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1、“2013年国际青少年气候变变化夏令营”【】仅中国,2013421.解说:We have experienced unprecedented heat mmer. It seems as thesehigh temperatureswill melt the whole planet. In China alone, the“2013年国际青少年气候变变化夏令营”【】仅中国,2013421.解说:We have experienced unprecedented heat mmer. It seems as thesehigh temperatureswill melt the whole p

2、lanet. In China alone, the any surpassed42oC in the summer of 2013. As heat waves have tacross the northern hemisphere,nobody has been spared from this so-called 学生A:学生A: mmerisextremely学生B:学生BNobodywouldliketogo2.解说:Peopleothesea tocoolSingforthe t3.解说:In spite of suchheat waves, 100 young people f

3、rom all over the cameto,themostfamouscoastalcityinChina,toheYouthClimateChangeSummer.(国家发改委气候司司长):Ie an eof eventistomaketheyoungpeopleexperienceglobalwarming中国学生:Imfrom:Andreas Waldert:德国 Julia中国学生:Imfrom:Andreas Waldert:德国 JuliaDoaaFarid Farah:埃及 MelissaWadkin:Australia,hereI :Im looking forward t

4、o learning about how managedtosolvesomeof Nousheen: I want to know what China is renewable energy, and recycling。ng limate (国家发改委气候司司长):Theyoungpeoplecanusethisopportunity to keenly understand the oceans significant role in climate change against a ally,Ithinkthiseventmaypavethewayforustoadopt(国家发改委

5、气候司司长):Theyoungpeoplecanusethisopportunity to keenly understand the oceans significant role in climate change against a ally,Ithinkthiseventmaypavethewayforustoadoptthepoliciesandmeasuresinresponsetoclimatehe4.hek,the erswillbeextremelybusyacquiring knowledgeon “howtocope withclimate changeandprotec

6、t theoceans”,and some of s projects on marine resource utilization, marine recycling, and renewable energy, in order to seethese projectsimpact on change and marine life,as well as gain some valuable insights fromthem. of the summer each erwill be honored with the title “climate which we hope willhe

7、lp them play an even bigger heheir response to :As a climate ion, he and ve a awarenessofthe eofclimatechange,whichshouldbefollowedby采访AmelinaFitri:“气候大使”。采访AmelinaFitri:Climate ch awareofhowtheclimatechanges。ionshipisoneofthewaytohelptheyouth ionIn 问航(国家发改委气候司对外合作处处长):Dear students, good etothebeau

8、tiful coastal cityofernational Youth Climate Change Summer for thekickoffceremonyofthe . Nowlets illuminate the balltoopenthe.国5.解说:Su Wei, the world-famous negotiator on climate change, joined by ls from 问航(国家发改委气候司对外合作处处长):Dear students, good etothebeautiful coastal cityofernational Youth Climate

9、Change Summer for thekickoffceremonyofthe . Nowlets illuminate the balltoopenthe.国5.解说:Su Wei, the world-famous negotiator on climate change, joined by ls from the Development and Reform and other climate change departments, the ernational cooperative institution iLive2Lead, and some marine through

10、a crystal ball 、 from10differentcountriesaroundtheworldtoheretoconfrontthecommonchallenge of climate change.Dear boys and girls, the future of the s in your hands. You are just the morning sun at 8 or 9 oclock, full of energy, imagination, , creativity.What you do here concerns the future generation

11、s to come. Ladies gentlemen, lets join our immediate, singing for the climate, and join our hands 【合唱Singforthet now采访UrsulaBecker(Ursula Becker():The ministry for protection,natureconservationandnuclearsafetyofGermanyhasprovidedsupportforthisprogram andthisevent.Idottheerswillincreaserevealed treas

12、ures to the ers as environmental awareness during these days and play a bigger role in he6.解说:Nobodyluswhythisplanetiscalledearth,butscientistst71%ofit iscoveredbysea):Strictly speaking, this (shouldbe called waterglobe.Soenvironmental awareness during these days and play a bigger role in he6.解说:Nob

13、odyluswhythisplanetiscalledearth,butscientistst71%ofit iscoveredbysea):Strictly speaking, this (shouldbe called waterglobe.Soourunderstandingofclimate changemuststartfrom the ocean.70007.解说:The activities of this marine-themed summer , reading marine reports, visitinga marine lab, and witnessingthe

14、Jiaolong, Chinas submersibledesignedto reachdepthsof7,000metersbelowsea level,allopenedthedoorfortheerstogainabetterunderstandingofthe):I hope these 采访 summerc( 国家海洋局第一海洋can help them to gain some insights and inspirations. t, canbeacomplete采 访: What impressed me most is the Jiaolong. It is propriet

