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1、 PAGE 页码 11 / NUMPAGES 总页数 11小学三年级湘少版上册英语期中知识点综合复习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【看图填写单词】1. 根据图片填写单词。1 23 452. 看图补全句子。1Close your_. 2Open your_.3Touch your_. 4Touch your_.5Touch your_.3. 看图,为人物选择相应的句子。1.男孩:_;女孩:_。 2.男孩:_;女孩:_。4. 根据图片选择相应的句子。1( )A.Would you like an egg? B.Would you like an ice cream?2 ( )A.Its a sweet.

2、B.Its a cake.3( )A.What about a pie? B.What about a hot dog?4( )A.This is my sister Mike. B.This is my brother Mike.5. 看图将下列单词补充完整。(1)r_ _er (2)pen_i_ c_ _e(3)c_a _on (4)s_h_ol_a_(5)r_b_er【填空题】6. 选词填空。A. he B. she C. man D. grandma E. brother1Whos that_?Hes my father.2Is_your sister?3Is_your father?

3、4Whos that woman?Shes my_.5Whos that boy?He is my_.7. 根据季节特点,选词填空。A. cool B. hot C. warm D. cold1Its_in spring.2Its_in summer.3Its_in autumn.4Its_in winter.8. 用like来说句子。123459. 选择填空,将正确答案写在横线上。1_(He / She) is Wang Bing.2_(She / This) is Liu Tao.3Good morning,_(Miss / miss)Li.4This_( is / are )Tina.

4、Tina is my_(sister / this).10. 把下面的单词分类并送回家。bird I fox you pig am dog are1是_2人称_3动物_11. 填写所给词汇的正确形式。1Tom is_(read) a book now.2I am_(eat) a hamburger.3The bus is_(come).4I am_(run).5What are you_? (eat)12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Is this_(you) English book?2Dont_(eat) my cake.3Dont talk. I want_(sleep).4_(com

5、e) in, please.13. 根据图片提示补全对话,每空一词。1A: I have_. Lets go to play.B: OK.2A: Do you have any balls?B: Yes, I do. I have_.3A:_are you?B: Im_.4A: Happy birthday! The_is for you.B: Thank you.【选择题】14. 看图,选择与图片相符的单词。1( )A.boy B.girl2( )A.he B.she3( )A.teacher B.student15. 读一读,选择与短语相应的图片。1a fat pig ( )A. B.2a

6、 small bird ( )A. B.3a short tail ( )A. B.4a long nose ( )A. B.16. Look _ the mirror. ( )A.at B.to C.in17. _ you like pears? ( )No, I dont.A.Do B.Are C.Is18. _ are you? ( )Im twelve.A.Where B.How old C.How【连词成句】19. Im,to,going,to,Hong Kong,this,Saturday,(.)(连词成句)20. is my mother This (.) (只填序号)_21.

7、isItwinterincold(写序号)22. play, football, Ill, Sundays, on (.)23. mynewShes teacher (.)(只写序号)【阅读理解】24. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hi,mynameisTom.Im9.IlikeEnglishverymuch.MysisterisAmy.Shes5.Myfatheris39.Mymotheris37.Theyloveme.Ilovemyfamily.11My name is _.( )A.Mike B.Tom C.Amy2My sister is _.( )A.9 B.5 C.393My mot

8、her is _.( )A.37 B.39 C.54I like _. ( )A.Beijing B.China C.English5I love_.( )A.cake B.my family C.dog25. 根据短文阅读,选择正确答案。Im Mary. This is my friend. Polly. Look! It is yellow and brown. Its fat. Its ears are small. Its eyes are big. Its tail is long. Polly likes fish and milk. It doesnt like fruit. P

9、olly can hop and run. But it cant swim. It likes playing with a ball. I usually go to the park at the weekend(周末). Polly follows(跟随)me. I fly my kite in the park. Polly runs after me. What is Polly? Do you know? Its a cat.( )(1)Marys friend Polly is.A.a dog B.a cat C.a rabbit( )(2)Polly hasears,eyes

10、 andtail.A.big, small, short B.small, small, long C.small, big, long( )(3)Polly likes.A.fish and fruit B.milk and fish C.fruit and milk( )(4)Polly can.A.hop and run B.fly kites C.swim26. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. There is a new toy ship in my room. Its from my parents. Its like a tri

11、angle. Its beautiful. Its red and blue. And you can see three squares and two stars. The squares are windows. And you can see a rectangle. Its a door. After school, I often play it. Its my good friend.(1)Toms new friend is a.( )A. ship B. cat C. dog(2)The toy ship is from Toms.( )A. mother B. father

12、 C. parents(3)What is the ship like?( )A. Its a triangle, and its red and blue.B. Its a triangle, and its blue.C. Its square and red.(4)How many windows are there?( )A. One. B. Two. C. Three.(5)The door of the ship is like a.( )A. rectangle B. triangle C. circle27. 阅读短文,判断对错。Today is Monday. Linda i

13、s at school. She has Chinese,English and PE in the morning. She doesnt have Music today. She has Maths and Art in the afternoon. She has Music on Fridays.( )(1)Linda isnt at school today.( )(2)Linda has Chinese,English and PE in the morning.( )(3)Linda has Music on Mondays.( )(4)Linda has Music on Fridays.( )(5)Linda has Maths and PE in the afternoon.28. 阅读理解。根据表格用Yes,I do.或No,I dont.作答。(1)Do you like oranges, Amy?(2)Do you like apples, Tom?(3)Do you like pears, Amy?(4)Do you like bananas, Tom?29. 读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。Hello!ImLarry.Icansing.Ilikemusi C.Mymot


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