1、知识目标themainelementsofl 能知识目标themainelementsofl 能力目标:DescribethecontentofeachlDescribethetsupplementthel ementsinanannual 素质目标:UnderstandhowaccountinginformationisusedandwhyitisUnderstandhowaccountinginformationisusedandwhyitisUnderstandhowaccountinginformationisusedandwhyitis4教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 设 Cha
2、pterroductiontol理论知Topic1:AnOverviewofll sements for business usually includee sements, balance sheets, sements of retained earnings and cash flows. It is standard practice for businesses to present finanl st adhere to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to maain continuity of informatio
3、n and presenion across ernational borders. Finanl sements are often audited byernment agencies, accountants or firms to ensure accuracy and for tax, financing and investing. The main objective of finanl reporting is to provide useful finanl information to a companys existing and potential external-c
4、apital providers. The primary users of l reporting are investors, lenders and other credit providers; the other includemanagement of the ernmentand other Topic2:A balance sheet provides insighto a firms solvency, emphasizing corporate assets, liabilities and net worth. Net worth, or equity capital,
5、equals total assets minus total liabilities.yzing corporate sements of finanl condition requires ytical dexterity and a knack for identifying economic factorst improve aheContentof(1)Corporate assets are economic resourt a company res on to operate. Accountants separate assetso five categories: curr
6、ent assets, long-term investments,fixedassetsorproperty,fixedassetsorproperty,plantandequipment, angibleresour andotherLiabilities are debts t a firm must repay. Debts also can be non-monetary obligations t a company must honor on time, espe lly if it provides a finan l guarantee in a borrowing agre
7、ement on behalf of a third party.EquityEquity capital consists of investments t corporate owners make in a company. Buyers of equity are otherwise known as shareholders, equity holders or stockholders.Topicee s ement is a finan l s ement t reports a companys finan l performance over a specific accou
8、nting period. Finan l performance is assessed by giving a summary of how the business incurs its revenues and expenses through both operating and non-operating activities. It also shows the net profit or loss incurred over a specific accounting period.UtilityeS ysts use thee sement for data to calcu
9、late finanl ratios such as return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), gross profit, operating profit, earnings erest and taxes (EBIT), and earnings beforeerest taxes and amortization (EBITDA). Thee sement is often presented in a common-sized format, which provides each line item on thee sement
10、as a percent of sales. In this way, ysts can easily see which expenses make up the largest portion of sales.also use thee s ement to compare year-over-year (YOY) and quarter-over-quarter (QOQ) performance. Thees ementtypicallyprovidestwo to three years of historical data for comparison.Topic4:emento
11、fRetainedA s ement of retained earnings is a finan l s ement outlining the changes in retained earnings for a specified period. The s ement is prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It reconciles the beginning and ending retained earnings for the period, using i
12、nformation such as netefromthe other finan l s ements.RetainedRetained earnings refer to any profits made by an anization t it decides to keep for ernal use. These funds may also be referred to as retained profit, accumulated earnings or accumulated retained earnings. Often, these retained funds are
13、 used to make payment on any debt obligations, or are reinvested o the company to promote grow nd development.。Topic5:ementTopic5:ementofCashA cash flow s ement is one of the quarterly finan l reports publicly traded companies are required to disclose to the public. Theprovidesaggregatedata regardin
14、gallcashinflowsacompanyreceivesfrom itsongoingoperationsandexternal investment sour , as well as all cash outflows t pay for business activities and investments during a given quarter.CashFlowsfromThe set of cash flow tran ions is from operational busines ivities. Cash flows from operations start wi
15、th nete and then reconcile all noncash items to cash items within business operations.CashFlowsfromCash flows from investing activities include cash spent on property, plant and equipment. This is where ysts look to find changes in capital expenditures (C X).CashFlowsfromCash flows from financing is
16、 the last businesivity detailed on the cash flow ement. The section provides an overview of cash used in business financing. ysts use the cash flows from financing section to find the amount paid out individendsorshareTopic6:NotesandOther1. NotestoFinan lS Notes to the finan l s ement present all su
17、ch information which cannot be presented on the face ofe s ement, balan heet, s ement of cash flows and s ement of changes in equity.Typicalnotestothefinan ls ementAn roduction of the business outlining its legal s us, its country of incorporation and the name of its parents if any and a s ement abo
18、ut the companys areas of business and its operations.A summary of accounting policies related to revenue recognition, inventories, property, plant and equipment, finan l instruments, etc.Ascheduleof propertyplant and equipment showing the additionand deletion of assets, related movement he accumulat
19、ed depre tion account and book value.Abreakupofcostofsales,sellingexpensesandadministrativeA detailed disclosure of different classes of finanl instruments and their related risks.Abreakupofthegrossamountsandpresentvaluesofleaseobligationsofthe AdetailofionswithrelatedA detail of contingenciest may
20、affect the business in future, for exlegal proceedings against the business.AdescriptionA detail of contingenciest may affect the business in future, for exlegal proceedings against the business.Adescriptionofmajortoccurredaftertheheetdate,ManagementThe management discusysis (MD&A) section presents
21、managements views on the companys ability to pay near-term obligations, its ability to fund operations and expan , and its results of operations. Management must highlight favorable or unfavorable trends and identify significant events and uncerta ies t affect these three factors. This discus obviously involves a number of subjective estimates and opinions. An auditors report is prepared by an independent outside auditor. It s es the auditors opinion as to the fairness of the presen ion of the finan l ition and results of operations and their c
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