已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Part I Vocabulary and Structure (10%)Direction: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.1. The poor

2、lady was too and distressed to talk about the tragedy.A. engaged B. exhaustedC. ignorant D. energetic2. At fist , the famous painting doesnt impress the audience at all. A. glance B. gaze C. stare D. view3. Delegates agree to the plan in , but there were some details they didnt approve. A. ddisccipl

3、linee B. thheorry C. priinciiplee DD. nnatuure44. II toook thee meediccinee 100minnutees aago, buut tthe bittterrnesss iis sstilll inn myy moouthh.A. sscattterringg B. feelliingCC. mmainntaiininng D. liingeerinng5. Siincee thhe oof hhumaan hhisttoryy, hhumaan bbeinngs havve bbeenn asskinng qquesstio

4、ons likke Whaat iis tthe esssencce oof llifee.AA. dduskk B. dusstC. twwinkkle C. Dawwn6. Thhe eeldeest sonn aall thee faamilly mmembberss too diiscuuss howw too ceelebbratte tthe 50tth wwedddinggannniveersaary of theeir parrentts.AA. CClussterred B. reesemmbleedC. asssemmbleed D. rennderred77. II mu

5、ust leaave noww, ,iif yyou wannt tthatt boook ILLL bbrinng iit yyou tommorrrow . AA. AAcciidenntallly BB. IInciidenntalllyCC. OOccaasioonallly DD. SSubssequuenttly88. MMy mmothher is a llighht ssleeeperr, too anny ssounnd eevenn ass loow aas tthe hummminng oof mmosqquitto.AA. aalerrt BB. aacutteC. k

6、eeen D. immmunee9. Thee neewlyy buuiltt faactoory is in urggentt neeed of a nnumbber of skiilleed aand woorkeers. A. coonsiisteent BB. cconsscioousCC. cconffideentiial D. coonsccienntioous110. As an outtstaandiing schholaar, he hass beecomme tto tthe ressearrch teaam. A. senniorr B. juunioorC. inndi

7、sspennsibble C. inddepeendeent111. Sixxteeen ddayss affterr thhe eeartthquuakee, 440peeoplle, inn thheirr viillaage, weere resscueed.AA. ttrapppedd B. coonfiineddC. encclossed DD. ccapttureed12. WWorkkingg faar aawayy frrom homme, Jerrry hadd too frrom dowwntoown to hiss offficce eeverrydaay.AA. wwa

8、ndder B. commmutteC. raamblle D. mottionn13. Thhe ffinaancee miinissterr haas nnot beeen sso ssincce hhe rraissed taxxes to an unbbearrablle lleveel.AA. ffamoous B. favvoraableeC. poppulaar DD. pprefferaablee14. Itt iss unnimaaginnablle ffor sommeonne iin ssuchh a higgh iin tthe govvemmmentt too bee

9、havve sso bbadlly iin ppubllic.A. sittuattionn B. possitiionCC. pproffesssionn DD. aappoointtmennt155. IInfoormaatioon ggiveen tto eemplloyeees musst bbe , ccleaar aand in eassy-tto-ffolllow lannguaage.Acoonveenieent BcconttinuuoussCcconsstannt Dconncisse166. JJohnn waas vveryy uppsett beecauuse he

10、wass bby tthe pollicee wiith breeakiing thee laaw. A. senntenncedd BB. aarreesteedC. acccussed D. chaargeed177. DDaviid llikees ccounntryy liife andd haas ddeciidedd ffarmmingg.A. goo inn foor B. go bacck oonC. goo allongg wiith D. go thrrouggh wwithh18. Jeenniiferr haas nneveer rreallly hher sonns

11、deaath. Itts verry hhardd too accceppt tthe facce tthatt shhelllneeverr haave a cchilld.AA. ccomee too teermss wiith B. comme uup aagaiinsttC. comme oout witth D. comme ddownn too19. A nattionnal debbatee iss noow abboutt whhethher we shoouldd reeplaace golldenn weeekss wiith paiidVaacattionns.AA. i

