1、Handover1 Intra-E-UTRAN handover1.1 X2-bassed hanndovver1.1.11 GeenerralThesee prroceedurres aree ussed to hannd ooverr a UE froom aa soourcce eeNoddeB to a ttargget eNoodeBB ussingg thhe XX2 rrefeerennce poiint. Inn thhesee prroceedurres thee MMME iis uunchhangged. Twwo pprocceduuress arre ddefiine
2、dd deepenndinng oon wwhettherr thhe SServvingg GWW iss unnchaangeed oor iis rreloocatted. Inn adddittionn too thhe XX2 rrefeerennce poiint bettweeen tthe souurcee annd ttargget eNoodeBB, tthe prooceddurees rrelyy onn thhe ppressencce oof SS1-MMME reffereencee poointt beetweeen thee MMME aand thee so
3、ourcce eeNoddeB as welll aas bbetwweenn thhe MMME andd thhe ttargget eNoodeBB.The hhanddoveer pprepparaatioon aand exeecuttionn phhasees aare perrforrmedd ass sppeciifieed iin TTS336.33005. IIf eemerrgenncy beaarerr seerviicess arre oongooingg foor tthe UE hanndovver to thee taargeet eeNoddeB is per
4、rforrmedd inndeppenddentt off thhe HHanddoveer RResttricctioon LListt. TThe MMEE chheckks, as parrt oof tthe Traackiing Areea UUpdaate in thee exxecuutioon pphasse, if thee haandooverr iss too a resstriicteed aareaa annd iif sso MMME relleasses thee noon-eemerrgenncy beaarerrs aas sspeccifiied in cl
5、aausee5.10.3.If thhe sservvingg PLLMN chaangees dduriing X2-bassed hanndovver, thhe ssourrce eNoodeBB shhalll inndiccatee too thhe ttargget eNoodeBB (iin tthe Hanndovver Resstriictiion Lisst) thee PLLMN sellectted to be thee neew SServvingg PLLMN.When thee UEE reeceiivess thhe hhanddoveer ccommmandd
6、 itt wiill remmovee anny EEPS beaarerrs ffor whiich it didd noot rreceeivee thhe ccorrrespponddingg EPPS rradiio bbearrerss inn thhe ttargget celll. As parrt oof hhanddoveer eexeccutiion, doownllinkk annd ooptiionaallyy allso upllinkk paackeets aree foorwaardeed ffromm thhe ssourrce eNoodeBB too thh
7、e ttargget eNoodeBB. WWhenn thhe UUE hhas arrriveed tto tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB, dowwnliink datta fforwwardded froom tthe souurcee eNNodeeB ccan be sennt tto iit. Upllinkk daata froom tthe UE cann bee deelivvereed vvia thee (ssourrce) Seerviing GW to thee PDDN GGW oor ooptiionaallyy foorwaardeed ffro
8、mm thhe ssourrce eNoodeBB too thhe ttargget eNoodeBB. OOnlyy thhe hhanddoveer ccompplettionn phhasee iss afffecctedd byy a pottenttiall chhangge oof tthe Serrvinng GGW, thee haandooverr prrepaarattionn annd eexeccutiion phaasess arre iidennticcal.If thhe MMME recceivves a rrejeectiion to a NNAS proo
9、cedduree (ee.g. deediccateed bbearrer esttabllishhmennt/mmodiificcatiion/relleasse; loccatiion repporttingg coontrrol; NAAS mmesssagee trranssferr; eetc.) ffromm thhe eeNoddeB witth aan iindiicattionn thhat an X2 hanndovver is in proogreess (seee TTS336.33005), thee MMME sshalll rreatttemmpt thee sa
10、ame NASS prroceedurre eeithher wheen tthe hanndovver is commpleete or thee haandooverr iss deeemeed tto hhavee faaileed, excceptt inn caase of Serrvinng GGW rreloocattionn. TThe faiilurre iis kknowwn bby eexpiiry of thee tiimerr guuarddingg thhe NNAS proocedduree.If duurinng tthe hanndovver proocedd
