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1、headquaarterssLocate your headqquarteers inn Housston aand yooull be inn veryy goodd comppany. Weree homee to aa whoos whho off busiinessees froom thee listts of Fortuune, DDeloittte Deeveloppment and FForbess, andd dozeens off the worldds moost suuccesssful mmultinnationnals hhave aa Housston aaddr

2、esss. Wee offeer loww operratingg costts, ann exceellentt laboor poool andd readdy acccess tto gloobal mmarketts. Diiscoveer howw a Hooustonn locaation puts you iin thee centter off todaays iinternnationnal buusinesss commmunitty.Home too the worldds faastestt growwing ccompanniesHooustonn is hhome

3、bbase ffor maany off the worldds toop commpaniees. Weeretthird only to Neew Yorrk Citty andd Chiccagoiin thee numbber off Forttune 5500.OOur poopularrity iisnt limitted too domeestic businnessess: of the wworlds 1000 larggest nnon-U.S.-baased ccorporrationns, 600 havee operrationns in Houstton. Fort

4、unee 500 Corpoorate HeadqquarteersDuee to tthe loow cosst of doingg busiiness, as wwell aas manny othher addvantaages, Houstton iss thirrd amoong meetropoolitann stattisticcal arreas iin thee numbber off Forttune 5500 heeadquaarterss. Andd the statee of TTexas is noow tieed witth Callifornnia foor t

5、hee mostt Forttune 5500 heeadquaartereed commpaniees.Fortunee 500 Headqquarteer LoccationnsNumber per SSTATENumber per MMSA*Number per CCITYRankingg of SStatessState# of HQQs*Rankingg of MMetrossMSA# of HQQs*Rankingg of CCitiessCity# of HQQs*1Texas571New Yorrk701New Yorrk421 (Tie)Califorrnia572Chica

6、goo282Houstonn243New Yorrk563Houstonn253Dallas124Illinoiis314Dallas254 (Tie)Atlantaa105Pennsyllvaniaa255Minneappolis184 (Tie)Minneappolis10*Metroppolitaan Staatistiical AArea6Chicagoo9*Numbeer of Fortuune 5000 commpaniees heaadquarrteredd in eeach ggeograaphicaal areea. Source: Forttune, Aprill, 201

7、10Fortunee 10000 Corpporatee HeaddquarttersHooustonn is aa majoor corrporatte cennter. Fiftyy-ninee comppaniess on tthe 20009 Foortunee 1000 llist, numerrous mmultinnationnals aand doomestiic conncernss mainntain operaationss in tthe Hooustonn regiion.FORTUNEE 10000 COMPPANIESS HEADDQUARTTERED IN HO

8、OUSTONNCompanyy RankRevenueesCompanyyRankRevenuees($milllions)($milllions)ConocoPPhilliips4230,7644.0Noble EEnergyy5643,901.00Marathoon Oill2373,504.0Quanta Serviices5743,780.22Sysco6237,522.1Westlakke Cheemicall5863,692.44Enterprrise GGP Holldingss6535,469.6Dynegy6053,549.00Plains All AAmericcan Pi

9、ipelinne7930,061.0US Oncoology Holdiings6463,304.22Hallibuurton14118,279.0Exterraan Holldingss6623,178.77Anadarkko Pettroleuum16215,723.0Southerrn Uniion6793,070.22Contineental Airliines16715,241.0Oil Staates IInternnationnal6982,948.55Nationaal Oillwell Varcoo20013,431.4Benchmaark Ellectroonics7552

10、,590.22Waste MManageement20113,388.0Americaan Nattionall Insuurancee7722,526.88Reliantt Enerrgy21412,553.2Pride IInternnationnal7872,468.88Apache21712,389.8Plains Explooratioon andd Prodductioon 8022,403.55Knight22312,094.8Southweesternn Enerrgy8192,311.66Baker HHughess22711,864.0HCC Inssurancce Hol

11、ldingss8272,279.44KBR23411,581.0Newfielld Expplorattion8382,225.00CenterPPoint Energgy23811,322.0Rowan CCos.8402,212.77Smith IInternnationnal25010,770.8Pattersson-UTTI Eneergy8412,209.11Enbridgge Eneergy PPartneers26810,060.0Dresserr-Randd Grouup8442,194.77Calpinee2729,937.00Metals USA Hooldinggs858

12、2,156.22Targa RResourrces3237,970.22Servicee Corpp. Intternattionall8592,155.66EOG Ressourcees3507,127.11Helix EEnergyy Soluutionss Grouup8662,148.33Frontieer Oill3836,498.88Oceaneeering Interrnatioonal9011,977.44Cameronn Inteernatiional 4215,848.99Mens WWearhoouse9051,972.44Group 11 Autoomotivve428

