1、特种计算机Industrial Computer产品说明书User ManualCPC-8204B2U 高 4 槽 6U 板卡 CPCI 系统2U 4-slot CPCI System with 6U BoardVersion: C00法律资讯警告提示根据危险等级由高到低如下表示。危险表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,将会导致死亡或者严重的人身伤害。警告表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致死亡或者严重的人身伤害。小心带有警告三角,表示如果不采取相应的小心措施,可能导致轻微的人身伤害。注意表示如果不注意相应的提示,可能会出现不希望的结果或状态。合格的专业人员本文件所属的产品/系统只允许由符合各项工
2、作要求的合格人员进行操作。其操作必须遵照各自附带的文件说明,特别是其中的安全及警告提示。 由于具备相关培训及经验,合格人员可以察觉本产品/系统的风险,并避免可能的危险。EVOC产品请注意下列说明:警告EVOCEVOC境条件。必须注意相关文件中的提示。免责声明本公司保留对此手册更改的权利,产品后续相关变更时,恕不另行通知。负责。订购产品前,请向经销商详细了解产品性能是否符合您的需求。EVOC标,其所有权为相应的产品厂家所拥有。研祥智能科技股份有限公司2012以机械、电子或其它任何方式进行复制。保修条款:产品保修期一年。用户如另有要求,以双方签署的合同为准。欲获更多信息请访问:研祥网站: HYPE
3、RLINK / 研祥技术支持邮箱: HYPERLINK mailto:%E6%88%96support support(国际、 HYPERLINK mailto:%E6%88%96support support(国内) 4008809666文档说明本文档适用范围本文档适用于EVOC CPC-8204B型号。约定在本文档中,术语“整机”或“产品”有时特指EVOC CPC-8204B产品。说明安全相关注意事项全方面的信息。 文中使用警告三角来指示这些安全信息,警告三角的出现取决于潜在危险的程度。目录 HYPERLINK l _bookmark0 产品介绍1 HYPERLINK l _bookmar
4、k1 产品概述1 HYPERLINK l _bookmark2 产品规格1 HYPERLINK l _bookmark3 应用规划2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark4 运输2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark5 贮存2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark6 开箱及检查交付的设备2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark7 安装方式3 HYPERLINK l _bookmark8 设备连接4 HYPERLINK l _bookmark9 连接前的注意事项4 HYPERLINK l _bookmark10 产品接地4 HYPERLINK l _bookmark11
5、 将设备连接到电源5 HYPERLINK l _bookmark12 使用说明6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark13 产品外观图6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark14 产品外形及安装尺寸图6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark15 外部结构图7 HYPERLINK l _bookmark16 拆装与维护8 HYPERLINK l _bookmark17 整体装配图8 HYPERLINK l _bookmark18 前插卡/后插卡安装9 HYPERLINK l _bookmark19 前插卡/后插卡安装9 HYPERLINK l _bookmark20 前插卡/后
6、插卡拆卸10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark21 电源拆装10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark22 电源安装10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark23 电源拆卸 HYPERLINK l _bookmark24 风扇拆装与维护 HYPERLINK l _bookmark25 风扇拆装 HYPERLINK l _bookmark26 防尘网拆装与维护13 HYPERLINK l _bookmark27 防尘网更换13 HYPERLINK l _bookmark28 6. 附录14 HYPERLINK l _bookmark29 常见故障分析与解决14产品介绍产品介
7、绍应用规划应用规划CPC-8204B- 1 -CPC-8204B- 1 - 2 - 2 -CPC-8204B产品介绍产品概述CPC-8204B2U1946UCompactPCI13CPCI2CPCIPICMG 2.0、PICMG2.1PCI1采用吹风模式,提供一个高可靠性、高稳定性、高容量的CPCI产品规格项目定义主要性能指标外形尺寸(不含挂耳)486.6 mm(宽) 88 mm(高) 376 mm(深)重量约 9.1Kg (包括电池)温度工作温度:050 :-4085湿度5%95%(非凝结状态)电磁兼容性无线电骚扰限值符合GB9254-2008A抗扰度符合GB/T 17618-1998可靠性
8、平均无故障工作时间:MTBF10000h;平均维修时间:MTTR0.5h。安全性满足GB4943 的基本要求。机械环境适应性(17-200Hz)(1mm)抗冲击:10g,11ms电源特性输入电压/频率:220VAC/50Hz;81(待机状态10.1(行MaxPower 100%;应用规划运输(或其他运输工具雨、雪或液体物质的淋湿与机械损坏。贮存小心损坏设备的风险!PC(凝露小心损坏设备的风险!PC(凝露开箱及检查交付的设备设备开箱设备开箱时请注意以下几点:建议您不要丢弃原包装材料。 请保留原包装材料以备再次运输设备时使用。的一部分。检查交付的设备,查看是否在运输途中造成了任何明显的损坏。存在运
9、输损坏,请联系客户服务人员。应用规划应用规划设备连接设备连接CPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 3 - PAGE 4 -CPC-8204B2.4 安装方式19上架式桌面式(台面式)嵌入面板式壁挂式VESA 标准支撑臂手提便携式其他方式 设备连接3.1 连接前的注意事项警告所连接或内置的外围设备不得接入极性相反的设备。警告本设备只能在接地电源网络上运行。禁止在未接地或阻抗接地的电源网络上进行操作。警告使用的设备额定电压必须符合本产品电源特性。注意PCI/O块(USB)。无热插拔功能的 I/O 设备只能在设备断开电源后进行连接。产品接地接地端子设备上的等电位连接端子 接
10、地端子设备上的等电位连接端子 (安装有 PC 的机柜或设备的中截面不能小于5mm2。CPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 7 - PAGE 6 -CPC-8204B设备连接设备连接将设备连接到电源将设备连接到电源的步骤插入电源线时确保电源开关 位于“0”(关闭)位置,以避免设备意外启动。将电源线连接到该插口并接通电源开关,位于“1”。PC 前面板上的系统板卡电源LED(待机)亮起。使用说明使用说明使用说明产品外观图产品外形及安装尺寸图单位:mm使用说明使用说明外部结构图设备的正视图项目描述CPCI 电源插槽 X2主系统板前插槽扩展板前插槽X3抽拉风扇模块设备的后视图项
11、目描述主系统板后IO 插槽扩展板后IO 插槽X3电源输入接口电源开关使用说明使用说明驱动程序安装说明驱动程序安装说明- PAGE 12 -CPC-8204BCPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 13 -拆装与维护整体装配图项目描述项目描述上盖立柱支架风扇后盖板下盖风扇组件CPCI 电源背板电源盖板前插卡/后插卡安装前插卡/后插卡安装所配置的任何插卡都必须符合背板信号定义和PICMGEMC(安装如下)12:在对应插槽位置沿导轨轻轻推入;进入机箱固定孔,然后拿稳插卡面板把手向内侧用力把板卡压入到位, 此时把手成缩紧状态;步骤 4 :确认推进到位,把螺丝锁紧在机箱上(如果卡
