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1、Alcohol : Pleasures and ProblemsAlcohol : Pleasures and ProbleAlcoholWhat are some reasons why people choose to drink?CuriousPeer PressureAddictedLike the tasteCelebrationsRelaxRelieve stressReligionLike the effectsEscape problemsTo socialize more easilyAlcoholWhat are some reasons AlcoholWhat are s

2、ome reasons why people choose to abstain from drinking?ReligionUnderageSportsDont like tastePast ExperienceFamily history of alcoholismDont like the effectsExpenseDDDont need artificial means to have funMedical conditions (pregnancy or medication conflict )AlcoholWhat are some reasons wAlcoholTrue o

3、r False: Alcohol passes through the body the same way every time?AlcoholTrue or False: Alcohol True-Alcohol passes the same.1) Swallowed through the mouth2) Stomach-small amount of alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach wall.True-Alcohol passes the same.1True-Alcohol passes th

4、e same3) Small Intestine- Most of the alcohol passes into the bloodstream through the small intestine.4) Bloodstream-takes blood and alcohol all over the body.True-Alcohol passes the same3)True-Alcohol passes the same5) Liver-organ where alcohol is oxidized-turned into water, carbon dioxide, and ene

5、rgy at a rate of oz. of alcohol per hour for adults.6) Brain-affects the brain by depressing (or slowing down the its function.True-Alcohol passes the same5)4 Factors that influence how alcohol affects people1)Body weight- more body weight-more alcohol to get the same effects.2) If one has had anyth

6、ing to eat before or during drinkingVs.4 Factors that influence how a4 Factors that influence how alcohol affects people3) Amount of alcohol consumed4) Thoughts & Expectations: Often what you think alcohol will do for you is what it actually does for you.4 Factors that influence how aDefine Psycholo

7、gical toleranceLearning what the effects of alcohol are and then compensating for those effects so that a person does not appear to be as affected by alcohol as they really are.Define Psychological toleranceAlcohols Most Common Effects1) Pleasure2) Inhibitions loosened: “Life of the Party”3) Thinkin

8、g skills impaired4)Physical performance impaired5)Diseases and Bodily Damage:Cirrhosis of liverBrain functionDelirium TremensDeathAlcohols Most Common Effects1Alcohols Most Common Effects6) Physical Tolerance: body gets used to having the alcohol in the system-need more alcohol to get the same effec

9、ts with smaller amounts previously.7)Body Temperature-generates more heat as it cools off the body lowering body temp.Alcohols Most Common Effects6Alcohols Most Common Effects8) Energizer: makes person seem like they have more energy. Example: run a lot faster-all a myth.9) Hangovers: happens after

10、all alcohol has left body. There is no cure or short cut for getting rid of hangover, except time.Alcohols Most Common Effects8Most People who die from cirrhosis of the liver are heavy drinkers? T or FTrue- There are other causes of cirrhosis, but by far the most common cause is heavy alcohol drinki

11、ng.Most People who die from cirrhAlcohol seems to permanently destroy brain cells. T or FTrue- alcohol does destroy brain cells every time it is consumed. Over time and use it may cause a person to lose certain functions of the brain. The earlier one starts drinking and the more a person uses the fa

12、ster the brain function is lost.Alcohol seems to permanently dDefine Delirium TremensHallucinations suffered by an alcoholic when they do not have alcohol in their system. In other words, when someone who is addicted to alcohol is going through withdrawal.Define Delirium TremensHalluci3 People die i

13、n the US from alcohol poisoning everyday. T or FTrue- over 1,095 people die in a year simply from drinking too much too fast!3 People die in the US from alDefine Physical Tolerance:When one needs more and more of a substance to get the same effects they used to get with smaller amounts.Define Physic

14、al Tolerance:WhenWhat are 3 reasons alcohol has a stronger effect on Teens than adults?1) Usually smaller body weight2) Less psychological tolerance for teens3) More stress in teen lives4) Liver does not completely mature until early 20s-cant oxidize alcohol as fast as a result.What are 3 reasons al

15、cohol hasDefine BACBlood Alcohol Concentration/Content: How much alcohol is in your system compared to how much total blood volume you have.08% is the illegal driving limit in MN.Define BACBlood Alcohol ConcenFactors Influencing BACIf you have eaten before or during your drinking.How much a person w

16、eighs.How much the person has had to drink.How much time has elapsed between drinks.Factors Influencing BACIf you Levels of Intoxication.08%-Illegal limit for most states in US.2%-Inhibitions loosened. Do things you would never do sober. “Life of the Party” syndrome.3%-Senses severely impaired. Slur

17、red speech, staggering when walking.4%-Pass out. Become unconscious-looks like you are sleeping.5%-Fatal dose for most people.Levels of Intoxication.08%-IllDefine a Social DrinkerA social drinker is a person who can control their drinking. They rarely if ever drink to excess.Define a Social DrinkerA

18、 sociaDefine a Problem Drinker:A person who can control their drinking.Do not have to drink very often but when they do drink they cause problems for themselves or othersAbuse spouse or childrenDrive under the influenceDrinking aggravates other medical conditions.Define a Problem Drinker:A perDefine

19、 alcoholism:A person who can not control their drinking at all or only for a short period of time. When an alcoholic starts drinking they will continue to drink until they run out of alcohol or they pass out.Most important reason alcoholics wont admit they have a problem is that it means they wont be able to continue to drink.Define alcoholism:A person whoDrinking Stats:More teens have problem with alcohol than any other chemical.More men than women have problems with alcohol-there are probably more women than we are aware of-easier for them to hide.Drinking Stats:More teens haveWhy do


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