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1、2015DraftoftheEnglishSpeakingForeign:: tgraduatesof :、: Zhou Shouhong, secretary of College Foreignand Gentlemen, our : bin, deputy director of about to start, please turn off or it:nk youforyourInstitute: WuYu,deputydirector of the Institute :Announce the: Good evening, : Ju Ling, Managing section

2、chief of e to the 2015 English speaking contest Institute:tgraduates of Chongqing University munications2015DraftoftheEnglishSpeakingForeign:: tgraduatesof :、: Zhou Shouhong, secretary of College Foreignand Gentlemen, our : bin, deputy director of about to start, please turn off or it:nk youforyourI

3、nstitute: WuYu,deputydirector of the Institute :Announce the: Good evening, : Ju Ling, Managing section chief of e to the 2015 English speaking contest Institute:tgraduates of Chongqing University municationstonight.Iamthe ts :HuangZhiyu,theInstitutesectionchief ,老2015 : Ai Zhiqiong, director of Eng

4、lish 。:Iamthehost, Departmentof:tgraduate:Thiscompetitionissponsoredbythe tgraduateandCollegeofForeignroducethe: Next I roduce the : As we t n judgesofourcontesttonight.Theystudentsparticipatedinourpreliminarycontest, : Professor : 王 庆光:from College of thirteenof themwere selected to finalcontest: f

5、rom College of 100:fromCollegeofForeign:ofallwewanttocongratulateallof:withour:Ihopeyouwillbefullypreparedandgiveus a wonderful performance tonight.:Yeah,giveyoumybestwishesandgood:Ourforeignteachers:Mr.OscarMs.Vlasova:nkyouallfor:Letsgiveourwarmestapplauseoallroducetheourhonorableguestsandjudgesfor

6、comingTheleaders: Well, lets also give our warmest applause to all the students coming to watch our contest. We hope you could enjoy this exciting competition andbenefitfromthose honorableguestshere 赛现场及嘉宾他们是:Wangyu, ofCollegeofForeigne!(嘉宾待定: Wang Feng, deputy of College :ly please allow me roduce

7、: 由: Now : Now, round of the competition e our deputy dean starting. There are 4 d Feng from College of Foreign Languages to 4 he impromptu speech and 2 in usa andanswers:Thepreparedspeechshouldbeabout2minutes long and the impromptu 2 minutes. Each contestant has 5 minutes before he or she starts th

8、e impromptu speech. You will see the board with times up 30 seconds before and when the speech is finished.: :nk you very much for your speech. thinkitquite inspiredourAnnounce thefinal:NowIdlikelyouaboutthesoffinal competition. There : 由: Now : Now, round of the competition e our deputy dean starti

9、ng. There are 4 d Feng from College of Foreign Languages to 4 he impromptu speech and 2 in usa andanswers:Thepreparedspeechshouldbeabout2minutes long and the impromptu 2 minutes. Each contestant has 5 minutes before he or she starts the impromptu speech. You will see the board with times up 30 secon

10、ds before and when the speech is finished.: :nk you very much for your speech. thinkitquite inspiredourAnnounce thefinal:NowIdlikelyouaboutthesoffinal competition. There are two rounds. The roundincludesthreeparts.Theyarepreparedspeech, impromptu speech and Questions part. The round is about team sh

11、ows. Four teams will 讲,满分4 分,时间为2 分钟;即,满分 分,包括1 分和1 分半one ith three or four contestants in 的: : The scores of the contestant will be 和eitherthespeech is30 seconds longerorn团队由 3 或 4 人组成,并依次进行展示。:Thescoresforbothroundsare10s 1 minutes 45 seconds.After the prepared speech and the impromptu speech are

12、delivered, the judges will ask each of you a question and you will have minutetoanswer roundmakesup80% of thewholeand the second round 20%. Now lets see the details ofthescoringrulesofjudgingonthescreen.(PPT):10 80%20%,具体的评分标准: 1 45 2 提问,选手回答问题的时间为1 分钟。希望参: The scores of threecontestants :Toyoursurp

13、rise,wealsohavebe announced after the fourth contestant finishes. The same procedure will be d to scores of rest of contestants. (第四位参赛activitieswiththe.PleasesendwithwhatyouwanttosaytoRemember,bigarewaitingStartprepared: So much for the rules. Ok, lets get started. The topic of tonights preparedspe

