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1、大学英语中高级课程跨文化交际电子教案Week1 Culture and Intercultural Communication (I)I. Teaching objectives1. To get to understand what is culture and what is intercultural communication2. To get to understand different metaphors of culture3. 4. To understand how culture governs peoples speech and behaviorsII. Classr

2、oom activitiesBrainstorming activity: What are the things that come up in your mind when you think of “Chinese culture”?Definitions of cultureE.B.Tylor (1871) in Primitive Culture: “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits ac

3、quired by man as a member of a society.”Lustig & Koester: “Culture is a learned set of shared perceptions about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people”Gudykunst: Culture is our theory of the game being played inour society. We use our theory of t

4、he game being played in interacting with theother people we encounter. It tells us how to communicate with others and howto interpret their behavior. We generally are not highly aware of the rules of thegame being played, but we behave as though there is general agreement on therules.Anthropologists

5、: the total way of livingCultural mini-drama:Situation: Wang Liang worked in a Sino-German Joint Venture. One day, on his way to the coffee machine, he found that Wolfgang, one of his German colleagues, had seemingly gotten rather involved in a newspaper. Out of curiosity, Wang came up to Wolfgang s

6、o he could glance at the newspaper. Then he asked, “Which one are you reading? Is it interesting?”Mini-drama: What will happen to them then? Put students into several groups to perform the drama.The latter part of the drama: But all of a sudden, Wolfgang lost his temper, began to complain about Wang

7、s invasion of his privacy, and demanded an apology for him. Wang felt rather upset, and kept explaining that he had not realized his behavior was rude. After this, whenever Wang stepped toward Wolfgang, he would soon cover up what he was doing, or stand up to keep a clear distance with Wang. Wang Li

8、ang got very confused, wondering why his friendly behaviors aroused such hostility in his colleague.Metaphors of cultureCulture is like the water a fish swims in, the sky a bird flies in, and the air people live in. Culture is the software of our mind.Culture is the grammar of our behavior.Culture i

9、s like an iceberg.Classification of culturehigh culturepopular culturedeep cultureMovie clip appreciationcharacterskey wordsabuse n. mistreatmentattorneyn. lawyer 律师bruisen. an injury that shows up as a discoloration on the skin 瘀伤;擦伤chitchatn. light informal conversationconjecture n. a hypothesis t

10、hat has little hard evidencehearingn. a legal proceeding where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence 听证会incontrovertiblen. impossible to deny or disprove indisputablyadv. cannot be disputedinflictv. impose something unpleasan

11、t 施以;加害ludicrousadj. inviting laughter荒谬的;可笑的neglectn. lack of attention and due carependingadj. waiting to be decided or settledspeculation n. a guess based on incomplete evidencetestimony n. something that serves as evidencePhrases and expressionsput the cart before the horse: to have things in th

12、e wrong order本末倒置Cultural notesCWA: Child Welfare Agency, a government organization intended to protect the rights of childrenGuasha treatment (scraping therapy): A traditional Chinese medical treatment in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patients acupuncture points. It works on the

13、 basis of principles similar to those of acupuncture and massage. Thus, ailments that can be treated by acupuncture and massage can be helped with Guasha as well. It can help reestablish the human bodys natural biological circulation.ER: emergency room“Show me” state: A nickname for Missouri, a midw

14、estern state in the central United States. This term appears on automobile license plates for Missouri. Pairwork exercisesExplore interculturally(group discussion and presentation)In the hearing, why does Xu Datong invite John to be his lawyer although John is not familiar with family law? What can

15、you learn from it about Chinese culture?Why doesnt John defend Xu Datong in the hearing? What can you learn from this?Why does Xu Datong tell the judge he performed Guasha on Dennis? What can we learn from this about Chinese culture?Intercultural communication: Communication between people from diff

16、erent cultural background.III. Assignments1. Explain the metaphors of culture.2. Cite some daily examples to illustrate how culture governs peoples speech and behaviors.Week2 Culture and Intercultural Communication (II)I. Teaching objectives1. to get to learn various classifications of culture2. to

