高压直流输电作业电气-hvdc a comparison of harmonic suppression methods_第1页
高压直流输电作业电气-hvdc a comparison of harmonic suppression methods_第2页




1、Makeacomparisonofharmonic简HVDC等,谐波问题成为了HVDC 系统的谐波可以被Makeacomparisonofharmonic简HVDC等,谐波问题成为了HVDC 系统的谐波可以被reactive compensators )(由reactive 和switching I.引言HVDC HDVC 。ReactiveharmonicsuppressorsRHSs) 无功谐波抑制装置(无源滤波器SwitchingcompensatorsSCs). 开关补偿器(有源滤波器(iii)Hybrid built of RHS andSC. 开关补偿器(有源滤波器)【1,3,10

2、其他的电力设备(、变压器)其他的电力设备(、变压器)IIIFIXED POLEs RHFs(固定谐振频率的滤波器IV.谐波补偿器:但是与FIXED POLEs RHFs相同,谐振回路的存在依旧是个主要的缺点。V.有源滤波器:述。H. Akagi, “New trendsin activefilterser conditioning,”IEEETrans. Ind. ApplVol32,No6,Nov./Dec1996,pp.1312-1322.影响会加剧。这是VI组合式滤波器:- 影响会加剧。这是VI组合式滤波器:- VII.仪表:然而由于频谱分析仪已经成为了被普遍使用的设备,对于谐波【11,

3、12VIII.总结:0 Leszek S. Czarnecki, Fellow IEEE Electrical andComputer Engineering, Louisiana S University, Baton Rouge, LA 708031L.GyugyiandE.C.Strycula,“Active P.W. Hammond, “A harmonic filter installation to reduce voltage distortion from sconverters,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan.

4、/Feb. 1988, pp.53-58.0 Leszek S. Czarnecki, Fellow IEEE Electrical andComputer Engineering, Louisiana S University, Baton Rouge, LA 708031L.GyugyiandE.C.Strycula,“Active P.W. Hammond, “A harmonic filter installation to reduce voltage distortion from sconverters,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 24,

5、No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1988, pp.53-58.F.Z.Peng, H. Akagi, A Nabae, “A new approach to harmonic compen-sattion systems,”IEEErNo.88CH2585-0/88/0000-4M.Loggini,G.C.Montanari,E.Tironi,D.Zaninelli,“Designofnonlinearresistorforperformanceimprovement,”Proc.oftheIEEEIASAnnualMeeting,SanDiego,5M.M.Cameron,“Trendse

6、rfactorcorrectionswithharmonicfiltering,”IEEETrans.Ind.Appl.,Vol.29,No.1,Jan./Feb.,1993,pp.60-6 L.S. Czarnecki, “Harmonic blocking ternative for -VI,pp.283-288,Bologna,Italy,D.Ruthman,“Lowvoltageharmonicfilterconsiderationsforthreephaseindustrialsystems,” 1994 IEEE PES Wer Meeting, New York, 1994.W.

7、E. Reid, K.A. Puskarich. “Harmonic filter application criteria,” 1994 IEEE PES Meeting,NewYork,9 L.S.Czarnecki, “Effect ofminorharmonics on the performance ofrmonicfiltersdistribution systems,” Proc. IEE, . Appl., Vol. 144, No. 5, July/August 1995, 10 H. Akagi, “New trends in active filters Appl.,Vo

8、l.32,No.6,Nov./Dec.1996,pp.1312-er conditioning,” IEEE Trans. on 11 L.S. Czarnecki, Z. Staroszczyk, “On-line measurement of equivalent parameters erdistributionsystemandload,”IEEETrans.onInstr.Vol.45,No.2,April1996,pp.467-12 L.S. Czarnecki, Z. Staroszczyk, “Dynamic on-line measurement of equivalent

9、of three-phase systems for harmonic frequen-cies,” Europ. Trans. on Vol.6,No.5,Sept./Oct.1996,pp.329-er, J.K.Phipps, “Atransferfunctionapproachtoharmonic filterdesign,”IEEE Industry oner,”ETEP,Vol.8,No.5,Sept./Oct.1998,pp.375-15 L.S. Czarnecki, G. Chen, Z. Staroszczyk, “Application of ties for contr

10、ol adaptive hybrid compensator,” Europ. Trans. on er, ETEP, Vol. 6, No. 5, 1996pp.337-16 C.-J. Wu, J.-C. Chiang, S.-S. Jen, C.-J. Liao, J.-S. Jang and T.-Y. Guo, “Investigation mitigationofli-ficationproblemscausedbysingle-tunedfilters,”IEEETrans.erDelivery,Vol.13,No.3,July1998,pp.800-17 L.S. Czarne

11、cki, “Common and fixed-poles rmonic filters, Europ. Trans. 18 18 Lin, Ming-Hoon Lin, Tung-Pin Lin, “An advanced computer code for tuned harmonic filter design,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 34, No. 4, July/Aug. 1998, pp. 19 W. Mielczarski, W.B. Lawrance and J. Szczepanik, “Field test of a filter

12、to harmonic currents in a three phase fluo-resent 14,No.3,July1999,pp.1002-system,” IEEE Trans. . Del., 20 K.F. Granaghan, R.D. Mueller, “Design harmonic filters for adjustable-speed drives to comply with IEEE-519 harmonic limits,” IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 35, No. March/April.1999,pp.312-21 L.S. Czarnecki, “Harmonics er phenomena


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