1、基础知识竞赛优选1基础知识竞赛优选1英语知识竞赛环节1.单词接龙2.词汇记忆3 同义词抢答4.观察及反应能力比拼5 英语国家概括抢答6.英语国家名言,谚语抢答优选2英语知识竞赛环节优选2词汇接龙:规则:第一个同学讲一个单词,下一个同学根据词的结尾,重新讲一个词。而且不能重复。如:screen-nervous讲不出或重复者扣一分优选3词汇接龙:优选3词汇记忆规则:请用一分钟阅读下面的50个单词中,派一个代表上黑板,把能记住的单词写上。不得携带笔记。记住每个单词得一分。A. 两个组的同学互相监督, 发现后告诉老师, 由老师用红色粉笔画圈。B. 每一组内不能出现相同的两个单词。如果发现, 这两个词作
2、废, 不计分。C. 拼写错误的字不加分, 而且发现一个扣一分。优选4词汇记忆规则:请用一分钟阅读下面的50个单词中,派一个代表上immunepitchPositiveconscious Assignmentcontactstylist detailsSubway cling wagon Stress emphasis complaint Punch dive regret lean encounter PersuasiveConsistentMatch AudienceEntertainmentBroodAcquireConstitutionOrganizationNetworkCombatA
3、ppointmentPressure DefinePlagueSolutionProfitProofScarce PreservemercyStableStringProcessUpsetThreaten alarmingToastToughTrifleTemptIntenseInventObviousOmitOriginalEnvyFortuneEngageEnsureIdentityBehaviorBulletChoreCompassConcede优选5immuneMatch Threaten alarming优同义词抢答:每答对一题得1分,不答或打错者不得分。优选6同义词抢答:优选6Co
4、mmonuniversal优选7Common优选7competitorrival, opponent优选8competitor优选8blamecondemn优选9blame优选9complaingrumble优选10complain优选10relievealleviate优选11relieve优选11forcecompel优选12force优选12changealter优选13change优选13choicealternative优选14choice优选14Customconvention优选15Custom优选15resultconsequence优选16result优选16oldancie
6、ntoutstanding优选28excellent优选28increasinggrowing优选29increasing优选29affairmatter优选30affair优选30Commonuniversal优选31Common优选31观察及反应能力比拼(猜单词90秒 单词猜猜看:此环节每队派出两名队员,根据屏幕所给出的单词,一人面对屏幕用英语和动作对其进行描述,另一人背对屏幕来猜,时间为90秒。(注:描述中不得出现原单词及中文),有三次放弃机会,比划的同学只能用肢体语言、以及介绍单词的词性、类别、和组成单词的字母个数,不许说出词条中的任何一个词,猜词时,台下观众保持安静不许提示. 此环节
7、,答对1个为1分。由评委统计后,主持人公布六个小组得分,评委记录得分.优选32观察及反应能力比拼(猜单词90秒优选32Fighting 优选33Fighting 优选33Hamburger 优选34Hamburger 优选34Snow White 优选35Snow White 优选35Uniform 优选36Uniform 优选36Beauty 优选37Beauty 优选37kiss 优选38kiss 优选38Mirror 优选39Mirror 优选39Wifi 优选40Wifi 优选40Party 优选41Party 优选41Sleeping 优选42Sleeping 优选42bubble
8、优选43bubble 优选43Butterfly 优选44Butterfly 优选44NBA 优选45NBA 优选45noodle 优选46noodle 优选46下一环节该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次英语国家概况基础抢答,少部分具有一定的挑战性。无人员限制,任意成员都可以回答,答对一个得1分。优选47下一环节该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次英语国家概况基础抢答, The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from _. A. Denmark B. Belgium C. France D. the Netherlands 优
9、选48 The English Channel separatesBritains longest rivers are _. A. the Severn塞汶河 and the Clyde克莱德 B. the Thames and the Clyde C. the Clyde and the Humber亨伯河 D. the Severn and the Thames 优选49Britains longest rivers are _Which of the following tribes came to Britain first? A. The Angles盎格鲁人 . B. The S
10、axons撒克逊人 . C. The Gaels盖尔人 .D. The Jutes朱特人 . 优选50Which of the following tribes On the island of Great Britain, there are _. A. four political divisions - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland B. four political divisions - England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland C. three political divisions -
11、England, Scotland, and Wales D. three political divisions - England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland 优选51 On the island of Great BritaiWith regard to its size, Australia is _ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the fourth largest C. the fifth largest D. the sixth larges优选52With regard to it
12、s size, Austr. The capital of New Zealand is _. A. Nelson 尼尔森B. Wellington惠灵顿 C. Melbourne墨尔本 D. Dunedin但尼丁 优选53. The capital of New Zealand iThe English Renaissance文艺复兴 was largely literary, and it achieved its finest expression in the so-called _. A. Romantic poetry B. Romantic fiction C. Elizabet
13、han poetry D. Elizabethan drama 优选54The English Renaissance文艺复兴 w Who has the power to appoint the Prime Minister in Britain? A. The Queen B. The Parliament议会 C. The House of Lords上议院 D. The Church of England英国国教 优选55 Who has the power to appoint _, the most popular sport in England as well as in Eu
14、rope, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19thcentury. A. Basketball B. Tennis C. Football D. Baseball优选56_, the most popular sport The head of state of Australia is _. A. the Governor B. the President C. the Prime Minister D. the Queen of England优选57 The head of state
15、of AustraliASEAN refers to Association of Southeast Asian Nations优选58ASEAN refers to Association ofWhich country is famous for maple ( )A: the USAB: ChinaC: AustraliaD: Canada优选59Which country is famous for maPresidential election is held every _ years in November in the U.S.A.A. two B. three C. fou
16、r D. five 优选60Presidential election is held The symbols of egg and hare are most frequently associated with _.A. Thanksgiving Day B. Easter C. Independence Day D. Halloween 优选61The symbols of egg and hare arThe biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States is _.A. New Years Day B. Independence
17、 Day C. Thanksgiving DayD. Christmas Day 优选62The biggest and best-loved holThe _ War turned out to be Americas longest war it ever fought.A. First World B. Second World C. Korean D. Vietnam 优选63The _ War turned out to Canadas largest city isA Montral蒙特利尔 B Toronto多伦多 C Ottawa渥太华 D Vancouver温哥华 优选64C
18、anadas largest city is优选64下一环节 该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次交叉出现八个谚语的英文叙述,要求抢答者能够说出相应的汉语,该谚语大部分为大家耳熟能详的。答对一个得1分。优选65下一环节 该环节为抢答环节,屏幕上将逐次交叉出现八个谚语的英Better late than never.迟做比不做好优选66Better late than never.迟做比不做好优Art is long, but life is short.人 生 有 涯,而 学 无 涯优选67Art is long, but life is shortFar from eye, far from heart.眼 不 见 心 不 烦优选68Far from eye, far from heart.眼He knows most but speak least.大智 若 愚优选69He knows most but speak least.A fair face may hide a fool heart.人 不 可 貌 相优选70A fair face may hide a fool heCan n
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