15、arily-developed submersible and its three crew members brought back slesandvaluabledataforfuturemarine了。KaiWirtz8.解说:The Jiaolong builds a bridge n the ocean and erestsare stirred up.Furthermore,Kai Wirtz,a Germanmarine researcher, told the youngpeoplehowGerman national policiesare developedbasedonm

16、arine researchfindings,which lead thecountry alonga sustainable path. (Kai Wirtz(采访KaiWirtz():I wasastonishedtoseehowtheyreactedthey began to show their reverence towards ocean i y different way after 访AnbarJayadi:IfeeltheoceanionbyProfessorKai Wirtz(采访KaiWirtz():I wasastonishedtoseehowtheyreactedth

17、ey began to show their reverence towards ocean i y different way after 访AnbarJayadi:IfeeltheoceanionbyProfessorKaiRitzandourvisittheaquariumarereallyimportant,becauseitbringsusa.9.解说:As the ocean seems so far removed from the c ers daily lives and climate change develops over a long period of time,

18、how can these ricate relationships with human activities be understood in a short time?Kai Wirtz(采访Kai Wirtz( t the ocean of all a place tremendous beauty, but also of tremendous value, t the ocean 人采访DoaaFarid Farah:The ocean is very important for us, and I had ttheoceanprovidesuswithsomanyand .10.

19、解说:Experts help the c themspacefortheirimaginations.erstolearnabouttheoceanandclimate,,。11.解说:Foracoastalcitythemostworrisomeproblemissewagetreatment.a city of8.71 million residents, functioningsewagetreatmentwould be polluted without a complete Visitthe , I have l you there is no strange smell arou

20、nd the plant rization, but you can smell it once entering we have done a nice job in singVisitthe , I have l you there is no strange smell around the plant rization, but you can smell it once entering we have done a nice job in sing12.解说:Located along the seaside and beside the homes of moren700 tho

21、usand residents (an equivalent of Bhutans total population), the MaiWastewater Treatment Plant everyses 140 thousand cubic meters of waste 采访JensenHsiao采访JensenHsiao:Idotthesewagewillothe采访Swastika采访SwastikaK to the ocean.13.解说:At this plant, waste water filteredofinsoluble particles, grease, floati

22、ng carbon source pollutants, carbon, nitrogen, ordinary pollutants coliforms. Furthermore, the mud o biogas through the digester er. Biogas is a kind of clean energy and it greenhouse MelissaWadkin:如果说采访MelissaWadkin:Wellifthedirtyuntreatedwaterjustlooksreally、anddisgustingtome,soum, yeah,itismuchbe

23、ttertoseethetreated JensenHsiao:我感觉这太神奇了,从进厂时的污水到出厂时的清水,变化HsiaoWell, o the plant as sewage and leaving the plant as fresh water. I think remarkable how they can clean up the t much where there is a 采访来然:What I have learnt from this t as long as there is er and o the plant as sewage and leaving the p

24、lant as fresh water. I think remarkable how they can clean up the t much where there is a 采访来然:What I have learnt from this t as long as there is er and right approach, a poisonous enemy can be o a 14.解说:Onreturntotheclassroomalltheworkshopersshowedann Youtheadership 化经验带入工作中,那么,Willson 先生和 关力的工作坊和培

25、训让们15解说:Whatever they are going to take up in the future, cers will apply what theyhave learnt limate changeat mmer o their practical work. Well, how do they feel about the leadership workshop traininggivenbyMr.WilsonandMs.采访Nousheen:Hetriedtomakeasimulationhereusinggamestohelpusa slight vibe of UN

26、and how ernmental bodies have reachingan agreement. I do not tthe knowledge wegainhereis going tomuchaboutenvironmentalimprovement,butwhatisgoingtomatteristhetwegetfrom:Whengrowinguptobealeader,Iwillhavemoreantstodosomething,hemustgo forit,getridoffearshaveenough16Ms. Laura told cving a dream, actin

27、g on responsetoclimatechange ishavinga采访Laura Bode( haveenough16Ms. Laura told cving a dream, acting on responsetoclimatechange ishavinga采访Laura Bode( to meet these energetic young people, see them grow and help them learn to leaders. Westerners usually t people do not care about change, but we foun

28、d the ite is true. China is leading the way in bringing youthleaderstogetherfromaroundtheworldandengagingtheminclimatemitigation.Forme,thisisreally17.解说:At present, many people like to use the term “global village”. increasingcommunications,thederstandingisBustouraroundJiaozhouBayandthroughthe参观 岛发电

29、厂 Visit to Huang18.解说:gry during its development. The lant is a coal-global warming, the lant lf a century ago. In order to s not only adopted high energy efficiency technologies generation and er cogeneration, but such as s. As the s near the sea, it is going ses,atthesametime by-这不是普通的瓶装水!Thisisno

