1、Unit 2Summary of Reading 1Unit 2 Working the Land 袁隆平是我国最著名的科学家之一,已经取得了伟大成就,通过培植超级杂交稻使世界消除饥饿.不过,他不在乎名利和金钱,过着贫穷的生活.Yuan Longping, one of Chinas most famous scientists, has made great achievements in _by growing super hybrid rice. However, he _ fame and money and_.ridding the world of hunger cares lit
2、tle about enjoys leading a poor life Yuan Longping, the Father of _(超级杂交水稻), is a famous scientist. He _(奋斗) for the past five _(十年) for the Chinese farmers. In 1953 _ Dr. Yuan graduated _ college, _(hungry) was a _(disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. _, Yuan wanted to help _ his moth
3、erland of hunger by _(increase) the rice output without _(expand) the area of the fields and he made it. increasingSuper Hybrid Rice has struggleddecadeswhen fromhungerdisturbingThereforeridexpanding Dr. Yuans another dream is _(出口)his rice to the world. Thanks _Dr. Yuan, the UN has more tools in th
4、e battle _ hunger _ the world. to export toagainst throughoutvocabulary 1.工业的2.生产者,制片人3.(发表)评论4.总结,摘要5.下划线,强调6.浏览,略读7.根(源)8.大豆9.使免受(不含)(phr.)10.减少,减缩1. industrial2. producer3. comment summary underline skim root soybean / soyabean keepfree from / of reduce 11.土壤12.集中于(phr.)13.焦点,集中14.发现(n.)15.矿物(石)1
5、6.营养.滋养,食物17.导致,造成(后果)(phr.)18.逐渐增强,建立,开发(phr.)19.害虫(兽/鸟)20.细菌(复数) soil focus on focus discovery mineral nutrition lead to build up pest bacteria (sing.)bacterium 21.生产(n.)22.(化)肥料23.肥沃的,富饶的24.有机的,器官的,组织的25.(关于)化学的26.遗憾,懊悔(n./v.)27.使迷惑/为难28.性格,个性,人格29.工作,职业,占领30.国籍21.production22.fertilizer23.fertil
6、anic25.chemical26.regret27.confuse28.personality29.occupation30.nationality 31.输出(口)32.花生33.谷物,粮食,颗粒34.高粱35.(装)配备36.因此(而)37.宁愿(可) (phr.)38.自由(主)(n.)39.摆脱(phr.)40.摆脱,除去 export peanut grain sorghum equip therefore would rather freedom ridof rid 41. 对满意(phr.)42.战役,较量,搏斗43.幸亏,由于(phr.)44.越南45.循环,流
7、传46.使变大,伸展47.令人不安的,引起烦恼的48.(使)饥饿, 欲望49.庄稼,农作物,产量50.(植物的)品种,种类41. be satisfied with42.battlethanks toVietnamcirculate expand disturbing hunger crop strain 51.产量,输出52.混合的,杂种的,杂交种,混血儿53.特级的,超级的54.十年(期)55.斗争,拼搏,努力56.晒黑的57.统计(数字/资料)51. output52. hybrid53. super54. decade55. struggle56. sunburnt57. statis
8、ticsword formation1) We are all weak from _, not having had food for over forty hours.2) The people are hungering for ( ) news from their family members in Sichuan earthquake stricken region.3) The orphan child was _ for affection4) If you cant cook your own dinner, then youll have to go_, because I
9、m not doing it.1. hunger n. v. _adj.hungryhungryhunger=be dying forhungry 2.struggle _/ _ 努力争取, 努力做 struggle _ /_ 斗争,抗争 1) 他们一直在努力改善工人的工作环境 They always _of workers. 2) 他们为争取自己的权力而斗争 They _ their own rights.struggle to improve the working conditions struggled forforto dowithagainst3) 他已经和癌症斗争多年了. He
10、has _ cancer for many years.4. graduate_ 从毕业5. expand vt.expand the _ 张开翅膀 expand _ 扩大生产 expand _ 使金属膨胀struggled with/againstfromwingsproductionmetals18 vi. Air expands when (it is) heated. 空气受热膨胀。 In ten years the citys population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二 Her face expanded in a smile. 她笑逐
11、颜开。 6. feed (fed, fed): vt. 喂养, 饲养 ;养活; feed sb/sth _ sth feed sth _ sb He often feeds his horse _ grass. He often feeds grass _ his horse. He has a large family to feed. He has a large family to _ 译 :_ onto他要养活一大家人.ontosupport7. thanks _ 由于 , 多亏 _, the patient can walk again. 多亏她的努力,这个项目得以成功。 due t
12、o owing to Thanks to her effort, the project was successful Thanks to the doctorto 8. rid rid rid rid sb/sth of sb/sth 去除,清除 get rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉 be rid of sb/sth 摆脱 I was glad to be rid of the car when I sold it. He wanted to be rid of his parents. We got rid of all the old furniture. Further measur
13、es will be taken to rid the streets of crime.9. equip / equipment 1) The soldiers were well equipped with _ for the war.2) To earn a good living, we need to equip ourselves with good _.3) 请准备好参加比赛Please equip yourself _ the match.4) There is a lot of new _ for the sports club.weaponsforequipment edu
14、cation23士兵们配备着最新式的武器。 The soldiers _ the latest weapons. 我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。 We _ our children _ a good education. 你所受的教育将使你具备就业的能力。 Your education will _ you _ a job. 我们有一所设备先进的医院。 We have a hospital with advanced _.我们的实验室装备良好。 Our laboratory _. were equipped withequipwithequipforequipment (U)is well eq
