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1、多彩的唐卡成都市草堂小学 教学设计:张星 翻译:李颖薇教材分析唐卡,被称为“藏文化的百科全书”是藏族艺术中一种独特的绘画艺术形式,主要有唐卡,堆绣,壁画,雕塑等绘画造型艺术,以图案复杂精美,内容丰富著称,尤其是随身唐卡,被人们称为带在身上的庙宇!二、教学目标1、让学生通过对藏民族唐卡绘画艺术的学习和研究,来更好的了解唐卡的用色特点及规律。2、激发学生热爱生活、热爱艺术的情怀,培养学生热爱民族文化的情感。3、扩大丰富学生的眼界及知识,广泛积累民族文化素材,不断提高学生自身对民族文化的认识。教学重难点重点:介绍藏民族唐卡艺术的色彩及规律。难点:理解藏民族唐卡艺术的色彩意义;理解藏民族文化和唐卡艺术

2、的历史背景和发展过程。四、教学流程教学步骤教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图导入导入新课师:我们中国有多少个民族同学们知道吗?引出藏族观看PPT回答激趣导入自主认识与了解唐卡欣赏藏族风情2、揭题:多彩的唐卡3、播放视频。4、教师小结视频,PPT展示藏族地区的唐卡。5、播放PPT,找一找唐卡绘画与普通绘画的区别6、PPT出示一幅元朝时期的唐卡7、PPT出示各种珍贵的唐卡颜料。8、火眼金睛找规律唐卡的用色规律9、为唐卡选择冷暖色调。1、播放PPT2、出示唐卡3、请学生介绍唐卡播放视频设问:唐卡与普通绘画有什么不同? 师:是的,唐卡绘画具有很强的宗教性。出示元朝时期的唐卡。设问:为什么历经这么久唐卡没

3、有褪色。 把这些珍贵的矿物质颜料运用到唐卡绘画中,更能突出唐卡绘画在藏族传统文化中的重要地位。师设问:他们的用色有什么相同之处?都包含着一种种颜色?色彩的情感怎样表达?底色的色彩运用2)金银色的独特运用3)色彩的冷暖表现师出示黑白色唐卡生欣赏 思考根据课前思维导图介绍生观看、感受学生欣赏 思考生:内容不一样 唐卡画大都画的神灵菩萨等。听老师讲解并观看,理解。思考。听老师讲解并观看,理解。选择激发孩子好奇心,都想看看藏族人民的珍宝是什么。学生在课前预习唐卡相关知识,完成思维导图。初步感知唐卡文化。看视频,进一步感知唐卡。学生通过老师介绍与观看PPT,了解唐卡对于藏族人民的特殊意义。让学生通过图片

4、对比,找出唐卡艺术的与普通绘画的区别。总结出唐卡的内容具有宗教性和其颜料的特殊性。通过比较图片,自主发现唐卡的用色规律将所学的色彩冷暖知识运用到位唐卡上色的实际问题中,体现课堂知识与现实世界的联系。 体验当唐卡画师,为唐卡上色教师示范2、学生创作示范用软件为唐卡上色生观看。学生创作体验当唐卡画师,激发学生的创作欲望,将本课所学的色彩知识运用到唐卡的施色过程,更深一步了解唐卡的用色规律。展示互评自评互评组织评价展示评价欣赏 促进 小结今天我们学习与了解唐卡。它帮助我们更加了解藏民族的独特文化与艺术。思考总结本课知识课后拓展PPT展示不同名族的优秀文化师:期待孩子们以后可以去发现与认识更多咱们国家

5、的少数民族的艺术与文化。了解与保护各民族的优秀文化传统,增进我们多民族大家庭的融合统一。思考观看期待激发学生对少数民族优秀文化的兴趣。引导学生课后去发现与认识更多少数民族的艺术与文化。了解与保护各民族的优秀文化传统,增进我们多民族大家庭的融合统一。五、板书设计多彩的唐卡底色的色彩运用金银色的独特运用色彩的冷暖系表现Colorful ThangkaChengdu Caotang Primary School Zhang XingTranslated by Li Yingwei = 1 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT of teaching materialsThangka, know

6、n as the encyclopedia of Tibetan culture is a unique form of painting art in Tibetan art, mainly have Thangka, pile embroidery, murals, sculptures and other painting plastic arts, with complex and exquisite design, rich in content, especially with the Tang card, is known as the temple with the body!

