1、Seminarr2.Literature2.1ThreeConceptsofIndoctrination(52.2CritiqueSeminarr2.Literature2.1ThreeConceptsofIndoctrination(52.2CritiqueoftheThreeDefinitionsofIndoctrination(52.3OtherViewsTowardsIndoctrinationandTowards in Relation 3.BarryChazansViewTowardsGeneralEducation andReligious4.MichaelRosenaksVie
2、wTowardsGeneralEducation andReligious5.ComparisonandCritiqueoftheOverthepastcentury, therehasbeengrowing attentiontoanddebate overtopic of indoctrination ight be the result of a problematic situation to Overthepastcentury, therehasbeengrowing attentiontoanddebate overtopic of indoctrination ight be
3、the result of a problematic situation to t, on the one hand, there has been increasing tany schools oreven universities, what passes for education is merely indoctrination, former being accused of merely functioning as industries serving the needs of market and the e, the olitical platform on any pr
4、opogate their opinions at their students education(David Horowitz, Education Indoctrination? 2010) ; on the other hand, those who have came to realize problem and try to fix it by drawing a line n education and sometimes go to another extreme by defining the concept of indoctrination in problematic
5、way involving those which are not indoctrination or betaughtinannon-indoctrinaryway.Someliberaleducators,toavoideven advocated “nagative education” rmissive approach so as to influencing kids morally in their early childhood, an attempt to eaching ng away with teaching(Moore, p96), which criticized
6、by many educators who t non-rational method of teaching, be indoctrination or not, is to a certain extent inevitable and even sary in . By contrasting the concept with other concepts, we come to te nt and important features of eral and helps to generalprinciplesabouthowandwhatwearetoteach. By contra
7、sting the concept with other concepts, we come to te nt and important features of eral and helps to generalprinciplesabouthowandwhatwearetoteach像Green是这个意思, Wilson也表示要掌握好在过多干预和过少干预之间的平衡The concern to distinguish education and indoctrination also arose samongJewishphilosophersandhat Jewisheducationha
8、severything do with religious education which is, along with political and moral frequently taken as the paradigm case of indoctrination. As indoctrination is n not thought to bear pejorative implications, religious consequently,becameofcriticismforindoctrinatingstudentsandwascriticized. Efforts wer
9、e therefore made in Jewish world to explore the nature indoctrination and sibility religious education being taught in non-indoctrinary way so as to t religious education is not equivalenttoThis r presents an of the study of the relationship nindoctrination and education, a general literature review
10、 of the s of authors mainly from the US and owards the concept indoctrination and a ysis of two Jewish philosophers, Michael andBarryChazan,roducingandcomparingtheirviewstowardsthen education and indoctrination as well as their about sibilityandnatureofnon-indoctrinaryreligious2.LiteratureTo define
11、indoctrination is as complicated as to define education or the effort may prove futile as they are vague concepts whose boundaries are clear enough to be specified and which could be defined in various ways s, hence no one accurate and precise definition could be to describe them. Some philosophers
12、approach this problem by out areaof meaning of the concept, and, insteadof asking the concept itself, the concept with other concepts so as to find general principles (Wilson, p25) exploringhowtheyareto describe them. Some philosophers approach this problem by out areaof meaning of the concept, and,
13、 insteadof asking the concept itself, the concept with other concepts so as to find general principles (Wilson, p25) exploringhowtheyarerelatedand howthe gradualtransitionfrom one tothe bereproduced(Green,p36) As indoctrination is often accused ofbeing the of education, the most common way to find o
14、ut the nature of indoctrination comparing and contrasting the two concepts so as to find the borderline of the terrains. Other related terms have also frequently been taken to be compared as training, conditioning, instruction and so on which are not the main focus of pIndoctrinationandThere are bas
15、ically two toward the relationship n and teaching or education. Some t indoctrination as ed to t the two are mutually exclusive, with the the former should be avoided any rate, whereas the latter to be embraced and pursued; people adopting stance, however, though t indoctrination usually implication