11、uree thhe MMME dettectts tthatt thhe SServvingg GWW neeedss bee reeloccateed, thee MMME sshalll rrejeect anyy PDDN GGW iinittiatted EPSS beeareer(ss) rrequuestt reeceiivedd siincee haandooverr prroceedurre sstarrtedd annd sshalll iinclludee ann inndiccatiion thaat tthe reqquesst hhas beeen ttemppora
12、arilly rrejeecteed ddue to hanndovver proocedduree inn prrogrresss. TThe rejjecttionn iss foorwaardeed bby tthe Serrvinng GGW tto tthe PDNN GWW, wwithh thhe ssamee inndiccatiion.Upon reccepttionn off a rejjecttionn foor aan EEPS beaarerr(s) PDDN GGW iinittiatted proocedduree wiith an inddicaatioon t
13、thatt thhe rrequuestt haas bbeenn teempoorarrilyy reejecctedd duue tto hhanddoveer pprocceduure in proogreess, thhe PPDN GW staart a llocaallyy coonfiigurred guaard timmer. Thhe PPDN GW shaall re-atttemppt, up to a ppre-connfiggureed nnumbber of timmes, whhen eittherr itt deeteccts thaat tthe hanndo
14、vver is commpleetedd orr haas ffailled usiing messsagge rreceeptiion or at exppiryy off thhe gguarrd ttimeer.If thhe MMME recceivves a rrejeectiion to a UUE CConttextt Moodifficaatioon RRequuestt meessaage witth aa CSS Faallbbackk inndiccatoor ffromm thhe eeNoddeB witth aan iindiicattionn thhat an X
15、2 hanndovver is in proogreess, thhe MMME shaall ressendd a UE Conntexxt MModiificcatiion Reqquesst mmesssagee wiith CS Falllbaack inddicaatorr too thhe ttargget eNoodeBB whhen thee haandooverr iss coomplletee orr too thhe ssourrce eNBB whhen thee haandooverr iss deeemeed tto hhavee faaileed.1.1.22X2
16、-bassed hanndovver witthouut SServvingg GWW reeloccatiionThis proocedduree iss ussed to hannd ooverr a UE froom aa soourcce eeNoddeB to a ttargget eNoodeBB ussingg X22 whhen thee MMME iis uunchhangged andd deeciddes thaat tthe Serrvinng GGW iis aalsoo unnchaangeed. Thee prreseencee off IPP coonneect
17、iivitty bbetwweenn thhe SServvingg GWW annd tthe souurcee eNNodeeB, as welll aas bbetwweenn thhe SServvingg GWW annd tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB iis aassuumedd.Figurre 11.1.2-11: XX2-bbaseed hhanddoveer wwithhoutt Seerviing GW rellocaatioonNOTE1:Forr a PMIIP-bbaseed SS5/SS8, proocedduree sttepss (AA) aar
18、e deffineed iin TTS223.44022.1.Thhe ttargget eNoodeBB seendss a Patth SSwittch Reqquesst mmesssagee too MMME tto iinfoorm thaat tthe UE hass chhangged celll, inccluddingg thhe TTAI+ECGGI oof tthe tarrgett ceell andd thhe llistt off EPPS bbearrerss too bee swwitcchedd. IIf tthe tarrgett ceell is a CC
19、SG celll , thhe ttargget eNoodeBB inncluudess thhe CCSG ID of thee taargeet ccelll inn Paath Swiitchh Reequeest messsagge. If thee taargeet ccelll iss inn hyybriid mmodee, iit iinclludees tthe CSGG IDD off thhe ttargget celll aand CSGG Acccesss MModee seet tto hybbridd iin tthe Patth SSwittch Reqque
20、sst mmesssagee. TThe MMEE deeterrminnes thee CSSG mmembbersshipp baasedd onn thhe CCSG ID andd CSSG AAcceess Modde rreceeiveed ffromm thhe ttargget eNoodeBB.Thhe MMME upddatees tthe Useer CCSG infformmatiion bassed on thee CSSG IID aand CSGG Acccesss MModee reeceiivedd frrom thee taargeet eeNoddeB a
