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1、八年级英语形容词比拟级最高级讲解及练习题形容词比拟级(一)一般句式的构成:A + is / are+形容词比拟级+ than + BA是主格B是宾格如: She is taller than me.主格形容词比拟级宾格(二)英语形容词比拟级的构成英语形容词比拟等级有三个:原级,比拟级和最高级。形容词比拟等级形式变化有规那么的和不规那么的两种。规那么变化1单音节词末尾加-er (比拟级),-est (最高级)【例】原级 比拟级 最高级great greater greatestsmall smaller smallestclean cleaner cleanest2单音节如以e结尾,只力口-r

2、(比拟级),-st (最高级)【例】fine finer finestwidewidewiderwidest 3)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er (比拟级),-est (最高级)【例】 big bigger biggest14.Through the window we can see nothing but buildings.A. tall very manyB. very many tallvery tall manyD. many very tall-Whats your brother like?-He is.A. a driver B. ve

3、ry tall C. my friend D. at schoolThe jacket was so that he decided to buy it.,A. much B. little C. expensive D. cheapOur classroom is larger than theirs.A. more B. quite C. very D. muchThe earth is about as the moon.A. as fifty time bigas big fifty timesYour room isA. as fifty time bigas big fifty t

4、imesYour room istwice as large thanC. bigger twice thanfifty times as bigfifty as times big mine.B. twice the size ofD. as twice large asYour room is than mine.Your room is than mine.A. three time big B. three times bigC. three times bigger D. bigger three timesHis father is than his mother.;Your ro

5、om is than mine.A. three time big B. three times bigC. three times bigger D. bigger three timesHis father is than his mother.;A. older four years B. as four years olderC. four years older D. bigger four yearsA. any other subject B. all the subjectsC. any subject D. other subjectChina is larger than

6、in AfricaA. any other country B. other countriesC. the other country D. any countryTom is stronger than in his class.A. any other boy B. any boys C. any boy D. other boyWhen spring comes, it gets.A. warm and warm B. colder and colderC. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorterBy and by,students in ou

7、r class came to like English.A. more and more B. much and muchC. many and many D. less and leastAt last he began to cry.A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hardC. harder and harder D. less hard and less harderWhen spring comes the days get and nights.A. short; long B. long; shortC. longer; shorte

8、r D. shorter; longer29.I look at the picture,I like it.A. The best; the more B. The more; the lessC. The more; less D. More; the more.he read the book,he got in it.A. The more; the more interesting B. The less; the more interestingC. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested.you come ba

9、ck,it will be.A.The quicker; the best B.The sooner; the betterC. Faster; the better D. The sooner; betterI like one of the two books.A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. olderWhich is country, China or Japan?A. the large B. the larger C. larger D. largestOf the two cups, he bought .A. the smaller

10、 B. the smallest C. small D: smaller1 Which do you like, tea or coffee?A. well B. better C. best D. mostThis work is for me than for you.A. difficult B. most difficultC. much difficult D. more difficultWhich do you think tastes, the chicken or the fish?A. good B. better C. best D. wellThe Great Pyra

11、mid is about 137 metres high today, but it wasonceA. higher B. highest C. high too D. more highDont you think it not to write the letter?A. well B. better C. best D. goodWho jumped of all?A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the most farLi Lei is student in our class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the

12、tallestThe fifth orange is of all. Give it to that small child.A. big B. bigger C. the bigger D. the biggestWho is of you three?A. the oldest B. much older C. oldest D. olderTom is one of boys in our class.A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest D. the tallEnglish is one of spoken in the world.A. the im

13、portant languages B. the most important languagesC. most important language D. the most important language 46. Beijing is one of in China.A. the largest city r B. the large citiesC. the larger cities D. the largest cities. Most of the woods been taken good care of.A. areB. isC. hasD. have.like playi

14、ng football and watching TV.A. areB. isC. hasD. haveA. Most boys B. Most of theyC. Most boy D. More of they49.are here watering the flowers here.A. SomeB. Some of the boysC. Some boy D. Some of boys50.havent been to American.A. Most them B. Most theyC. More of themD. Most of themhot hotter hottestre

15、d redder reddest4)少数以-y, -er, ow, -ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er (比拟 级),-est (最高级)。以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅音字母,那么变y为 -i,再加-er和-est。以-e结尾的词只加-r和-st。例) clever cleverer cleverestnarrow narrower narrowestable abler ablesteasy easier easiest5)其它双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more和most。【例】 careful more careful most carefuldifficult more diffi

16、cult most difficultdelicious more delicious most delicious不规那么变化原级比拟级最高级good/well better bestbad worse worstmany/much more mostlittle less leastfar farther/further farthest/furthest注:有些形容词一般没有比拟等级。如:right, wrong, woolen等。形容词的比拟等级的用法:比拟级用于二者的比拟。【例】Li Ping is older than Wang Hai.李平比王海年纪大。There are mor