12、面板上带有螺丝)。前插卡/后插卡拆卸1:松动面板上的固定螺丝至完全脱离机箱(如果卡面板上带有螺丝; 成打开状态;材料包装好。电源拆装电源安装与机箱呈卡紧状态;3:观察电源模块面板上的指示灯,通电后显示正常后即可开始使用。电源拆卸危险拆卸电源模块前,若有电源接入,则必须关闭电源,拆除电源线。步骤 1:确认电源模块处于关闭状态;步骤 2:松开电源模块面板上的固定螺丝使之完全脱离机箱;步骤 3:向外侧拉开电源模块把手直到脱离背板连接器,沿导轨抽出电源模块。风扇拆装与维护风扇拆装步骤 1:松动风扇模块面板上的固定螺丝至完全脱离机箱; 步骤 2:将风扇模块从机箱中抽出;步骤 3:拆除固定风扇的风扇支架螺
13、丝,取出锁有风扇的支架并放置到安全位置(如下图)。固好;步骤 5:装回风扇支架,将风扇模块插入机箱,通电后待所有风扇正常运行后即可开始使用。注意由于风扇的转速较快,所以在风扇停止转动之前,禁止用手触摸风扇。防尘网拆装与维护防尘网更换步骤 1:先完成风扇拆装前 3 个步骤;步骤 2:取出过滤材料,清洁或更换后重新放置好; 步骤 3:将锁有风扇的支架重新用螺丝紧固好后;步骤 4:将风扇模块插入机箱,待所有风扇正常运行后即可正常使用。注意为了保证系统散热和通风状况良好,避免防尘网被灰尘堵住,必须定期清洗防尘网。建议至少 3 个月定期清洗一次,机房防尘环境较差的清洗频率应更高, 防尘网在使用一年左右更
14、换一次。- PAGE 16 -CPC-8204BCPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 15 -附录附录附录常见故障分析与解决常见故障可能原因故障解决方法设备不能运行无电源请检查电源和电源线/连接器设备运行不符合指定的环境条件1、检查环境条件2、在开启冷天运输的设备之前请等待大约 12 小时。外接显示器不亮显示器未打开打开显示器显示器处于“节电”模式按键盘上的任意键亮度控件被设置为黑暗状态明。未连接电源线或显示器电缆1、检查电源线是否正确地连接到显示器和系统单元或接地出口。2连接到系统单元和显示器。 3屏幕仍不亮,请与技术支持联系。PC 上的时间或日期不正确。BIOS
15、设置不正确BIOSSetup,在 BIOSSetup调整时间和日期。BIOS 设置正确, 时间和日期不对。备用电池电量不足更换电池附录附录USB 设备不响应在 BIOS 中已禁用 USB 端口使用不同的 USB 端口或启用该端口。连接了 USB 2.0禁用了 USB 2.0。启用 USB 2.0。操作系统不支持 USB 端口。1、为鼠标和键盘启用 USB LegacyUSB)。2、对其它设备,需要有适合操作系统的USB 驱动程序。计算机未启动或Boot device not found在 BIOS 设置的启动优先级中,该启动设备不是第一优先级,或者未包括在启动设备中。在 BIOS动”(Boot
16、)设备包括在启动优先级中。开机提示找不到系统盘硬盘电源线或数据线未接好(系统可引导的线是否插好。硬盘系统文件损坏(winpe 系统装系统。IO检测不到或不能正常使用。插槽接触不良一般是由于PCIISA复拔插几次或者换个槽插。Legal InformationWarnings Danger DangerIf handled carelessly, death or severe human injury will occur. WarningIf handled carelessly, death or severe human injury might occur. CautionWarnin
17、g triangle indicates that slight human injury might occur if handled carelessly.NoteUnexpected result or status might occur, if not handled according to the tips.Professional PersonnelThe product/system covered by the manual can only be handled by qualified and professional personnel. During operati
18、on, please follow the respective instructive manuals, especially the safety warnings. The professional personnel have been trained and possess relevant experiences; therefore, he/she could be aware of the risks of the product/system and avoid possible damages.EVOC ProductPlease pay attention to the
19、following instructions: WarningEVOC product can only be used according to the descriptions within the manual, including the contents and the relevant technical documents. If the products or components from other companies are required, please get the recommendation and grant from EVOC first. Proper
20、transportation, storage, assembly, installation, debugging, operation and maintenance are prerequisite to ensure product safety and normal operation; therefore, please ensure permitted environment conditions and payattention to the tips within the manual.Copyright NoticeInformation offered in this m
21、anual is believed to be correct at the time of printing, and is subject to change without prior notice in order to improve reliability, design and function and does not represent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer. In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special,
22、incidental, or consequential damages arising out of improper installation and/or use, or inability to use the product ordocumentation.This user manual is protected by copyright. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mec
23、hanical, electronic, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without the prior written permission from themanufacturer.TrademarksEVOC is a registered trademark of EVOC Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be trademark and
24、/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Warranty Terms:The warranty on the product lasts for one year. If the user has additional requirements, the contract signed between the two sides shall prevail.Please visit our website: HYPERLINK / for more information,or send an email to the T