12、in tthe wayy BB. bby tthe wayyC. undder wayy DD. oout of thee waay200. WWhenn a psyychoologgistt dooes a ggeneerall exxperrimeent aboout thee huumann miind, hee seeleccts peooplee annd aaskss thhem queestiionss.A. att eaase B. att raandoomB. inn esssennce D. inn suumIn19999, thee prricee off oiil hh

13、oveeredd arrounnd $16 a bbarrrel. Byy 20008, itt haad 211 thhe $1000 a barrrell maark. Thhe rreassonss foor tthe surrge 22 froom tthe draamattic groowthh off thhe eeconnomiies of chiina andd Inndiaa too wiidesspreead 223 inn oiil-pprodduciing reggionns, inccluddingg Irraq andd Niigerrias dellta regg

14、ionn. TTripple-diggit oill prricees hhavee 24 tthe ecconoomicc aand pollitiicall maap oof tthe worrld, 25 soome oldd nootioons of powwer. Oiil-rrichh naatioons aree ennjoyyingg hiistooricc gaainss annd ooppoortuunittiess, 266 majjor impportterssinncluudinng cchinna aand Inndiaa, hhomee too a thiird

15、of thee woorldds poppulaatioon- 227 rissingg ecconoomicc annd ssociial cossts. Mannagiing thiis nnew ordder is fasst bbecoominng aa ceentrral 228 off gllobaal ppoliiticcs. Couuntrriess thhat neeed ooil aree cllawiing at eacch ootheer to 229 scaarcee suupplliess, aand aree wiilliing to deaal wwithh a

16、nny govvernnmennt, 30 hhow unnpleeasaant, too doo itt . Inn mmanyy ppoorr nnatiionss wwithh ooil , tthe proofitts aare beiing ,loost to corrrupptioon, 31 thhesee coounttriees oof ttheiir bbestt hoope forr deevellopmmentt. AAnd oill iss fuueliing enoormoous invvesttmennt ffundds rrun by forreiggn ggo

17、veernmmentts, 332 soome in thee weest seee ass a neww thhreaat. Coounttriees llikee Ruussiia, Vennezuuelaa annd IIrann arre wwelll suupplliedd wiith rissingg ooil 333, aa chhangge rrefllectted in newwly agggresssivve fforeeignn poolicciess. BBut somme uunexxpecctedd coounttriees aare reaapinng bbene

18、efitts, 34 cossts, ffromm hhighher prricees. Connsidder Gerrmanny. 355 iit impportts vvirttuallly alll itts ooil, itt haas pprossperred froom eexteensiive traade witth aa booomiing Russsiaa annd tthe Midddlee Eaast. Geermaan eexpoortss too Ruussiia 366 1288 peerceent froom 220011 too 20006.In thee U

19、nniteed SStattes, ass allreaady higgh ggas priicess roose 377 hhighher in thee spprinng oof 220088,thhe iissuue ccropppedd upp inn thhe ppressideentiial cammpaiign, wiith Sennatoors McCCainn annd OObamma 38 foor aa feederral gass taax hholiidayy duurinng tthe peaak ssummmer driivinng mmontths. Annd

20、ddrivvingg haabitts beggan too 339 ,aas ssalees oof ssmalll ccarss juumpeed aand masss ttrannspoort sysstemms 40 thhe ccounntryy reeporrtedd a shaarp inccreaase in ridderss.211. AA. ccomee B. gonne C. crrosssed DD. aarriivedd22. A. cooverred BB. ddisccoveeredd CC. aarraangeed D. ranngedd23. A. innte

21、nnsitty B. inffiniity CC. iinseecurrityy D. innstaabillityy24. A. drrawnn BB. rredrrawnn C. reetaiinedd DD. rreviieweed255. AA. ffighhtinng B. strruggglinng C. chaalleengiing DD. tthreeateeninng266. AA. aand BB. wwhille C. thhus DD. tthouugh227. A. connfinne B. coonfllictt C. connforrm D. coonfrront

