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1、大学体验英2 模拟试题一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备中,只有一个符合题意的正,选均不得分。本题20 个小题,每小2 分, 40 分1.The A.erfered B.oD.2. Noone helped me . Idid it all myself . Afor3.Marywroteanarticletheteamhadfailedtohegame. t4I have many friends ,大学体验英2 模拟试题一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备中,只有一个符合题意的正,选均不得分。本题20 个小题,每小2 分, 40 分1.The A.erfered B.oD.2. Noone help

2、ed me . Idid it all myself . Afor3.Marywroteanarticletheteamhadfailedtohegame. t4I have many friends ,Aof themBfrom whichCwho of5.They wantedto charge $ 5, 000 for thecar, wemanagedto bringthe pricedown6. Whatwouldf B tomorrowWehavetocarryiton,sincewevegoteverythingreadyA.CwillDis7. I was carried B

3、bythebeautiful A.B. C. D.8. The pool isonly C deepA.two B.two-C.two D.two 9. I learned how to B abicyclewhenIwassixyearsA.B.C.D.of 10. My mother B twoforeignlanguagesA.hasB.had C.wouldD.onlyfiveminutestofinishtheA.I took B.ItrequiredC.It took D.Itneeded12.Thecolorofyourumbrellaisdifferentfrom ofA.tC

4、. D.13. I prefer skating D anyother A.nC. D.14.Nextyearwere going tostay thereD A.B. C.D.15.The managertold tIhadjustthreedaystodecide whetherIB the A.will16.The B.wouldC.have D.had s D I have no the het17. The doctor D thepatientlastA.operatedB.C.operated D.operated18.HeshonestasB A.makesB.makes.gi

5、ves D.gives19ItwasthroughTom Rosegotto know got to know A.B. tD.20.Ihavenotimenow.IfIC_time, I totheA.had,mayB.hadhad,wouldhaveC.had,wouldD.have,shall二、阅读题(本10个小题,每3分, 30分PassageWhy was the Bastille important to the citizens of Paris? The building of the Bastille had been started in 1370 under Chare

6、s V. By the seventeenth century it had ceased to be important defense. Cardinal u turned 二、阅读题(本10个小题,每3分, 30分PassageWhy was the Bastille important to the citizens of Paris? The building of the Bastille had been started in 1370 under Chares V. By the seventeenth century it had ceased to be important

7、 defense. Cardinal u turned o a prison. (1) It was not an ordinary prison to common crimes. Its huge doors closed only on enemies of the King. The Bastilles workings secret. Prisoners were takento it in closed carriages. Soldiers on guardduty hadto stand with to the wall. No talking was allowed. Wor

8、st of all, a prisoner never knew if he would be a day,k,ayear,orforever.OnlytheKingslettercouldsethimOver the years the number of arrests by Kings letter e fewer. By the time of its most of the prisoners were writers who had written against the corrupt deeds of VoltairethefamousFrenchwriterspentayea

9、rtherein1717_1718,andanotherl2daysin For those who bevedinfree speechandfree thinking,theBastillestood foreverythingevil. The day it was captured, the “Conquerors of the Bastille” found only seven prisoners inside. None theless,theBastillewashatedbythepeople.(2)ItwasasymboloftheKings1.TheBastillehad

10、beenaA.sincethetimeofCharlesC.beforetheseventeenthD B.sinceD.sincethetimeofCardinal2.Accordingtothepassage,whichofthefollowingisnotAA.Anyone,whodidsomethingwrongcouldfindhimselfheB.TheBastillewasonlyforthosewhosewereedtotheheBastilleeverythingasdonein D.Voltairewastwicehe3.AtthetimeofitsheBastille t

11、here wereD alargenumberofalotofwriterswhohadbeenagainstC.somedozensofpeoplewhovedinfreespeechandfreeD.onlyseven4.Accordingtothepassage,whichofthefollowingementisCA.AllheBastillesufferedlifeB. OvertheyearsthenumberofheBastillewasgettingmoreandC.TheKingcouldputpeople in,orletthemgo out,asheD.Atthetime

12、itwascaptured,thereweresofewprisonersintitmeantlittletothe5.Themain eof thispassageistoD l a lerestingC. showtheinnerworkingoftheD. try toprovea Many years ago, when I was fresh out of school and working in Danver, I was driving to parentsessouri for Christmas. I stopped at agas ion about fromCity,

13、where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the register, I otoanoldercouplewhowerealsopayingI took off, d gone only a when black smoke poured from the back of my car. stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the t I spoken to at t

14、he gas ion. They said they would take me to my friends. We chatted on the othecity, and when Igetoutofthecar,thehusband gaveme hisbusiness I wrote him and his wife nk-you note I took off, d gone only a when black smoke poured from the back of my car. stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pull

15、ed up behind me. It was the t I spoken to at the gas ion. They said they would take me to my friends. We chatted on the othecity, and when Igetoutofthecar,thehusband gaveme hisbusiness I wrote him and his wife nk-you note for me. Soon afterward, I received a present from them. Their t came with it t

16、 me had made their Years later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby he morning. In late afternoon I returned mycarandtIdleftthelightsonallday,andthebattery(电池wasdead.ThenIt the Friendly ford dealership-a shop selling cars-was right next door. I walked over and two he“Just how friendly is Friendly Ford?