21、ndd CSSG mmembbersshipp iff onne oof tthe parrameeterrs hhas chaangeed.NOTE2:X2 hanndovver bettweeen HHeNBBs iis pposssiblle wwhenn thhe hhanddoveer iis bbetwweenn clloseed/hhybrrid acccesss HeeNBss haavinng tthe samme CCSG ID or wheen tthe tarrgett HeeNB is an opeen aacceess HeNNB.The MMEE deeterrm
22、innes thaat tthe Serrvinng GGW ccan conntinnue to serrve thee UEE2.Thhe MMME sennds a MModiify Beaarerr Reequeest (eNNodeeB aaddrresss(ess) aand TEIIDs forr doownllinkk usser plaane forr thhe aacceepteed EEPS beaarerrs, ISRR Acctivvateed) messsagge pper PDNN coonneectiion to thee Seerviing GW forr e
23、aach PDNN coonneectiion wheere thee deefauult beaarerr haas bbeenn acccepptedd byy thhe ttargget eNoodeBB. IIf tthe PDNN GWW reequeesteed UUEss loocattionn innfo, thhe MMME alsso iinclludees tthe Useer LLocaatioon IInfoormaatioon IIE iin tthiss meessaage. Iff thhe UUE TTimee Zoone hass chhangged, th
24、he MMME inccluddes thee UEE Tiime Zonne IIE iin tthiss meessaage. Iff thhe SServvingg Neetwoork hass chhangged, thhe MMME inccluddes thee neew SServvingg Neetwoork IE in thiis mmesssagee. IIf IISR wass acctivvateed bbefoore thiis pprocceduure, MMME sshouuld maiintaain ISRR. TThe UE is infformmed abo
25、out thee ISSR sstattus in thee Trrackkingg Arrea Upddatee prroceedurre. If thee Seerviing GW suppporrts Moddifyy Acccesss BBearrerss Reequeest proocedduree annd iif ttherre iis nno nneedd foor tthe SGWW too seend thee siignaalliing to thee PGGW, thee MMME mmay sennd MModiify Acccesss Beeareers Reqqu
26、esst (eNoodeBB adddreess(es) annd TTEIDDs ffor dowwnliink useer pplanne ffor thee acccepptedd EPPS bbearrerss, IISR Acttivaatedd) pper UE to thee Seerviing GW to opttimiize thee siignaalliing.If tthe PDNN GWW reequeesteed UUEss Usser CSGG innforrmattionn (ddeteermiinedd frrom thee UEE coonteext), tt
27、he MMEE inncluudess thhe UUserr CSSG IInfoormaatioon IIE iin tthiss meessaage if thee Usser CSGG Innforrmattionn haas cchanngedd.The MMEE usses thee liist of EPSS beeareers to be swiitchhed, reeceiivedd inn sttep1, to dettermminee whhethher anyy deediccateed EEPS beaarerrs iin tthe UE conntexxt hhav
28、ee noot bbeenn acccepptedd byy thhe ttargget eNoodeBB. TThe MMEE reeleaasess thhe nnon-accceptted deddicaatedd beeareers by triiggeerinng tthe beaarerr reeleaase proocedduree ass sppeciifieed iin cclauuse5.44.4.2. If thee Seerviing GW recceivves a DDL ppackket forr a nonn-acccepptedd beeareer, thee
29、Seerviing GW droops thee DLL paackeet aand doees nnot sennd aa Doownllinkk Daata Nottifiicattionn too thhe MMME.If tthe deffaullt bbearrer of a PPDN connnecctioon hhas nott beeen accceptted by thee taargeet eeNoddeB andd thheree arre mmulttiplle PPDN connnecctioons acttivee, tthe MMEE shhalll coonsi
30、iderr alll bbearrerss off thhat PDNN coonneectiion as faiiledd annd rreleeasee thhat PDNN coonneectiion by triiggeerinng tthe MMEE reequeesteed PPDN dissconnnecctioon pprocceduure speeciffiedd inn cllausse55.100.3.If nnonee off thhe ddefaaultt EPPS bbearrerss haave beeen aacceepteed bby tthe tarrget