25、echnical Support Mailbox HYPERLINK mailto:%E6%88%96support support (International) or HYPERLINK mailto:%E6%88%96support support (Domestic) for consultation.Hotline: 4008809666About this manualScope of the ManualThe manual is appropriate for EVOC CPC-8204B.ConventionThe term “the Board” or “the Produ
26、ct” within the manual stands for EVOC CPC-8204B.InstructionsSafety instructionsTo avoid property losses or individual injury, please pay attention to the safety instructions within the manual. The warnings within the manual are marked with warning triangle , which is dependent upon the scale of the
27、potentialhazard.C o n t e n t s HYPERLINK l _bookmark30 ProductIntroduction1 HYPERLINK l _bookmark31 Overview1 HYPERLINK l _bookmark32 ProductSpecifications1 HYPERLINK l _bookmark33 ApplicationScheme2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark34 Transportation2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark35 Storage2 HYPERLINK l _bookmark36 Op
28、ening the Box andInitialExamination3 HYPERLINK l _bookmark37 MountingMode3 HYPERLINK l _bookmark38 Device Connection4 HYPERLINK l _bookmark39 Noticesbefore Connection4 HYPERLINK l _bookmark40 ProductGrounding4 HYPERLINK l _bookmark41 Connecting the DevicetoPower5 HYPERLINK l _bookmark42 Instructions
29、6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark43 ProductOutline6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark44 Product Appearance andInstallationDimensions6 HYPERLINK l _bookmark45 ExternalStructure7 HYPERLINK l _bookmark46 Assembly andMaintenance8 HYPERLINK l _bookmark47 OverallAssembly Drawing8 HYPERLINK l _bookmark48 Installing the Front/Re
30、arAdd-in Card9 HYPERLINK l _bookmark49 Installing the Front/RearAdd-in Card9 HYPERLINK l _bookmark50 Removing the Front/RearAdd-in Card10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark51 Installation/Removal ofPower Supply10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark52 Installingthe Power10 HYPERLINK l _bookmark53 Removingthe Power HYPERLINK l
31、_bookmark54 Fan Assemblyand Maintenance HYPERLINK l _bookmark55 Removingthe Fan HYPERLINK l _bookmark56 Dust-proof Net Assemblyand Maintenance12 HYPERLINK l _bookmark57 Replacing theDust-proofNet12 HYPERLINK l _bookmark58 Appendix14 HYPERLINK l _bookmark59 TroubleshootingandSolutions14CPC-8204B- PAG
32、E CPC-8204B- PAGE 1 - PAGE 2 -CPC-8204BProduct IntroductionProduct IntroductionProduct IntroductionOverviewCPC-8204B is a 2U 19 CompactPCI chassis with four 6U horizontal add-in cards, which supports one main system board slot, three CPCI node slots, two CPCI power supplies, hot-swappable PCI bus ex
33、pansion compliant with PICMG 2.0 and PICMG2.1 standards and one swappable fan module on the right with fan mode. As a CPCI communication platform with high reliability, high stability and high capacity, the product can be applied in various industries such as communication, and measurement & control
34、,etc.ProductSpecificationsItemsDefinitionsMain Functional IndexDimensions (excluding the hangers)486.6 mm (W) x 88 mm (H) x 376 mm (D)WeightAbout 9.1Kg (including battery)TemperatureOperating Temperature: 0C 50C Storage Temperature: -40C 85CHumidity5% 95% (non-condensing)EMCLimits of radio disturban
35、ce are compliant with GB9254-2008, classA;Limits of immunity are compliant with thethreshold of GB/T 17618-1998;ReliabilityMTBF10000h;MTTR0.5h.SafetyMeets the basic requirements of GB4943;Mechanical and Environment AdaptabilityAnti-vibration:frequencyacceleration (1G) amplitude(1mm)Anti-shock: 10g a