17、” I asked and explained my trouble. They quickly drove pickup truck to my car and started it. They would accept no payment; so when I got home; I them a note to nks, I received a letter back from one of the salesmen. No one had takenthetimetowritehimand nkyou,andit meanta lot,he“nkyou”-erfulwords.Th

18、eyreeasytosayandmeanso6.TheauthorplannedtostopatOklahomaA A.tovisitafriendB. toseehisparentsC.topayorthecashregisterD.to havemoregasforhis2 A.turned.movedoffC.putupD.set8.ppenedwhentheauthorfoundsmokecomingoutofhis car?A.He had it pulled back to the gas sion.B.Thecouplessenthimabusinesscard.C.Thecou

19、ple offered to help him. D.He called his friend for help.9.The battery of the authors car was dead because C . A.something went withtheB.themeetinglastedawholedayC.helonga otto turnoff thelightsD.hedrove ling his own , the author tries to D . A.how to write nk-you B.how to deal with car problems C.t

20、he kindheartedness of eople importanceof, 1.A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural , and labor supplyall these important factors in England e the center for the Industrial Revolution. _1 were not enough. was needed to start the industrial prot l was 3 individuals who could invent machine

21、s, find new er, establishThe men anizationsto4 the machines of the Industrial Revolution came from many and many occupations. Many of them 5 n scientists. A man who is a scientist is erested ng his research y .He is not sarily working this findings can be An inventor or erested in d science is all t

22、rying to make s concrete use. He may try to solve a problem by the theories of science or by experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one many otherMost of the people who

23、 8 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had little or no training in science might no ve made their inventions 9 a groundwork had not been laidbyscientistsyears 10 D大学体验英语模拟一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备中,只有一个符合题意

24、的正,选均不得分。本题Most of the people who 8 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had little or no training in science might no ve made their inventions 9 a groundwork had not been laidbyscientistsyears 10 D

25、大学体验英语模拟一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备中,只有一个符合题意的正,选均不得分。本题20 个小题,每小2 分, 40 分1.My walletisnowhere to be found. IwhenIwasontheA.mustdropB.shouldhavedroppedD.had dropped tshehadleftthekeyatthe C.vedropped D home,sheA.TohaveB.ToC.3.I could have done it better if I C more A.haveB.C.hadD.willhave4.Many people enjoy D t

26、heirfriendsatChristmas A. calling up 5.It isA.hasmade B.callingC.calling D.callingtthe receptionist C tguestsareregistered B.madeC. must makeD.make t young man still denies C thefirebehindtheA.B.to C.havingtohave7.You C yesterdayifyouwerereallyseriousabouttheA.oughttoC.ought tohaveB.ought to beD.ve8

27、.HaveyouanythingtoA theAwithregardB.on behaveC.incontrastD.forthee9. Not only C studywell,butalsoheisalwaysreadytohelpA.he B. heC. doesD.didionwouldbe10.WordhadcomefromthemanagerB anewAtC.D.11. One musttry his best to B tothe newA.B.C. D.12. I think youd better C hisadviceand restfor afewA.toB. C. D

28、.13. We B gotothe moviesquiteA.useB.used C.wereusedD.areused14. I C someratsevenyesterdayA.am B.C.wasD.will15. I must apologize C notansweringyourA.B.C.dbeenC.asA.B.C. D.12. I think youd better C hisadviceand restfor afewA.toB. C. D.13. We B gotothe moviesquiteA.useB.used C.wereusedD.areused14. I C

29、someratsevenyesterdayA.am B.C.wasD.will15. I must apologize C notansweringyourA.B.C.dbeenC.asD.he 16. The book looked C tB.D.17.My brother, D livesinIceland,iscomingtovisitA.tC.k, so B C. D.18.Mybrother hadacold A.B.D.19.Anndidntlike ournewroommate,andB A.IdontB.neitherdidC.neitherID.Ididnt20. How l