31、t eNNodeeB oor ttherre iis aa LIIPA PDNN coonneectiion thaat hhas nott beeen relleassed, thhe MMME shaall actt ass sppeciifieed iin sstepp6.3.Iff thhe SServvingg GWW haas rreceeiveed tthe Useer LLocaatioon IInfoormaatioon IIE aand/or thee UEE Tiime Zonne IIE aand/or thee Seerviing Nettworrk IIE aand
32、/or Useer CCSG Infformmatiion IE froom tthe MMEE inn sttep2 tthe Serrvinng GGW iinfoormss thhe PPDN GW(s) aboout thiis iinfoormaatioon tthatt e.g. cann bee ussed forr chharggingg, bby ssenddingg thhe mmesssagee Moodiffy BBearrer Reqquesst (Serrvinng GGW AAddrresss annd TTEIDD, UUserr Loocattionn Inn
33、forrmattionn IEE annd/oor UUE TTimee Zoone IE andd/orr Seerviing Nettworrk IIE aand/or Useer CCSG Infformmatiion IE) peer PPDN connnecctioon tto tthe PDNN GWW(s) coonceerneed. Thee Seerviing GW shaall retturnn a Moddifyy Beeareer RRespponsse (Serrvinng GGW aaddrresss annd TTEIDD foor uupliink traaff
34、iic) messsagge tto tthe MMEE ass a ressponnse to a MModiify Beaarerr Reequeest messsagge, or a MModiify Acccesss Beeareers Ressponnse (Seerviing GW adddresss aand TEIID ffor upllinkk trrafffic) ass a ressponnse to a MModiify Acccesss Beeareers Reqquesst mmesssagee. IIf tthe Serrvinng GGW ccannnot se
35、rrve thee MMME RRequuestt inn thhe MModiify Acccesss Beeareers Reqquesst mmesssagee wiithoout S5/S8 siggnalllinng oor wwithhoutt coorreespoondiing Gxcc siignaalliing wheen PPMIPP iss ussed oveer tthe S5/S8 intterffacee, iit sshalll rresppondd too thhe MMME witth iindiicattingg thhat thee moodifficaa
36、tioons aree noot llimiitedd too S11-U beaarerrs, andd thhe MMME shaall reppeatt itts rrequuestt ussingg Moodiffy BBearrer Reqquesst mmesssagee peer PPDN connnecctioon.4.Thhe SServvingg GWW sttartts ssenddingg doownllinkk paackeets to thee taargeet eeNoddeB usiing thee neewlyy reeceiivedd adddreess a
37、ndd TEEIDss. AA Moodiffy BBearrer Ressponnse messsagge iis ssentt baack to thee MMME.5.Inn orrderr too asssisst tthe reoordeerinng ffuncctioon iin tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB, thee Seerviing GW shaall sennd oone or morre endd maarkeer paccketts oon tthe oldd paath immmediiateely aftter swiitchhingg thhe
38、ppathh ass deefinned in TS36.300055, claausee100. MMME connfirrms thee Paath Swiitchh Reequeest messsagge wwithh thhe PPathh Swwitcch RRequuestt Acck mmesssagee. IIf tthe UEAMBBR iis cchanngedd, ee.g. alll tthe EPSS beeareers whiich aree asssocciatted to thee saame APNN arre rrejeecteed
39、 iin tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB, thee MMME sshalll pprovvidee thhe uupdaatedd vaaluee off UEEAMBBR tto tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB iin tthe Patth SSwittch Reqquesst AAck messsagge.If ssomee EPPS bbearrerss haave nott beeen swiitchhed succcesssfuullyy inn thhe ccoree neetwoork, thhe MMME shaall inddicaate in
40、thee Paath Swiitchh Reequeest Ackk meessaage whiich beaarerrs ffailled to be esttabllishhed (seee mmoree deetaiil iin TTS336.4413366) andd foor ddediicatted beaarerrs iinittiatte tthe beaarerr reeleaase proocedduree ass sppeciifieed iin cclauuse5.44.4.2 tto rreleeasee thhe ccoree neetwoork ressourrc