14、ech isSharp tools make good work.: Im quite curious about what 大家可以发送#重邮比赛#会:各位观众朋友,请多contestants will say about this topic. e contestant No.1 to give his speech. Contestant pleasebe: 题目为:Sharp makegoodwork. 的:nk you contestant for :nk you, contestant No.4. Now its come lets the exciting part. We wi

15、ll announce scores of impromptu speech. ck a threecontestant.Thescore ofitsnumber*youpicked.Letsseetheis * s. (Z: Congratulations!) can begin your wo nk score of the secondcontestant is* foryourimpromptuspeech.Nowthejudgeswillyouaquestionandyouhave1:nk you contestant for :nk you, contestant No.4. No

16、w its come lets the exciting part. We will announce scores of impromptu speech. ck a threecontestant.Thescore ofitsnumber*youpicked.Letsseetheis * s. (Z: Congratulations!) can begin your wo nk score of the secondcontestant is* foryourimpromptuspeech.Nowthejudgeswillyouaquestionandyouhave1minutetoans

17、werCongratulations!) and the score Now lets numbernks,contestantNo.1.Quiteagoode contestant No.2 石林. : As we have enjoyed No.2 ng his speech, getreadyspeeches of those contest. Now lets deliver his speech.contestants, lets continue e contestant nk you contestant lets you contestant impromptu speech.

18、 ck a lets its number*you picked. Lets see the screen. impromptu speech. ck a can begin your nk you for its number*you picked. Lets see the screen. impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you questionandyouhave1minutetoanswercan begin your nk you for impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you q

19、uestionandyouhave1minutetoanswer:nks, contestant No.2. Now e contestant . While :nk you contestant No.5. Now e contestant No.6and contestant getreadyNo.3 ng his speech, contestant number get ready:nkyoucontestantNo.3for your :nkyoucontestantNo.6for your speech. Now lets come to your impromptu speech

20、. Please pick a number. .Ok, its number*you picked. Lets see the screen. You can begin your speech. nkyou for your impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you a question and you have minutetoanswerspeech. Now lets come to your impromptu speech. Please pick a number. .Ok, its number*you picked. Let

21、s see the screen. You can begin your speech. nkyou for your impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you a question and you have minutetoanswer:nks for contestant No.3. Now :nks, contestant No.6. Now ee contestant getreadyand contestant contestantiverheryou, contestant nk you contestant lets lets i

22、mpromptu speech. ck a impromptu speech. ck a its number*you picked. Lets see the screen. its number*you picked. Lets see the can begin your nk you for can begin your nk you for impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you questionandyouhave1minutetoanswerimpromptu speech. Now the judges will ask yo

23、u questionandyouhave1minute toanswer:nk you, contestant No.7. Now watching the fierce competition, let us enjoy wonderfulshowto:nkyoucontestantNo.8for yourspeech. Now lets come to your impromptu speech. Please pick a number. .Ok, its number*you picked. Lets see the screen. You can begin your speech.

24、 nkyou for your impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you a question and you have minutetoanswer这里没有互动环节,这里是特邀表演: Weve prepared three questions for you guys. Theyare actually kind of easy to answer. So if you know the answer, please raise your hand. Our working staff will give you a microphone a

25、nd youcan luswhatyouranswer :nk you contestant No.8. Now econtestantgetreadyandcontestant为英文小知识问答互动为大家准备了精nk you contestantwatching the fierce competition, let us enjoy wonderfulshowto:nkyoucontestantNo.8for yourspeech. Now lets come to your impromptu speech. Please pick a number. .Ok, its number*yo

26、u picked. Lets see the screen. You can begin your speech. nkyou for your impromptu speech. Now the judges will ask you a question and you have minutetoanswer这里没有互动环节,这里是特邀表演: Weve prepared three questions for you guys. Theyare actually kind of easy to answer. So if you know the answer, please raise

27、your hand. Our working staff will give you a microphone and youcan luswhatyouranswer :nk you contestant No.8. Now econtestantgetreadyandcontestant为英文小知识问答互动为大家准备了精nk you contestant lets 的(或impromptu speech. ck a 它状况全交itsnumber*youpicked.Letsseethecan begin your wo nk foryourimpromptuspeech.Nowthejud

