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1、英语教学课件七年级下册英语教学课件七年级下册Unit 8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 2 The summer holidays are coming.Section CUnit 8 Can you tell me something about Yunnan?Can you tell me something abouWhat should Jane take with her to Yunnan? She had better take a camera, a pair of sunglasses, a map and so on.What shoul

2、d Jane take with herWhat would you like to take for the trip? Youd better take a bag.It can help you carry water, clothing and some other things.clothingWhat would you like to take foI think you should take a camera.Because you can use it to take photos.Then you can share the fun with your friends.乐

3、趣share.with sb.与某人分享.I think you should take a cameYou should take a map with you.It can help you decide what you want to visit.决定You should take a map with youDont go swimming. Its too dangerous.If you like to swim, remember you shouldnt swim alone.You shouldnt stay in the sun too long.Attention !停

4、留Dont go swimming. Its too da1a Skim the passage and check() the one that best summarizes the main idea.A.Teach us how we should be careful on a trip.B.Tell us a story about a careful trip.C.Explain why we should be careful on a trip. Skimming is reading quickly for the main idea. The first sentence

5、 of each paragraph may help you.1a Skim the passage and check(Listen and read the passage aloud.Listen and read the passage al When you plan to take a trip on your holiday, you should prepare well for it. You should plan where you want to go. You should plan to travel with a friend. Friends can help

6、 keep your safe and share the fun. You should plan where you want to go. You should know something about the weather there and take the right clothing. You should carry a map and decide what you want to visit. You should be careful. Dont go to dangerous places. You should only drink soft water. When

7、 you plan to take a tIf your trip is in the summer, you should drink lots of soft water. You should put on a hat and a pair of sunglasses and you shouldnt stay in the sun too long. If you like to swim, remember you shouldnt swim alone. Enjoy you holiday trip!If your trip is in the summer,1b Read 1a

8、and write what you should and shouldnt do on a trip.carry a map3. drink safe water and put on a hat and a pair of sunglasses1b Read 1a and write what you 1. go to dangerous places2. stay in the sun too long3. swim alone1. go to dangerous places2. stYou can begin like this: How can you have a wonderf

9、ul holiday trip? You should prepare well for it. Before your trip you should/youd better/dont./remember to. On the trip, you should/youd better/dont./remember to.1c Work in pairs. Tell you partner what you have learned from the passage with the help of the information in 1b.You can begin like this:1

10、c Wor2a Suppose Kangkang wants to climb a mountain with his friends. Discuss it with your partners and check( )what they should or shouldnt do.ItemShouldShouldnt1. Keep together with your friends.2. Drink any water you can find.3. Take some food.4. Wear the right shoes.5. Keep away from dangerous an

11、imals.6. Cook in the mountains.7. .远离2a Suppose Kangkang wants to c2b Write a letter to Kangkang to give him some suggestions.Dear Kangkang, Im glad to know you will climb a mountain in your holiday. You shouldprepare well for it. When you climb a mountain with your friends, you shouldbe very carefu

12、l. Yours, _ 2b Write a letter to Kangkang 3 Listen and read the following words aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the blue parts.scarf scale slow sleep small smile snake snow skirt sky speak spoon spider spring stand star street strawberry swim sweet screen scream program progress quiet q

13、uite3 Listen and read the followinSummary1.Important phrases: prepare.for., share.with., in the sun, keep together with, keep away from.2.Go on learning to make suggestions for trips. You should. You shouldnt. Youd better. Dont. Remember to.Summary1.Important phrases:Exercise单项选择。( )1.Whats your pla

14、n for summer holidays, Michael? I wish _ Australia and take lots of pictures.A. to travel around B. traveling aroundC. to travel for D. travelling for( )2. They are new students and _ of them _ a new schoolbag.A. each; haveB. each; hasC. every; hasD. every; haveExercise单项选择。( )3.When you go on a vis

15、it to Beijing, you shouldt miss the Great Wall. Its beautiful. _ It sounds very interesting!B. Why not?C. Thank you all the same. D. I wont do that again.( )4.Its the best time _ in summer. Youre right. But dont go _ alone.A. to swim; to swim B. swimming; swimmingC. swimming; to swim D. to swim; swi

16、mming( )3.When you go on a visit( )5.How are you doing? _ Im doing my homework. B. Im going by bus.C. Im fine, thanks. D. OK. Let me see.( )6. There will be the 18th sports meeting of No. 2 High School next month. The students are busy _ it.A. to prepare forB. preparing forC. to preparing for D. pre

17、pare( )7.What time did you _ Beijing?At about 4:00 p. m. yesterday. arrive inB. arriveC. arrive atD. arrived( )5.How are you doing?( )8.Please _ animals like tigers in the zoo.OK, we will, Mr. Lee.keep from B. keep awayC. keep far awayD. keep away from( )9.Please give my love to your parents, Kangkang._, Michael!A. Thank you very muchB. No problemC. Its wonderful D. Youre so cool( )8.Please _ animals l( )10.Meime


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