36、cceleration, 11msduration.Power FeatureInput Voltage/Frequency:Power Consumption of the PC: 81W (standby); Power Consumption of the PC: 103.1W (100% operates MaxPower);Application SchemeApplication SchemeApplication SchemeTransportationWell-packaged products are suited for transportation by all kind
37、s of vehicles. During transportation, products should not be put in open cabin or carriage. During transshipping, products should not be stored in open air without protection from the atmospheric conditions. Products should not be transported together with inflammable, explosive and corrosive substa
38、nces and are not allowed to be exposed to rain, snow and liquid substances and mechanicalforce.StorageCautionRisk of destroying the device!When shipping the PC in cold weather, please pay attention to the extreme temperature variation. Under this circumstance, please make sure no water drop (condens
39、ation) is formed on the surface or interior of the device. If condensation is formed on the device, please wait for over twelve hours before connecting the device.Products should be stored in package box when it is not used. And warehouse temperature should be 0C 40C, and relative humidity should be
40、 20% 85%. In the warehouse, there should be no harmful gas, inflammable, explosive products, and corrosive chemical products, and strong mechanical vibration, shock and strong magnetic field interference. The package box should be at least 10cm above ground, and 50cm away from wall, thermal source,
41、window and airCautionRisk of destroying the device!When shipping the PC in cold weather, please pay attention to the extreme temperature variation. Under this circumstance, please make sure no water drop (condensation) is formed on the surface or interior of the device. If condensation is formed on
42、the device, please wait for over twelve hours before connecting the device.CPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 3 - PAGE 4 -CPC-8204BApplication SchemeApplication SchemeOpening the Box and InitialExaminationOpening the BoxPlease pay attention to the following issues when opening the box:Do not discard th
43、e original packing material. Please keep the original packing material forre-transportation.Please keep the documentation at a safe place. The documentation is required for initial device debugging, which is a component of thedevice.When doing the initial examination, please check whether there are
44、distinct damages to the device caused during thetransport.Please check whether the delivery contains the intact device and all of the independently ordered accessories. Please contact the customer service when any unconformity or transportation damagesoccur.Mounting Mode19RackMountDesktopEmbeddedPan
45、el MountVESA Standard Arm PortableOthers Device ConnectionDevice ConnectionDeviceConnection3.1 Notices before Connection WarningThe connected or built-in peripherals with opposite polarities are not allowed. WarningThe device only operates when connecting with grounded power. No operation isallowed
46、when the device power is ungrounded or only impedance is grounded. WarningRated voltage of the device in use shall be in accord with power feature of theproduct.Note:Only the peripheral devices approved for industrial application can be used. When operating the PC, hot swappable IO modules (USB) can
47、 be used. The IO deviceswithout hot swap function can only be connected when the PC is powered off.ProductGroundingGround TerminalsThe equipotential bonding terminal Ground TerminalsThe equipotential bonding terminal on the device (large surface or large area contact) shall be connected with the cab
48、inet installed with the PC or the central grounding busbar on device. The minimum cross section area of the cable shall beno less than5mm2.CPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 5 - PAGE 6 -CPC-8204BDevice ConnectionDevice ConnectionConnecting the Device toPowerSteps to connect the device to power:Make sur