22、t28. A. prrobllem BB. qquesstioon C. maatteer DD. eevennt299. AA. llookk foor B. locck uup CC. ssendd ouut D. keeep ooff330. A. no mattterr BB. wwhatt iff C. onnly if DD. iin sspitte oof311. AA. aabollishhingg B. deepriivinng C. desstrooyinng DD. eelimminaatinng322. AA. wwhatt B. thaat C. whhichh DD

23、. wwhomm33. A. innterrestts B. taaxess C. inccomees D. reevennuess34. A. ass maany as B. as goood aas C. as farr ass DD. aas wwelll ass35. A. Allthooughh BB. BBecaausee C. Siincee DD. AAs 336. A. advvancced B. grrew CC. redducees D. muultiipliied337. A. eveen B. sttilll C. rattherr D. faairlly388. A

24、A. aaskiing B. reqquesstinng C. calllinng D. deemanndinng399. AA. cchannge B. turrn C. shhiftt DD. ttrannsfoorm440. A. forr B. froom C. accrosss DD. ooverrPart IIII Reeadiing Commpreehennsioon (40%)Diirecctioon: Theere aree 4 passsagges in thiis ppartt. EEachh paassaage is folllowwed by somme qquess

25、tioons or unffiniisheed sstattemeentss. FFor eacch oof tthemm thheree arre ffourr chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C, annd DD. YYou shoouldd deecidde oon tthe besst cchoiice. Thhen blaackeen tthe corrressponndinng llettter on thee Annsweer SSheeet wwithh a penncill.PAASSAAGE11.Heenriic IIbseen ,autthorr off

26、 thhe pplayyA Dolllss Hoousee, in whiich a pprettty, heelpllesss hoouseewiffe aabanndonns HHer hussbannd aand chiildrren to seeek aa moore serriouus llifee, wwoulld ssureely havve aapprroveed. Frrom Jannuarry IIst ,20008, alll ppubllic commpanniess inn Noorwaay aare oblligeed tto eensuure thaat aat

27、lleasst 440% of theeir boaard dirrecttorss arre wwomeen. Mosst ffirmms hhavee obbeyeed tthe laww, wwhicch wwas passsedd inn 20003.Butt abboutt 755 ouut oof tthe 4800 orr soo coompaaniees iit aaffeectss arre sstilll ttoo malle ffor thee gooverrnmeents llikiing. Thhey willl sshorrtlyy reeceiive a llet

28、tter infformmingg thhem thaat ttheyy haave unttil thee ennd oof FFebrruarry tto aact , oor ffacee thhe llegaal cconssequuencces-wwhicch ccoulld iinclludee beeingg diissoolveed. Beeforre tthe laww waas ppropposeed, aboout 7% of boaard memmberrs iin NNorwway werre ffemaale , aaccoordiing to thee Ceent

29、rre ffor Corrporratee Diiverrsitty .Thee nuumbeer hhas sinnce jummpedd too 366%. Thaat iis ffar higgherr thhan thee avveraage of 9% forr biig ccomppaniies acrrosss Euuroppe oor AAmerricaas 15% foor tthe Forrtunne 5500.Norrwayys stoock excchannge andd itts mmainn buusinnesss loobbyy oppposse tthe law

30、w, aas ddo mmanyy buusinnesssmenn. I aam aagaiinstt quuotaas ffor wommen or menn ass a mattterr off prrincciplle, saays Sveerree Muunckk , heaad oof iinteernaatioonall opperaatioons at a mmediia ffirmm. Boaard memmberrs oof ppubllic commpanniess shhoulld bbe cchossen sollelyy onn thhe bbasiis oof mm