30、ong does it ustotravelfromShanghaitoBeijingby A.B.C. D.二、阅读题(本10个小题,每3分, 30分Passage(1)Long,longagotherelivedanoldfarmerinasmallvillage.Helosthisdonkeyandhewanted to go to town to buy another.(2)Among the donkeys on sale he saw his own donkey.“Thisdonkeyismine”,hesaidtothemanstandingbythedonkey.“Some

31、onestoleitfromthreeyears “Howt?”themansaid.sbeenmineforthree “Threeyears?”thefarmersaid,“Areyousure?”Thenhequicklycoveredtheeyesofthedonkey with his hand and asked, “Which eye is it blind in?”“Therighteye,”saidtheThefarmertookawayhisndandpeoplesawthedonkeysrighteyewasclearand“Imadeamistake,”saidthem

32、an“Imeanttosaytheleft“Itisnotblindineithereye,”saidthefarmer.Thenhesaidtothepeoplearound,“Itsclearthis man is a thief.”(3)The people caught the thief and took him to the donkey back.1. D losthisownman. The old farmer got his B.AC.AD.Anold2. Someonestole the donkey A A.threeyearsB.afterthreeD.threeye

33、arshree3. The donkey was D A. notherightB. wasnotheleftC. wasblindinbothD.wasnotblindineither4.Thepeoplecaught the thief and took him to theC B.D.5. The old farmer B hisowndonkeyA.C.B.D.looked As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, there isD.wasnotblindineither4.Thep

34、eoplecaught the thief and took him to theC B.D.5. The old farmer B hisowndonkeyA.C.B.D.looked As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, there is far more to family n food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying 50 s to find out how much more Lewis and his co-worker

35、s carried out their study the whilethey ateordinary heir own homes. They tparentswith smalls actively with each other and their children. But as the number of children gets larger, gives way to the parents effort to control the loud noise they t can have an effect on the children. “In general the mo

36、re question-asking the parents do, the higher the childrens IQ scores,” Lewis says, “and the more children there are, the less question-asking there The study also provides an explanation for why middle children often seem to have a harder in n their siblings. tschildren, d the “Whenyou the middleco

37、nversation is likely to c youngest,whoneedsthemossee someone get up from the table and walk around during dinner, child.” There is, however, one t stops all conversation and prevents anyone from attention.“When the TVison,” Lewissays, “dinner isa non-6.Thewriterse in writing the text is to C Ashowth

38、erelationshipnparentsand teachparentswaystokeeporderatthedinnerreporton thefindings ofagiveinformationaboutfamily7Parents with large famis ask fewer questions at dinner because B Athey are busy serving food to their childrenB. theyarebusyngorderat the dinnerC. they havetopaymoreattentiontoyoungerD.

39、theyaretiredvingpreparedfoodforthewholeBysaying “Middlechildrenareinvisible”inparagraph3,LewisB havetohelptheirparentstoserve tmiddleB. getthetentionfromtheC. areoftenkeptawayfromthedinnerD. findrdtokeepupwithother9Lewis research provides an answer to the question D Awhy TV is important in family li

40、feBwhyparentsshouldkeepgoodCwhychildreninsmallsseemtobeDwhy middle children seem to have more difficulties in life 10Which of the following sementswouldthewriteragreeto?C AIt is important to have the right food for children.Itisa goodidea to havetheTVon duringParentsshouldtalktoeachoftheirchildrenEl

41、derchildrenshouldhelptheyoungeronesat, CwhychildreninsmallsseemtobeDwhy middle children seem to have more difficulties in life 10Which of the following sementswouldthewriteragreeto?C AIt is important to have the right food for children.Itisa goodidea to havetheTVon duringParentsshouldtalktoeachofthe

42、irchildrenElderchildrenshouldhelptheyoungeronesat, 1.Doyouknowwhatcoloranorangeis?Isitorange?Notalways.Someorangesaregreen.can begreen in color even ifthey areandready to eat. An t is orange in sbeengrownincoolair.Somepeoplewho liveinverywarmneverseenanOranges can be any . Some people eat them with

43、sugar. Others put salt onthem. Lots ofpeople eat them Some people an heir hands to eat it. Some people use to help peel and eat an orange. Many people use a spoon. Some people made a hole in one of an orange and thejuice.OrangesareoftensqueezedtomakeorangejuicetoNot all oranges as food or drink. The

44、re halfandusethemtoscrubthepeople cut oranges BA.A.theA.A.A.B. B. B.B. B. C.C. C. C. C.D.D.D.D.D.6.A.knifeand forkB. aknifeand forkC.knifeor forkD.aknifeanda A.A.bringA.endA.B.B. breakB.B.C. C.spitC.are C. D.D.suckD.use 大学体验英2 模拟试题一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备中,只有一个符合题意的正,选均不得分。本题20 个小题,每小2 分, 40 分1.Somewillwater

