ECI XDM常用告警说明_第1页
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1、10/10 xm告警列表 传输告警 告警名称可能的原因LOS光信号丢失,产生的原因有:光纤断裂,光纤没有连接好或者光传输失败 LOD有光但是业务信号丢失OP指针丢失,一般由设备失败或不匹配或时钟引起。LF桢丢失AI上游失败,上游有告警存在由设备发送AIS。AU/T A上游失败,上游有告警存在由设备发送AISSS服务失败,由AUTU AIS引起。EXC误码超限。E信号劣化。DI远端信号失败。AI跟踪字节不匹配,一般由收到的J0J/J字节不匹配引起。I信号未装载,一般由于路由不通引起。UNEQ有效载荷信号标签不匹配。PLM子针调整超限。LOM连续10秒严重误码秒.LOMC近端5M误码块超限。LOA

2、近端15M误码秒超限.SM近端1M严重误码秒超限。MSPL Failure近端1天误码块超限.PJ15M近端天误码秒超限。UT近端天严重误码秒超限.BENE 15 Min远端M误码块超限.SNE 1 Min远端15M误码秒超限。SENE5 in远端15M严重误码秒超限。BENE 1 ay远端1天误码块超限。NE 1 D远端1天误码秒超限。SESNE Day远端天严重误码秒超限。BBEFE15 in跟踪字节不匹配,一般由收到的J0/J1字节不匹配引起。SFE 5Min信号未装载,一般由于路由不通引起。EF 1 in有效载荷信号标签不匹配.BEF 1 Day子针调整超限.ESF Day连续0秒严重

3、误码秒。SSFE 1 a近端1M误码块超限。Trnmissn larms reated Optialpoer conrpn Lss Chnge(no):Sn可以理解为两个站点功率监控点之间的总衰耗. 当之间的衰耗值变化范围超出允许的门限时(默认设置为05),就会出现此告警。处理之前需要确认一下告警的产生是否暂时的。这种情况多出现于调试阶段,经常会关闭和开启某个TU单元的激光器导致站点之间的衰耗值出现变化。类似的此种情况在恢复后告警自动消失。如果是由于光缆衰耗割接等引起的一些不可恢复性的衰耗,就需要将放大器的GAIN增益调整到新的数值以适应新的链路状态.具体的做法只需打开Ga窗口,Aopt然后p

4、py就可以了。ut of rakngLmittio(Mar):放大器的自动跟踪功率变化有个范围,默认为53dB,一当超出这个范围,就会有告警,同时还会伴随Sa Los Change。由于此时功率变化的范围比较大,必须要认真检查是否线路的衰耗或者板卡等有故障。例如光纤插拔之后没有复原到位,或者增加或减少了波道的输入。如果是由于光缆割接引起的光缆衰耗的增加和减少,意味着没有办法回到系统初始的状态,整个时候同样也可以改变放大器的ai来消除告警。ut OStCalty(aor):放大器的增益是有限的,同时自动跟踪功率变化也有一个限度。放大器其实是通过调节自身之前的可调衰耗值来调节在线路中的增益的.当线

5、路衰耗的变化无法使得放大器调整到合适的增益以满足要求的输出功率的时候,就会有此告警。此时需要建议客户能否将线路的衰耗尽量恢复到初始值.如果不行,只能将放大器的既定输出更改到合适的值。保证放大器能够在正常范围内工作。WR_TL_OUT_OF_TRAKING_IIATONRqured coretio s greater thnTakngLimit an ad beenuppressedWCTLSPAN_LOS_CNGEReuiredcorrecin geter tha wAlrm Tesd an had bn aePR_CL_T_OF_ET_CAABILIYReired oretioniseyod

6、thginapabilit f te a。 Tse corectn isles than herequired.PWR_C_OUTPUTPR_NCORECRequred orretion isbeyondthg cablity teequipmnt. Th set crrectoi sshn the rquiredPR_CTL_GI_BLOCK_INPUT_OVERLOADGain inptOerloaTramission alrs rated ttheret and L2AN FaiurAuoneotiaon aireANAblt MismatchAuto-neoiio Abli Misma

7、tch hen th total biity of helink istus,i.aFast Eternet linkis operting ata 10 Mb/ eedPtneOflinemoteParer h been indicatd a Ofle or administratively Out f evcePatner Li ownemoe/Patner Lik downPartne AN FaurAuto-goiatin ailureofthe link rtrLinkDownthnet ln down o lossof carrier (s defid in IEE8023)Rx

