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1、PEP 四年级年级上Uint2 My schoolbag A Lets talk!PEP 四年级年级上Uint2 My schoEnjoy a songEnjoy a songI have a new schoolbag. Guess! Whats in my schoolbag?I have a new schoolbag. GuPair work (同桌对话)A:Whats in your schoolbag?B: A/An . and . (pencil, eraser, pen, crayon, pencil-box, book.)Pair work (同桌对话)A:Whats in

2、yoI have _.a new schoolbagIts a _.Look! Its _.pink pigI have _.a new sI have _.Look! Its _. Its a/an _.I have _.1.( ) Whose schoolbag is it? 谁的 -Its_.A. Amys B .Chen Jies AListen and answer1.( ) Whose schoolbag is i新人教版pep四年级英语上册Unit2my-schoolbag-A-Lets-Talk课件2.What color is the schoolbag?Its black

3、and white.A.B.Amys schoolbag is _.Listen and answer2.What color is the schoolbag?Its a _ panda!Its a _ panda!3:Whats in the schoolbag ?Listen and answermaths bookEnglish book storybooks anathree3:Whats in the schoolbag ?LisAn English book, a maths book, three storybooks and Whats in your schoolbag?L

4、isten and imitateAn English book, Whats in youLets practice 听音,看看谁的记性好Whats in Zhang Pengs schoolbag?A pencil box, a Chinese book and four storybooks.Lets practice 听音,看看谁的记性好WhaWhats in Sarahs schoolbag?A Chinese book,an English book,a maths book,many storybookand twelve crayons.Lets practice 听音,看看谁

5、的记性好Whats in Sarahs schoolbag?A Listen and imitate (听音模仿)Hi,Chen Jie.I have a new schoolbag.Really?Look!Its black and white.Wow!Its a panda An English book, a maths book ,three storybooks and Whats in your schoolbag?Its a fat panda!注意模仿录音里的语音语调 Listen and imitHi,Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.Real

6、ly?Look! Its black and white.Wow! Its a panda!An English book,a maths book,three Storybooks and Whats in your schoolbag?Its a fat panda!Read the dialogueHi,Chen Jie. I have a new schoPair workHi, Cheng Jie.I have a new schoolbag.Really?Look! Its black and white.Wow! Its a panda!Whats in your schoolb

7、ag?An English book, a maths book, three storybooks andIts a fat panda !组内合作,练习对话,互换角色,读出感情。Pair workHi, Cheng Jie.Really?A: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new _.C: Really?A: Look! Its black and _.(颜色)C: Wow! Its a_!C: Whats in your_.A:An_,a _,and_.C: Its a _ panda.schoolbagwhitepandaschoolbagEnglish bookmat

8、hs bookthree storybooksfatFill in the blanksA: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new Role play Role playI have a big schoolbag.Look! Its blue and yellow.Whats in your schoolbag?Wow! Its so cool!What colour is it?An English book, an apple, 2 rulers, 4 pencils and some water. lets sayI have a big schoolbag.Look!

9、 II have a new _, too.Look! Its pink, blue and yellow. Whats _?in your pencil boxWow! Its so _.niceReally? What colour is it?An eraser, a ruler, 2 pens and 3 pencils. pencil boxI have a new _, too.Loo两人一组,谈论自己的铅笔盒或书包 (任选一种形式。)Hi, _.I have a _.Whats in your_ ?_and_.Cool! (Nice/ Good )Hi, _.I have a n

10、ew _.Its _ and _._,_ , _andIts so big/coolWow! Its a _.Whats in your_ ? Pair work两人一组,谈论自己的铅笔盒或书包Hi, _.WhatWhats in my hand? Guess!? guessing gameWhats in my hand? Guess!? A Lets playWhats in your hand ?Guess .A pencil ?No.A ruler ?No. Its an eraser .Game time !A Lets playWhats in your hanLets play(

11、猜一猜你同桌手里拿着什么。有三次猜的机会)Yes.No, its _.Lets play(猜一猜你同桌手里拿着什么。有三次猜的机单项选择1. _? An English book and a Chinese book.A Whats in the classroom?B Wheres your schoolbag?C Whats in your schoolbag? exercise单项选择1. _?A What2. I have _ English book.A a B an C many3. We have many _.A Chinese book B english books C s

12、torybooks2. I have _ English book.A a选词填空(难)I have a new _. Whats in it? Lets open it and see. A _, an _ and many _.maths book, schoolbag, English book, storybooksschoolbagmaths bookEnglish bookstorybooks选词填空(难)I have a new _.Homework1. 听读P14-16 2遍2. 背P14 Lets talk的对话 (家长签字)Homework1. 听读P14-16 2遍亲爱的

13、读者:春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。1、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。、千里之行,始于足下。二二年八月十三日2020年8月13日星期四3、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。07:568.13.202007:568.13.202007:5607:56:148.13.202007:568.13.20204、敏而好学,不耻下问。8.13.20208.13.202007:5607:5607:56:1407:56:145、海内存知已,天涯若比邻。Thursday, August 13,


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