16、, t it nevertheless does have a role to play in education. I.A.Snookputsit,“toseparateteachingandindoctrinationismistakent teaching and dangerous in practice. indoctrination, there is a from being the n sary conceptual relationship Indoctrination is considered belonging to a family of activities of
17、togetherwith otherchas “education”,”instruction”,“learning”,and so on, within which “some appear to be of more central nothers.”(Green,p36) The difference n the two, therefore, should be seen one of degreeonly, witheducationto be sible heteachingprocedureswhileheveryminimumThis divergence probably r
18、esults from the ambiguity of the concept indoctrination, to the t when people talk about indoctrination, they not mean the same thing for the lacking of a classic and standard definition, some equating indoctrination This divergence probably results from the ambiguity of the concept indoctrination,
19、to the t when people talk about indoctrination, they not mean the same thing for the lacking of a classic and standard definition, some equating indoctrination automatically with the inculcation of doctrinal suchasreligious,politicalandmoraldoctrineswhileothersmaymeaningtheteaches in an ive manner o
20、r with the aim of producing students cannotthinkforthemselves.Theetobeclarifiedhence isdefining ofAs is shown above, people mostly heir definitions of indoctrination terms of three criteria: content, and aim. The of and amongscholars overthedistinction neducationandindoctrinationmostly revolve aroun
21、d these three to which one should be adopted define indoctrination. The e is further complicated by the t the themselves need to be defined as each criteria bears different implications different people, for le, some t content of indoctrination could anything while others t the content must be of ce
22、rtain sort. Therefore, viewsofscholarsoproblems aresarytobe presented,twhat kindof content,method and aim marks educationrom and t which is the fundamental or the more central one of the criteria in defining indoctrination, with some t only one criteria, be content, method or aim, would be adequate
23、to set indoctrination apart education whereas others t the three components are erwovenwithoneanotherandareallsarytoconstitute sufficient2.1ThreeCriteriaofThe Method Criterion The method of teaching as the (sole) criterion indoctrinationgainedits heAmericanwhich,according toWillis might be e of the
24、political debate of the World War II period. all of whom wanted to inculcate democracy in American youth, were divided methodofachievingthis sharedaim,withsomeadvocatingthe indoctrinativeof Nazi party while others, the liberals represented by John Dewey, promoted democratic all of whom wanted to inc
25、ulcate democracy in American youth, were divided methodofachievingthis sharedaim,withsomeadvocatingthe indoctrinativeof Nazi party while others, the liberals represented by John Dewey, promoted democratic mode of teaching. The pervading influence of the philosophies of Dewey(p93) played a l role in
26、American authoritarianismanddemocracyrespectively, the formerbeing criticizedandbythe liberals of any legitimate use. The twodifferent methods ofteaching from ing philosophies of the two, with the liberal ving in latent rationality and the capacity to make right s which only waits to draw out while
27、the authoritarian being pessimistic about it. The t the majority of ind are in need of guidance and concern therefore primarily with leading people to hold predetermined instead of their being able to understand and justify the fs. They will adopt sible means to guarantee the acceptance of the fs an
28、d prevent from questioning the fs, such or y ignoring of evidenceorcriticismwhichis likely tounderminetheideastobeinculcated,in authoritarian manner t no critical could be held, the use charisma t students will identify with the teacher and everything he adoptingone-sidedarguments,manipulatingfactso
29、rdata.fs,opinionsoraretaughtasfacts.(字数不够的话这里还可以再加)andsoCriticismoftheMethodThe rejection of the method of teaching as the criterion of indoctrination resultsfromtheconcernofthe sityThe Content Criterion 两方面,一方面是认为content is the only criteria indoctrinationcontent和method,aimmethod aim content conten