17、get to understand what is intercultural communication3. to get to understand why we should study intercultural communicationII. Classroom activitiesCheck the assignments of last week.Explain the metaphors of culture.Cite some examples to illustrate how culture governs peoples speech and behaviors.A

18、social survey: Culture shapes peoples view.Classifications of cultureHigh culture, popular culture, deep cultureBig culture, small cultureMainstream culture, subcultureEastern culture, western cultureEastern culture, Indian culture, western culture (梁漱溟)Eastern culture, Indian culture, Arabic cultur

19、e, European culture (季羡林)Food culture, wine culture, tea culture etc. Case studyQuestions for discussion:Why didnt the man change the seat as required by the stewardess?What can you learn from it about Chinese culture?Any other comments about the case?What is intercultural communication?Communicatio

20、n between people from different cultural background.Why study intercultural communication?Let there be a small country with few peopleThough neighboring communities overlook one anotherand the crowing of cocks and barking of dogs canbe heard, yet the people there may grow old anddie without ever vis

21、iting one another Lao Tze老子:“甘其食,美其服,安其居,乐其俗。邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死不相往来。”Six imperatives for ICCTechnological imperative New technologies are creating complex relationships between different cultures Demographic imperative Cultural diversity is a fact of life. Economic imperativeHaving the ability to comm

22、unicate with other cultures is good business. Peace imperative The ability to communicate with other cultures brings peace and stimulates healthy relationships Self-awareness imperative The better we communicate with other cultures, the better we understand ourselves as individuals. Ethical imperati

23、ve Intercultural communication forces us to think about the consequences (good and bad) of our actions and words. Intercultural encounters in the historyZhang Qian (West Han Dynasty)Tang Xuanzang (Tang Dynasty)Jian Zhen (Tang Dynasty)Zhen He (Ming Dynasty)In what extent do cultures differ from each

24、other?a)Western/AsianItalian/Saudi ArabianUs. American/GreekUs. American/GermanUs. American/French-CanadianWhite Anglo-American/Reservation IndianWhite A-American/Black American/Oriental American/Mexican American/Urban IndianUs. American/BritishUs. American/English-CanadianUrban American/Rural Ameri

25、canCatholic/BaptistMale Dominance/Female EqualityHeterosexual/HomosexualEnvironmentalist/Developerb) American/ChineseIndian/ChineseJapanese/ChineseSingaporean/Chinesec)American/JapaneseAmerican/FrenchAmerican/GermanAmerican/ItalianAmerican/BritishAmerican/CanadianIII. Assignments1. What are the ways

26、 of classifying culture?2. What is intercultural communication?3. Why should we study intercultural communication?4. Preview Unit 2 Reading1 Basics of Culture (P6)Week3 Why cultures differ? (Basics of culture)I. Teaching objectives1.To get to understand Japanese culture2.To get to understand America

27、n culture3.To get to understand the basic factors shaping the development of cultureII. Classroom activitiesStudent presentation about the reading of Basics of CultureWhat words do you use to describe Japanese culture and American culture?Japanese cultureAmerican cultureCollectivisticGroup-orientedI

28、ndividualisticIndividual-orientedShameguiltVertical/hierarchicalhorizontalHow many factors are mentioned in the passage that affect the way American and Japanese culture developed? What are they?FactorsJapanese cultureAmerican culturePhysical environmentisolated island, homogeneous,lack of flat land

29、,small size of islands,wet climate, crowded living space, earthquakes, typhoonshuge, forested continent, small population Way of getting foodgrow ricegrow corn and wheat, raise animals, hunt in the forest by individualsGreat peopleShotoku Taiki, Leyasu Tokugawa, ConfuciusMartin Luther, Thomas Jeffer

30、sonReligion Buddhism, ShintoismChristianityPolitical powercentralizeddecentralizedWhy cultures differ: major forcesBiologyPhysical environment Population The way of getting foodReligion HistoryGreat peopleTechnology Notes:Forces can never be exhausted.Forces are interrelated.III. Assignments: Explai