30、tordinarybottledwater. (营员喝水19.解说:It looks nothing spe desalinated water!l, but extraordinary because it 采访MelissaWadkin:Itdoesnttastedifferentaitter,by-这不是普通的瓶装水!Thisisnotordinarybottledwater. (营员喝水19.解说:It looks nothing spe desalinated water!l, but extraordinary because it 采访MelissaWadkin:Itdoesnt

31、tastedifferentaitter,butquiteand:Ifeelworriedbeforedrinkingit,butafteratryIfinditmore 采访JensenHsiao:Icoulddrinkthiseveryday,justlikeregularbottledwater I drink.t水为整个发电厂提供生产用水,日处理海水 3000 万吨。20The desalination project is one of the plants responsesto change andmarine utilization. The whole plant d wit

32、h desalinated water production,handlingcapacityof30milliontonsofseawater aMinistry of Finance, I would allocate some money to subsidize such projects for full21.解说:In practice, advanced technology cannot be spread without lincentives,therefore,climatefinancinghaseone of thechallenges allheresponseto

33、climateBiodiversityFilmingCarbonandMeasurementClimateChangeEngagementTheershavegerforabsorbing ttheycouldneverschool.erestingly,eachofthemseemstohaveadifferent用的: The climate change engagement entCarbonandMeasurementClimateChangeEngagementTheershavegerforabsorbing ttheycouldneverschool.erestingly,ea

34、chofthemseemstohaveadifferent用的: The climate change engagement ent workshop is meaningful forme, since it teaches ushow to simulate the carbon bymeansofs 一,采访Melissa Wadkin:I really enjoyed it, I lly enjoyed the climate ium and I felt really ered, and Im thinking about what sort of things candobacka

35、thome to changemy老和。:I thinkthebiodiversityimagingworkshopismostimpressiveYe used the combination of language, pictures s teaching,someofmaterialshaveneverseen:Thecarboninformedwhenfiguresandformulaswere23.解说:Asthesayinggoes:Seeingis VisittotheNewWorldVenousIndustry24.解说:Undoubtedlyersve seend cars,

36、 wasteproducts,homeandmineraloil,butwouldseldomhaveseenhowtheyrecycled. Therefore, the recycling-based circular economy at New VenousIndustryParkopenedtheir:This factory is really cool, 24.解说:Undoubtedlyersve seend cars, wasteproducts,homeandmineraloil,butwouldseldomhaveseenhowtheyrecycled. Therefor

37、e, the recycling-based circular economy at New VenousIndustryParkopenedtheir:This factory is really cool, so large, and so good the 25.解说:Itisjustlikeahomeappliancemuseumyoumayenjoyoncemoret yourgave heJensen Hsiao采访Jensen HsiaoI think its eresting to see the evolution of all TVs, I think its really

38、 cool to preserve all these old stuff t people could see historical采访Nousheen:ThisisrecyclingfactoryIhaveeverbeentoandImustsayis incredibly awesome. I have never seen something like this ever before. Over here you could see so many TV sets dismantled to be reused and recycled, and they are going to

39、make new products out of this. I have never seen something like this ever26.解说:Adcarbytheersistobetransportedtocar-breakingline.Heseemstobeanoldfriendof!。 A:Donttmanoverthereisamechanicwhoisgoingtofixyou.Hecut o and assemble you up again.Ok, dont worry. Mammas going leavenow,B:Youdontlookgoodenoughr

40、ightnow,butIpromise,youlllookbetternkyouforyourcontributiontotheworld,us tomakenew,wegatheredheretodayjustforthedemiseofthisE:Good.27.Theleavenow,B:Youdontlookgoodenoughrightnow,butIpromise,youlllookbetternkyouforyourcontributiontotheworld,us tomakenew,wegatheredheretodayjustforthedemiseofthisE:Good

41、.27.Thecaristhentransportedtothecar-breakingThe ers see the whole recycling s of this d car from dismantlingallthewayto:Ithinkthissitesreallymadeagoodsteptowardsbuildinga economy which is all about sustainabledevelopment and I he future this reallybeimperative.Overall,itsareallygoodeeinghowthesethin

42、gsrecycledandhazardouswastesareed.Itstruly29解说: We cannot imagine what a dangerous threat it would be to ecological security of and its coastal areas if the huge amount wasnotedofandhecity.Consideringroduceinourdailylife,alow-carbonlifestyleistheonlysensible【合唱SingfortheclimateVisittoNewEnergySoluti

43、onsInc.技的30.解说:Althoughthe ers are not strange to solarenergy, the used by NESI located at the City of Jimo in Northern impressed dramatically.Herefactories,farmsandbusinessquartersareco-generated,whereofficebuildingactslikeadistributedgeneratorandthediningizesitsusethe used by NESI located at the C

