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1、人教PEP五年级上册Unit Three What would you like?A Lets spell 0人教PEP五年级上册 00Rules(游戏规则): Say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah”if you think it is true(对). Say “No, No, No”if you think it is false(错). Game time 00Rules(游戏规则):Game time 0I like flowers.I can eat a cow.Wow! I can fly!I fall down(跌倒).Game timeI like flowers.I c

2、an eat a cow.Wow! I can fly!I fall down(跌倒). 0I like flowers.Game timeI likeow-/a/cow0 flowerwowdowncow flowerwowdownWhats the sound of “ow”? 0ow-/a/cow0 flowerwowdowncow fbowbowLets blendLets blend0bowbowLets blendLets blend0howhowLets blendLets blendhowhowLets blendLets blendnownowLets blendnownow

3、Lets blendntowtownLets blendntowtownLets blendnbrowbrownLets blendnbrowbrownLets blendLets read0Please find words with “ow” in the cartoon.cow how owl howl growl brown gown crown town down wow bowLets read0Please find words w00Mr. Low has a yellow pillow.Mr. Low has a yellow pillow.A crow wants the

4、pillow. 0A crow wants the pillow. 0But the pillow is under Mr. Low.0 0But the pillow is under Mr. LoThe crow knocks at the window. 0The crow knocks at the window.Mr. Low opens the window.Mr. Low opens the window.Nobody is there but some crows in a row!Nobody is there but Again the crow knocks at the

5、 window.Again the crow knocks at the wAgain nobody is there but some crows in a row!Again nobody is there but some新人教版pep五年级上册英语Unit-3-What-would-you-like-A-Lets-spell课件The crow comes near the window.The crow comes near the windowMr. Low finds the crow.Mr. Low finds the crow.Mr. Low throws the pillo

6、w at the crow.Mr. Low throws the pillow at tThe crow gets the yellow pillow.The crow gets the yellow pillo新人教版pep五年级上册英语Unit-3-What-would-you-like-A-Lets-spell课件Can you find words with “ow”.0Yellow PillowMr. Low has a yellow pillow.A crow wants the pillow.But the pillow is under Mr. Low.The crow kno

7、cks at the window.Mr. Low opens the window.Nobody is there but some crows in a row!Again the crow knocks at the window.Again nobody is there but some crows in a row!The crow comes near the window.Mr. Low finds the crow.Mr. Low throws the pillow at the crow.The crow gets the yellow pillow.Yellow Pill

8、owMr. Low has a yellow pillow.A crow wants the pillow.But the pillow is under Mr. Low.The crow knocks at the window.Mr. Low opens the window.Nobody is there but some crows in a row!Again the crow knocks at the window.Again nobody is there but some crows in a row!The crow comes near the window.Mr. Lo

9、w finds the crow.Mr. Low throws the pillow at the crow.The crow gets the yellow pillow.Can you find words with “ow”.0yellow pillowMr. Low windowrow crowthrow ow /Whats the sound of “ow” here?yellow ow /Whats the souLets blendowsnlykn0Lets blendowsnlykn000townnowrowcowrow点击右下角“谁是卧底”图片,可查看“卧底”。townnow

10、rowcowrow点击右下角“谁是卧底”图片,windowyellowhowslowhow0windowyellowhowslowhow0pillowtomorrowtownyellowtownpillowtomorrowtownyellowtowndownflowersnowwowsnowdownflowersnowwowsnowRead, circle and say.CheckRead, circle and say.CheckRead, write and say.flowerdownHowCheckRead, write and say.flowerdown1. 总结之前学过的含有o

11、w的单词,并将它们根据字母组合归类。2. 用你找到的单词编一则小故事,可以写出来或者画出来。Homework1. 总结之前学过的含有ow的单词,并将它们根据字母组合归类亲爱的读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。、千里之行,始于足下。二二年八月十三日2020年8月13日星期四3、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。07:568.13.202007:568.13.202007:5607:56:148.13.202007:568.13.20204、敏而好学,不耻下问。8.13.20208.13.202007:5607:5607:56:1407:56:145、海内存知已,天涯若比邻。Thursday, August 13, 2020August 20Thursday, Aug


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