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1、Conversation 正Student: Thingis, Imsitting here andIm just notsure howI get there. Imean Ive got some work I like, but, is it really what the gallery is looking for? How would I maketheright contacts tooashow?I justreally Conversation 正Student: Thingis, Imsitting here andIm just notsure howI get ther

2、e. Imean Ive got some work I like, but, is it really what the gallery is looking for? How would I maketheright contacts tooashow?I justreally 正Professor: OK, hold on, slow down. Umthese are questions, well, just about young s to struggle with. OK, thing you s you have to stay trueto yourartistic ; t

3、ake cturesyou want to:格,对应BProfessor: But what create outside the t could be in different Eh, Im not talking about techniques or things tThere are a lot of esomething you are not,and peopleoftensurrendered t :outside the classroom 风格。所以对应选项CProfessor: alwayshaving a leif youworkedon hand togivethepe

4、ople.wontvethekind ofcontactsand opportunistsyou gethisway.Andtry getyour work helikerestaurants, bookstores, youwillbe:教授提到的第一点是:alwayshavingaleifyouworkedonhandtothe plalike restaurants, bookstores,就是让自己的作品在参观和书店等地方更看到。第一点对应A 选项;第二点对应C 选项。正Student: Well, yeah, I can t. I think though I have always

5、 been able to pretty true to what I want to create, not what others want me to create. I think comes through my work.t:提问的句子是“I t comes through my workStudent: Well, yeah, I can t. I think though I have always been able to pretty true to what I want to create, not what others want me to create. I th

6、ink comes through my work.t:提问的句子是“I t comes through my workLectureWe know So the mystery is figuring out how they became ocean y,somerecentfossildiscoverieshavemadecture ait Now these discoveries dont compley solve the mystery But it also is very differentfromthe whalesweknowtoday.So,really weare w

7、orking withjust aof a big y, this revelation about the hippopotamus apparently contradicts the fossil record, which suggestsBIt clearly had four t could have been used for walking. It also had a long tail, typical of mammals, something we dont odays whales. But it also had longskeletalstructure,tlon

8、gskeletalstructuret it was部分描述对应C 选项;long skeletal structure 是对应A 选项。正I mean, Ambulocetus is a mammal land and swimmingt showsa sort of bridge n walking :分析了 Ambulocetus 的身体结构并解释了为什么这些结构特点证明哺乳动物之间的一个过渡,也就是说 Emm, a related debate involved some recent DNA studies. Remember, DNA is the genetic code for

9、 anism, and when the DNA from two different species similar, it t those two species are related. And when we compared whales DNA with DNA from Emm, a related debate involved some recent DNA studies. Remember, DNA is the genetic code for anism, and when the DNA from two different species similar, it

10、t those two species are related. And when we compared whales DNA with DNA from some other species, we got quite a surprise. The t whalesare descendantsof the 的gene。正So we have contradictory evidence. And more research might just raise more questions and create more controversies. At any rate, we hav

11、e a choice. We can be ve the molecular data, the DNA, or we can be ve the skeleton trail. But unfortuna y, probably not both.:教授说通过化石(也就是鲸鱼的身体结构)分析和 contradictory ,We can ve the molecular he DNA, orCcan vetheskeleton trail, buty, not both正Um, and there have been some eresting findings from DNA resea

12、rch. For a t had teeth, including sperm whales long time, we t all killer whales were closely related to one another, and the same for the whales, like the bule whale and other baleen whales. We t they be related. But recent DNA ts not the case at all. The sperm whale actually closely related to the

13、 baleen whale, and its only distantly related to toothedwhales. t wasthereal surprise toallof DNA研究表明有齿鲸鱼和sperm whales 不是closely relatedLectureSo would it surprise you to t many of the tat today traditional European t their key ingredients were not even known in until quite recently, until the Europ

14、ean started trading with the native people in and merica?lecture 应该选 B。lecture The Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes t wouldnt want to eat, like mandrake, belladonna, and even tobacco. So its no wonder t people once considered tomatoes and pooes to be inedible too, even p

15、oisonous. And in fact, the leaves of the pooplantarequitetoxic. Soittookbothplantsquitea while to catch on in Europe. And even longer before itThe Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes t wouldnt want to eat, like mandrake, belladonna, and even tobacco. So its no wonder t peop

16、le once considered tomatoes and pooes to be inedible too, even poisonous. And in fact, the leaves of the pooplantarequitetoxic. Soittookbothplantsquitea while to catch on in Europe. And even longer before it made a return trip to Americaand became popularfood itemsNightshade Nightshade 的,所以应该选 DUnit

17、edSts true. But then Jefferson is known not only as the third es, but also as a scholar who was way ahead of his timeofthe any ways. didntlet theconventional thinkingofhis dayrestrain his Jefferson Hedidntlettheconventionalthinkingof hisrestrain hisideasJefferson 应该选 A正But when corn cametoEuropefrom

18、 Mexico, wow, nowthey had a much hardier t could be grown easily shift accordingly.ore northerly climates and centers er began oes soon spread to France and other Northern European countries. And as result, the nutrition of eral population improved tremendously and he early 1800 and so the shift er