31、n one factor that affects the way Chinese culture develops.Week4 Cultural Value Orientations (I)I. Teaching objectives1. to get to understand Kluckhohn and Strodbecks model2. to get to understand how cultural value orientations affect peoples life, way of speaking and behaviorsII. Classroom activiti

32、es1. Five universal problems faced by all human societies:What is the character of innate human nature? (human nature orientation)What is the relationship of people to nature (and supernature). (man-nature orientation)What is the temporal focus of human life? (time orientation)What is the modality o

33、f human activity? (activity orientation)What is the modality of a persons relationship to other persons? (relational orientation)Three possible variations of the solution for each problem:Human nature evil, mixture of good and evil, goodHuman-nature relationship subjugation to nature, harmony with n

34、ature, mastery over natureTime past, present, futureActivity being, being-in-becoming, doingRelational lineality, collaternity, individualismHuman nature“人之初性本善” vs. moral-based legal system“sin” vs. well-developed legal systemHuman-nature relationshipPeople master nature.People live in harmony with

35、 nature.People are subjugated by nature.Christians world viewJapanese world viewMovie clip appreciationKey wordserendipity: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries Main charactersJonathan Trager Sara Thomasc) Movie clip 1Jonathan : This is the ultimate blend to drink. Howd you find

36、this place? Sara : I first came in because of the name: Serendipity. Its one of my favorite words. Jonathan : It is? Why? Sara : Its such a nice sounding word for what it means: a fortunate accident. I dont really believe in accidents. I think fates behind everything.Jonathan: Everythings predestine

37、d. We dont have any choice?Sara: I think we make our decisions. Butfate sends signs and how we read them decides whether were happy or not.Jonathan: Little signals. Fortunate accidents, lucky discoveries, like Columbus and America.Sara: Or Fleming discovering penicillin.Movie clip 2Sara : I cant bel

38、ieve Im doing this.Jonathan: Please let fate take its proper course. Jonathan: That was an accident! Write that down please? Sara: I cant! Thats a sign. Fates telling us to back off. Jonathan: If fate didnt want us to be together, then why did we meet tonight? Got you! Sara: I dont know, its not an

39、exact science, its a feeling.class exercisesWhat Jonathan thinks of itWhat Sara thinks of itJonathan loses the paper with Saras phone number.Just an _A _ of the fate to tell us to _ offSara asks Jonathan to write his number on a $5 bill.A _ and interesting woman.To see whether the bill could come ba

40、ck into my hands again.Sara decides to write her number inside a book and sell it to a used bookstore.This is just wrong. You cant leave it all to _.To see whether Jonathan could finally get this book.Sara asks Jonathan to get into a hotel with her to see whether they could randomly pick the same fl

41、oor in the lift.Youre _.You have to have _ in destiny.Group discussionIn the movie, Jonathan wants to get Saras phone number, but their process of communication fails. What elements go wrong in this process?In the movie, how many things does Sara do in order to test fate? And what are they? What do

42、you think of these behaviors?A famous anthropologist once said that “Culture is communication and communication is culture.”Do you agree? Why or why not?Time orientationPast-oriented culturePresent-oriented cultureFuture-oriented cultureActivity orientation“Being” culture: values nonaction and an ac

43、ceptance of fate.“Becoming” culture: regards humans as evolving and changing with the aim to change the world.“Doing” culture: its important to get things done. “Where there is a will, there is a way.”Social relations orientationEquality: “Everyone is born equal.”Regardless of family position, peopl

44、e can achieve success and high status through efforts of their own.HierarchySome people enjoy more power, some less.Social and economic class predetermine a persons opportunities in life.III. AssignmentsRead “Death Fruit” and explain how peoples understanding of human-nature relationship affects the

45、ir life, speech and behaviors.Week5 Cultural Value Orientations (II)I. Teaching objectives1. to get to understand Hofstedes cultural dimensions2. to get to understand individualism in proverbs3. to get to understand the differences between American and Chinese friendshipII. Classroom activitiesHofst