28、geswillyouaquestionandyouhave1minutetoanswer: Wow, what a wonderful :nks, contestant No.9. Now e contestant . While for your show. Okay, Ithink we all feel relaxedt,dontNo.10 ng his speech, contestant number 11: nk you for the great 亦珂 getreadyand I guess we all had refreshment. Now lets come back t

29、o our competition.nk you contestant lets impromptu speech. ck a begin your nk you for your speech. Now the judges will ask you a question youhave1minutetoanswer继续比赛: Before contestant No.8 starts his :nks, contestant No.10. Again we announcethe scores of contestantNo.7, 8and9. score of contestant is

30、* :please allow us to cores of contestant4, and 6. The score of contestant is * score :Congratulations!).Thescoreofcontestantcontestant :Congratulations!) is * 峰 is* score of contestant No.9 : is* :the score of the No.6 is*: Ok, lets continue our contest. : We can t the competition is e contestant t

31、o deliver fierce. Good luck to the next contestant. Ok, e contestant tiver :nk you contestant No.11 for come to impromptu speech. ck a : nk you for your answers. Well, again willannouncethescoresofthelastfouritsnumber*youpicked.Letsseethenk can begin your wo The score of contestant is* foryourimprom

32、ptuspeech.Nowthejudgeswillyouaquestionandyouhave1minutetoanswer中义: Congratulations!). The score of :nks, contestant No.11. Now come to impromptu speech. ck a : nk you for your answers. Well, again willannouncethescoresofthelastfouritsnumber*youpicked.Letsseethenk can begin your wo The score of conte

33、stant is* foryourimpromptuspeech.Nowthejudgeswillyouaquestionandyouhave1minutetoanswer中义: Congratulations!). The score of :nks, contestant No.11. Now eCongratulations!). The score of contestant No.12 contestant. While contestant No.12 思成 is* score of contestant No.13 : Congratulations!). ng speech,

34、contestant get is* :nk you contestant No.12 for : Next round is even more exciting. come to lookforwardtoit?(“Yes!”fromthe)impromptu speech. ck a I cant wait to see what the talented teams perform.Letsseethemitsnumber*youpicked.Letsseethenk can begin your wo :he second round, each team has 3 foryour

35、impromptuspeech.Nowthejudgeswillask you a question and you have 1 minute to answer it.nks, contestant No.12. Now lets e our last contestant, contestant No.13 deliverhisto perform. Contents can be various, dubbing, drama playing or operas. grouponetogivetheire3 分钟的时: *(according to :nkyoucontestantnu

36、mber 13,untilallthecontestantshavefinishedtheir: 13 the show is) e group two to : *(according what the show is) Lets see what group three 给的。bring: *(according (这里是互动环节what the show is) We are so excited to see the :Now, round has finished, and groups performance because t you time to the eractive a

37、ctivities.Weve prepared three questions for you guys. They are actually kind of easy toanswer.Soif youknow the answer,raise your hand. Our working staff will give you whatwillcomeout,right?(“Yeah!Thescores”)ethelast:nk you for your performance and microphone and then you can l us what your answer is

38、.weve finished most of our competition. Ladies gentlemen, please give them our warmest for their wonderful nk you 节为英文小知识问答互动为大家准备了的第一轮得分*第二轮得分*总成绩为的。:Then,Idlike to invite our judges tocome * * * give us some comments as well ggestions tonights第一轮得分*分*总成绩为*(Congratulations!)十一号抽奖环节:第一轮得分*第二轮得分*nk f

39、or valuable 为*(A:Congratulations!)十二号选手成第一轮得分*第二轮得分*总成绩为*meaningful advice and am sure these will be great benefit to 第一轮得分*第二轮得分*总成绩为的。:Then,Idlike to invite our judges tocome * * * give us some comments as well ggestions tonights第一轮得分*分*总成绩为*(Congratulations!)十一号抽奖环节:第一轮得分*第二轮得分*nk for valuable 为*(A:Congratulations!)十二号选手成第一轮得分*第二轮得分*总成绩为*meaningful advice and am sure these will be great benefit to our contestant


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