49、e the power switch is turned to “0” (Off) connecting the power cord, so to avoid accidental poweringon.Connect the power cord with the connector and turn the power switch to “1”. The indicator for the system power on the front (standby) of the PC ison.InstructionsInstructionsInstructionsProductOutli
50、neProduct Appearance and InstallationDimensionsUnit: mmCPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 7 - PAGE 8 -CPC-8204BInstructionsInstructionsExternalStructureFront ViewItemDescriptionCPCI power slot x2Front slot for main system boardFrontslotexpansion boardx3Drawable fan moduleRear ViewItemDescriptionRear IO
51、 slot for main system boardRear IO slot for expansion board x3DC-in connectorPower switchAssembly and MaintenanceAssembly and MaintenanceAssembly and MaintenanceAssembly and MaintenanceAssembly andMaintenanceOverall AssemblyDrawingItemDescriptionItemDescriptionTop coverPost bracketRear cover for fan
52、Bottom coverFan moduleCPCI powerBackplaneCover board for powerCPC-8204B- PAGE CPC-8204B- PAGE 13 - PAGE 12 -CPC-8204BInstalling the Front/Rear Add-inCardInstalling the Front/Rear Add-inCardAll the front/rear add-in cards shall be configured by users, which shall meet the backplane signal definitions
53、 and the PICMG mechanical and structural standards. The ways to install the cards are the same. It is recommended to use the panel with excellent EMC design and the handle with locking device. (Please install as follows)Step 1: firmly hold the handles on the panel of the add-in cards by both hands w
54、ith the component side facing up and the handles are loosened;Step 2: gently push the cards into the corresponding slot along the guide rail;Step 3: when it approaches the backplane connector, press the handle of the panel with both hands and push inward with force until the hooks on the handle ente
55、r the fixing holes of the chassis; then stably hold the handle on the panel of the add-in and push it inward until it is properly in position; at that time, the handles are tightened.Step 4: after confirming the card is properly seated, fasten the screws (if any) on chassis.Removing the Front/Rear A
56、dd-inCardStep 1: loosen the fixing screws (if any) on the panel until it breaks away from the chassis;Step 2: press the latching device on the handles of the panel with both hands and open outward until the handles are loosen;Step 3: stably hold the panel handles and take out the add-in card along t
57、he guide rail; lay the card at a safe place and wrap it with exclusive packing material.Installation/Removal of PowerSupplyInstalling thePowerStep 1: hold the power module with both hands, insert the power module into the chassis along guide rail until the hooks on the panel handles are tightened wi
58、th the chassis;Step 2: after tightly inserting the power module into the chassis, fasten the captive screws on the panel of the power module with the chassis by screwdriver;Step 3: observe the indicator on the panel of the power module, if it displays normally after powering on, then it can be used.
59、Removing thePower DangerBefore removing the power module, please turn off the power and remove the powercord if any power has been connected.Step 1: make sure the power module has been turned off;Step 2: loosen the fixing screws on the panel of the power module until it breaks away from the chassis;
60、Step 3: pull the power module outward until the handle breaks away from the backplane connector; draw out the power module along the guide rail.Fan Assembly andMaintenanceRemoving theFanStep 1: loosen the fixing screws on the panel of the fan module until it breaks away from the chassis;Step 2: draw
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