8、Buffer erfowFIFO buerverfow othe ingress trafficTx Buffer OverflwFIFO buffer oerflo ofhe ress trafficSClien Sever Faie Filur i thustrea lient sinlTSTriSinalFail ifhere is ailure n on ofthe p terminatonth compoe te virtalycncteted oStril。TSrai Signal Degrade eeis asiglegrade o on f he ahrminaton hato

9、mpose te ituall concatenated ES tril。SSFLoss of Fram。Lo ofFrme delineation at te GF e.LOCLoss of Total CapaiywenCAS is sothisinicats h oe of the path terminatinare rently arrynraffic duet a aire。LOPCLos fPartialCapcity en CAS isspote ndicahaone ormore of the poisiondpat termtio e nt currenl caryingt

10、rafic due to failue.I DiscaThesold armthatisrase whnth umberof dicaded fraeson th port exceds a cnfiguabe vaueWN UtizationProie a measure of the WANn utlizaiowit speedto te acti andwithAN aiureuto-neotition FiuParnrffineRemterter ha been dicatedsOfflineor adminisraiely Ou o Service.Prner ink DownRmt

11、e/ParnLik wnPartner N FilrAutoegotiion ailu of thelink paerLik DownEhern linkdon r l ofrrier (a definedin EE 802.3)Broda PkThreshold l rised when he number brodcastpackets received aportxcd a coniguablevaleMulicat ktThreholdalamraisednthe nuer ulticat pacets rcivd on or exeeds onigale aluIn rrs (Pak

12、ets)Theshod alr ha s aised hen tnume f red errr fmes per pt goes oer a confurble valu。InErrrs (ctets)Theshol arm tht is risd when the mber ecive eror octtserpor goesovr a configurable vlueDuplcateAC ltf dtectin adplica MA addres (this i a 1min Awitha defut teshol 1).andmDrOctets oS oS mandm op cte p

13、r por r egress qee oreah Classof Service.Cofiurable tehold alrmandoropOcte- CoS Co NameRanom op ocets prport or ees qeefo h ass ofServic.oniurbe theshldlarmRandomDropOcets -CoSRdom dro ctets e portor egrss quuer ech lasof rvice。Coigurable threh alarmBSC isard SecdsThresoldalam rasedhen the nmer ofso

14、d tht the Broadast tor ontrl hasen dppigrams xcees courble valu。Sevie AlarsServic Filure服务失败,表示主和保护路由都不能传输业务。Serice Degrad服务劣化,表示主或保护路由在传输业务,但业务信号有劣化.Protcion Pt Failure保护路由失败。Protectin Path Degraded保护路由劣化。Timing larslar nmePoale aueTGHold Ovr时钟保持。Pay imiguce Nt Acie第一时钟源不工作。T1 ranitte ilure时钟源1传输失败

15、.TS1 LOC时钟源1丢失。TS1_OO时钟源背离。 T2 Trantter Filure时钟源2传输失败。TS2 OC时钟源2丢失.TS_OOR时钟源背离.TS3 ransmitterFilu时钟源传输失败.TSLOC时钟源3丢失。TSOR时钟源3背离。TS4 Transmitterilure时钟源传输失败。TS4 OC时钟源4丢失.TS4_OO时钟源背离。 TSqulhThe qualit ofth iming sorce fo T4 oupuis eow h qualitythreshod, whc h eent fr t ouut. Therefoe i itsiabe a 4 tm

16、ngutputandit i sulced n orrnot to b us aa ynhrniion sre for oher systes.T1 LOF时钟源1桢丢失T31 AIT_1 has AI ftS LFT3_2as Ls ofFraedfectT3-2IST_has ISefectuipmentAlrm name ProablCuseCad Ot卡没有插好Ty ismatch卡的型号不匹配PowerFailur卡的电源失败ar ilure卡硬件故障Lw Tepetre温度过低(小于0)ig Tperature温度过高 (大于65C).Power In LOWBI FlAn eqi

17、pmet fal that isn ahiger severit thanh Bit Deraded.BTDded板卡自检故障BITSlightly DeredAn euint lt , that dos ntfect cionaiy Proram Fail lrmNM软件损坏。Tmp Ot of RangeSwic ailAP hanne Po failThe protection rchitecture cant wieor dtectnd pressthecontent o te PS chnnel approaelyDefult K BtesThe nod cao propery sa

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