30、t is automatically equated to indoctrination(这样的人按说应该会支持indoctrinationisasaryevil道content ention indoctrination, 什么样的只有满足了某种 method 和The s around the content criterion, either considering the taughtasthecriteriaor asarycomponentofindoctrination,unlikethe school which generally haveindoctrinationisas
31、aryevil道content ention indoctrination, 什么样的只有满足了某种 method 和The s around the content criterion, either considering the taughtasthecriteriaor asarycomponentofindoctrination,unlikethe school which generally have consensus upon the types of t indoctrination, take much efforts in dealing with the kind of
32、 content indoctrination, which in general could be o two groups. One t there is a conceptual link n doctrine and indoctrination theothert indoctrinationis not restricted tothe teaching of thecontentascandidate of indoctrinationcould beanything taught, insofarasare uncertain and unverifiable, or are
33、related to something ideological.(indoctrination Those who take doctrines as an essential feature of the concept indoctrination usually find their ground in etymology, t doctrine as root word of indoctrination suggests the notion of a ion on content.(Flew, p70) Or as R.S.Peters argues, “whatever els
34、e indoctrination mean it obviously has something to do with doctrines, which are a species fs”(Peters, 1966, p41) Adopting the same stance, Gregory and Woods t for indoctrination to take place it is t the content consistofdoctrines,whichdistinguishthemselveswithotherchasndmanifest untruths. (p165) T
35、he mere teaching of what is false, for should just be called s” if the misteaching is deliberate, or teaching” if it is not. However, there is no common definition given the withsome particularly referring ittoCatholic doctrines andhecontextofindoctrination,(Gregory)whileCriticismoftheContentThose w
36、ho argue against the doctrinal fs to be the criterion indoctrination t on the one hand, it is of little help to appeal etymology, as hecontextofindoctrination,(Gregory)whileCriticismoftheContentThose who argue against the doctrinal fs to be the criterion indoctrination t on the one hand, it is of li
37、ttle help to appeal etymology, as though one meaning of “doctrine” is “a f forming a part of religious, scientific or political system, another meaning of doctrine originally simply “what is taught” (White, p123) and, onthe other hand, ysis does seemtocoverallcasesofwhatpeoplewouldlikelytoconsideras
38、indoctrination. action of the teacher y impart inaccurate information would elligible unless the false information can be related to a political or creed, t the motive of teaching is ted with something and ideological. The reason, therefore, why people often te “doctrines” indoctrinationistthedoctri
39、nesthemselvesconstituteindoctrination,t“theseneofthemostcogentmotivesforindoctrinating.”(Snook,37)AndPerry s out,quoting t there is no subject in which the influencemaynotbeOne will t geography and mathematics are by non-political.ay bethecase, butalsocontrary. Theirteaching can good or harm. From t
40、he elevation of his chair, certain words, , a judgment, a bit of istics,comingfromthe professortoproduce a political t is why a professor of mathematics plays politicalroleandshouldbeafascist.(p28,quoteTherefore according to the second stance, doctrine is only contingently, instead entionThe argumen
41、t above against the doctrinal fs as the essential indoctrination naturally leads the topic to ention criterion. As from sbeen manifested, one cannot judge a teaching activity to be education merely basedThe argument above against the doctrinal fs as the essential indoctrination naturally leads the t
42、opic to ention criterion. As from sbeen manifested, one cannot judge a teaching activity to be education merely based on the method or the content of ones teaching properlyexaminingthet constitute indoctrination are fs which are not known to true and are uncertain那这里出现就是可以作为 criticism of contentcann
43、otbethecriteriaofindoctrinationwithout themethod,indoctrinationonlyariseswhencontent whichareuncertainaretaughtas theyarecertain.JustlikeWilsonhimselfed,“Iftheyaremerelyprobable,must be taught as probabilities” , so it cannot be accused of indoctrination if uncertain content are taught as probabilities instead of ies. This tcontentcannot be the sole criteria of indoctrination, the method ofthe things taught is instrumental to decided whether it is education or tprobably is the reason why A.Flew adde
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