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1、Unit 1Say Yes It is to raise in toall citizens. inevitably to in affairs. to exist interests to lose is easily store to certify to find a is specialized in th to raise vital to decision it to said in still felt clean air a fishes, ,eels in trees infiled。 if a a this is to in is 1、 for to 2、 states i

2、n 3、 to in stay 4、 like in -I stay learn 5、 to into a facilities.6、 expe7、 to to to learn 8、 to their is 9、 articles in 10、我不太清楚他为什么没有来,即可能是他不感兴趣,也可能是忘了。I 11、社会应该既尊重科学家,也尊重环卫工人。 scientists also collectors.12、他对自己的钱和时间都挺抠门的。 is / UNIT21 all it is a to a I it is 2I like it talkto asarcastic to all Ia3

3、It is really tolet I I a 4 said Isee college their 5 this I it is. In it is afolk6 I a pile to Itsreally terrible.7 off visit indefinitely.8Its getting is still in forest, pitch atent, afire, a sleep 9Ireally to Isnt it 1、 livedtheir lives I 2 2、 like their 3、 their rivals 4、 sitting in in 5、 , it t

4、o 6、 treated still 7、 to 8 activities their qualities.9 a officer a to inevitable a 2. their lives to try to to 3. for their life this totheir alot fish4.I Iimt a like 5. testing loyalty to 6.I actually 7. this to clear to . this 8., far a a a kills a is is to to to apolice officer. a to a clear dis

5、tinction interests interests. it early is relative in for all their possibility is slight faculty this Inspite in is still a in to to8. still cling to live in it.1. to to it in is clean clean air.3. a their tripso to in4他周游了世界, a greatly revitalized.5. is fixfor all possibilities step a 6. old aslow

6、 so to to 7 a classic 8.I so I for I to9. soldiers to in 10.如果你坚持,Ill if insist. really I to to ID to I feeling greatly after first job 3, to to for 4.Im I to to 5. stop to inafast 6.I listening disaster I too to 1. I told /I told it? A so finally police identifiedto a test. is first in first to Ire

7、ally all. to their living live off their 7. called off, for fire.7 itself a for a often inclined to Scientists identified a lived six is a still identity. 你认识坐在系主任旁边的那位女士吗? sitting to police for a 3. all living in4. in still living lineinthis city.5. athletes for for a 6. in city in 7. their belts f

8、or to a a in position to for for vice a 1 is a a tolife if 2 situation lively.3 toits 4 for to live in is to 5 is to bitter cold in6 fruit all a this terrible storm to fruits.7 it to Infact, it in 8 utter to filled 9 insisted in off, five-thirty, to10 to efforts to this to into adisaster lying insto

9、re for 11Irritated insult, to12 to aleaf.13 14 I it fixed 15 a tourists in 16 17 staff, a 18 insisted invitation to in19 ity to 20It is to is to unit111) Would you like to/ Would you care toattend the reception?你愿意参加今晚的招待会吗?2) He was removed from his post as the chief of the Public Security Office b

10、ecauseof his involvement in the scandal.他和那件丑闻有牵连,被撤销了公安局长的职务。3) While at college you should get more involved in all kinds of activities so as to getto know more people and gain more experience.在大学期间,你应该多参加一些活动,以便多结识一些人,多增长些见识什么的。4) We must do everything we can to keep ourselves informed of the lat

11、estdevelopment in our own field.我们应该进我们所能去了解本行业中的最新发展动态。5) His family has not yet been informed of his death.他的家属至今未收到他的死亡通知。6) You have to draw a lesson from this. If your essay involves too many technicalterms people wont be able to understand it.你要吸取教训,倘若你的文章里技术术语太多,别人就没法看懂。7) What can I doin ret

12、urnfor your help during the time I was sick.我能做些什么来回报你在我生病期间对我的帮助呢?8) Late in the afternoon yesterday, a terrible storm swept across the area. But thanksto the timely warning, it did not cause any casualty or damage to property. The people,very grateful, all said this called for a celebration.昨天傍晚,一

13、场暴风雨袭击了那个地区。但是幸亏有及时的警告,没有造成任何人员伤亡和财产损失。心怀感激的人们都说应该庆祝。9) He had never expected that of all people, it would be his son. (Or: It neveroccurred to him that it would turn out to be his own son.他怎么也没有想到居然会是他自己的儿子。10) He made a large fortune. Not that he was particularly talented, but because hehappened t

14、o have a powerful father-in-law.他发了大财。这并不是因为他特别有才华,而是因为他碰巧有个有权有势的老丈人。unit121. When dealing with tough situations, try always to look at things from the bright side.Neverdespair.在对付困难形势的时候,总要努力从好的方面看待事物。永远不要绝望。2. What do yousuppose we should do toarouse everybodys inteorts?你觉得我们该怎样来激发大家对体育的兴趣?3. He w

15、asmade chairman of the Academy of Social Sciencesupon his returnfromEngland.他从英国回来以后就被任命为社会会科学院的院长。4. You people usuallyfavor change whereas old people favor more respect fortradition.年轻人一般喜欢变化,而老年人都喜欢对传统有更多的尊重。5. The comedy was a terrific hit.Time after , the audience roared with .这个喜剧非常成功。观众不时地哄堂大

16、笑。6. Like other officials he likes to ndulge in good food, good drinks, and pretty women.But he tries tojustify himself by saying that all this is necessary for him to do his job.和其他人一样,他也爱吃爱喝,纵情声色,但是他为自己找借口说,这都是工作的需要。7. The earthquake has destroyed the whole town. Not a single building remains stan

17、ding.Many people arein despair. Many arein favor ofabandoning the town. But he refusesto give in. He is determined to meet thechallenges.这场地震毁了整个城市。没有一座建筑没倒塌。很多人都感到绝望。不少人赞成放弃这个城市。但是他拒绝屈服。他决心要面对这些挑战。8. People often say “Great minds think alike” I dont think it alwaysapplies in real life.In fact, grea

18、t minds often think differently, and only small minds think alike.英雄往往想法不同,凡人才想法一致。9. We canapply to the state bankfor a loan, but how are we going to justify ourapplication?我们可以向国家银行申请贷款,但是怎样为我们的申请找理由呢?10. People roared with laughter. On occasions like this, usually you would feel insultedand boil

19、with indignation. But he did not lose his temper. This showed his moralcharacter.人们哄然大笑。在这种时候,你一般会感到受了侮辱,因而怒火中烧。但他却没有发脾气。这显示了他的品德。Unit131. Mr. Carson does a lot of traveling. As a matter of fact I think hes just gone on afishing expedition. But I dont know his whereabouts. Somewhere in Canada maybe.

20、卡森先生到处旅行。我想他其实是刚出远门去钓鱼了。但我不知道他的下落。也许在加拿大的某个地方。2. With all my social activities, Im really exhausted. Whats more, I am neglecting mystudies.那么多的社交活动实在让我精疲力竭。更重要的是,我的学习也被忽略了。3. This small island is not only uninhabited, it is largely uninhabitable as well.这个小岛没有人住,4. She claimed to be descended from one of the oldest families in the United States.她自称是美国一个古老家族的后裔。5. This experiment aroused great interest among the people. They all came to watch asGalileo ascended the stairs calmly, and when he got to the top of the tower, dropped thetwo shots to the ground.


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