



1、外研版 (三起) 五年级下册第一次月考英语试卷单项选择。1. My parents and I _ in a small house last year. ( )A. liveB. livedC. lives2. Xiaohong _ to dance last summer. ( )A. learntB. learnsC. learning3. The old lady _ in a small house many years ago. ( )A liveB. livesC. lived4. _ you learn any foreign languages? ( )A. IsB. Did

2、C. Was5. What _ you have for breakfast? ( )A. doesB. didC. are6. My mother _ like meat many years ago. ( )A. doesntB. dontC. didnt7. Miss Wang _ us English this year ( )A. teachingB. teachesC. teach8. What did Lingling _ for breakfast? ( )A. hasB. hadC. have9. Thank you _ coming to my party. ( )A. t

3、oB. withC. for10. My sister likes _ in the hospital ( )A. workB. worksC. working11. Amy and Lingling are talking _ the photos. ( )A. aboutB. fromC. of12. _ ( )Its my grandma.A. How about now?B. Whos this?C. Who are they?13. I watch TV every day. Yesterday I _ TV with my grandparents. ( )A. watchedB.

4、 watchC. watches14. She didnt _ a television. ( )A. hasB. haveC. had15. Does Sam like hamburgers? ( )_.A. Yes, she doesB. No, he didntC. Yes, he does判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。16. bread breakfast teach ( )17. party warm farmer ( )18. talk walk all ( )19. lunch study but ( )20. hair chair pair ( )请写出下

5、列单词的过去式。21. change _22. cant _23. write _24. learn _25. teach _请写出下列单词的过去式。26. give _27. talk _28. take _29. have _30. read _用括号中所给词正确形式填空。31. I _ (have) some hamburgers for lunch yesterday.32. She danced in lots of _(city)many years ago.33. She didnt learn _(some)English.34. There _ (be) a small ho

6、use four years ago.35. Two years ago, Chen Qiang was a _ (teach).36. He _ (study) very hard twenty years ago.根据图片提示补全句子。37. Its a programme _ _ 38. My grandparents worked _ _ _. 39. Sam _ _ _ yesterday. 40. The pupils _ _ _ now. 读句子,找出问句对应的答句。A. My cousin Simon.B. I lived in Wuhan.C. She had some mi

7、lk and sandwiches.D. She was a dancer.E. Yes, he learnt English.41. Where did you live ten years ago? ( )42. Did he learn any foreign languages? ( )43. What did Miss Chen do? ( )44. What did she have for breakfast? ( )45. Who wrote a letter to you? ( )连词成句。46. taught, in, she, languages, a, school,

8、years, ago, three (.)_47. did, what, he, for, have, dinner, night, last (?)_48. learning, now, English, is, he (?)_49. werent, there, buses, many (.)_50. couldnt, she, read, write, or (.)_阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Sara is from England. Shes eleven years old. She lived in England with her grandparents two ye

9、ars ago. Now she lives in China. Her parents work in a school in China. Her father is a PE teacher, and her mother is an English teacher. Her grandpa is a musician (音乐家). He can play the piano quite well. Her grandma is a dancer. She can dance very well.51. Now Sara is in England with her parents. ( )52. Saras father w


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