44、ity of Jimo in Northern impressed dramatically.Herefactories,farmsandbusinessquartersareco-generated,whereofficebuildingactslikeadistributedgeneratorandthediningizesitsusethe sunlight. What is unique about solar energy application here is the PV greenhousewhichcoversanareaof508mu,wheretherooftopmoun

45、tedsionprovidesersupplyforthewhole 采访AdeSaputriRogiq:Itistimeformetoseethegreenhouseandtsreally:Thespace isnotwasted.Wegrowsomegreen plantsdownunder to absorb CO2.采访AdeSaputriRogiq因为这里的粮食完全都是有机种植的,所以我在这里吃到的东西有一半、甚至 90%的生 采访Nousheen:I love this ly because this is time Im foodbase, so halforeven90%of

46、things Ihaveeatenhere isanic;thirdly becausethis is avery huge facility, very impressive.Look athere, PV cells mountedon theroof top to absorb solarenergyand er, some 10 Kwh per year. I ernmental, institutional or private investments should channeledtosuchprojectsbecauseithelpstheenvironmentinsomany

47、31. 解说: So far, the ers have shown erest in the PV greenhouse, recycling s, marine utilization and marine protection, but it is noteasytolinkupclimatechange,marineprotectionand: WilliamAreyouready5、4、3、2、1,action32.解说:Itis tthosewhohavecreativeideasembracethefuture.ideasdo matter. Pop science drama

48、workshop employs creative ideas to linkup the 采访NovikaDinaUtamiPutriNovika Dina UtamiPutri:I got a eresting lesson pop dramas,sinceeducationthroughwritingsmayseemabitboring32.解说:Itis tthosewhohavecreativeideasembracethefuture.ideasdo matter. Pop science drama workshop employs creative ideas to linku

49、p the 采访NovikaDinaUtamiPutriNovika Dina UtamiPutri:I got a eresting lesson pop dramas,sinceeducationthroughwritingsmayseemabitboringforsome33.解说:It t pop science dramas can effectively disseminate knowledgeofclimatechange,astheyarewell-receivedby采访Kai Wirtz( the relations of climate change, marine e

50、nvironment and young people. As far as could see, this goal has been he science he dreams 34. 解说: Pop science dramas effectively helped the ers learn knowledgeaboutmarineprotectionand climate change response.Theirperformance fully reflected their understanding of climate change and attention to mari

51、ne 35.解说:Atthe closingceremony,UNICEFsiveto China GillianMellsopcametovisitthe采访Gillian采访Gillian儿基会驻华代表)Ithinktheyarejustightedngsothisopportunitytolearnlimatechangein,ating a green city, an eco-city, and is really looking at using energy, so they have learnt a lot. They even told t they have learnt

52、 knowledgeonmarine解说 7 天对青岛海洋保护、低碳环保、循环经济和 5 个工作坊的参观和学儿基会和国家发改委气候司共同颁发的“2013 国际青少年气。36.解说:Aftersevendaysofvisitsandlearningsaboutmarinelow-carbon and environmental protection, circular economy, as well as 5 each er receives a ernational Youth Climate Change iedenergy, so they have learnt a lot. They

53、 even told t they have learnt knowledgeonmarine解说 7 天对青岛海洋保护、低碳环保、循环经济和 5 个工作坊的参观和学儿基会和国家发改委气候司共同颁发的“2013 国际青少年气。36.解说:Aftersevendaysofvisitsandlearningsaboutmarinelow-carbon and environmental protection, circular economy, as well as 5 each er receives a ernational Youth Climate Change iedbyICEFandt

54、heDepartmentofClimateChangeofNationalDevelopmentandReform.】采访AnamZahidItsnotjustapieceofp youth of the world endorsed by us all. 采访 Jensen Hsiao:Being a climate ion, I feel honored to be given ,andbeingaclimate ion I want to goback tomy country, back toseofCaliforniatomake achange,makea ,成为“IL2L项目”采

55、访tmakesme joina ernationalcommunity,memberofUNICEF,oftheIL2L,andofChina.ThisiswhatmakesmeaclimateVictoria Lin采访Victoria Lin:I ve y hand is not only t I attended summer t I attended a forum for young children, for young students thefuture,butItitisaresponsibilityonmy采访 BagaanaSheilahI of thetIhavelea

56、rnedfromyview,aclimateionishoknowstheeglobalclimatechangeandremindsothersofenvironmental37.解说:In China, being the only child of their parents(我认为修改译体现出中国特有的独含义,原译法似乎更好一些), its t receive more care and n previous generations. However, through summer they began to think about marine protection and protection,showingglobalclimatechangeandremindsothersofenvironmental37.解说:In China, being the onl


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