



1、高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:外刊精选I吃货福音:减肥不必“内卷”,想吃就吃【背景介绍】近日,有膳食专家指出,节食减重不仅可能造成体重反弹、饮食习惯紊乱, 还可能引发身材焦虑、肥胖污名化等问题。这让“节食”这一概念陷入争议。管住嘴,究竟是 不是健康管理的好方法?到底怎样的饮食方案才更健康? 一起来听今天的讲解。The Next It Diet? Not Trying to Lose WeightBy Sarah ToyCaroline Dooncr spent her teens and early 20s trying to lose weight. Ms. Dooncr, 34,

2、doesnt diet anymore.More people like Ms. Doonen exhausted by the pressures of the scale, restrictions on their favorite foods and the imperative of trying to look a certain way, are questioning whether they should give up dieting altogether.Instead of relying on weight or body-mass index, this subse

3、t of dietitians, nutritionists and others advocates ending diets and placing more emphasis on markers of health such as endurance, sleep and mental well-being.Many anti-diet proponents advocate intuitive eating, or listening to the bodys innate signals around hunger, fullness and food preferences. C

4、entral to the process is giving up tracking weight and categorizing foods as morally good or bad.In my mind, theres no question that obesity is a medical problem, but we have to destigmatize it, says Harvards Dr. Ludwig. We need to seek approaches that will not create this unwinnable battle between

5、mind and metabolism.A biological approach to weight management, focused on the underlying drivers of hunger instead of calorie restriction, could help resolve the conflict between health and stigma that often occurs on conventional diets, he says.【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1 .exhausted I g zo : sti d a

6、dj.2.imperative I m perati v ponent pro psu nontl n.ntuitive (i n tf u: I ti v adj.destigmatize di: sti gmatai z v.metabolism ms ticboli zom n.【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.减重,掉秤.花时间做某事.对某样东西的限制/克制.某人提倡做某事.重点关注某事最核心的是是毋庸置疑的.不可战胜的矛盾.做某事的方式.底层的动因,根本的动因.化解冲突【长难句学习】请选出以下句子各画线局部的语法名称,并翻译句子。.(1 )We nee

7、d to seek approaches (2)that will not create this unwinnable battle between mind and metabolism.A.主句B.定语从句(1)(2)翻译:.( 1)A biological approach to weight management, (2)fbcused on the underlying drivers of hunger instead of calorie restriction. (3)could help resolve the conflict between health and sti

8、gma (4)that often occurs on conventional diets.A.主语B.定语从句C.非谓语D.谓语 (1)(2)(3) 翻译:拓展练习 阅读理解More Americans say they are on a special diet compared with Americans about 10 years ago. That information conics from a report released this week by the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC.

9、The increased dieting comes at a time when obesity levels continue to rise. The CDC report found that 17 percent of Americans said they were on diets in 2017-2018 up from 14 percent about 10 years earlier. Over the same period, obesity levels increased in the U. S. to 42 percent up from 34 percent.D

10、ana Hunnes is a professor of public health and nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles. Hunnes said that the number of Americans who said that they are on a diet is lower than expected. This is because diet-related diseases are very common in the country. The report noted that about h

11、alf of American adults have diet-related health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Generally speaking, more women reported being on a diet than men. The heavier and more educated people were, the more likely they were to report being on a special diet, the study found.Between 2007 and 200

12、8, and 2017 and 2018, diets described as weight loss or low calorie” grew in popularity. Low-carbohydrate diets became more popular, while low-fat and low-cholesterol diets became less popular. The findings were part of an continuous national survey. People who took part in the survey were asked the

13、 following question: Are you currently on any kind of diet, either to lose weight or for some other health-related reason?”Becky Ramsing is a dietician and program officer al Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future. Ramsing said that people make very different kinds of choices in hopes of losing w

14、eight. In some cases, she said people might not understand why the choices they make do not help them lose weight.Why do more Americans start to go on a special diet at present?B.Because of (heir wealth.Because of their age.B.Putting on weight.B.Because of (heir wealth.Because of their age.B.Putting

15、 on weight.D.Diet-related diseases.C.Because of their disease.Wha( became popular in 2017 in America?A.Losing weight.C.Low-fat diets.What does the last paragraph suggest?A.Some Americans arent t interested in losing weight.B.Some Americans have had serious diseases in their life.C.Somc Americans don

16、t make good choices in their life. D.Some Americans have doubted the importance of science. 4. Whats the best title of the passage?A.Diseases on Diets for More AmericansB.More Women on Diets than men in AmericaC.Diseases Related to Health problems in AmericaD.More Americans on Special Diets for Heal

17、th Reasons外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1 .exhausted i g zd : sti d adj.身心俱疲的2.imperative |i m pcrati v n.重要紧急的事,必要的事3.proponent pro pou nont n.(某个理念或行动的)支持者ntuitive I n tf u: I ti v adj.直觉的.destigmadze di: sti gmatai z v.去污名.metabolism ma tsebali zom n.新陈代谢【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。e weight 减重,掉秤nd

18、some time doing something 花时间做某事.restrictions on something对某样东西的限制/克制.somebody advocates doing something 某人提倡做某事.place emphasis on something 重点关注某事.central to the process is最核心的是.there is no question that是毋庸置疑的。S.unwinnable battle不可战胜的矛盾.approach to something 做某事的方式.undcrlying drivers底层的动因,根本的动因.resolve the conflict 化解冲突【长难句学习】请选出以下句子各画线局部的语法名称,并翻译句子。1.AB翻译:我们需要找到方法,不再激起精神和身


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