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1、YANGYANG设计集团:张家口容辰华邑酒店HUALUXE Zhangjiakou By YANG & Associates Group项目名称:张家口容辰华邑酒店Project Name: HUALUXE Zhangjiakou项目面积:47000平方米Project Area: 47,000 m2项目类别:商务酒店Project Type: Business Hotel设计单位:YANG设计集团Design Team: YANG & Associates Group主创团队:杨邦胜、陈岸云、田帅Chief Designer: Yang Bangsheng, Chen Anyun, Tian

2、 Shuai开业时间:2017年Opening Date: 2017 张家口华邑酒店-大堂 张家口华邑酒店-大堂 张家口华邑酒店-大堂吧酒店位于张家口市,YANG从当地独特的地域文化和历史文化中汲取灵感,将大境门、古城 墙、商贾文化、大丽花、剪纸等代表性文化元素融入酒店之中,并结合华邑酒店“礼、尊、 和、达”的品牌理念,打造一座具有鲜明文化个性的商务酒店。Based on the project site Zhangjiakou, YANG draw inspirations from local history and cultures, applying representative el

3、ements like Dajingmen, business cultures, dahlia, paper cutting, etc.YANGinto the design of the Hotel. And in line with Hualuxe,s brand philosophy“Chinese Etiquette,Status Recognition, Rejuvenation in Nature and Enabling Space”, YANG make Hualuxe Zhangjiakou a business hotel with distinguished cultu

4、re characteristics.被誉为“中国万里长城第一门”大镜门见证了张家口的历史变迁,也蕴藏着中国历史悠久的 古城墙文化。在酒店入口设计中,大镜门造型与历史一脉相承;总台背景墙以实木垒就,在 斑驳的光影中,古朴厚重的历史气息扑面而来。而与总台背景遥相呼应的绿植墙,若隐若现 的青砖,似经过风雨洗礼的古城墙正焕发出新的生命!为了展现生机盎然的景象,大堂还融 入了山石文化,一株高七米的大红山楂树艺术装置屹立大堂中央,象征坚韧顽强的北方风骨, 也寓意着硕果丰收,喜气盎然,呈现一派盛世气象。Kown as “the first gate of the Great Wall”, Dajingme

5、n witnesses the historical changes in Zhangjiakou, and also represents Chinas ancient city wall culture.Therefore, the hotel entrance resembles Dajingmen a lot. In the mottled light and shadow, the reception backdrop made of solid wood carries a strong sense of ancient simplicity and massiness. And

6、in consistent with the reception backdrop, there is a plant wall with scattered gray bricks at the other side of the lobby as if the ancient wall, experienced wind and storm, is coming back to life! Mountain and rock culture is also included in the lobby design so as to bring vitality into the hotel

7、. The seven-meter high red hawthorn tree installation set in the middle of the lobby embodies the toughness in the north spirit, and also represents the auspicious harvest, creating a harmonious and prosperousatmosphere.张家口华邑酒店-特色餐厅张家口华邑酒店-中餐包房张家口华邑酒店-中餐包房张家口华邑酒店-全日餐厅张家口作为历史上著名的塞外边关,自古就是商贸重镇,商贾聚集、商号

8、店铺鳞次栉比、交 易市场人声鼎沸。全日餐厅以商贾文化为基调,餐厅中古朴的档口、摊位、塞外风格的器皿 及瓦片堆砌的墙面尽显塞外边关的粗犷豪迈,档口烟罩上大幅剪纸纹样还原出一派商贾云集、 车水马龙的繁荣景象。富有商贾气息的皮革家具让人仿佛置身于历史岁月中。As a famous frontier juncture in the history, Zhangjiakou has long been a commercial center sinceancient times with merchants gathered and vendors ranged in close order. Mark

9、ets here are always noisy and crowded. In the design of all day dining restaurant, designers use the culture of merchant as the basic tone. From traditional stalls and shops, beyond-the-border style containers to walls made of tiles, everything exudes the bold and heroic spirit of the frontier junct

10、ure. Large-scale paper cut on the gas hood depicts the prosperous scenery of merchants gather together and the heavy traffic. Merchant style leather furniture also brings guests back to the old times. 张家口华邑酒店-宴会前厅大丽花作为张家口的市花,色彩瑰丽,华丽优雅。设计师将其提取,运用在宴会厅地毯之上, 让朵朵繁花营造出华丽优雅的空间氛围。以“冰花”为灵感的宴会厅天花吊顶,不仅展现北 国风情,

11、也展现了张家口作为2022年冬奥会主办地的荣光。As the City flower of Zhangjiakou, Dahlia is a kind of gorgeous and elegant flower with magnificent colors. Designers use it as patterns of the ballroom carpet, creating a opulent and stylish atmosphere. Ballroom ceiling is inspired by “Ice Flower” which not only presents the

12、 North style, but also shows the glory of Zhangjiakou as the host city of 2022 Olympic Winter Games. 张家口华邑酒店-标准客房 张家口华邑酒店-豪华客房YANG 张家口华邑酒店-总统客房足疗区墙面的水墨山峦曼妙游走,画中的药草与大丽花纹理的地毯相映成趣,配以树叶状天 花营造出的林荫体验,打造出独特的中式理疗空间。客房内以剪纸艺术镂空形成的大丽花背 景墙清雅大气,两侧中式门板式样的墙面,映衬着水光盈盈的山水地毯纹理,构筑了一幅山 水交融的自然画卷!Traditional ink painting

13、style mountains undulate on the wall of foot massage area. Herb in the painting makes an interesting composition with dahlia textures of the carpet, and together with the leaf shade ceiling, it creates a unique Chinese treatment space with shady experience. Refined and classy paper cut dahlia patter

14、n in the backdrop with Chinese door-style wall and landscape carpet texture form up a harmonious natural painting!客房的陈设艺术品及家具,亦巧妙糅合中式文化、商贾文化和张家口的地域文化。精致古朴 的电视立柜源自旧时的皇家百宝箱,布纹漆面收纳柜好似古时商户常用的珠宝盒。一旁的迷 你吧也别具风味,“翘头案”的优雅形象被注入台面造型,屏风隔断的设计更是匠心独运。Artworks and furniture of the guestrooms ingeniously present the

15、 integration of Chinese culture, business culture and Zhangjiakou,s regional culture. Ancient royal treasure chest is the prototype of exquisite and rustic TV cabinet. And the cloth paint lacquer closet resembles jewelry box used by ancient businessmen. “Traditional Chinese table with everted flange

16、s ” is applied in the counter design of the mini bar and the design of screen partition is also of great ingenuity.张家口华邑酒店-走廊 张家口华邑酒店-客房走廊YANG运用古典家具及富有中国特色的门屏于细节处彰显华邑酒店的典雅气质;空间结构中 融入中国传统建筑中的斗拱结构、月亮门及山石文化;公共区域错落有致的墙面设计,诉说 着古城墙、烽火台的古老传奇寻着历史和文化的足迹,YANG完美诠释了 “铿锵马蹄声烽 烟滚滚,群山苍莽处大好河山”的壮丽图景。By using traditional furniture and Chinese screen, YANG presents the elegant temperament of Hualuxe in every detail. Traditional Chinese architecture elements, such as Dougong, Moon Gate and Mountain Rock Cultures are wisely used in the space structure. Layering wall design of the public area is telling


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