31、eriit aand expperiiencce,be sayys. Sevveraal ffirmms hhavee evven givven up theeir pubblicc sttatuus iin oordeer tto eescaape thee neew llaw.Commpanniess haave hadd too reecruuit aboout 1,0000 wommen in fouur yyearrs. Manny ccompplaiin tthatt itt haas bbeenn Diiffiicullt tto ffindd exxperrienncedd c

32、aandiidattes. Beecauuse of thiis, somme oof tthe besst wwomeen hhavee coolleecteed aas mmanyy ass 255-355 diirecctorrshiips eacch, andd arre kknowwn iin NNorwwegiian bussineess cirrclees aas tthe gooldeen sskirrts. OOne reaasonn foor tthe scaarciity is thaat ttherre aare faiirlyy feew wwomeen iin mm

33、anaagemmentt inn Noorweegiaan ccomppaniies-ttheyy occcuppy aarouund 15% off seenioor pposiitioons. Itt haas bbeenn paartiicullarlly hhardd foor ffirmms iin tthe oill, ttechhnollogyy annd ffinaanciial inddusttriees tto ffindd woomenn wiith a eenouugh expperiiencce.SSomee peeoplle wworrry tthatt thhei

34、rr reelattivee laack of expperiiencce mmay keeep wwomeen qquieet oon bboarrds, annd tthatt Inn tuurn couuld meaan tthatt booardds mmighht bbecoome lesss aablee too hoold mannageers to acccounnt. Reccentt hiistoory in Norrwayy, hhoweeverr, ssugggestts tthatt thhe rrighht wwomeen ccan makke sstroong d

35、irrecttorss. Wommen feeel mmoree coompeelleed tthann meen tto ddo ttheiir hhomeeworrk, saays Ms Rekksteen SSkauugenn , whoo waas vvoteed NNorwways cchaiirmaan oof tthe yeaar ffor 20007, annd wwe ccan afffordd too assk tthe harrd qquesstioons, beecauuse wommen aree noot aalwaays exppectted to knoow t

36、the ansswerrs.41. Thhe aauthhor menntioons Ibssens pplayy inn thhe ffirsst pparaagraaph in ordder to . A. ddepiict wommens ddileemmaa att woork B. expplaiin tthe newwly passsedd laaw CC. ssuppportt Noorweegiaan ggoveernmmentt D. inntrooducce tthe toppic undder disscusssioon422. AA puubliic ccomppany

37、y thhat faiils to obeey tthe neww laaw ccoulld bbe fforcced to .AA. ppay a hheavvy ffinee B. cllosee doown itss buusinnesssC. cchannge to a pprivvatee buusinnesssD. siggn aa doocummentt prromiisinng tto aact 43. Too whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is Sveerree Muunckk moost likkelyy too aggreee?A. A se

38、tt raatioo off woomenn inn a boaard is unrreassonaablee.B. A reaasonnablle qquotta ffor wommen at worrk nneedds tto bbe sset.C. A ccommmon priinciiplee shhoulld bbe ffollloweed bby aall commpanniess.D. Ann innexpperiiencced bussineessmman is nott suubjeect to thee neew llaw.44.Thee auuthoor aattrrib

39、uutess thhe pphennomeenonn off ggoldden skiirtss tto .AA. tthe smaall nummberr off quualiifieed ffemaaless inn maanaggemeentBB. tthe oveer-rrecrruittmennt oof ffemaale mannageers in pubblicc coompaaniees CC. tthe advvanttagee woomenn ennjoyy whhen commpettingg foor sseniior possitiionssD. thee diisc

40、rrimiinattionn toowarrd wwomeen iin NNorwwegiian bussineess cirrclees455. TThe maiin iideaa off thhe ppasssagee miightt bee .A. feemalle ppoweer aand libberaatioon iin NNorwwayBB. tthe siggnifficaancee off Heenriic IIbseenss pllayCC. wwomeenss sttatuus iin NNorwwegiian firrmsD. thhe cconsstittutiion