15、uipped10.care about 关注,在意,担忧,关心 care for 照料;想要,喜欢Albert Einstein didnt _ what to wear. 2) I dont _ what he does.3) Would you help to _ my pet while I am away?4) The teacher genuinely _ his students.care aboutcare (about)care forcare about/ for25 care (much/little) about + sb/(doing) sth (很/不)关心,在乎 c
16、are for the wounded 照料伤员(=look after, take care of) care for tea 喜欢喝茶(=like)他并不在意成名。 He doesnt care about being famous.他热爱关心他的人民。 He loves and cares for his people.11.regret 懊悔;因.而遗憾;痛惜;* regret + sth./ that/ v-ing/ to do你这样看待这件事,我很遗憾。 I regret that you see it like that.我对他的逝世痛惜不已。 I regret his deat
17、h. 我相信你会为离开巴黎而后悔的 I believe you will regret leaving Paris.很抱歉,我爱莫能助。 I regret to say that I am unable to help you. Those who have not bought insurance are now regretting. ( )Shelley had no regrets for his actions. ( ) He expressed regret over the death of your father. ( )n. 哀悼,悲叹n.抱歉,遗憾 vi. 感到后悔/抱歉/
18、遗憾12. build up - become greater, numerous, or more intense 变得更大、更多或更强1) He tried to _ his strength. 他试图增进体质。 2)He has _ a good business over the years. 几年来他生意做得很兴旺。3)来往的车辆在路上越聚越多。 Traffic is building up on roads.build upbuild up13. lead to: - have sth as its result 1)This misprint _ great confusion.
19、这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。2) Closing the factory will _ 300 job losses.关闭这个工厂会导致300人失业。 led tolead to14. in addition - as well; also A) You had better drink more water. _, you should eat some vegetables and fruit. B) When Diane fell, she hurt her arm and, _, broke her glasses. 黛安妮摔倒时,摔伤了胳臂,还摔坏了眼镜。 C)_ English,
20、he has to study a second foreign language.除英语外,他还要学第二外语。In addition toIn additionin addition15.When studying, he _ his mind _ his lessons.读书时,他集中心思于功课上。 focus onstructures1.They feel that this makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals and so more fertile. This also keeps the air, soil, water
21、 and crops free from chemicals. * keepfree of /from: - protect. from 使免受(影响; 伤害等)健康饮食和锻炼使你远离感冒。 Eating well and good exercise keep you free from/of cold. * keep (oneself) from doing sth. 克制自己不做某事 * keep sth from sb 不想将某事告诉某人2. A)I couldnt keep from laughing. I couldnt help laughing. 我不禁大笑起来。B) She c
22、an keep nothing (back) from her friends.She has no secrets from her friends.她在她的朋友面前没有秘密。C) You may keep your remarks to yourself.I dont want to hear your opinions, observations, etc. 353.他宁愿把时间留给自己的业余爱好。 He _ keep time for his hobbies. 我宁愿不看电视。 I would rather not watch TV.我宁愿在家看电视也不愿去电影院看电影。 I woul
23、d rather watch TV at home _go to the cinema. I would watch TV at home _ go to the cinema.我宁可你不把真相告诉我。 I would rather you _me the truth. would (much) ratherthanrather thandidnt tell/hadnt toldWord Formation1. hunger(n)2. expand(v)3. free(v&adj,adv)4. equip(v)6.export(v)7.national(adj)8.occupy (v)9.re
24、gret(v)10.chemistry(n)11.produce(v)12. discover(v)13. reduce(v)ment(n&v)Word formation1. hunger(n)2. expand(v)3. free(v&adj,adv)4. equip(v)5.export(v)6.national(adj)(adj) hungry(n) expansion (n) freedom(adv)freely(n)equipment(n) export(n)nation(n)nationalityWord formation8.occupy (v)9.regret(v)10.ch
25、emistry(n)11.produce(v)12. discover(v)13. reduce(v)ment(n)(adj) occupied(n) occupation(n) regret(adj) regretful(adj) chemical(n) chemist (n)production(adj)productive (n) discovery(n) reduction (v)comment C - E根据中文翻译句子.1 多亏她的努力,这个项目得以成功。2 他大学毕业后,他去了公司当了一名工程师.3. 科学家们仍然在寻找普通感冒的治疗方法。4. 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。5 我们
26、学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。6 请带备一支尖铅笔和一块橡皮胶去考试。7 铁加热以后会膨胀。 8 请集中精力思考下列问题。9 来往的车辆在通往灾区的路上越聚越多。10 关闭这个工厂会导致300人失业。 11. 除英语外,他还要学第二外语。 根据中文翻译句子.1 多亏她的努力,这个项目得以成功。Thanks to her effort, the project was successful .2 他大学毕业后,他去了公司当了一名工程师.After his graduation from college, he went to work as an engineer in a company.3
27、. 科学家们仍然在寻找普通感冒的治疗方法。Scientists are still searching for a cure for the common cold.4. 要改掉一个习惯是不容易的。 Its not easy to rid oneself of a habit.5 我们学校学生的数量是他们学校的两倍。The number of the students in our school is twice as large as that in their school.6 请带备一支尖铅笔和一块橡皮胶去考试。Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.7 铁加热以后会膨胀。 Iron expands when it is heated. 8 请集中精力思考下列问题。Please focus your minds on the following p
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