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1、小学英六级下册末试题(刻 60 分 ) 评判 A B C D 听力部一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,把序号填在括号内。( ) 1. A. excited B. tired C. happy( ) 2. A.B.artist C. actress( ) 3. A. soup B. ship C. stop( )4. A. cloud C. cooked( )5. A. B. library ( )6. A. B. west south ( )7. A. ( ) B. C. taller( pass B. C. presents ( )10. A. toothache B. have a h

2、eadache C. have a look 二、 听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片,把序号填在括号内。( ) 1. A B ( ) 2. A B( ) 3. A B ( ) A B( ) 5. A B ( ) A 三、听音,标序号。医( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、 听问句,选择正确的答语。( )( )1. A. Im 12 years old. B. Im tall.C. m 40 kg.( )2. A. Shes happy.B. She tall C. Shes fine.( )3. A. I a book. B. I do homework.C. Im walking.( )4.

3、A. I like B. I like like best.( s tall.B. He works in a C. Hes an engineer.五、听音,填入所缺的单词或短语。 1. Mike2. I Ifootball .3. The is than 4. I went to park and boat .请 认 真 审 题呀!一、拼音标,给英语单词标相对应的序号。/u:ek/3. 4./l /5.matterflower toothache( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、按要求写出以下单词的形式。 (过去式 thin (比较级) dive go (第三人称单数 ) ( 职

4、业名词)三、读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词。( B. policeman post ( B. C. tired( teacher shorter driver( sunny ( sang B. dance C. 四、依照图意选择适合短语,将序号填在图下的括号内。 collecting B. traffic play the D. a throat E. a ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、单项选择。( )1.Lucy is nine old. Ann ten. B. C. older( I a friend. She to like B. C. to ( I a book in t

5、he bookstore buy B. am to buy C. ( _ a desk, a big closet in have B. is( picture together. taking B. take C. took( My throat _ My nose is, B. C. hurts( Look! students _ in music room. singing( )8.-Where does the rain come from? - It comes from the ( )9.C. -_ you_ football last - No, I Do, play,t B.

6、Did, ,t C. Did, play,didnt ( )10. _? - I went by Where do you B. How you C. you 六、读一读,选一选,写一写。1. I go / to park yesterday.2. usually TV in the 3. Ming / than Liu Xiang.4. Miss can (dance / 5. Mike will ) Chinese week.七、依照句意和图片提示,将句子补充完整,每空填写一个单词的正确形式。1. _ last weekend.2. The s tail is the dogs tail

7、.3. I going to buy a _ _ tomorrow.4. - your hobby?-I like_ 5. I _ good yesterday.八、连词成句,注意运用大小写和标点符号。1. You, , me , taller, 4 , than cm (.)2. skiing, I, winter, went, (.)3. I , visit, am , grandparents, my , this ( .)4. , Does ( ? )5. you, did, on, go, your ( ? 九、把相应答句的序号填在问句前的括号内。( ) What you I fee

8、l ( ) What you last B. I sang and ( ) How your C. Its next to museum. ( ) How do D. I ( ) is the bus stop, please? I wear 16.十、用框内所给出的句子把对话补充完整, 把序号写在横线上。 Yes, did.B. How you?C. I climbed Wall.D. I am visit E. I to Beijing.Chen Jie: Hi, Liu Yun.Liu Yun: Im fine, thank you.Chen Jie: you go Liu Yun:Ch

9、en Jie: What did do Liu Yun:Chen Jie: Did you take Liu Yun:Chen Jie: What you do summer holiday?Liu Yun:Chen Jie: Wow! sounds 十一、阅读下面短文,然后回答下列问题。 Peng s uncle lives in Yantai. Zhang went with his last He there by train. It was a long trip. got at 3 clock in the afternoon. His went to train meet He w

10、as tired happy. the first day, Zhang Peng played with his cousin. the second day, he English. the third, he went to blue with his , they swam in together. in Yantai for five days. He took many fruit for too. Yantai a beautiful city.1. Where Peng - _ _ 2. - When Zhang to Yantai?- _ 3. -What he on sec

11、ond day ?- _ _4. - Did he go swimming in with his uncle third day? _.5. -What he for his -_ _ 十二、欢乐作文。请以 My friend 为题,写一篇英语小短文。介绍你最好的朋友,很多于 5 句话。首句已给出,不包括在内。给大伙儿介绍一下吧!(提示:所写内容必需包括 外貌特点,上学的交通方式,爱好,上个周末做 了什么活动下个周末的打算等个方面的内容,好朋友的名字可用 男)或 Amy(女)代替。My friend_ my friend. _ _ _请 认 真 检查呀!六年级英语评判标准及参考答案说明:按取

12、得星多少,分品级 A C D85 颗以上:获品级 A 70 -84 颗:获品级 60 -69 颗星获品级 C 60 颗以下:获品级 D听力部份一一个 1 颗共 10 颗) B A A 二一个 1 颗共 6 颗) B A B B A A 三题 1 颗共 5 颗星) 1 5 3 四空 1 颗共 5 颗星) C A A BB五一个 颗共 颗1. football2.have a cold3. bigger4. roweda 笔试部份一一个 1 颗共 5 颗) 2 5 4 3二一个 1 颗共 5 颗)三一个 1 颗共 5 颗) C B C B四空 1 颗共 5 颗星) B C E A五题 1 颗10

13、颗星C B B B C B A C B六题 1 颗共 5 颗星)七题 1 颗共 5 颗星)fishing 3. comic book kites八题 2 颗,共 颗星)评分要求:句子开头没大写、不写标点共扣 颗星单词排序不正确不得星。 1. You 4 cm taller than I winter. I visit my grandparents Does she English? did you go holiday ?九题 1 颗共 5 颗星) D E A C十空 1 颗共 5 颗星) E C A D十一题 1 颗, 5 颗) lives in got at clock in Yes,

14、he bought presents( for 十二句 1 颗, 5 颗)评分要求:句子开头没大写、不写标点每 处扣 1 颗;单词拼写错误每 2 处扣 1 颗星动词形式不正确每 1 处 星个方面一个方面 2 颗星设写一个方面, 尽管五个句子全对,也只能得 2 颗星; 过 5 句,不加星,如有拼写错误也不扣星。 (答案:略)附:听力材听力此开始:小学英六年级下册末测试听力部一、听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,把序号填在括号内。每题听遍。 1. I excited I am going big trip. 2. is an 3. Stop a red I the yesterday. is ang

15、ry.6. Where is office? - north of the bookstore.went swimming last . 8. Im you. 9. Last Sunday, I s matter? I have a .二、听音,选出与所听内容相符的图片,把序号填在括号内。 (每题听两遍。 1. I failed math test. I (How does she feel?Shes )2. How can I the straight for 3 you ?I clothes.4. you do tomorrow? Im going to the cinema.5. you on your holiday? I went ice-skating.6. -Mike, how you went by plane.三、听音,标序号。(每题听两遍。1. You see the hospital left.2. Whats the matter ? I have a fever.3. What do do on the weekend? I go 4. What does your mother a 5. ca


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