41、 of boaard memmberrs iin NNorwway PASSAAGE22.Whhilee thherees nevver a ggoodd agge tto gget canncerr, ppeopple in theeir 20ss annd 330s cann feeel parrticculaarlyy issolaatedd. TThe aveeragge aage of a ccanccer pattiennt aat ddiaggnossis is 67. Chhilddrenn wiith canncerr offtenn arre ttreaatedd att

42、peediaatriic (小儿科科的) canncerr ceenteers, buut yyounng aadullts havve aa tooughh tiime finndinng ppeerrs, oftten sitttinng ssidee-byy-siide durringg trreattmennts witth ppeopple whoo coouldd bee thheirr grranddparrentts. IIn hher neww boook Craazy Sexxy CCanccer Tipps, wriiterr Krris Carrr llookks aa

43、t ccanccer froom tthe perrspeectiive of a yyounng aadullt wwho connfroontss deeathh juust as shees disscovveriing liffe. Ms. Caarr wass 311 whhen shee waas ddiaggnossed witth aa raare froom oof ccanccer thaat hhad genneraatedd tuumorrs oon hher livver andd luungss. Mss. CCarrr reeactted witth tthe n

44、orrmall feeeliingss off shhockk annd ssadnnesss. SShe callledd heer ppareentss annd sstocckedd upp onn orrgannic foood, dettermmineed tto bbecoome a fulll-ttimee heealiing adddictt. Theen sshe picckedd upp thhe pphonne aand callledd evveryyonee inn heer aaddrresss boook, asskinng iif ttheyy knnew ot

45、hher youung wommen witth ccanccer. Thhe rresuult wass heer oown perrsonnal caanceer ppossse: a rocck cconccertt toour mannageer, a mmodeel, a ffashhionn maagazzinee edditoor, a ccarttoonnistt annd aa MTTV cceleebriity, too naame a ffew. Thhis cluub oof caanceer bbabees offfereed ssuppportt, aadviice

46、 andd faashiion tipps, amoong othher thiingss. Mss. CCarrr puut hher canncerr exxperriennce in a rreceent Leaarniing Chaanneel ddocuumenntarry, andd shhe hhas wriitteen aa prractticaal gguidde aabouut hhow shee coopedd. CCanccer isnnt funnny, buut MMs. Carrr oofteen iis. Shee swwearrs, shee maakess

47、upp naamess foor tthe peooplee whho ttreaat hher ( DDr. Fabbuloous andd Drr. GGuruu ), annd sshe eveen mmakees ssecoond souund funn (canncerr rooad triips, sshe callls theem). Shhe lleavves thee meediccal advvicee too dooctoors, innsteead offferiing inssighhtfuul aand praactiicall tiips thaat rrefll

48、ectt thhe wworlld vvieww off a youung aduult. II reefussed to lett caanceer rruinn myy paartyy, shee wrritees. TTherre aree juust tooo maany coool tthinngs to do andd pllan andd liive forr. MMs. Carrr sstilll hhas canncerr, bbut it hass sttoppped proogreessiing. Heer ccanccer tipps iinclludee ussing

49、g tiime-savvingg maass e-mmaills tto kkeepp frriennds infformmed, seewinng oor bbuyiing fasshioonabble hosspittal gowwns so youuree noot sstucck wwithh reegullatiion bluue oor ggrayy annd pplayyingg Glloriia GGaynnors I WWilll Suurviive soo looud youu neeighhborrs ccalll thhe ppoliice. Mss. CCarrr a

50、llso advvisees aan eeyebbroww waax aand a nnew outtfitt beeforre yyou telll tthe impporttantt peeoplle iin yyourr illlneess. peooplee yoou ttelll arre ggoinng tto ccauttiouus aand nott soo caautiioussly tryy too seee tthe canncerr, sso ddazzzle theem iinstteadd wiith youur mmiraaclee, shee wrritees.

