



1、0106_3 学生Some e ve they should keep all the money they have earned and should not pay tothe e.Do youagree ordisagree A 赤字(Budget deficits) C 无法提供公共服务areunderfunded(reducequalityof0106_3 学生Some e ve they should keep all the money they have earned and should not pay tothe e.Do youagree ordisagree A 赤字

2、(Budget deficits) C 无法提供公共服务areunderfunded(reducequalityofA不交税 B 没资助教育福利 C 贫富差距加(thewealthgapidens,社会不稳(destabilize 举例:教育A C. (Educational e)B. 感(increase satisfaction with life),减少压力(reduce the levels It is sometimes t working people or private companies should e,insteadofpayingtaxes,andIdisagreewi

3、ththisideabecausetaxrevenuesare lifeblood of a country.Ifpeopleretainalltheirearnings,thelackoftaxrevenuescanhave anegativeon the whole society. Budget deficits will emerge as a problem to and public are underfunded. For le, the limited scaremakes it difficult forcitizens to combat disease andainfit

4、ness while the underdeveloped public transport can cause many problems commuters. AlltheseproblemscanreducequalityofIf ernmentdoesnotetaxes,itsocause rest.The of funding for education can widen the wealth gap and many people from disadvantaged backgrounds fail to receive education and find employmen

5、t. They are likely to break the law to get by or show their dissatisfaction, which can destabilise On the other hand, those who are exempt from taxes normally have more e and can afford more goods and . For le, electronic provide them withopportunitiestoenjoya broadrange ofheir time and a holiday ov

6、erseas enables them to have a break from their working lives. They are thus able to reduce the level of stress and increase satisfaction with life.Tosummarise,payingtaxesisimportant,notonlybecausethishasadirect impact public wellbeing but also because it contributes to l stability. ernmentsshouldtta

7、xesdonot eaheavyburdenon 134 柒囍0222(979244935) C 亲情巩固,社会关系和185Dirk0215(67082725) 0125(262570705) 105 木木0125(414065762) A 不交B 人民的“社会成员”意识淡化C 公用设施破坏严重122 田轩辕 0315(86945734) 稳定,人134 柒囍0222(979244935) C 亲情巩固,社会关系和185Dirk0215(67082725) 0125(262570705) 105 木木0125(414065762) A 不交B 人民的“社会成员”意识淡化C 公用设施破坏严重12

8、2 田轩辕 0315(86945734) 稳定,人们生C 促进经济健康发展009LY。0308(415519021) A 不交Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and trainingarebetter ways to help them.Do youagreeorA 教育 B 他们知道社会的责任(so lresponsibility),还有如何律(obey laws)C 狱后(serve the prison term)做一个有用的人(meaningful me

9、mbers of A 工作B 获得劳动技能(jobskills)C 提高就业能力(improvejobprospects)社(re oA B 罪(deter crime),邪不能胜正(justice prevails) C 人们以后不会轻易Because of the rising crime rate, many people are increasingly concerned about how to criminals. I t these offenders should attend some courses n serve a Thosewhoreceiveeducation u

10、nderstandhowtofulfillso l responsibility andhowto obeyIn other words, they will t they make a contribution to society, instead of any t does harm to others. Afterservingthe prisonsentence, they will make an effort ameaningfulmembersofsociety.TheriskofreoffendingisIt is also t job training provides t

11、hese individuals with opportunities to acquire job These skills er them to communicate with others effectively ahd use communication computer technology. This so they are able to re society. Otherwise, they might commit crimes to get by, due to the lack of skills to make a improve their job B 收入大减的工

12、资福利等出现问题 C 无人愿意成 Comment Winnie5: B 是A 的背C A 人们应该纳税 B 是国家调节经段,用于调节生产、交换、分配、消费 Comment Winnie3: 完全不A 合理交税B 控制烟酒偷税C 规范个人行 Comment Winnie2: B 是A 的背B 不一定推出CA 交B 国偏C 如果交税容易导致企业没有利 A 不纳税B 减少了工作空余时间Onthe other hand, imprisonment can be effectiveinsomecases andsomeoffenders may belikely.The prison sentence

13、can detercrime because would-be criminals may risklosingfreedom.Thecrimerateis thereforeOnthe other hand, imprisonment can be effectiveinsomecases andsomeoffenders may belikely.The prison sentence can detercrime because would-be criminals may risklosingfreedom.Thecrimerateis thereforelower. erventio

14、n is particularly effective thoserepeat offenders andalsothoseendtocommitsomeserious To summarise, job training and education should be reating offenders, due to t this canhelpthesepeopleleada fulfillinglife. Incontrast, theprisonhouldadoptedas the last108 进行教育及犯人多贫穷,或未受良好教育背景,才 C 对其进行教育,心理疏导以及工作培训或

15、许是更好的选择,使自己的过错,诚悔改,并具备有一定工作技能,重新走上社会更易被接受,能够比较容易的融入当地社区免,将二进宫的几率见到最低。 102channy 0118(1033426310) 119 0222(8575860) 犯B 可以让他们A122 田轩辕 0315(86945734) 社会,的009LY。0308(415519021) 211austin0215 (349250829) The best way to solve the worlds environmental problem is to increase the price of fuel. whatextentdo youagreeordisagreewiththisEar r technological developments brought more benefits and changed the lives of people more n recent technological developments. To whatextentdo youagree or 科C


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