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1、Unit 4 Shopping in the city冀教版四年级上册Lesson 23Unit 4 Shopping in the city冀教Lead-inWhere do we usually buy things?Lead-inWhere do we usually buy冀教版英语四上Lesson-23优质课件冀教版英语四上Lesson-23优质课件But now, we can shop by it.But now, we can shop by it.冀教版英语四上Lesson-23优质课件We can shop online.We can shop online.I want

2、to buy a story book.Lets go to the book shop.I want to buy a story book.LetWe can shop online. Great!We can shop online. Great!Look! Here it is. How much is it?Look! Here it is. How much is Its 40 yuan. Lets take it. Okay!Its 40 yuan. Lets take it. OShopping online is fun and easy.I like it. Can I b

3、uy ice cream online?Shopping online is fun and easLanguage points1. We can shop online. 我们可以在网上购物。 can 既可以表示“可以;可能;请求;猜测;允许”,也可表示能力,意为“能;会”。can是情态动词,后面只能跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。Language points1. We can shop (1)表示能力 例句:我会唱歌。 I can sing. (2)表示请求 例句:我可以踢足球吗? Can I play football?拓展:can 的不同用法(1)表示能力拓展:can 的不同用法(

4、3)表示可能性 例句:汤姆不可能在家,我看到他在学校。 Tom cant be at home. I saw him at school. (4)表示允许 例句:晚饭后你可以看电视。 You can watch TV after dinner.(3)表示可能性(5)表示猜测 例句:那个女孩可能是莉莉的妹妹吗? Can the girl be Lilys sister?(5)表示猜测2. How much is it?它多少钱?这是一个询问价格的句子。可数名词和不可数名词都可以用how much询问价格,how much 还可以用来询问不可数名词的数量。例句:这件裙子多少钱? 60元。 How

5、much is the skirt? 60 yuan.2. How much is it?它多少钱?这是一个询问价3. Lets take it. 让我们买下它吧。建议买下某物的句型: Lets take+代词/物品 (it, them, the book) take在此处意为“购买”,后面接代词或名词,代词要用其宾格形式。 拓展:表示买下某物时还可以用句型 “Ill take it.”或 “Well take it.”3. Lets take it. 让我们买下它吧。建议买下例句:看这条连衣裙。它真漂亮。 是的。我们买下它吧。 Look at the dress. Its beautiful

6、. Yes. Lets take it. 例句:看这条连衣裙。它真漂亮。Lets do it!a. Jenny wants to buy a math book.b. Jenny goes to the book shop.c. Jennys mother helps shop online.d. Danny and Jenny like shopping online.e. Danny wants to buy ice cream online.1. Read Part 1 and circle or . Lets do it!a. Jenny wants to 2. Ask and ans

7、wer.Do you like shopping online? Yes.2. Ask and answer.Do you like What do you want to buy?I want to buy.What do you want to buy?I wantPlay rolesDo you like shopping online? Yes.Play rolesDo you like shoppingWhat do you want to buy?I want to buy a shirt.What do you want to buy?I wantDo you like shopping online? Yes.Do you like shopping online? YWhat do you want to buy?I want to buy an English book.What do you want to buy?I wantLetters and soundsLetters and sounds ts donuts cats ds kids beds wh what


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