41、ess off thhe ffailled deddicaatedd EPPS bbearrerss. TThe tarrgett eNNodeeB sshalll ddeleete thee coorreespoondiing beaarerr coonteextss whhen it is infformmed thaat bbearrerss haave nott beeen esttabllishhed in thee coore nettworrk.If nnonee off thhe ddefaaultt EPPS bbearrerss haave beeen sswittchee
42、d ssucccesssfullly in thee coore nettworrk oor iif ttheyy haave nott beeen accceptted by thee taargeet eeNoddeB or thee LIIPA PDNN coonneectiion hass noot bbeenn reeleaasedd, tthe MMEE shhalll seend a PPathh Swwitcch RRequuestt Faailuure messsagge (seee moore dettaill inn TSS366.411336) tto tthe tar
43、rgett eNNodeeB. Thee MMME pperfformms eexplliciit ddetaach of thee UEE ass deescrribeed iin tthe MMEE innitiiateed ddetaach proocedduree off cllausse55. seendiing Relleasse RResoourcce tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB iinfoormss suucceess of thee haandooverr too soourcce eeNoddeB andd trrigggerss
44、thhe rreleeasee off reesouurcees. Thiis sstepp iss sppeciifieed iin TTS336.33005.8.Thhe UUE iinittiattes a TTracckinng AAreaa Uppdatte pprocceduure wheen oone of thee coondiitioons lisstedd inn cllausse Triiggeers forr trrackkingg arrea upddatee aapplliess. IIf IISR is acttivaatedd foor tthe UE whee
45、n tthe MMEE reeceiivess thhe TTracckinng AAreaa Uppdatte RRequuestt, tthe MMEE shhoulld mmainntaiin IISR by inddicaatinng IISR Acttivaatedd inn thhe TTracckinng AAreaa Uppdatte AAcceept messsagge.NOTE3:It is onlly aa suubseet oof tthe TA upddatee prroceedurre tthatt iss peerfoormeed bby tthe MMEE, s
46、sincce tthe UE is in ECMMCONNNECCTEDD sttatee annd tthe MMEE iss noot cchanngedd.1.1.33X2-bassed hanndovver witth SServvingg GWW reeloccatiionThis proocedduree iss ussed to hannd ooverr a UE froom aa soourcce eeNoddeB to a ttargget eNoodeBB ussingg X22 whhen thee MMME iis uunchhangged andd thhe MMME
47、 deccidees tthatt thhe SServvingg GWW iss too bee reeloccateed. Thee prreseencee off IPP coonneectiivitty bbetwweenn thhe ssourrce Serrvinng GGW aand thee soourcce eeNoddeB, beetweeen thee soourcce SServvingg GWW annd tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB, andd beetweeen thee taargeet SServvingg GWW annd ttargget
48、eNoodeBB iss asssummed. (IIf ttherre iis nno IIP cconnnecttiviity bettweeen ttargget eNoodeBB annd ssourrce Serrvinng GGW, it is asssumeed tthatt thhe SS1-bbaseed hhanddoveer pprocceduure in claausee 1.2 sshalll bbe uusedd innsteead.)Figurre 11.1.3-11: XX2-bbaseed hhanddoveer wwithh Seerviing GW rel
49、locaatioonNOTE1:Forr a PMIIP-bbaseed SS5/SS8, proocedduree sttepss (AA) aand (B) arre ddefiinedd inn TSS233.40022.1.Thhe ttargget eNoodeBB seendss a Patth SSwittch Reqquesst mmesssagee too MMME tto iinfoorm thaat tthe UE hass chhangged celll, inccluddingg thhe EECGII off thhe ttargget celll aand the
50、e liist of EPSS beeareers to be swiitchhed. Iff thhe ttargget celll iis aa CSSG ccelll , thee taargeet eeNoddeB inccluddes thee CSSG IID oof tthe tarrgett ceell in Patth SSwittch Reqquesst mmesssagee. IIf tthe tarrgett ceell is in hybbridd moode, itt inncluudess thhe CCSG ID of thee taargeet ccelll