7、II. Teaching objectives1. Let the students learn and study the painting art of the Tibetan nationality, so as to better understand the color characteristics and rules of Thangka.Inspire students to love life and art, and cultivate students to love national culture.Expand and enrich students horizons

8、 and knowledge, widely accumulate the material of national culture, and constantly improve their own understanding of national culture. = 3 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT in teachingKey points: Introduce the color and law of the Tibetan Tang card art.Difficulties: understand the color significance of Tibetan

9、 Thangka art; understand the historical background and development process of Tibetan culture and Thangka art. = 4 * ROMAN * MERGEFORMAT IV. Instructional flowTeaching stepsTeaching contentTeacher activitiesStudent activitiesDesign intentImportIntroduction of new coursesTeacher: Do we know how many

10、famous Chinese students?Lead to TibetanWatch PowerPointAnswerExciting IntroductionAutonomous knowledge and understanding of ThangkaEnjoy the Tibetan customs2. Uncovering the Problem: the Colorful Thangka3. Video playback.4. Teacher summary video, PPT shows the Thangka in the Tibetan area.Play PPT to

11、 find out the difference between Thangka painting and ordinary paintingPPT Shows a Thangka from the Yuan DynastyPPT shows all kinds of precious Thangka pigments.8. The Law of Looking for Golden Eyes - The Law of Using Color in Thangka9. Choose warm and warm tones for Thangka.1. Play PPT2. Show Thang

12、kaAsk students to introduce thangkaVideo playbackAsk: What is the difference between Thangka and ordinary painting? Yes, Thangkas paintings are very religious. Production Thangka in the Yuan Dynasty.Q: Why did it take so long No fading.The application of these precious mineral pigments to Thangka pa

13、inting can highlight the important position of Thangka painting in Tibetan traditional culture.What do they have in common with color? all contain one color?How does the emotion of color express?Application of background colors2) The Unique Use of Gold and Silver3) Warm and warm colorTeacher shows b

14、lack and white Thangka, studentStudent appreciation ThinkingAccording to the pre-class mind mapLife watching, feelingStudents appreciate ThinkingStudent: The content is different Thonka painted the god bodhisattva and so on.Listen to the teacher explain and watch, understand.Think.Listen to the teac

15、her explain and watch, understand.Selectionheart, all want to see what the treasure of the Tibetan people is.Students preview the relevant knowledge of Thangka before class, complete the mind map. initial perception of the thangka culture.watch the video and further perceive the thangka.Students int

16、roduce and watch PPT through teachers to understand the special significance of Tangka to the Tibetan people.Let students compare pictures to find out the difference between Tangka art and ordinary painting. This paper concludes that the contents of Tangka are religious and the particularity of its

17、pigments.By comparing the pictures, we find out the color rule of ThangkaApplying the knowledge of color and warmth to the practical problems of Thangka color reflects the connection between classroom knowledge and the real world.Experience being a Thangka painter, coloring Thangka Teacher demonstra

18、tion2. Student creationDemo software for Thangka colorHealth Watch.Student creationExperience as a Thangka painter, stimulate students creative desire, apply the color knowledge learned in this lesson to the process of Thangka color application, a deeper understanding of Thangka color rule.Presentat

19、ion of mutual evaluationSelf-assessment and Mutual EvaluationOrganizational evaluationDisplayEvaluationAppreciation PromotionSummary Today we study and learn about Tonka. It helps us better understand the unique culture and art of the Tibetan people.ThinkingSummary of this lessonAfter class expansionPowerPoint Shows the Excellent Culture of Different Ethnic GroupsTeacher: Looking forward to the children to find out and know more about the art and culture of the ethnic minorities in ou


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