46、edes cultural dimensionsPower distanceUncertainty avoidance Masculinity femininityIndividualism collectivismCase study: Is she woman?Group discussion:How do you understand Manuels words: “Why, shes just a server; Im asking you about women!”How do you understand Freds words: “Isnt she a woman? And ev

47、eryone can tell she looks beautiful in that black dress.”What can you learn from the case?Power distanceHigh power Distance Low Power DistanceAccept the unequal distribution of powerFight for equal treatmentPower is part of societyPower should only be used when legitimateDo not question superiorsQue

48、stion authorityA game to test yourself: Suppose you have won 5 million RMB from the lottery ticket. What are you going to do with the money?Invest it in real estateSave it in the bankSpeculate in the stock market Uncertainty avoidance dimensionHigh Uncertainty Avoidance Low Uncertainty Avoidance Low

49、 tolerance for uncertainty / ambiguityHigh tolerance for uncertainty / ambiguityEmphasize social stability / securityCurious about different things Feel threatened at new ideasEncourage new ideasResist change, ensure securityAppreciate creativity, take risksMasculinity femininity indexMasculinity Fe

50、mininity Value traditional sex roles (more rigid)Value equality of sex roles (more fluid)Value manlinessValue femininityIndividualism-collectivismWhat does individualism mean?IndependenceIndividual freedomSelf relianceEqual opportunityCompetition They owe nothing to any man; they expect nothing from

51、 any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.” (De Tocqueville,1830)“Wewish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else. When one starts poor, as most do i

52、n the race of life, free society is such that he knows he can better his condition; he knows that there is no fixed condition of labor for his whole life.” (Abraham Lincoln)Cultural values in proverbsEvery herring must hang by its own gill.Every tub must stand on its own bottom.He travels fast who t

53、ravels alone.Every man is the architect of his own fortune. God helps them that help themselves. If you would be well served, serve yourself.一个好汉三个帮,一个篱笆三个桩众人拾柴火焰高三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮团结就是力量人心齐,泰山移单丝不成线,独木不成林。二人同心,其力断金 一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能最有力量。 雷锋 Group discussion: “The emerging individu

54、alism in China”Case study: Li Nings experience in USAGroup discussion: What are the similarities and differences between American and Chinese friendship?III. Assignments1. Place mainland Chinese culture into the PDI, UAI, MAS, IDI2. Read the passage “The American way of friendship” and make oral com

55、ments on it. (P9).Week6 National CharacterI. Teaching objectivesTo understand how cultural factors affect peoples behaviors in saving and consumptionTo get to know the different characters of Americans, Frenchmen, English and GermenTo get to understand stereotype and how it affects intercultural com

56、municationII. Classroom activitiesGroup reading and discussion: “Money”Why do Japanese save much more than North Americans?What cultural factors could explain the difference in the price of things in Japan and North America?Movie clip appreciation: Legally Blonde (I)Key words and expressions:Harvard

57、 video essaysorority: a club of womenLSAT: Law Delta Nu: the name of the sororitylegal jargonb)Questions:What kind of girl is Elle Woods?Do you think the career of a lawyer fits her?Movie clip appreciation: Legally Blonde (II)Key words and expressions:4.0 from CULA (GPA: grade point average)extracur

58、ricular activityRicky Martin videoa line of faux fur panties (man-made short underpants for women and children)Sorority charity projectphilanthropist: someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-beingb)Questions:Why was she accepted by Harvard Well, weve never had one befo

59、re. And, are we always looking for _?American character: Who are they?Group discussion: What is the best word to describe American character?National character gameThey are the most romantic men in the world, they will spend the last franc buying a flower for their lovers. They will use the top skil

60、l for kissing you. You want a big lover, choose them. They act as a big boy, open and cute, the concept of family has no its standing in their mind. They will be the best play-partner to you, but they dont know whats the responsibility. They work hard with strong will, youd better not disobey them.


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