51、 WWhille hher advvicee maay ssounnd ssupeerfiiciaal, it getts tto tthe heaart of whaat eeverry ccanccer pattiennt wwantts: thee chhancce tto llivee liife jusst aas sshe alwwayss diid, andd maaybee beetteer.446. Whiich of thee foolloowinng ggrouups is morre vvulnneraablee too caanceer?AA. CChilldreen

52、.BB. PPeopple in theeir 20ss annd 330s.C. Youung aduultss.D. Ellderrly peooplee.477. AAll of thee foolloowinng sstattemeentss arre ttruee EXXCEPPT _.A. Krris Carrr iis aa feemalle wwritterBB. KKriss Caarr is morre tthann 311-yeear-oldd.C. Krris Carrr wworkks iin aa caanceer ccentter.D. Kriis CCarrr

53、iss veery opttimiistiic.448. Thee phhrasse canncerr poossee (Linne 44, pparaa.3 ) pprobbablly rrefeers to _AA. aa caanceer rreseearcch oorgaanizzatiionBB. aa grroupp off peeoplle wwho suffferr frrom canncerrC. peooplee whho hhavee reecovvereed ffromm caanceerD. peeoplle wwho coppe wwithh caanceer499

54、. KKriss Caarr makke uup nnamees ffor thee peeoplle wwho treeat herr beecauuse _AA. sshe is deppresssedd annd llikees ssweaarinngB. shhe iis ffunnny aand likkes plaayinng jjokees oon ddocttorCC. sshe wannts to leaave thee meediccal advvicee too dooctoorD. shhe ttriees tto lleavve aa goood imppresssi

55、oon oon ddocttor550. Froom KKriss Caarrs ccanccer tipps wwe mmay inffer thaat _A. shhe llearrnedd too usse ee-maailss affterr shhe ggot canncerrB. shee weearss faashiionaablee drresss evven aftter suffferringg frrom canncerrC. hosspittal gowwns forr caanceer ppatiientts aare usuuallly nnot in briigh

56、tt coolorrsD. thhe nneigghboors aree veery friienddly witth ccanccer pattienntsPASSAAGE33。Queestiionss 511 too 555 arre bbaseed oon tthe folllowwingg paassaage:Shoouldd a leaaderr sttrivve tto bbe lloveed oor ffearred?Thiis qquesstioon,ffamoouslly pposeed bby MMachhiavvellli,lliess att thhe hhearrt

57、oof JJoseeph Nyees neww boook.Mr.Nyee,a forrmerr deean of thee Keenneedy Schhooll off Goovemmmennt aat HHarvvardd annd oone-timme cchaiirmaan oof AAmerricaas Nattionnal Inttellligeencee Coounccil,is besst kknowwn ffor proomottingg thhe iideaa off ssoftt poowerr,bbaseed oon pperssuassionn annd iinfll

58、uennce,as a ccounnterrpoiint to haard powwer,baasedd onn cooerccionn(强迫迫) aand forrce.Havvingg annalyyzedd thhe uuse of sofft aand harrd ppoweer iin ppoliiticcs aand dipplommacyy inn hiis pprevviouus bbookks,MMr.NNye hass noow tturnned hiss atttenntioon tto tthe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen powwer and

59、d leeadeershhip,in botth tthe pollitiicall annd bbusiinesss sspheeress.Maachiiaveellii,hee nootess,coonclludeed tthatt oone ougght to be botth ffearred andd loovedd,buut aas iit iis ddiffficuult forr thhe ttwo to go toggethher,it is mucch ssafeer tto bbe ffearred thaan lloveed.In shoort,harrd ppowee

60、r iis pprefferaablee too sooft powwer.Butt moodemm leeadeershhip theeoriistss haave comme tto tthe oppposiite conncluusioon.TThe conntexxt oof lleaddersshipp iss chhanggingg,thhe oobseervee,annd tthe hisstorricaal eemphhasiis oon hhardd poowerr iss beecommingg ouutdaatedd.Inn moodemm coompaaniees aa


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