17、e students in Class One than in Class Two.班比二班 学生多。形容词各等级的用法:1原级(同级)比拟:asas;not as(so)asWe II give you as much help as we can.She isn t as(so)active in sports as before.2.比拟级:表示两者之间比更可用状语much, a little,even 等彳修饰: He made fewer mistakes than I did.He is even richerthan I.3、高级:形容词最高级前必须加the,副词最高级前常省略t

18、he, 后面多用of, in短语表示范围:It was the most/least interesting story I have ever listened.He is the tallest of the three.4、如果在两者之间表示“最”时要在比拟级前加the,而且 还 用 of the two, of the pair 语:John is the clever of the two boys.Of the two boys, John is the clever.重点与难点:1 asas结构:你和汤姆是一样好的孩子。You re a boy as good as Tom.=Y

19、ou re as good a boy as Tom.2、tooto与sothat sb.can t的句型转换:前者为简单 句,主语只有一个,而后者为复合句,主语有两个,试比拟:The man was too angry to be able to speak.The man was so angry that he wasn t able to speak.The milk was too hot to drink.The milk was so hot that we can t drink it.(2) tooto与not enough to句型的转换:He is too young t

20、o get married.=He is not old enough to get married.The book is too difficult for me to read.=The book is not easy enough for me to read.3、形容词原级表示比拟级含义:约翰不象迈克那么苯。John is not so stupid as Mike.John is less stupid than Mike.John is cleverer than Mike.4、用比拟级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。John is taller than any other

21、 boy in the class.John is the tallest boy in the class.John is taller than :any other boy.any of the other boy.all the other boy.any of the others.any one else.5、the morethe more表示 “越越”:The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is.The more food you eat, the fatter you are.6、 more and more.表示

22、 “越来越”:More and more students realized the importance of a foreign language.Our country is getting stronger and stronger.Mid-Autumn FestivalMid-Autumn Day形容词比拟级和最高级绝大多数形容词有三种形式,原级,比拟级和最高级,以表示形容 词说明的性质在程度上的不同。形容词的原级:形容词的原级形式就是词典中出现的形容词的 原形。 例如:poor tall great glad bad形容词的比拟级和最高级:形容词的比拟级和最高级形式是在 形容词的原

23、级形式的基础上变化的。分为规那么变化和不规那么变化。规那么变化如下:1)单音节形容词的比拟级和最高级形式是在词尾加-er和-est 构成。great (原级)(比拟级)(最高级)2)以-e结尾的单音节形容词的比拟级和最高级是在词尾加 和-st构成。(最高级)(比拟级)(最高级)(比拟级)3)少数以-y, -er, -ow, -ble结尾的双音节形容词的比拟级和最高级 是在词尾加-er和-est构成。clever(原级)(比拟级)(最高级)4)以-y结尾,但-y前是辅音字母的形容词的比拟级和最高级 是把-y去掉,加上-ier和-est构成.happy (原形)(比拟级)(最高级)5)以一个辅音字

24、母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的 比拟级和最高级是双写该辅音字母然后再加-er和-est。big (原级)(比拟级)(最高级)6)双音节和多音节形容词的比拟级和最高级需用more和most 加在形容词前面来构成。beautiful (原级)(比拟级)(比拟级)difficult (原级)(最高级)(最高级)常用的不规那么变化的形容词的比拟级和最高级:原级-比拟级-最高级goodbetterbestmanymoremostmuchmoremostbadworseworstfarfarther, furtherfarthest, furthest形容词前如加less和least那么表示“较

25、不“和“最不”important 重要 less important 较不重要 least important 最不重 要形容词比拟级的用法:形容词的比拟级用于两个人或事物的比拟,其结构形式如下:主语+谓语(系动词)+形容词比拟级+than+比照成分。也就是, 含有形容词比拟级的主句+than+从句。注意从句常常省去意义上和主 句相同的局部,而只剩下比照的成分。Our teacher iswe are,我们老师的个子比我们的高。It istoday than it was yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天暖和。This picture is片漂亮。This meeting is会议重要。

26、This picture is片漂亮。This meeting is会议重要。The sun isthan that one. 这张照片比那张照than that one.这次会议不如那次than the moon.太阳比月亮大得多。形容词最高级的用法: 形容词最高级用于两个以上的人和物进行比拟,其结构形式为:主语+谓语(系动词)+the+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或 从句。She isstudenther class.她是班上最好的She isstudenther class.她是班上最好的Shanghai is one ofcities China.上海是中国最大城市之一。This

27、 isapple I have ever met. 这是我见到的最大的苹果。Tom isboy in his basketball team. 汤姆是他们篮球队中个子最高的孩子。英语语法之形容词比拟级和最高级练习题This box is that one.A. heavy than B. so heavy than C. heavier as D. as heavy asWhen we speak to people, we should be 1.A. as polite as possibleB. as polite as possiblyC. as politely as possibleD. as politely as possiblyThis book is that one, but than that one.A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more expensiveC. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as; as expensiveI think the story is not


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