1、Section B2a-2cUnit 4Whats the best movie theater?Section BUnit 42019年中学第一学期教学工作计划总结学第一学期教学工作总结XX学年度第一学期教学工作总结在四九严寒,一学期又结束了。本学期以来,我校教学工作以邓小平理论和三个代表的重要思想为指导,贯彻落实科学发展观。以认真落实大丰市教育局、教研室的工作要点,以课堂教学为心,以课程改革为动力,以实施小班化教育课堂教学为着力点,强化学校教育科研,努力探索现代教育评价方式,促进学生德、智、体、美等诸方面全面发展,全面提高我校教育教学水平,取得显着的实效,二以上的重点高升学率超过60%,再
2、创学校新的历史,又一次被市教育局表彰为“先进单位”。圆满完成了年初提出的工作目标.。我们的做法是:一、加强组织学习,深化教师思想道德文化业务建设。“打铁还需自身硬”。教师的素质是学校发展的根本。本学期,我校认真组织教师认真学习党的十七届五全会精神,学习大丰市小学教师行为八不准、教师职业道德规范、教师心理素质与新课程。提高了教师的思想政治觉悟。组织教师加强课程标准的学习,教材的学习,刊物的学习。强化思想上的认识和统一,为教师转变观念,改进教法,提高理论修养起了重要的作用。另外我们还充分发挥网络优势,让教师I think Liu Qian is the most talented magician
3、, He can perform different kinds of magic.2019年中学第一学期教学工作计划总结学第一学期教学工作总结I think Bai Baihe is the most talented actress, She can perform different roles best. People can remember her every role.I think Bai Baihe is the most act Yu Xiaohuiact Huang Xiaoxianact Qiong Dunact Li Zhiact Yu Xiaohuiact Huan
4、g XiaoxiTalk about the most talented person you know. I thinkis the most talented person. He/She Free TalkDont be shy,just have a try!Talk about the most talented pAmericas Got Talenthas 具有_Americas Got Talenthas 具有_Chinas Got TalentChinas Got TalentAmerican IdolAmerican IdolMark T (True) or F (Fals
5、e).1. Talent shows are getting more and more popular.2. The winner doesnt get a good prize.3. All these shows can give people a way to make their dreams come true.TFT_alwaysFast Reading速读Study English happily,Learn English easily!Mark T (True) or F (False).1. Which three talent shows are mentioned?A
6、merican Idol,Americas Got Talent,Chinas Got TalentCarefull Reading 细读paragraph1Good job!Which three talent shows are mshowsPurpose: look forDecided by:_Who join:_Prize:_all kinds of peoplepeople who watch the showwinner gets a very good prizethe _ singerthe _ dancerthe _ magicianthe _ actorsRead Par
7、agraph2,finish the mind mapCarefull Reading 细读bestmost talentedmost excitingfunniestWonderfull!showsPurpose: look forDecided Some people _these shows because they are _ to watch. And they give people a way to _ their dreams come true. Some people _ like these shows because they think that the _ of t
8、he performers are _ up.funlikemakedontlivesmadeRetell paragraph3,复述第三段Carefull Reading 细读You are super stars! funlikemakedontlivListening and reading task:(1).Find the topic sentence in each paragraph,underline it.(2).What is the passage?A a diary B an add C a report D a story1.Everyone is good at s
9、omething, but some people are truly talented.2.All these shows have one thing in common.3.However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows._ 中心句Intensive reading 精读You are the winner!Listening and reading task:1.E1. 一晚上睡八小时对学生来说很重要。Its important for students _a night.2.Alice 擅长唱不同种类的歌。Alice _ diff
10、erent kinds of songs.3.汪峰在中国好声音选择优秀歌手中起着重要的作用。Wang Feng _the best singer in The Voice of China.4.如果你不认真对待你的学业,你将不会取得好成绩。If you dont _ ,you wont get good grades. 根据导学案上的知识点完成句子中考链接to sleep eight/8 hoursis good at singing/does well in singingplays an important role in choosingtake your schoolwork seriouslyWho is the best!1. 一晚上睡八小时对学生来说很重要。根据导学案上的知识点完SumarryYou did the best.Believe yourself, you can do it!SumarryYou did the best.Enjoy “I believe I can fly”Try yo
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