13、5,703.33Key Eneergy SServicces9061,972.11BJ Servvices4385,426.33Complette Prooductiion Seervicees9251,898.11El Pasoo4435,363.00NCI Buiildingg Systtems9781,764.22Spectraa Enerrgy 4595,184.00Eagle RRock EEnergyy Parttners9881,743.33FMC Tecchnoloogies4605,163.44BMC Sofftwaree9941,731.66CVR Eneergy4725,

14、016.11Adminisstaff9971,724.44Adams RResourrces & Enerrgy5404,159.77Source: Forttune, Aprill 20, 2009High Teech HeeadquaarterssFive compaanies on thhe 20008 Delloittee 500 list are hheadquuarterred inn Housston.DELOITTTE 5000 COMPPANIESS HEADDQUARTTERED IN HOOUSTONNRank Companyy 08 Revvenuess ($0000,

15、0000)5-Year Growtth %Industrry 113ERF Wirrelesss$5,1551,486%Comm/Neetworkking126RigNet, Inc.89,4111,220%Comm/Neetworkking141Additecch, Innc.12,9561,057%Comm/Neetworkking272ObjectWWin Teechnollogy, Inc.48,284489%Softwarre279PreCashh84,621459%SoftwarreSource: Delooitte Devellopmennt LLCC, 20009Ranking

16、gs aree baseed on businness bbeing in buusinesss at leastt fivee yearrs, heeadquaartereed in Northh Amerrica, havinng proopriettary ttechnoology respoonsiblle forr a maajoritty of the ggrowthh, andd growwth inn reveenues (The univeerse iis firrms wiith cuurrentt-yearr operratingg reveenues totalling

17、 aat leaast $55 milllion UU.S. oor Cannadiann Dolllars; firmss are rankeed on five-year revennue peercenttage ggrowthh withh a baase yeear off at lleast $50,0000.) Worldss Larggest CCompanniesThhe Houuston regioon hass the seconnd-higghest conceentrattion oof commpaniees lissted oon Forrbes 22000 ww

18、ith 229 commpaniees heaadquarrteredd in HHoustoon.FORBES 2000 COMPAANIES HEADQQUARTEERED IIN HOUUSTON REGIOONCompanyyRankAssets ($Billlionss)CompanyyRankAssets ($Billlionss)Marathoon Oill 135$42.69Calpinee 1125$20.74Anadarkko Pettroleuum 19948.92Southweesternn Enerrgy 11644.60Hallibuurton 36521.48BJ

19、 Servvices 12355.32Apache 37214.39Contineental Airliines 127512.69ConocoPPhilliips 380142.87KBR 13485.88Waste MManageement 39620.23Pride IInternnationnal 13836.07Sysco 4399.81Ultra PPetrolleum 13872.56EOG Ressourcees 47115.95Reliantt Enerrgy 139510.64Baker HHughess 49111.86FMC Tecchnoloogies 14013.5

20、9Spectraa Enerrgy 59521.92Crown CCastlee Inteernatiional 150710.36Smith IInternnationnal 70110.82BMC Sofftwaree 16403.61CenterPPoint Energgy 73319.68HCC Inssurancce 16858.33Noble EEnergyy 76412.38Petrohaawk Ennergy 18176.91El Pasoo 103623.67Americaan Nattionall Insuurancee 199718.30Cameronn Inteerna

21、tiional 10725.90Source: Forbbes, AApril 8, 20009 Houstonn is ssecondd amonng mettropollitan statiisticaal areeas inn the numbeer of Forbees 20000 heaadquarrters, behiind Neew Yorrk (822), tiied wiith Chhicagoo (29), andd aheaad of Dallaas-Forrt Worrth (226), SSan Joose (222) annd Loss Angeeles (19).

22、 Many otherr Forbbes 20000 coompaniies maaintaiin U.SS. admministtrativve heaadquarrters in Hooustonn. Each coompanyy receeives scorees forr longg-termm and shortt-termm salees andd proffit grrowth; retuurn onn capiital; debt-to-caapitall; andd totaal retturn oover ffive yyears. Otheer reqquiremment

23、s for tthe gllobal high perfoormerss listt: shaares ttradedd in tthe U.S. orr Depoositarry Recceiptss, a sshare pricee of aat leaast $55, possitivee equiity annd salles off at lleast $1 biillionn. Thee comppositee perfformannce sccore ffor thhe Gloobal HHigh PPerforrmers also incluudes eearninngs gr

