysmartpeoplebecameaccountantsinsteadofscientistsbecausethesciencetheywereexposedtoinschoolmade accountancymore attractive by comparison.seem6. Despite the deepening economic gloom, he believesautomobile sales wil

18、l likely grow vigorously over the next three yearsas long as loan interest rates remain low.整理版7. The nearby high-tech park helps the university become a(n) magnetfor some of the most ambitious young business minds from around thecountry.8.PhotographsofthisqualityarerareamongUFOphotographs,butinthis

19、particular shot you can clearly see a disc-shapedobject.metallic9. Since the scope of agriculture is wide, the administrators andinformation personnel involvedinit must have a goodthe field.mastery of10. Employers decide to create a(n) vacancyonly when theexpected profit of a filled job exceeds the

20、hiring costs for a newemployee.11. Parents often suffer deep feelings ofguiltiftheir children fail to succeed, or dont turn into responsible andlaw-abiding members of society.12.Irespecttheneedforsecrecyataparticularpointin family life. But I do believe that family members do better when theycan spe

21、ak openly about things that really matter.六、填空题Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the wordbank. You may not use any of the words more than once.Haveyoueverheardpeoplesaythattheytendtobemoreofaright-brainor left-brain thinker? From books to television programs, you havementionedproba

22、bly heard the term 1)numerous times, or perhaps you havedetermineeventakenanonlinetestto2)whichtypebestdescribesyou.Dodifferent parts of the brain really control different bodily and mentalgainedfunctions? Over the years, a theory that has 3)in popularityresponsibleis that the right brain and the le

23、ft brain are 4)for differentmodes of thought and that the way in which a person thinks will dependon which side of his brain works more actively.People who rely moreheavily5)on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginativeand spontaneous. They are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes

24、, for.整理版artisticthe right brain is associated with 6)ability like singing,painting, writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people are quite 7).整理版oppositein the way they think. They tend to be more logical andanalytical8)in their thinking and usually stand out in mathematics andwordskills.Whilet

25、hedifferentfunctionsofthetwobrainpartsmayhavedistortedbeen 9)and exaggerated by popular psychology, understandingyourstrengthsandweaknessesincertainareascanhelpyoudevelopbetterstumpedways to learn and study. For example, if you are usually 10)intrying to follow verbal instructions, an activity often

26、 cited as aright-braincharacteristic,youcanbenefitfromwritingdowndirectionsand developing better organizational skills.七、填空(短语)1. The brick walls of the ruined buildings were dripping withgreenmoldandmoisture,andsheshiveredinvoluntarily,lookingdowntoavoid the sight.2. As urban populations exported finished goods 2in exchange forraw materials from neighboring populations, organized trade grewsubstantially.3.Knowing justhow quickly awildfirecan spread,some residents ofthevillage


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