45、theappletrees, CdthecottonD.A.B.the C.the 2.ThereC employeesandseveralheD.A.athousandB. C.thousands3. The goals C hehadfoughtallhislifenolongerseemedimportanttoA.after B.withC.for D.at 4.ThethieftookawaythewomanswalletAA.beingC.him D.seeing5. He D the9:20 trainbecausehedidntleavehometill A.can B.cou

46、ld C.maynotD.ve 6.Theshowshouldhavestartedanhourago;IdontknowwhatcouldhavecausedtheB A.B.C. D.7. Hardly AthepeoplerantowardA.hadtheplanelanded B. hadtheplanenC. theplanehadlandedD.theplanewasn8.“Mindyourspelling”,saidtheteachertotheC spellingwasA.B.C. D.7. Hardly AthepeoplerantowardA.hadtheplaneland

47、ed B. hadtheplanenC. theplanehadlandedD.theplanewasn8.“Mindyourspelling”,saidtheteachertotheC spellingwassimplyA. whoB.whomC.whoseI have no idea of B whatdoesthiswordwhatthiswordwhatthemeaningofthistD. whatkindofameaningisthis10. He accused them A havingbrokentheir A.11.B. C. D.hosetshismindtoit.has

48、he world C A.aredifficultB.isdifficultyC.isNewideassometimeshavetowaitforyearsD beingfullyacceptingB.havingfully C.fullyacceptingD.beingfully Its no use D childrentokeepquiet.Theycanttoask;tomakeB.asking;makeC.toask;makeD.asking; 14. It is not an easy thing to A lD.bringA.bring B.bringC.bringKnowing

49、howtothinkclearlyandtospeakD oneB.C.haveD.You can come with me to the museum this afternoon C_youdontmindwalkingforhalf an hour .unlessB. asfar asC.if D.17.Hedidcarefullyfort he D A. makesamistakeB.madeaC.makea D.wouldmakea18.Ididntknowephone number;otherwise IC B. D.C.wouldMy teacher never speaks h

50、ighly D forB. atC.onD. 20.Weallvehe isqualified D D.A.B.C.二、阅读题(本10个小题,每3分, 30分PassageYou are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it g

51、oes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirtyfeet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isnt really dead. ny luck he isnt hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, crash cars of even catch fire, are als. They do this

52、for a living. These men are feet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isnt really dead. ny luck he isnt hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, crash cars of even catch fire, are als. They do this for a living. These men are t is to say, they

53、perform tricks. There are two sides to their work. They actually most of the things you see on the screen. For le, they fall from a high building. they donot fall onto hardground buton toempty cardboard boxes covered mattress床垫Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft

54、 wood and when crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar! But although their work depends on trick thissort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a cs depends careful timing. For le, when he is blown up in a battle scene, he has to jump out of wayofthetheright Naturall

55、y stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often seriously injured, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for le, skied over the of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞) failed to open, and he was killed. spiteof all therisks, thisis no longer

56、 awhenactresseshavetoperformsomeformenonly. Mennolonger p as ion.Fornowadaystherearestuntgirls1. Stuntmen are those who C A.oftenporsB. prefertoleaddangerousC.oftenperformseemingly2. Stuntmen earn theirliving byionsD.oftenfighteachotherfortheir B A.playingtheirdirtytricksB.sellingtheirl C.outofhighw

57、indowsD.fromfastmovingWhen a stuntmanfalls from ahigh building, heneedslittleprotectionB.hewillbecoveredC.hislifeisendangered D.hissafetyisD 4.Whichofthefollowingisthemainfactor)ofasfulBA.Strength.B.Exactness.C.Speed.D.5.WhatcanbeinferredfromtheauthorsleoftheNorwegianASometimesanaccidentcanoccurtoaT

58、hepercentageofseriousaccidentsisParachutesmustbeofgoodThecliffistoo Today the l language of the United es and most Canada is English. However, almostbecamethellanguage becauseofa The French n War was fought n 1754 and 1763. The name of this war is actuallynEnglandandFrance.nsfoughton theside ofFranc

59、e and England were trying to gain control of North America. France held Canada, England held part of what is now the United es. However, France tried to expand its land moving York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia.When theFrench built a on the Ohio River, the residents in Virginia sent However,theF

60、renchdefeatede Washington to attack the fort in The French, aided by ns, outsmarted the English and won many early battles. Later, British began to do well against the he final battle in Quebec, Canada, General of England faced General Montcalm from France. Both generals died in his battle, but the


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