24、rowth foreccasts tabullated by Thhomsonn IBESS. Finnally, Forbbes drroppedd canddidatees witth goood nuumberss but big pprobleems. Corporaate HeeadquaarterssHoustton iss homee to 88 out of thhe 13 Fortuune 1000 Fasstest Growiing Coompaniies heeadquaartereed in Texass.Fortunee 100 Fasteest Grrowingg

25、ComppaniessHeadqquarteered iin HouustonCompanyyType off BusiinessRankAtwood OceannicsOffshorre Driillingg45Nationaal Oillwell VarcooOilfielld Serrvicess47Quanta ServiicesInfrasttructuure Seervicees65TeamIndustrrial SServicces76Cameronn InteernatiionalOil andd Gas Fieldd Machhineryy79Gulfmarrk Offfsh

26、oreeOil andd Gas Fieldd Machhineryy86McDermoott InnternaationaalEngineeering and CConstrructioon91Diamondd Offsshore DrilllingOffshorre Driillingg92Source: Forttune, Augusst, 20009 Eight ccompannies oon thee 20099 Forttune 1100 Faastestt Growwing CCompannies llist aare heeadquaartereed in the HHoust

27、oon mettropollitan area. Texas, with thirtteen ccompannies oon thee listt, hass the seconnd-higghest conceentrattion oof Forrtune 100 ffastesst groowing compaanies in thhe nattion; just behinnd Callifornnia, wwhich has ffifteeen. The rannkingss are basedd on tthree-year growtth in earniings pper shh

28、are, revennue annd tottal reeturn of U.S. coompaniies whhich hhave aa miniimum mmarkett capiitalizzationn of $250 mmillioon; haave a stockk pricce of at leeast $5 perr sharre; haave beeen trradingg conttinuouusly ssince June 30, 22005; have annuaal revvenuess of $50 miillionn or mmore; and hhave aan

29、nuall net incomme of $10 mmillioon or more. The bussinesss parttner yyou caan couunt onnWe unndersttand tthe deemandss of ttodays fasst-pacced annd higghly ccompettitivee inteernatiional businness eenviroonmentt and work diliggentlyy to eensuree you have the rresourrces yyou neeed foor succcess. A d

30、iverrse laabor ppool tthatss depeendablle, afffordaable-aand grrowinggWhethher yoou wannt somme of the ttop miinds iin finnance, operrationns andd manaagemennt or accesss to largee numbbers oof cosst-efffectivve labbor, yyoulll findd whatt youre loookingg for in Hooustonn. Houstonns woorkforrce iss

31、2.7 milliion peeople stronng andd highhly edducateed-neaarly 330% off the popullationn has a colllege or grraduatte deggree-aand wee havee an aample supplly of officce andd clerrical workeers accross a brooad sppectruum of job ttitless.Houstonn is oone off the counttrys younggest, most diverrse annd

32、 mosst rappidly growiing meetro aareas. Accoordingg to tthe Ceensus Bureaau, thhe HYPERLINK /economic-development/facts-figures/demographics/index.aspx reggionss popuulatioon greew 25.2% beetweenn 19900 and 2000, nearrly doouble the nnationnal avveragee of 113.2%. The regioon hass the seconnd youung

33、estt mediian agge in the ccountrry amoong laarge mmetroppolitaan areeas-322.9-annd neaarly 445% off the popullationn fallls intto thee crittical 25-544 age rangee. For a ccompleete ovvervieew of workfforce statiisticss and laborr ratees pleease ggo to HYPERLINK /economic-development/facts-figures/wo

34、rkforce/index.aspx Workfforce.Academiic exccellennce crreatess succcess ttoday and ttomorrrowHouuston is hoome too moree thann 42 ccollegges, uuniverrsitiees andd otheer deggree-ggrantiing innstituutionss (Linnk to 2.2.22), inncludiing innternaationaally rrespeccted pprograams att Texaas A&MM, thee

35、Univversitty of Houstton annd Ricce Uniiversiity. The Houuston area has aa netwwork oof morre thaan 1255 busiiness and ssecrettariall schoools aand 7770 voccationnal annd tecchnicaal schhools, pluss 10 eexcepttionall locaal commmunitty colllegess thatt offeer traainingg proggrams in moore thhan 300

36、areaas inccludinng:Accountting aand boookkeeeping Businesss mannagemeent Computeer tecchnoloogy Credit managgementt Marketiing Affordaable, abunddant oofficee spacce-andd nearrly 2.6 milllion sq. fft. noow undder coonstruuctionnHoustonns cuurrentt inveentoryy is mmore tthan 1151.5 milliion sqq. ft.

