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1、六年级上册第一次测试卷(U1-U2)(B卷提升卷)一、选出以下单词中画线局部发音不同的一项。()1. A.someB. hobbyC.lotDgot()2. A. lateB.cakeC. magicD.makeB.earlyC.dearD.earB.cardC.quarterD.hardB.walkedC.pickedD.played二、根据中文或首字母提示填空。.There was an (有趣的)animal show.Uncle John (丧失)his credit card (信用卡).he was very worried.3.It (下雨)all day on 20th Sep

2、tember.4.The A cowboy likes w jeans.5.In Tom and Jerry, the cat cried, but the mouse I. Thats funny.6.The weather became w.7.Its a cloudy day. There are many c in the sky.三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。.Nancy (like) (make) kites.dont like (rain) days.3.It was rainy outside. We (can) not play football.4.My aunt (tak

3、e) a big cake to the party last night.(be) so hungry because I didnl have breakfast this morning.Lets (make) some stickers for the new classmate.The boy was born in a poor family, but he (work) hard at school. 四、单项选择。()1 .The little prince through the city his new clothes.A.walked; inB.walked; wearC

4、.walk; in()2.It was in the morning. But it in the afternoon.A.sunny; rainyB.sunny; rained C.raining; suns()3.Scottish men like very much.A.kitesB.kiltsC.jeans( )4.Each student a picture every Sunday. This is their homework.A.drawsB.drawC.drawing()5.Where Su Hai and her mother lat weekend?A. wasB.isC

5、.were()6.Do you want the forest?A.visitB.visitingC.to visit( )7.There some model planes in the sky now.A.isB.wereC.are()8.Its time .A.for have lunchB.to lunchC.for lunch( )9.Last Sunday evening, I a basketball match with my parents.A.watchesB.watchingC.watched()10.The new hat fits .A.he wellB.me wel

6、lC.her goodJ 五、根据上下文及首字母提示,完成短文。At six in the morning I g up, then I brushed my teeth and w my face. I usually do some exercise b breakfast, but I d do that today. I was too h. I hurried to look for my breakfast. To my surprise, I didnt f anything to eat. I h to make some egg pies by myself. At abou

7、t eight, I reached (到达)Mikes home. Then we began to play. We played chess and cards. Some of us played computer games. But we all f bored (无聊的).At last, Mike got an i. Then we went c. At the top of the hill, Wc f a kite. Unfortunately (不幸地),the kite flew a. It was Mikes birthday present f his grandf

8、ather. He was so sad At about 4 p.m., we went back.六、根据图片及上下文提示,完成对话。What 1. you do last Sunday, Yang Ling?I 2. to the park with my friends. A: 3. you go there by car?No, we didnt. We went there by 4. A: How 5. the weather that day?It 6. sunny.Good. What did you 7. in the park.We 8. a parrot show. A

9、: Did you 9. kites?B: No, we 10. 七、完形填空。Long long 1, there 2 a king. He loved horses. One day, he 3an artist(艺术家)to draw a beautiful horse for 4. The artist said, UAH right, butyou must wait.” So the king waited. He waited and waited. At last, after a year he 5 not wait any longer(不再).He went to see

10、 the artist. Quickly the artist brought out a piece of paper and a brush. In five minutes, he 6 drawing a very beautiful horse. The king was 7 You can draw a good horse in five minutes, but you kept me waiting for a year. Why?” “Come 8 me, please,said the artist. They went to the artists workroom. T

11、here the king saw piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper, there 9 a picture of a horse. It 1() me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes,the artist said.(B. frontC. before()2. A. liveB. livesC. lived()3.A. asksB. askedC. asking()4. A. hisB. himC. he()5. A. was

12、B. canC. could()6. A. finishedB. finishC. finishing()7.A. sadB. angryC. happy()8. A. inB. onC. with()9. A. wasB. hasC. is()10. A. spend(花)B. tookC. made八、阅读理解。(A)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。It was very cold in the morning. I was playing with some of my classmates in the park. We were running around on the ice,

13、laughing and joking(开玩笑).Suddenly, something dangerous happened. The ice broke(破)and one of my classmates fell into the cold water. We all shouted, Help! Help!” Just at this time, a boy of our age ran to us. With the help of him, we pul led(拉)our classmate out of the water.In the face of danger, the

14、 boy was very brave. We all admire(钦佩)him very much, I will never forget(忘记)him. What a lovely world wc live in!()1. It wasnt hot in the morning.()2.1 was playing with my classmates in a zoo.()3. One of my classmates 1 汰es swimming in the cold water.()4. A young man ran towards(向)us and pulled our c

15、lassmate out of the water.()5. Here the sentence Help!” means 救命! in Chinese.B.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Once a great lion was sleeping. A little mouse came and ran on his face. The lion woke up and caught the little mouse in anger. And he was going to kill(杀)her. Oh, dear kind said the little mouse. uPlease for

16、give(原谅)me. Let me go. I will repay(报答)your kindness(善良)to me. “Ha! Ha!, laughed the lion. How can a little thing like you help a great lion? Then, he let the mouse leave. Thank you very much, kind lion. I will do anything to repay you some day J said the little mouse.One day, the lion was caught in

17、 a trap. Just then the little mouse walked by. At once she ran towards the lion and said, “You were very kind to me last time. Now Til save(救)your life/ Soon she bit the net with her sharp teeth, and the lion was very happy to be free again.“Thank you, little mouse!: said the lion and then he walked

18、 away.()1.The lion was .A. badB. kindC. smallD. honest(老实A. badB. kindC. smallD. honest(老实的)A. didnt save B. saved C. killed D. save( )3.The mouse bit the net with .A. her sharp teethB. her big headC. her strong legsD. her little body( )4.The lion was happy because .A. he ate a mouseB. he was free a

19、gainC. the mouse was so littleD. he was caught in a trap()5.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “trap in the secondparagraph(段落)?A.绳索B.猎枪 C.陷阱 D.洞穴九、书面表达。上周末,你和你的家人或朋友做了什么呢?请以“My last weekend为题, 用一般过去时写一写所发生的事情,和大家一起提供一下吧!不少于5句话。参考词汇:sunny, went to the park, flew kitesMy last weekend答案一、1-5ACBCD二、1.interest!ng2.lost 3.rained4.American; wearing 5.laughed 6.windy7.clouds三、Dikes making 2.rainy 3.could 4.took 5.was 6.make 7.worked四、1-5 ABB AC 6-10CCCCB五、got; washed; before; didnl; hungry; find; had; felt; idea


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