51、annd CCSG Acccesss Moode sett too hhybrrid inn thhe PPathh Swwitcch RRequuestt meessaage. Thhe MMME dettermminees tthe CSGG meembeershhip bassed on thee CSSG IID aand CSGG Acccesss MModee reeceiivedd frrom thee taargeet eeNoddeB.Thee MMME uupdaatess thhe UUserr CSSG iinfoormaatioon bbaseed oon tthe
52、CSGG IDD annd CCSG Acccesss Moode recceivved froom tthe tarrgett eNNodeeB aand CSGG meembeershhip if onee off thhe pparaametterss haas cchanngedd.NOTE2:X2 hanndovver bettweeen HHeNBBs iis pposssiblle wwhenn thhe hhanddoveer iis bbetwweenn clloseed/hhybrrid acccesss HeeNBss haavinng tthe samme CCSG I
53、D or wheen tthe tarrgett HeeNB is an opeen aacceess HeNNB.The MMEE deeterrminnes thaat tthe Serrvinng GGW iis rreloocatted andd seeleccts a nnew Serrvinng GGW aaccoordiing to claausee on Seerviing GW Sellecttionn Fuuncttionn.NOTE3:Thee MMME kknowws tthe SGW Serrvicce AAreaa wiith a TTA ggra
54、nnulaaritty.2.Thhe MMME sennds a CCreaate Sesssioon RRequuestt (bbearrer conntexxt(ss) wwithh PDDN GGW aaddrressses andd TEEIDss (ffor GTPP-baasedd S55/S88) oor GGRE keyys (forr PMMIP-bassed S5/S8) att thhe PPDN GW(s) forr upplinnk ttraffficc, eeNoddeB adddresss(ees) andd TEEIDss foor ddownnlinnk uu
55、serr pllanee foor tthe accceptted EPSS beeareers, thhe PProttocool TTypee ovver S5/S8, Seerviing Nettworrk, UE Timme ZZonee) mmesssagee peer PPDN connnecctioon tto tthe tarrgett Seerviing GW forr eaach PDNN coonneectiion wheere thee deefauult beaarerr haas bbeenn acccepptedd byy thhe ttargget eNoode
56、BB. TThe tarrgett Seerviing GW alllocaatess thhe SSGW adddresssess annd TTEIDDs ffor thee upplinnk ttraffficc onn S11_U reffereencee poointt (oone TEIID pper beaarerr). Thee Prrotoocoll Tyype oveer SS5/SS8 iis pprovvideed tto SServvingg GWW whhichh prrotoocoll shhoulld bbe uusedd ovver S5/S8 intterf
57、facee. IIf tthe PDNN GWW reequeesteed UUEss loocattionn innfo, thhe MMME alsso iinclludees tthe Useer LLocaatioon IInfoormaatioon IIE iin tthiss meessaage. Iff thhe PPDN GW reqquesstedd UEEs Useer CCSG infformmatiion (deeterrminned froom tthe UE conntexxt), thhe MMME inccluddes thee Usser CSGG Innfo
58、rrmattionn IEE inn thhis messsagge iif tthe Useer CCSG Infformmatiion hass chhangged.The MMEE usses thee liist of EPSS beeareers to be swiitchhed, reeceiivedd inn sttep1, to dettermminee whhethher anyy deediccateed EEPS beaarerrs iin tthe UE conntexxt hhavee noot bbeenn acccepptedd byy thhe ttargget
59、 eNoodeBB. TThe MMEE reeleaasess thhe nnon-accceptted deddicaatedd beeareers by triiggeerinng tthe beaarerr reeleaase proocedduree ass sppeciifieed iin cclauuse5.44.4.2 vvia tarrgett Seerviing GW. Iff thhe SServvingg GWW reeceiivess a DL pacckett foor aa noon-aacceepteed bbearrer, thhe SServvingg GW
60、W drropss thhe DDL ppackket andd dooes nott seend a DDownnlinnk DDataa Nootifficaatioon tto tthe MMEE.If tthe deffaullt bbearrer of a PPDN connnecctioon hhas nott beeen accceptted by thee taargeet eeNoddeB andd thheree arre mmulttiplle PPDN connnecctioons acttivee, tthe MMEE shhalll coonsiiderr alll
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