19、from southern to northern 另一点是 量增多继续er正Because oes have the ability to provide an abundant and extremely food crop, no other crop grown in North Europe at the time had anything like the number of vitamins contained in oes. Plus, oes grow on the single acre land could feed manymorenfood crop, no othe

20、r crop grown in North Europe at the time had anything like the number of vitamins contained in oes. Plus, oes grow on the single acre land could feed manymorensay,uh. wheat growonthesame 应该选 A正vetheyreallyplayed anykindofimportantrole inEuropeanhistory? Well,asmatter ct,yes. Iwasjust coming应该选 CConv

21、ersation 正Student: Hi, I brought this book at the beginning of this semester, but, somethings come up and Id like to return it.Employee:Wasitforspecificcourse? Student: Yeah, but actuallyStudent:Okay. Heresppened?UmIthink myprofessor reallyAnyway the syllabus was away too y opinion. Therere only of

22、classes last semester and there are Id like 6 books on the syllabus even touched.t we C正Well.for coursebooks,thedeadlineisksafter thebeginningofthe Exactly!Thebookshave to bein perfect condition of B 选项,in perfect condition innewcondition 正Anyway the syllabus was away too y opinion. Therere only of

23、classes last semester and there are Id like 6 books on the syllabus even touched.t we ambitious Therereonlyks of classes last semester and there are Id like 6 books on the t havent even touched. A : Employee: Oh, but you should keeptone.Areyou Student: Well. I am in English major.erestedinEmployee:Y

24、ouareluckytohaveprofessorwhoincludesthelessknownwriterlike her on the syllabus, you know, not the usual authors weve all read.Student: Soyou reallyEmployee:Ido. Andlly havent even touched. A : Employee: Oh, but you should keeptone.Areyou Student: Well. I am in English major.erestedinEmployee:Youarel

25、uckytohaveprofessorwhoincludesthelessknownwriterlike her on the syllabus, you know, not the usual authors weve all read.Student: Soyou reallyEmployee:Ido. Andlly ifoStudent:Hemwell,thisIwasntexpecting.ImeaneremWow Employee: I hope you dont think Im being too pushy.应该是 CLectureThethreemost importantn

26、utrientcyclesaretheNitrogen cycle,theCarboncycle,eare going totalk abouttoday,the PhosphorusHowdoesPhosphorus get 循环(Phosphoruscycle)正Uh-huh, they mined the rock, lly break it down and put the othe agriculture mans can play a part of cycle-The breaking down of rocks and spreading the o the soil, spe

27、edingup therateatwhichthisnatural soccurs. YouOf course, another t humans errupt the normal s is fishing. fishing industry helpsbring Phosphorusbackto 选项,fishingindustry 正But remember, this is a cycle. The Phosphorus at the bottom of the ocean has somehow make its way back to the surface, to complet

28、e the cycle, to beg all over again.he After millions of erful geological like underwater volcanoes 选项,fishingindustry 正But remember, this is a cycle. The Phosphorus at the bottom of the ocean has somehow make its way back to the surface, to complete the cycle, to beg all over again.he After millions

29、 of erful geological like underwater volcanoes lift the ocean sediments to form new land. When an underwater volcano pushes submerged rock to the surface, a new island is created. Then over many more thePhosphorus-rich rocksof thenew land : 教授在描述 phosphorus cycle oerode, andthe cycle 机理的时候提到, 在海底的 C

30、If not all of the phosphorus gets used by the crops and large amounts of o the rivers, this could cause a growth of he river, can lead to the water ways getting clogged anisms, which can change flow of the water. Several current studies are looking at these effects and I really hope we can find the

31、way to deal with this i adversely affected. OK?e before these ecosystems phosphorus 进入到河流中,将引起水流的变化,她希望有关Bphosphorus 大量进正Student: What about, well, you t the Nitrogen cycle is also an nutrient cycle. And there is a lot of heatmosphere, so I was wondering, there a lotof heatmosphereProfessor: Good qu

32、estion, Ge e. You are right to guess the Phosphorus can end up in the earths atmosphere. It can move from the land or from the oceans to the atmosphere and vice versa. However theres just not substantial amount of it likethere iswithNitrogen.Itsa veryphosphorustheres just not bstantial amount of it

33、there,there is with nitrogen, its a very 非常稀少,而 nitrogen typhosphorus 的量在大气层中应该选 B。ch a difficult, isntBLectureAnd this phenomenon is so widespread and ed. s a name. calledchildhood amnesiaand edinOK, so, so why ch a difficult, isntBLectureAnd this phenomenon is so widespread and ed. s a name. calle

34、dchildhood amnesiaand edinOK, so, so why is this? What are the reasons for childhood amnesia? Well, once a popular explanation wasSoback toourquestion about thecauseofchildhood lecture childhood amnesia的主旨是 。OK. If I ask about the st thing you can remember, Ill bet for most of you st memory, would be from about age 3, rig


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