37、and new cconstrructioon is underrway. Our rrate ccosts are vvery ccompettitivee withh markkets aacrosss the counttry annd subbstanttiallyy loweer thaan somme of the llargesst mettropollitan areass-suchh as NNew Yoork, Miammi andd Washhingtoon D.C.-ffor booth ceentrall busiiness distrrict aand suubur

38、baan loccationns. A businness-ffrienddly taax havven-raanked #7 loowest natioonallyyHousttons HYPERLINK /economic-development/facts-figures/business-climate/index.aspx statee and locall taxees aree conssistenntly bbelow natioonal aaveragges, mmakingg our regioon an appeaaling placee to llocatee or e

39、expandd. Incentiives ccreateed witth youur neeeds inn mindd The Hooustonn areaa offeers a varieety off attrractivve HYPERLINK /economic-development/business-resources/incentives/index.aspx staate annd loccal inncentiives iincludding:Tax abaatemennts onn propperty, R&D and ppolluttion ccontrool Sales

40、 ttax exxemptiions Employeee traainingg grannts Foreignn tradde zonne Abundannt, coost-efffectiive uttilitiies-annd onee of tthe woorldss bestt teleecom ssystemmsA deeregullated energgy marrket iin thee majoority of Teexas mmeans a chooice oof rettail pprovidders aand afffordaable rrates acrosss all

41、l HYPERLINK /economic-development/facts-figures/utilities/index.aspx utillity ccategoories. As hhome tto thoousandds of multii-natiional compaanies and tthe woorldss larggest mmedicaal cennter, the HHoustoon areea offfers ssome oof thee mostt sophhisticcated and rrobustt commmunicaationss netwworks

42、in thhe worrld. PPlus,tthe reegions commmitmeent too deveelopinng Smaart Grrid teechnollogy hhelp rreducee pricce vollatiliity annd impprove energgy mannagemeent inn the futurre. A centrral loocatioon baccked bby an excepptionaal intternattionall trannsporttationn netwworkLoocate your headqquarteers

43、 inn Housston aand geet an excelllent mid-ccountrry loccationn thatt deliivers outsttandinng acccess tto airr trannsportt withh the natioons 44th laargestt multti-airrport systeem, pllus a stronng nettwork of waater, rail and rroad. Learnn moree abouut ourr HYPERLINK /economic-development/facts-figu

44、res/international-access/index.aspx trannsporttationn systtem annd howw itss backked byy infrrastruucturee suppport tthatss secoond too nonee.Industrry nettworkss and eventtsA sttrong, colllaboraative netwoork off busiiness, acaddemia and ppublicc secttor meemberss helpps driive innnovattion aand lo

45、ong-teerm, iinternnationnal suuccesss for Houstton-arrea buusinessses. Whethher yooure lookiing foor inddustryy-speccific groupps-e.gg., thhose wworkinng in healtth, liife scciencees, teechnollogy, energgy or aerosspace-or waays too connnect wwith aa broaader ccross- secttion oof bussinesss leadders

46、, youlll finnd thee busiiness HYPERLINK /economic-development/business-resources/business-assistance/index.aspx assisstancee and netwoorkingg suppport yyou neeed inn Housston.Dedicatted too enviironmeental proteectionnHousttons commiitmentt to tthe ennvironnment is shhown iin ourr recoord off supppo

47、rtinng envvironmmentall reguulatioons (LLink tto 5.77) andd our contiinuouss advaances and lleaderrship over the ppast ttwo deecadess-a raate thhats especciallyy imprressivve givven thhe levvel off growwth ouur areea hass expeeriencced duuring this time. The #1 Placee to LLive, Work and PPlay? Houst

48、ton.1Take a closeer loook at all tthat HHoustoon hass to ooffer and iits eeasy tto seee why peoplle enjjoy woorkingg and HYPERLINK /living-here/index.aspx livinng herre. Our intternattionall cityy is hhome bbase ffor soome off the worldds toop firrms annd morre thaan 20% of oour reesidennts weere bo

49、orn inn anotther ccountrry. Hooustonn has a vibbrant cultuural mmix thhat leends aan intternattionall inflluencee to eeverytthing from restaaurantts to the aarts.Two of the wworlds leaading healtthcaree resoourcess are locatted inn Housston: the TTexas Mediccal Centeer, thhe worrlds largeest cooncenttratioon of mediccal exxpertiise, aand thhe M.DD. Anderrson Canceer Centeer, thhe topp canccer ceenter in thhe couuntry. No mattter hoow youu likee to sspend your free time, youre suure too findd plennty off choiices iin Houuston. Leissure ooptionns incclude pro ssportss and familly-friiendly


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