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1、2017 年商务英语 BEC 中级口语真题【BEC1Part oneName;come from;What do you like most in your study? What skills should a manager have?Part twoWhat is important when looking for a job in another country 1)professional advice 2)search on internet 3)Part threeYourcompanyisplaningtosetupaonlinemagazinewhatinformation

2、 should be included, and what kind of writers you should choose.Question :怎么让大家知道 online magazine【BEC2Part oneStudent or at workWhich section of study/work do you like?The importance of using foreign language in work Do you like the manager?Part two选择物流时的考虑因素:1)reliability 2)speed 3) 与同事处理好人际关系的重要性P

3、art threeCompany plans to choose sports events to sponsor.【BEC4Part oneName come fromWhat skills should a manager have?根据表现来定工资重要吗? 平衡各项工作难吗?Part twoWhat is important when planning for a brochure1)target customer 2)information should be included 3) Part threeYourcompanyisplaningtosetupaonlinemagazin

4、ewhatinformation should be included, and what kind of writers you should choose.【BEC6Part oneShould the manager take all responsibilities when things go Part twoWhat is important when selecting an administrative staff? 1) 2)efficiency 3).Part threeYourcompanyisplaningtosetupaonlinemagazinewhatinform

5、ation should be included, and what kind of writers you should choose.【BEC8Part onePart twoWhat is important when organizing staff development? Part threeShift work 有什么优点 ;是否要考虑员工意见【BEC9Part oneDo you prefer modern building or an old one? whyParttwoWhatPartis important why selecting delivery service?

6、three1)safety2)speedShift work 同上【BEC10Part oneoutside appearancePart twoWorking at team 和同事的关系Starting a new business Part threeShift work 同上【BEC 中级口语真题 11】Part one公司的 outside appearance 对客户会有影响吗?Do you prefer modern building or an old one? why Part twoLaunch an advertising campaign:1)timing 2)targ

7、et customer【BEC12Part oneShouldthemanagertakeallresponsibilitieswhenthingsgoingShould the salaries be related to behavior?What is important when looking for a job in another country? 同上What is important when designing a brochure? 同上Part threeOnline business magazineWhat informationshould be included

8、?Who should writeQuestion :shouldthe articles?it be free? How to make customersknow it?【BEC15Part onePart twoWhatisimportantwhenbuildingagoodrelationshipwithcolleagues?1)reliable 2)work in a teamWhat is important when setting up a new business? 1)locationPart threeClothing store on website or shop w

9、ebsite 卖得多为什么会发生这种情况如何处理这个问题【BEC16Part onePart twoWhat is important when selecting administrative staff? 1)teamwork skills 2)efficiencyPart three Online 【BEC17Part two公司环境带来的影响因素 1)comfort【BEC18Part oneHow to balance work and Part twoRenting a machine Part threeOnline magazine【BEC 中级口语真题 20】Part one

10、Do you think it is necessary to read business news every Part twoWhat is important when organizing a meeting What is important to choose the furniture.【BEC24Part oneCompany Part twoStart a business 1)Recruitment of staff 2)location Work teamPart threeClothing retails sales on website better than on

11、shop reason and actionQuestion :网上购物的 disadvantages【BEC26Part two求职信的时候要考虑资历经验,还有一个不记得了搭档的是办公室家具应该考虑的舒适度还有健康和安全Part three是班倒工作制的优点 还有是否要问员工得意见【BEC 中级口语真题 27】Part twoWhen manufacturing the product 1)raw materials 2)technologe Part threeShift Question:should offer transporation to staff when night shift unhealthy for staff【BEC30Part two如果产品出现了问题怎么办? 1)find the reason 2)recall the product Part threeSponsor


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